CKD, Diabetes Care

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Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023 S191

11. Chronic Kidney Disease and Nuha A. ElSayed, Grazia Aleppo,

Vanita R. Aroda, Raveendhara R. Bannuru,
Risk Management: Standards of Florence M. Brown, Dennis Bruemmer,
Billy S. Collins, Marisa E. Hilliard,
Care in Diabetes—2023 Diana Isaacs, Eric L. Johnson, Scott Kahan,
Kamlesh Khunti, Jose Leon, Sarah K. Lyons,
Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S191–S202 | Mary Lou Perry, Priya Prahalad,
Richard E. Pratley, Jane Jeffrie Seley,

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Robert C. Stanton, and Robert A. Gabbay,
on behalf of the American Diabetes


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Care in Diabetes” in-
cludes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guide-
lines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional
Practice Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee, are responsible for up-
dating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a de-
tailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the
evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice recommendations and a full
list of Professional Practice Committee members, please refer to Introduction
and Methodology. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are
invited to do so at

For prevention and management of diabetes complications in children and adoles-

cents, please refer to Section 14, “Children and Adolescents.”


11.1a At least annually, urinary albumin (e.g., spot urinary albumin-to-creatinine
ratio) and estimated glomerular filtration rate should be assessed in peo-
ple with type 1 diabetes with duration of $5 years and in all people with
type 2 diabetes regardless of treatment. B
11.1b In people with established diabetic kidney disease, urinary albumin
(e.g., spot urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio) and estimated glomeru-
lar filtration rate should be monitored 1–4 times per year depending
on the stage of the disease (Fig. 11.1). B

Disclosure information for each author is

Treatment available at
Recommendations Suggested citation: ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda
11.2 Optimize glucose control to reduce the risk or slow the progression of VR, et al., American Diabetes Association. 11.
chronic kidney disease. A Chronic kidney disease and risk management:
Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023. Diabetes
11.3 Optimize blood pressure control and reduce blood pressure variability Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S191–S202
to reduce the risk or slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. A
11.4a In nonpregnant people with diabetes and hypertension, either an ACE in- © 2022 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the
hibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker is recommended for those work is properly cited, the use is educational
with moderately increased albuminuria (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ra- and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
tio 30–299 mg/g creatinine) B and is strongly recommended for those More information is available at https://www.
S192 Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

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Figure 11.1—Risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression, frequency of visits, and referral to a nephrologist according to glomerular filtration
rate (GFR) and albuminuria. The GFR and albuminuria grid depicts the risk of progression, morbidity, and mortality by color, from best to worst
(green, yellow, orange, red, dark red). The numbers in the boxes are a guide to the frequency of visits (number of times per year). Green can reflect
CKD with normal estimated GFR and albumin-to-creatinine ratio only in the presence of other markers of kidney damage, such as imaging showing
polycystic kidney disease or kidney biopsy abnormalities, with follow-up measurements annually; yellow requires caution and measurements at
least once per year; orange requires measurements twice per year; red requires measurements three times per year; and dark red requires meas-
urements four times per year. These are general parameters only, based on expert opinion, and underlying comorbid conditions and disease state,
as well as the likelihood of impacting a change in management for any individual patient, must be taken into account. “Refer” indicates that ne-
phrology services are recommended. *Referring clinicians may wish to discuss with their nephrology service, depending on local arrangements re-
garding treating or referring. Reprinted with permission from Vassalotti et al. (121).

with severely increased al- normal urinary albumin-to- 11.5b For people with type 2 diabe-
buminuria (urinary albumin- creatinine ratio (<30 mg/g tes and diabetic kidney dis-
to-creatinine ratio $300 mg/g creatinine), and normal esti- ease, use of a sodium–glucose
creatinine) and/or estimated mated glomerular filtration cotransporter 2 inhibitor is rec-
glomerular filtration rate rate. A ommended to reduce chronic
<60 mL/min/1.73 m2 . A 11.4d Do not discontinue renin- kidney disease progression
11.4b Periodically monitor serum cre- angiotensin system blockade and cardiovascular events in
atinine and potassium levels for increases in serum creati- patients with an estimated
for the development of in- nine (#30%) in the absence glomerular filtration rate $20
creased creatinine and hyper- of volume depletion. A mL/min/1.73 m2 and urinary
kalemia when ACE inhibitors, 11.5a For people with type 2 diabe- albumin ranging from normal
angiotensin receptor blockers, tes and diabetic kidney dis- to 200 mg/g creatinine. B
and mineralocorticoid receptor ease, use of a sodium–glucose 11.5c In people with type 2 diabetes
antagonists are used, or hypo- cotransporter 2 inhibitor is rec- and diabetic kidney disease,
kalemia when diuretics are ommended to reduce chronic consider use of sodium–glucose
used. B kidney disease progression cotransporter 2 inhibitors (if
11.4c An ACE inhibitor or an angio- and cardiovascular events in estimated glomerular filtration
tensin receptor blocker is not patients with an estimated rate is $20 mL/min/1.73 m2),
recommended for the primary glomerular filtration rate a glucagon-like peptide 1 ago-
prevention of chronic kidney $20 mL/min/1.73 m2 and nist, or a nonsteroidal mineralo-
disease in people with diabetes urinary albumin $200 mg/g corticoid receptor antagonist
who have normal blood pressure, creatinine. A (if estimated glomerular filtration Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management S193

rate is $25 mL/min/1.73 m2) (diabetic kidney disease) in adults, >20% between measurements in uri-
additionally for cardiovascular which occurs in 20–40% of people with nary albumin excretion, two of three
risk reduction. A diabetes (1,3–5). Diabetic kidney disease specimens of UACR collected within a
11.5d In people with chronic kidney typically develops after a diabetes dura- 3- to 6-month period should be abnormal
disease and albuminuria who tion of 10 years in type 1 diabetes (the before considering a patient to have
are at increased risk for cardio- most common presentation is 5–15 years moderately or severely elevated albu-
vascular events or chronic kidney after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes) minuria (1,2,13,14). Exercise within 24 h,
disease progression, a nonsteroi- but may be present at diagnosis of type 2 infection, fever, congestive heart failure,
dal mineralocorticoid receptor diabetes. CKD can progress to end-stage marked hyperglycemia, menstruation,
antagonist shown to be effective renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis or and marked hypertension may elevate
kidney transplantation and is the leading UACR independently of kidney damage
in clinical trials is recommended
cause of ESRD in the U.S. (6). In addition, (15).
to reduce chronic kidney disease

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among people with type 1 or type 2 dia- Traditionally, eGFR is calculated from
progression and cardiovascular
betes, the presence of CKD markedly in- serum creatinine using a validated formula
events. A
creases cardiovascular risk and health (16). The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemi-
11.6 In people with chronic kidney
care costs (7). For details on the manage- ology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation is
disease who have $300 mg/g
ment of diabetic kidney disease in chil- preferred (2). eGFR is routinely reported
urinary albumin, a reduction of
30% or greater in mg/g urinary dren, please see section 14, “Children by laboratories along with serum creati-
and Adolescents.” nine, and eGFR calculators are available
albumin is recommended to
online at An eGFR persis-
slow chronic kidney disease
ASSESSMENT OF ALBUMINURIA tently <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in concert
progression. B
AND ESTIMATED GLOMERULAR with a urinary albumin value of >30 mg/g
11.7 For people with non–dialysis-
FILTRATION RATE creatinine is considered abnormal, though
dependent stage 3 or higher
optimal thresholds for clinical diagnosis are
chronic kidney disease, dietary Screening for albuminuria can be most
debated in older adults over age 70 years
protein intake should be aimed easily performed by urinary albumin-
(2,17). Historically, a correction factor for
to a target level of 0.8 g/kg to-creatinine ratio (UACR) in a random spot
muscle mass was included in a modified
body weight per day. A For pa- urine collection (1,2). Timed or 24-h col-
equation for African American people;
tients on dialysis, higher levels lections are more burdensome and add
however, race is a social and not a biologic
of dietary protein intake should little to prediction or accuracy. Measure-
construct, making it problematic to apply
be considered since protein en- ment of a spot urine sample for albumin
race to clinical algorithms, and the need to
ergy wasting is a major prob- alone (whether by immunoassay or by
advance health equity and social justice is
lem in some individuals on using a sensitive dipstick test specific
clear. Thus, it was decided that the equa-
dialysis. B for albuminuria) without simultaneously
tion should be altered such that it applies
11.8 Patients should be referred measuring urine creatinine is less ex-
to all (16). Hence, a committee was con-
for evaluation by a nephrolo- pensive but susceptible to false-negative vened, resulting in the recommendation
gist if they have continuously and false-positive determinations as a re- for immediate implementation of the
increasing urinary albumin levels sult of variation in urine concentration CKD-EPI creatinine equation refit without
and/or continuously decreasing due to hydration (8). Thus, to be useful the race variable in all laboratories in the
estimated glomerular filtra- for patient screening, semiquantita- U.S. Additionally, increased use of cystatin
tion rate and if the estimated tive or qualitative (dipstick) screening C (another marker of eGFR) is suggested in
glomerular filtration rate is tests should be >85% positive in those combination with the serum creatinine be-
<30 mL/min/1.73 m2. A with moderately increased albuminuria cause combining filtration markers (creati-
11.9 Promptly refer to a nephrolo- ($30 mg/g) and confirmed by albumin- nine and cystatin C) is more accurate and
gist for uncertainty about the to-creatinine values in an accredited lab- would support better clinical decisions
etiology of kidney disease, oratory (9,10). Hence, it is better to than either marker alone.
difficult management issues, simply collect a spot urine sample for
and rapidly progressing kid- albumin-to-creatinine ratio because it DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETIC KIDNEY
ney disease. A will ultimately need to be done. DISEASE
Normal albuminuria is defined as
Diabetic kidney disease is usually a clini-
<30 mg/g creatinine, moderately elevated
cal diagnosis made based on the pres-
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DIABETES AND albuminuria is defined as $30–300 mg/g
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ence of albuminuria and/or reduced
creatinine, and severely elevated albu- eGFR in the absence of signs or symp-
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is diag- minuria is defined as $300 mg/g creati- toms of other primary causes of kidney
nosed by the persistent elevation of nine. However, UACR is a continuous damage. The typical presentation of
urinary albumin excretion (albuminuria), measurement, and differences within diabetic kidney disease is considered to
low estimated glomerular filtration the normal and abnormal ranges are include a long-standing duration of dia-
rate (eGFR), or other manifestations of associated with renal and cardiovascular betes, retinopathy, albuminuria without
kidney damage (1,2). In this section, the outcomes (7,11,12). Furthermore, be- gross hematuria, and gradually progres-
focus is on CKD attributed to diabetes cause of high biological variability of sive loss of eGFR. However, signs of
S194 Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

diabetic kidney disease may be present possible causes other than diabetes) Lastly, it should be noted that ACE
at diagnosis or without retinopathy in may also affect these decisions (24). inhibitors and ARBs are commonly not
type 2 diabetes. Reduced eGFR without dosed at maximum tolerated doses
albuminuria has been frequently re- ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY because of fear that serum creatinine
ported in type 1 and type 2 diabetes will rise. As noted above, this is an error.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is diagnosed by
and is becoming more common over Note that in all clinical trials demonstrat-
time as the prevalence of diabetes in- a 50% or greater sustained increase in se-
rum creatinine over a short period of ing efficacy of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in
creases in the U.S. (3,4,18,19). slowing kidney disease progression, the
An active urinary sediment (containing time, which is also reflected as a rapid
decrease in eGFR (25,26). People with di- maximum tolerated doses were used—
red or white blood cells or cellular casts), not very low doses that do not provide
rapidly increasing albuminuria or total abetes are at higher risk of AKI than
benefit. Moreover, there are now studies
proteinuria, the presence of nephrotic those without diabetes (27). Other risk
demonstrating outcome benefits on both
syndrome, rapidly decreasing eGFR, or factors for AKI include preexisting CKD,

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mortality and slowed CKD progression in
the absence of retinopathy (in type 1 di- the use of medications that cause kidney
people with diabetes who have an eGFR
abetes) suggests alternative or additional injury (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
<30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (38). Addition-
causes of kidney disease. For patients drugs), and the use of medications that
ally, when increases in serum creati-
with these features, referral to a ne- alter renal blood flow and intrarenal he-
nine reach 30% without associated
phrologist for further diagnosis, including modynamics. In particular, many antihy-
hyperkalemia, RAS blockade should be
the possibility of kidney biopsy, should pertensive medications (e.g., diuretics,
continued (36,39).
be considered. It is rare for people with ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor
type 1 diabetes to develop kidney dis- blockers [ARBs]) can reduce intravascular
ease without retinopathy. In type 2 dia- volume, renal blood flow, and/or glo-
betes, retinopathy is only moderately merular filtration. There was concern Both albuminuria and eGFR should be
sensitive and specific for CKD caused by that sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 monitored annually to enable timely di-
diabetes, as confirmed by kidney biopsy (SGLT2) inhibitors may promote AKI agnosis of CKD, monitor progression of
(20). through volume depletion, particularly CKD, detect superimposed kidney dis-
when combined with diuretics or other eases including AKI, assess risk of CKD
STAGING OF CHRONIC KIDNEY medications that reduce glomerular fil- complications, dose drugs appropriately,
DISEASE tration; however, this has not been and determine whether nephrology re-
Stage 1 and stage 2 CKD are defined by found to be true in randomized clinical ferral is needed. Among people with ex-
evidence of high albuminuria with eGFR outcome trials of advanced kidney dis- isting kidney disease, albuminuria and
$60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and stages 3–5 ease (28) or high CVD risk with normal eGFR may change due to progression of
CKD are defined by progressively lower kidney function (29–31). It is also note- CKD, development of a separate super-
ranges of eGFR (21) (Fig. 11.1). At any worthy that the nonsteroidal mineralocor- imposed cause of kidney disease, AKI,
eGFR, the degree of albuminuria is asso- ticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) do not or other effects of medications, as
ciated with risk of cardiovascular disease increase the risk of AKI when used to noted above. Serum potassium should
(CVD), CKD progression, and mortality slow kidney disease progression (32). also be monitored in patients treated
(7). Therefore, Kidney Disease: Improving Timely identification and treatment of with diuretics because these medica-
Global Outcomes (KDIGO) recommends AKI is important because AKI is associated tions can cause hypokalemia, which is
a more comprehensive CKD staging that with increased risks of progressive CKD associated with cardiovascular risk and
incorporates albuminuria at all stages of and other poor health outcomes (33). mortality (40–42). Patients with eGFR
eGFR; this system is more closely associ- Elevations in serum creatinine (up to <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 receiving ACE in-
ated with risk but is also more complex 30% from baseline) with renin-angioten-
hibitors, ARBs, or MRAs should have se-
and does not translate directly to treat- sin system (RAS) blockers (such as ACE in-
rum potassium measured periodically.
ment decisions (2). Thus, based on the hibitors and ARBs) must not be confused
Additionally, people with this lower
current classification system, both eGFR with AKI (34). An analysis of the Action to
range of eGFR should have their medi-
and albuminuria must be quantified to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
cation dosing verified, their exposure to
guide treatment decisions. This is also im- Blood Pressure (ACCORD BP) trial demon-
nephrotoxins (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-
portant because eGFR levels are essential strates that participants randomized to in-
tensive blood pressure lowering with up inflammatory drugs and iodinated con-
for modifications of drug dosages or re-
to a 30% increase in serum creatinine did trast) should be minimized, and they
strictions of use (Fig. 11.1) (22,23). The
not have any increase in mortality or pro- should be evaluated for potential CKD
degree of albuminuria should influence
the choice of antihypertensive medica- gressive kidney disease (35–38). More- complications (Table 11.1).
tions (see Section 10, “Cardiovascular over, a measure of markers for AKI There is a clear need for annual quanti-
Disease and Risk Management”) or gluco- showed no significant increase of any tative assessment of urinary albumin
se-lowering medications (see below). Ob- markers with increased creatinine (37). excretion. This is especially true after a di-
served history of eGFR loss (which is also Accordingly, ACE inhibitors and ARBs agnosis of albuminuria, institution of ACE
associated with risk of CKD progression should not be discontinued for increases inhibitors or ARB therapy to maximum
and other adverse health outcomes) and in serum creatinine (<30%) in the ab- tolerated doses, and achievement of
cause of kidney damage (including sence of volume depletion. blood pressure targets. Early changes in Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management S195

pressure and reduce cardiovascular risk

Table 11.1—Selected complications of chronic kidney disease
(48,49), and individualization of die-
Complication Physical and laboratory evaluation
tary potassium may be necessary to con-
Blood pressure >130/80 mmHg Blood pressure, weight trol serum potassium concentrations
Volume overload History, physical examination, weight (27,40–42). These interventions may
Electrolyte abnormalities Serum electrolytes be most important for individuals with
reduced eGFR, for whom urinary excre-
Metabolic acidosis Serum electrolytes
tion of sodium and potassium may be
Anemia Hemoglobin; iron testing if indicated impaired. For patients on dialysis, higher
Metabolic bone disease Serum calcium, phosphate, PTH, vitamin 25(OH)D levels of dietary protein intake should be
Complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD) generally become prevalent when estimated considered since malnutrition is a major
glomerular filtration rate falls below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (stage 3 CKD or greater) and be- problem for some patients on dialysis

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come more common and severe as CKD progresses. Evaluation of elevated blood pressure (50). Recommendations for dietary so-
and volume overload should occur at every clinical contact possible; laboratory evaluations dium and potassium intake should be
are generally indicated every 6–12 months for stage 3 CKD, every 3–5 months for stage 4 individualized based on comorbid condi-
CKD, and every 1–3 months for stage 5 CKD, or as indicated to evaluate symptoms or
changes in therapy. PTH, parathyroid hormone; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
tions, medication use, blood pressure,
and laboratory data.

kidney function may be detected by in- Assessment of Comorbidities,” for further Glycemic Targets
information on immunization). Intensive lowering of blood glucose with
creases in albuminuria before changes
the goal of achieving near-normoglycemia
in eGFR (43), and this also significantly
Prevention has been shown in large randomized
affects cardiovascular risk. Moreover, an
The only proven primary prevention inter- studies to delay the onset and pro-
initial reduction of >30% from baseline,
ventions for CKD are blood glucose and gression of albuminuria and reduce
subsequently maintained over at least 2 eGFR in people with type 1 diabetes
blood pressure control. There is no evi-
years, is considered a valid surrogate for (51,52) and type 2 diabetes (1,53–58).
dence that renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
renal benefit by the Division of Cardiology Insulin alone was used to lower blood
system (RAAS) inhibitors or any other
and Nephrology of the U.S. Food and glucose in the Diabetes Control and
interventions prevent the development
Drug Administration (FDA) (10). Contin- of diabetic kidney disease. Thus, the Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology
ued surveillance can assess both response American Diabetes Association does of Diabetes Interventions and Complica-
to therapy and disease progression and not recommend routine use of these tions (EDIC) study of type 1 diabetes,
may aid in assessing participation in ACE medications solely for the purpose of while a variety of agents were used
inhibitor or ARB therapy. In addition, in prevention of the development of di- in clinical trials of type 2 diabetes,
clinical trials of ACE inhibitors or ARB abetic kidney disease. supporting the conclusion that lower-
therapy in type 2 diabetes, reducing albu- ing blood glucose itself helps prevent
minuria to levels <300 mg/g creatinine INTERVENTIONS CKD and its progression. The effects
or by >30% from baseline has been asso- Nutrition of glucose-lowering therapies on CKD
ciated with improved renal and cardiovas- For people with non-dialysis-dependent have helped define A1C targets (see
CKD, dietary protein intake should be Table 6.2).
cular outcomes, leading some to suggest
0.8 g/kg body weight per day (the rec- The presence of CKD affects the risks
that medications should be titrated to
ommended daily allowance) (1). Com- and benefits of intensive lowering of
maximize reduction in UACR. Data from
pared with higher levels of dietary protein blood glucose and a number of specific
post hoc analyses demonstrate less ben- glucose-lowering medications. In the Ac-
intake, this level slowed GFR decline with
efit on cardiorenal outcomes at half tion to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Dia-
evidence of a greater effect over time.
doses of RAS blockade (44). In type 1 di- betes (ACCORD) trial of type 2 diabetes,
Higher levels of dietary protein intake
abetes, remission of albuminuria may (>20% of daily calories from protein or adverse effects of intensive management
occur spontaneously, and cohort studies >1.3 g/kg/day) have been associated of blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia
evaluating associations of change in al- with increased albuminuria, more rapid and mortality) were increased among
buminuria with clinical outcomes have kidney function loss, and CVD mortality people with kidney disease at baseline
reported inconsistent results (45,46). and therefore should be avoided. Reduc- (59,60). Moreover, there is a lag time
The prevalence of CKD complications ing the amount of dietary protein below of at least 2 years in type 2 diabetes to
correlates with eGFR (42). When eGFR is the recommended daily allowance of over 10 years in type 1 diabetes for the
<60 mL/min/1.73 m2, screening for 0.8 g/kg/day is not recommended be- effects of intensive glucose control to
complications of CKD is indicated (Table cause it does not alter blood glucose manifest as improved eGFR outcomes
11.1). Early vaccination against hepatitis levels, cardiovascular risk measures, or (56,60,61). Therefore, in some people
B virus is indicated in individuals likely the course of GFR decline (47). with prevalent CKD and substantial co-
to progress to ESRD (see Section 4, Restriction of dietary sodium (to <2,300 morbidity, target A1C levels may be less
“Comprehensive Medical Evaluation and mg/day) may be useful to control blood intensive (1,62).
S196 Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

Blood Pressure and Use of RAAS moderately increased albuminuria with- selecting antihyperglycemia agents (see
Inhibitors out hypertension, outcome trials have Section 9, “Pharmacologic Approaches to
RAAS inhibition remains a mainstay of not been performed in this setting to Glycemic Treatment”).
management for people with diabetic determine whether they improve renal
kidney disease with albuminuria and for outcomes. Moreover, two long-term, dou- Selection of Glucose-Lowering
the treatment of hypertension in people ble-blind studies demonstrated no reno- Medications for People With Chronic
with diabetes (with or without diabetic protective effect of either ACE inhibitors Kidney Disease
kidney disease). Indeed, all the trials or ARBs in type 1 and type 2 diabetes For people with type 2 diabetes and es-
that evaluated the benefits of SGLT2 in- among those who were normotensive tablished CKD, special considerations for
hibition or nonsteroidal mineralocorti- with or without high albuminuria (for- the selection of glucose-lowering medica-
coid receptor antagonist effects were merly microalbuminuria) (78,79). tions include limitations to available med-
done in individuals who were being Absent kidney disease, ACE inhibitors ications when eGFR is diminished and a

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treated with an ACE inhibitor or ARB, in or ARBs are useful to manage blood desire to mitigate risks of CKD progres-
some trials up to maximum tolerated pressure but have not proven superior sion, CVD, and hypoglycemia (96,97).
doses. to alternative classes of antihypertensive Drug dosing may require modification
Hypertension is a strong risk factor therapy, including thiazide-like diuretics with eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (1).
for the development and progression and dihydropyridine calcium channel The FDA revised its guidance for the
of CKD (63). Antihypertensive ther- blockers (80). In a trial of people with use of metformin in CKD in 2016 (98),
apy reduces the risk of albuminuria type 2 diabetes and normal urinary albu- recommending use of eGFR instead of
(64–67), and among people with min excretion, an ARB reduced or sup- serum creatinine to guide treatment and
type 1 or 2 diabetes with established pressed the development of albuminuria expanding the pool of people with kidney
CKD (eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and but increased the rate of cardiovascular disease for whom metformin treatment
UACR $300 mg/g creatinine), ACE in- events (81). In a trial of people with should be considered. The revised FDA
hibitor or ARB therapy reduces the risk type 1 diabetes exhibiting neither albu- guidance states that 1) metformin is
of progression to ESRD (68–70,74–80). minuria nor hypertension, ACE inhibitors contraindicated in patients with an eGFR
Moreover, antihypertensive therapy re- or ARBs did not prevent the development <30 mL/min/1.73 m2, 2) eGFR should
duces the risk of cardiovascular events of diabetic glomerulopathy assessed by be monitored while taking metformin,
(64). kidney biopsy (78). This was further sup-
3) the benefits and risks of continuing
A blood pressure level <130/80 mmHg ported by a similar trial in people with
is recommended to reduce CVD mortality treatment should be reassessed when
type 2 diabetes (79).
and slow CKD progression among all eGFR falls to <45 mL/min/1.73 m2
Two clinical trials studied the combina-
people with diabetes. Lower blood pres- (99,100), 4) metformin should not
tions of ACE inhibitors and ARBs and found
sure targets (e.g., <130/80 mmHg) no benefits on CVD or CKD, and the drug be initiated for patients with an eGFR
should be considered for patients based combination had higher adverse event <45 mL/min/1.73 m2, and 5) metformin
on individual anticipated benefits and rates (hyperkalemia and/or AKI) (82,83). should be temporarily discontinued at
risks. People with CKD are at increased Therefore, the combined use of ACE inhibi- the time of or before iodinated contrast
risk of CKD progression (particularly tors and ARBs should be avoided. imaging procedures in patients with
those with albuminuria) and CVD; there- eGFR 30–60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
fore, lower blood pressure targets may Direct Renal Effects of Glucose- A number of recent studies have
be suitable in some cases, especially in Lowering Medications shown cardiovascular protection from
individuals with severely elevated albu- Some glucose-lowering medications also SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 RAs as
minuria ($300 mg/g creatinine). have effects on the kidney that are di- well as renal protection from SGLT2 in-
ACE inhibitors or ARBs are the preferred rect, i.e., not mediated through glycemia. hibitors and possibly from GLP-1 RAs.
first-line agents for blood pressure treat- For example, SGLT2 inhibitors reduce re- Selection of which glucose-lowering medi-
ment among people with diabetes, hyper- nal tubular glucose reabsorption, weight, cations to use should be based on the
tension, eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and systemic blood pressure, intraglomerular usual criteria of an individual patient’s
UACR $300 mg/g creatinine because of pressure, and albuminuria and slow GFR risks (cardiovascular and renal in addition
their proven benefits for prevention of loss through mechanisms that appear in- to glucose control) as well as convenience
CKD progression (68,69,74). ACE inhibitors dependent of glycemia (30,84–87). More- and cost.
and ARBs are considered to have similar over, recent data support the notion that SGLT2 inhibitors are recommended
benefits (75,76) and risks. In the setting of SGLT2 inhibitors reduce oxidative stress for people with stage 3 CKD or higher
lower levels of albuminuria (30–299 mg/g in the kidney by >50% and blunt in- and type 2 diabetes, as they slow CKD
creatinine), ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy creases in angiotensinogen as well as progression and reduce heart failure
at maximum tolerated doses in trials has reduce NLRP3 inflammasome activity risk independent of glucose manage-
reduced progression to more advanced (88–90). Glucagon-like peptide 1 recep- ment (101). GLP-1 RAs are suggested
albuminuria ($300 mg/g creatinine), tor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) also have direct for cardiovascular risk reduction if such
slowed CKD progression, and reduced car- effects on the kidney and have been risk is a predominant problem, as they
diovascular events but has not reduced reported to improve renal outcomes reduce risks of CVD events and hypogly-
progression to ESRD (74,77). While ACE compared with placebo (91–95). Renal cemia and appear to possibly slow CKD
inhibitors or ARBs are often prescribed for effects should be considered when progression (102–105). Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management S197

A number of large cardiovascular out- (28). Additionally, the development of 0.55–0.92; P 5 0.009). Finally, all-cause
comes trials in people with type 2 dia- the primary end point, which included mortality was decreased in the dapagli-
betes at high risk for CVD or with chronic dialysis for $30 days, kidney flozin group compared with the placebo
existing CVD examined kidney effects as transplantation or eGFR <15 mL/min/ group (P < 0.004).
secondary outcomes. These trials in- 1.73 m2 sustained for $30 days by cen- In addition to renal effects, while
clude EMPA-REG OUTCOME [BI 10773 tral laboratory assessment, doubling SGLT2 inhibitors demonstrated reduced
(Empagliflozin) Cardiovascular Outcome from the baseline serum creatinine aver- risk of heart failure hospitalizations,
Event Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus age sustained for $30 days by central some also demonstrated cardiovascular
Patients], CANVAS (Canagliflozin Cardio- laboratory assessment, or renal death or risk reduction. GLP-1 RAs clearly demon-
vascular Assessment Study), LEADER (Lira- cardiovascular death, was reduced by strated cardiovascular benefits. Namely,
glutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: 30%. This benefit was on background in the EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS,
Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcome Re- ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy in >99% of Dapagliflozin Effect on Cardiovascular

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sults), and SUSTAIN-6 (Trial to Evaluate the patients (28). Moreover, in this ad- Events–Thrombolysis in Myocardial In-
Cardiovascular and Other Long-term Out- vanced CKD group, there were clear farction 58 (DECLARE-TIMI 58), LEADER,
comes With Semaglutide in Subjects With benefits on cardiovascular outcomes dem- and SUSTAIN-6 trials, empagliflozin, can-
Type 2 Diabetes) (71,86,91,94,102). Spe- onstrating a 31% reduction in cardiovascu- agliflozin, dapagliflozin, liraglutide, and
cifically, compared with placebo, empagli- lar death or heart failure hospitalization semaglutide, respectively, each reduced
flozin reduced the risk of incident or and a 20% reduction in cardiovascular cardiovascular events, evaluated as pri-
worsening nephropathy (a composite of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or mary outcomes, compared with placebo
progression to UACR >300 mg/g creati- nonfatal stroke (28,73,105). (see Section 10, “Cardiovascular Disease
nine, doubling of serum creatinine, ESRD, A second trial in advanced diabetic and Risk Management,” for further discus-
or death from ESRD) by 39% and the risk kidney disease was the Dapagliflozin and sion). While the glucose-lowering effects
of doubling of serum creatinine accompa- Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chro- of SGLT2 inhibitors are blunted with eGFR
nied by eGFR #45 mL/min/1.73 m2 by nic Kidney Disease (DAPA-CKD) study <45 mL/min/1.73 m2, the renal and car-
44%; canagliflozin reduced the risk of pro- (106). This trial examined a cohort similar diovascular benefits were still seen at
gression of albuminuria by 27% and the to that in CREDENCE except 67.5% of the eGFR levels of 25 mL/min/1.73 m2 with
risk of reduction in eGFR, ESRD, or death participants had type 2 diabetes and CKD no significant change in glucose (28,30,
from ESRD by 40%; liraglutide reduced (the other one-third had CKD without 51,62,71,94,106,107). Most participants
the risk of new or worsening nephropa- type 2 diabetes), and the end points with CKD in these trials also had diag-
thy (a composite of persistent macroal- were slightly different. The primary out- nosed atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
buminuria, doubling of serum creatinine, come was time to the first occurrence of ease (ASCVD) at baseline, although 28%
ESRD, or death from ESRD) by 22%; and any of the components of the composite, of CANVAS participants with CKD did not
semaglutide reduced the risk of new or including $50% sustained decline in have diagnosed ASCVD (31).
worsening nephropathy (a composite of eGFR or reaching ESRD or cardiovascular Based on evidence from the CREDENCE
persistent UACR >300 mg/g creatinine, death, or renal death. Secondary out- and DAPA-CKD trials, as well as secondary
doubling of serum creatinine, or ESRD) come measures included time to the first analyses of cardiovascular outcomes trials
by 36% (each P < 0.01). These analyses occurrence of any of the components of with SGLT2 inhibitors, cardio-vascular and
were limited by evaluation of study pop- the composite kidney outcome ($50% renal events are reduced with SGLT2 in-
ulations not selected primarily for CKD sustained decline in eGFR or reaching hibitor use in patients with an eGFR of
and examination of renal effects as sec- ESRD or renal death), time to the first oc- 20 mL/min/1.73 m2, independent of glu-
ondary outcomes. currence of either of the components of cose-lowering effects (73,105).
Some large clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibi- the cardiovascular composite (cardiovas- While there is clear cardiovascular
tors have focused on people with ad- cular death or hospitalization for heart risk reduction associated with GLP-1 RA
vanced CKD, and assessment of primary failure), and time to death from any use in people with type 2 diabetes and
renal outcomes is either completed or on- cause. The trial had 4,304 participants CKD, the proof of benefit on renal out-
going. Canagliflozin and Renal Events in Di- with a mean eGFR at baseline of 43.1 ± comes will come with the results of the
abetes with Established Nephropathy 12.4 mL/min/1.73 m2 (range 25–75 mL/min/ ongoing FLOW (A Research Study to See
Clinical Evaluation (CREDENCE), a placebo- 1.73 m2) and a median UACR of 949 mg/g How Semaglutide Works Compared
controlled trial of canagliflozin among (range 200–5,000 mg/g). There was a with Placebo in People With Type 2 Dia-
4,401 adults with type 2 diabetes, UACR significant benefit by dapagliflozin for betes and Chronic Kidney Disease) trial
$300–5,000 mg/g creatinine, and eGFR the primary end point (hazard ratio with injectable semaglutide (108). As
range 30–90 mL/min/1.73 m2 (mean [HR] 0.61 [95% CI 0.51–0.72]; P < noted above, published data address
eGFR 56 mL/min/1.73 m2 with a mean 0.001) (106). a limited group of people with CKD,
albuminuria level of >900 mg/day), The HR for the kidney composite of a mostly with coexisting ASCVD. Renal
had a primary composite end point of sustained decline in eGFR of $50%, events, however, have been examined
ESRD, doubling of serum creatinine, or ESRD, or death from renal causes was as both primary and secondary out-
renal or cardiovascular death (28,72). It 0.56 (95% CI 0.45–0.68; P < 0.001). The comes in large published trials. Adverse
was stopped early due to positive effi- HR for the composite of death from event profiles of these agents also must
cacy and showed a 32% risk reduction cardiovascular causes or hospitalization be considered. Please refer to Table 9.2
for development of ESRD over control for heart failure was 0.71 (95% CI for drug-specific factors, including adverse
S198 Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

event information, for these agents. Addi- in people with an eGFR $20 mL/min/ and the mean albuminuria was 852 mg/g
tional clinical trials focusing on CKD and 1.73 m2. (interquartile range 446–1,634 mg/g).
cardiovascular outcomes in people with Of note, GLP-1 RAs may also be used The primary end point was reduced
CKD are ongoing and will be reported in at low eGFR for cardiovascular protection with finerenone compared with pla-
the next few years. but may require dose adjustment (113). cebo (HR 0.82 [95% CI 0.73–0.93]; P 5
For people with type 2 diabetes and 0.001), as was the key secondary com-
CKD, the selection of specific agents may Renal and Cardiovascular Outcomes posite of cardiovascular outcome (HR
depend on comorbidity and CKD stage. of Mineralocorticoid Receptor 0.86 [95% CI 0.75–0.99]; P 5 0.03).
SGLT2 inhibitors may be more useful for Antagonists in Chronic Kidney Hyperkalemia resulted in 2.3% discontin-
individuals at high risk of CKD progres- Disease uation in the study group compared
sion (i.e., with albuminuria or a history of MRAs historically have not been well with 0.9% in the placebo group. How-
documented eGFR loss) (Fig. 9.3) due to studied in diabetic kidney disease ever, the study was completed, and

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an apparent large beneficial effect on because of the risk of hyperkalemia there were no deaths related to hy-
CKD incidence. However, for people with (114,115). However, data that do exist perkalemia. Of note, 4.5% of the total
type 2 diabetes and diabetic kidney dis- suggest sustained benefit on albumin- group were being treated with SGLT2
ease, use of an SGLT2 inhibitor in individ- uria reduction. There are two different inhibitors.
uals with eGFR $20 mL/min/1.73 m2 classes of MRAs, steroidal and nonste- The Finerenone in Reducing Cardio-
and UACR $200 mg/g creatinine is rec- roidal, with one group not extrapolat- vascular Mortality and Morbidity in Di-
ommended to reduce CKD progression able to the other (116). Late in 2020, abetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD)
and cardiovascular events. This is a the results of the first of two trials, the trial assessed the safety and efficacy of
change in eGFR from previous recom- Finerenone in Reducing Kidney Failure finerenone in reducing cardiovascular
mendations that suggested an eGFR level and Disease Progression in Diabetic Kid- events among people with type 2
>25 mL/min/1.73 m2. The reason for the ney Disease (FIDELIO-DKD) trial, which ex- diabetes and CKD with elevated UACR
lower limit of eGFR is as follows. The ma- amined the renal effects of finerenone, (30 to <300 mg/g creatinine) and eGFR
jor clinical trials for SGLT2 inhibitors that demonstrated a significant reduction in 25–90 mL/min/1.73 m2 (118). The study
diabetic kidney disease progression and randomized eligible subjects to either fi-
showed benefit for people with dia-
cardiovascular events in people with ad- nerenone (n 5 3,686) or placebo (n 5
betic kidney disease are CREDENCE and
vanced diabetic kidney disease (32,117). 3,666). Participants with an eGFR of
DAPA-CKD (28,105). CREDENCE enrollment
25–60 mL/min/1.73 m2 at the screening
criteria included an eGFR >30 mL/min/ This trial had a primary end point of time
to first occurrence of the composite end visit received an initial dose at baseline
1.73 m2 and UACR >300 mg/g (28,105).
point of onset of kidney failure, a sus- of 10 mg once daily, and if eGFR at
DAPA-CKD enrolled individuals with
tained decrease of eGFR >40% from screening was $60 mL/min/1.73 m2,
eGFR >25 mL/min/1.73 m2 and UACR
the initial dose was 20 mg once daily. An
>200 mg/g. Subgroup analyses from baseline over at least 4 weeks, or renal
increase in the dose from 10 to 20 mg
DAPA-CKD (109) and analyses from the death. A prespecified secondary outcome
once daily was encouraged after 1 month,
EMPEROR heart failure trials suggest was time to first occurrence of the com-
provided the serum potassium level was
that SGLT2 inhibitors are safe and effec- posite end point cardiovascular death or
#4.8 mmol/L and eGFR was stable. The
tive at eGFR levels of >20 mL/min/1.73 m2. nonfatal cardiovascular events (myocar-
mean age of participants was 64.1 years
The Empagliflozin Outcome Trial in Pa- dial infarction, stroke, or hospitalization
(31% were female), and the median follow-
tients With Chronic Heart Failure With for heart failure). Other secondary out-
up duration was 3.4 years. The median A1C
Preserved Ejection Fraction (EMPEROR- comes included all-cause mortality, time
was 7.7%, the mean systolic blood pres-
Preserved) enrolled 5,998 participants to all-cause hospitalizations, and change sure was 136 mmHg, and the mean
(110), and the Empagliflozin Outcome in UACR from baseline to month 4, and GFR was 67.8 mL/min/1.73 m2. People
Trial in Patients With Chronic Heart time to first occurrence of the following with heart failure with a reduced ejection
Failure and a Reduced Ejection Fraction composite end point: onset of kidney fraction and uncontrolled hypertension
(EMPEROR-Reduced) enrolled 3,730 par- failure, a sustained decrease in eGFR were excluded.
ticipants (111); enrollment criteria in- of $57% from baseline over at least The primary composite outcome was
cluded eGFR >60 mL/min/1.73 m2, but 4 weeks, or renal death. cardiovascular death, myocardial infarc-
efficacy was seen at eGFR >20 mL/min/ The double-blind, placebo-controlled tion, stroke, and hospitalization for heart
1.73 m2 in people with heart failure. trial randomized 5,734 people with CKD failure. The finerenone group showed
Hence, the new recommendation is to and type 2 diabetes to receive finere- a 13% reduction in the primary end point
use SGLT2 inhibitors in individuals with none, a novel nonsteroidal MRA, or pla- compared with the placebo group (12.4%
eGFR as low as 20 mL/min/1.73 m2. In cebo. Eligible participants had a UACR vs. 14.2%; HR 0.87 [95% CI 0.76–0.98];
addition, the DECLARE-TIMI 58 trial sug- of 30 to <300 mg/g, an eGFR of 25 to P 5 0.03). This benefit was primarily
gested effectiveness in participants with <60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and diabetic reti- driven by a reduction in heart failure hos-
normal urinary albumin levels (112). In nopathy, or a UACR of 300–5,000 mg/g pitalizations: 3.2% vs. 4.4% in the placebo
sum, for people with type 2 diabetes and and an eGFR of 25 to <75 mL/min/ group (HR 0.71 [95% CI 0.56–0.90]).
diabetic kidney disease, use of an SGLT2 1.73 m2. The mean age of participants Of the secondary outcomes, the most
inhibitor is recommended to reduce CKD was 65.6 years, and 30% were female. noteworthy was a 36% reduction in end-
progression and cardiovascular events The mean eGFR was 44.3 mL/min/1.73 m2, stage kidney disease: 0.9% vs. 1.3% in Chronic Kidney Disease and Risk Management S199

the placebo group (HR 0.64 [95% CI found to reduce cost, improve quality of 13. Gomes MB, Gonçalves MF. Is there a
0.41–0.995]). There was a higher inci- care, and delay dialysis (120). However, physiological variability for albumin excretion
rate? Study in patients with diabetes type 1 and
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