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A conceptual framework in literary studies is a broad, abstract idea that can be used to guide analysis and

interpretation of literary works. Here's an example of a conceptual framework from a literary perspective:

Narrative Theory: This conceptual framework focuses on the structure and function of storytelling in literature. It
explores how narrative techniques such as point of view, plot, and character development shape the meaning and
impact of a literary work. Narrative theory also considers the relationship between the author, the reader, and the text,
and how each of these elements contributes to the overall narrative experience.

Using this framework, a literary critic might analyze a novel by examining how the author uses narrative techniques to
construct the story and convey meaning. They might look at the role of the narrator in shaping the reader's
understanding of the events and characters in the story, and how the author uses different points of view to create
tension or suspense. They might also consider how the reader's own experiences and expectations influence their
interpretation of the narrative. Additionally, a conceptual analysis based on narrative theory might explore the ways in
which the novel fits into broader literary traditions or movements, such as realism or postmodernism, and how these
traditions shape the narrative structure and themes.

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