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modification requirements, to identify manua l

systems interface problems and to understan d

training requirements for the new systems .
TO THE MOUNTAIN . . . .A PRACTITIONER'S VIEW Because of the expected impact of a
OF THE GAITHERSBURG CONFERENC E hospital-wide change in methods of charging, w e
at Northwestern Memorial selected an aggressiv e
analytic approach--one that combined procedura l
and functional analysis with an analysis of th e
present and future impacts of the human factor s
I went to the Human Factors conference i n in our charging system .
Gaithersburg hoping to learn from the experts .
And there were experts, knee deep and crowde d This effort was designed and is bein g
into the maze that was the Bureau of Standards . coordinated by a small, internal consultin g
The papers and, presumably the research tha t group--the Department of Program Analysis ,
preceded them, were thorough and thoughtful . although the work groups are composed of member s
of several departments : data processing ,
For me, there wasn't much help, however . Th e internal audit, office systems, financia l
papers were too narrow, the topics in a given services . The work of the study has bee n
session too diverse, for a beginner to learn divided into the following tasks :
much . There was almost no "situating" of th e
research--the stuff that's put in proposals t o
lead interdisciplinary referee groups t o Analysis of current charging methods .
understand the significance of a project . I ha d
a lot of trouble judging the importance o f Documentation of methods possible unde r
results being presented and I had hoped that th e the new computerized system .
presentations would lead me to some conclusion s
(the cherished dream of all neophytes) . Th e Development of criteria for judgin g
conference, I decided, was clearly not fo r effectiveness of charging methods .
people with an operational orientation . Ther e
were a few practical and helpfu l Recommendation of a uniform method o f
exceptions--Maguire's presentation on the Publi c charging for use throughout th e
Information System, Hendricks' Darcom study and hospital .
Sauter, Gottlieb and Jones on VDT operato r
stress . The first task group is conducting a complet e
procedural analysis of all revenue generating
My experience as an " outside r " should be kept i n cost centers in the hospital as well as nursin g
perspective as just that . I have no reason t o units and other patient care areas where order s
believe that the conference does not meet the originate . Using management engineerin g
needs of the initiate . However, as a human, let techniques, standardized interviews ar e
me suggest that next year's sessions pay mor e conducted, narrative procedures are written an d
attention to temperature and crowding . Perhaps each ordering and charging method is
each program session could explore a single are a flowcharted . All forms and prompting or codin g
of human factors so that interaction b y sheets are included in this documentation .
presenters could be more useful . Above all , Additional instructional materials and/o r
some in-place stretch breaks and some actio n procedure manuals are identified .
(surveys, workshop exercises, etc .) for th e
audience might relieve physical and intellectua l The second task group is documenting th e
stress during long sessions . characteristics of all of the charging method s
that can be implemented under th e
software/communication system purchased by th e
hospital . This involves clarifying limitation s
And the Reason I Went . . . internal to the system design as well as variou s
technical opportunities for human factor s
enhancements in the interface elements of th e
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a 950-bed acut e system . This information will be helpful i n
care teaching hospital in Chicago, is installin g identifying realistic options for improvements .
a medical information and communication system It is possible, for example, that having severa l
that will change the way all patient car e routes or access strategies for reaching a n
services are recorded and charges are generated . order entry screen may eliminate frustration fo r
Customarily, in the planning for such systems experienced users . Prompting and tutorial erro r
modification and installation, hospitals conduc t messages may assist in departments where hig h
a procedural analysis of their current manua l turnover and/or many casual users can b e
systems . This is done in order to clarify expected .

The third task group has the most conceptuall y Preparation for computerizing order and charg e
difficult and the most innovative work . Their entry throughout the hospital will be achieve d
challenge is to devise a method of evaluating through a staged process : each is planned t o
both manual and automatic charging method s lead into the next as smoothly as possible . I t
according to a set of weighted criteria . is our hope that the charging project will fla g
Included in these are charge recovery rates ; any basic problems in the implementation of a
flexibility for accommodating new services ; uniform approach before the computer system ca n
labor intensity ; requirements of financia l be identified as the villain . We believe that a
control and monitoring ; human interface feature s well-analyzed human factors approach will assis t
(e .g ., learnability, self-reinforcement , us in managing a major change in the way th e
satisfaction of perceived information needs , hospital does its work .
mnemonic coding, field prompting, reduction o f
duplication) ; and consonance between the bes t
performing manual systems and the possibilitie s Carron M . Maxwell, Directo r
of computerized systems . Department of Program Analysi s
Northwestern Memorial Hospita l
The final task of the project team will be t o Chicago, Illinois 6061 1
recommend a single best manual method fo r
charging for all services . This may includ e
several sub-formats and variations but will rel y
on a uniform general procedure . An
implementation plan will be developed which wil l
detail the changes needed in each cost cente r
(using the narratives and flowcharts as th e
starting points) .


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