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Mohamed El-Sayed Abd El-Sattar Zair

• Tanta- Elgharbiya - Egypt • +201060804684

• • Military status : Exempted

▼ Objective
Based on my study as a Biomedical Engineer, integrated with my passion in Healthcare Facility , I’m looking for a job
opportunity to increase my experience and grow professionally as a Biomedical Engineer ,to obtain best results in
Healing, Safety, Quality, and Satisfaction for all patients, visitors, and staff in the Facility .

▼ Education
 Bachelor of Engineering, Benha university, Biomedical Engineering Dept, [2018-2023].
 Accumulative grade : Good.
 Graduation project: [ Nurse call system ] A nurse call system is a vital component of healthcare facilities that
enables patients to call for assistance via nursing staff. The system typically consists of a button or pull cord
located in the patient's room or bed together with patient toilet, which, when activated, sends an alert to
nursing staff at a central monitoring station &Using a mobile application next to the patient to record and store
patient data and vital signs, in addition to writing the patient’s disease and treatement,(v.good).

▼ Projects
 Design Digital image processing project to detect breast cancer by using( matlab).(March , 2023)
 Design Mechanical Ventilator (hardware &software) with Arduino.(feb , 2022)
 Design Shoe Box Spectrophotometer (hardware &software ) with Arduino . (august , 2021)
 Design the hospital to calculate the number of(floors , enterances & departments )for each department area &
medical gases by using(python&Gui).(December , 2022)
 Design the radiology department using autocad ( nov , 2022)
 Statistical study work by research question by collecting date by using (Excel sheet:containing the date of the
Sample under study&python) .(jan , 2023)

▼ Training & Courses

• AL Andalus Internship ( Ultrasound physics & application , Ultrasound Market , Ultrasound Hands on , Marketing
principals , Entrepreneurship , Master sales in 10 steps )(2023).
• Medical Planning , Clinical Engineering & Sales training course from MPCS (Medical Planning & Clinical
Solutions) company (2022).
• Equipment medical and their maintenance [autoclave , dental unit, incubator , dental x-ray & light cure] &
electronics in sinewave company (2022)
• The basics of ( electronics , bioelectronics, ), (in the faculty).
• Power & Practical electronics course by Walid Issa ( February 2021)

▼ Language Skills
• Arabic: mother tongue. • English: good(writing – listening – speaking)

▼ Skills
• Teamwork oriented . . • Self motivated . • Have the total ability and desire
to learn and improve.
• Ability to work under pressure. • Communication& Negotiation . • Time management & Organization.
▼ Student Activities].
 BMEC Minufiyah Biomedical Conferenc
 Beat 2nd camp[medical equipment;empede system&wepdevlopment

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