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A Transparent Wall

By: Qosima Luthfa Anvari

Utilizing technologies in the best way is a must, but so is protecting yourself from getting
abused by it. The most common technology we use is the internet. We can use it to gain
information, the most recent news, gossips, and even parts of someone's life!

Before thinking and innovating clever ways to use the internet, I think we need to make sure
we're wise in using it. "Use the internet wisely! Filter out unnecessary information!", a phrase
I frequently at school, yet still find some of my friends not doing so, some even became the
one who spreads unnecessary things.

While technologies, in this case internet, is a part of my life, I don't share everything to a
point that my life becomes a transparent wall. Which means, the most important point is we
need to question the dichotomy between the cyberspace with our real life. Thinking that
whatever we do in cyberspace will not interfere with our real life, is nonsense!

Do you want the proof? There are people taking their own life after being cyberbullied,
people getting scammed, and there's also the positive side, people getting benefits from the
internet, even meeting the love of our life, and the effect is REAL!

So what will we do? What will be our choice?

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