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Cultural Representation Reflection

Heartstopper, Vol. 1
by Alice Oseman

Consider the setting in the text: for example, neighborhood, community, home,
climate, and era. What do you see in the book? What do you see in your own
world? Pause and reflect on similarities.

Setting in the Book Setting in Your World


Identify the times that you considered any of these identities or experiences when reading the book.
Please elaborate and provide evidence from the text.

Race Immigration Ethnicity Religion Language

Gender Age LGBTQIA Ability Class

Cultural Representation Reflection

Cultural Representation Reflection

Heartstopper, Vol. 1
by Alice Oseman

Identify the times that any of these identities or experiences prompted you to consider privilege, power,
and/or bias when reading the book. Please elaborate and provide evidence from the text.

Race Immigration Ethnicity Religion Language

Gender Age LGBTQIA Ability Class

As you consider the text and your responses above, please elaborate on your awareness of cultural
representation. Where appropriate, include examples from the book or in your own world when you
notice celebrations, inequities, or lived experiences.

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