Inhibición de La Fermentación Maloláctica en Saccharomyces Con Niveles Bajos y Altos de Nitrógeno (Estudio en Medio Sintético)

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Osborne & Edwards Inhibition of MLF 69

Inhibition of malolactic fermentation by Saccharomyces

during alcoholic fermentation under low- and high-nitrogen
conditions: a study in synthetic media
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,Washington State University, Pullman,WA 99163, USA
Coresponding author: Dr James P. Osborne, email

The ability of different wine yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to inhibit malolactic bacteria (Oenococcus oeni)
and the influence of nitrogen were studied using a synthetic grape juice. Malolactic fermentation was
induced in fermenting synthetic grape juice or synthetic wines inoculated with different commercial strains
of S. cerevisiae. O. oeni was generally inhibited in wines that contained higher concentrations of total SO2
although many yeast strains only inhibited the bacteria during fermentation under high nitrogen
conditions. Yeast produced higher amounts of SO2 during fermentation under high nitrogen conditions
suggesting that nitrogen affected the malolactic fermentation by influencing yeast SO2 production.
However, the production of SO2 by yeast did not always account for the inhibition of O. oeni, suggesting
the presence of other inhibitory mechanisms.

MLF malolactic fermentation; MRS de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe; YAN yeast assimilable nitrogen

Keywords: Malolactic fermentation, alcoholic fermentation, bacterial inhibition, SO2, nitrogen

Introduction Alternatively, bacterial inhibition has been suggested to

The malolactic fermentation (MLF), an important sec- be due to toxic metabolites produced by yeast during alco-
ondary fermentation of wines performed by lactic acid holic fermentation (King and Beelman 1986, Dick et al.
bacteria, can be problematic to induce (Lonvaud-Funel et 1992, Henick-Kling and Park, 1994) as Saccharomyces is
al. 1988, Wibowo et al. 1988, Henick-Kling and Park known to produce compounds inhibitory to Oenococcus.
1994, Henick-Kling 1995, Alexandre et al. 2004, Osborne These include ethanol (Costello et al. 1983, Davis et al.
and Edwards 2005) despite the development of starter cul- 1986, Britz and Tracey 1990), SO2 (Eschenbruch 1974,
tures of pure strains of malolactic bacteria (Kunkee et al. Dott et al. 1976, Eschenbruch and Bonish 1976, Suzzi et
1964, Henick-Kling 1993, Krieger et al. 1993, Pilone 1995, al. 1985, Romano and Suzzi 1993, Henick-Kling and Park
Nielsen et al. 1996). Inhibition of MLF is often attributed 1994, Carrete et al. 2002), medium chain fatty acids
to the effects of low pH (Davis et al. 1986, Wibowo et al. (Edwards and Beelman 1987, Lonvaud-Funel et al. 1988,
1988, Britz and Tracey 1990, Vaillant et al. 1995), ethanol Edwards et al. 1990, Capucho and San Ramao 1994), and
(Britz and Tracey 1990, Vaillant et al. 1995), temperature antibacterial proteins and/or peptides (Dick et al. 1992,
(Britz and Tracey 1990), and/or antagonistic interactions Comitini et al. 2005). Of these compounds, SO2 is most
between wine yeast (Saccharomyces) and malolactic bac- commonly implicated in causing bacterial inhibition
teria (Oenococcus oeni) (Beelman et al. 1982, King and (Fornachon 1963, Henick-Kling and Park 1994, Larsen et
Beelman 1986, Lemaresquier 1987, Lonvaud-Funel et al. al. 2003) as it is an effective antimicrobial against malo-
1988, Wibowo et al. 1988, Cannon and Pilone 1993, lactic bacteria (Carr et al. 1976, Amerine et al. 1980, Liu
Henick-Kling and Park 1994). Some researchers have pro- and Gallander 1983, Ough and Crowell 1987, Britz and
posed that the inhibition of MLF is due to the removal of Tracey 1990).
nutrients by the faster growing Saccharomyces (Kunkee Production of SO2 by yeast, coupled with that added to
1967, Amerine and Kunkee 1968, Fornachon 1968, a must or wine, has been suggested by many researchers
Beelman et al. 1982), nutrients that are required by the to be the primary mechanism of bacterial inhibition during
nutritionally fastidious malolactic bacteria (Du Plessis alcoholic fermentation (Fornachon 1968, Liu and
1963, Garvie 1967). However, recent studies have Gallander 1982, Lonvaud-Funel et al. 1988, Henick-Kling
demonstrated that the removal of nutrients by yeast does 1993, Henick-Kling and Park 1994, Larsen et al. 2003).
not always explain the observed inhibition of O. oeni However, other studies have reported that yeast-produced
(Patynowski et al. 2002, Larsen et al. 2003). SO2 is not always responsible for the inhibition of MLF
70 Inhibition of MLF Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 12, 69–78, 2006

(Eglinton and Henschke 1996, Larsen et al. 2003). Canada), UCLM S325 and Saint Georges S101 (Lesaffre
Eglinton and Henschke (1996) argued that S. cerevisiae Group, Maisons-Alfort, France) and S. bayanus EC1118
strain AWRI 838 and EC1118 did not produce sufficient Prise de Mousse (Lallemand). Yeast strains were main-
amounts of SO2 to inhibit MLF while Larsen et al. (2003) tained on potato dextrose agar (Difco) slants stored at 4ºC.
reported that the concentration of total SO2 produced by The strain of Oenococcus oeni used in this study was the
Saccharomyces did not always correspond to the extent of freeze-dried form of DSM 7008, Viniflora oenos (VFO)
bacterial inhibition. (Chr. Hansen).
SO2 is produced by Saccharomyces as an intermediate of
the sulfate assimilatory pathway (Eschenbruch 1974, Enumeration
Amerine et al. 1980, Suzzi et al. 1985, Rauhut 1993, Microbial viabilities were determined using diluents con-
Romano and Suzzi 1993, Thomas and Surdin-Kerjan taining 0.1% peptone and using appropriate media and an
1997, Donalies and Stahl 2002) and can be released by Autoplate 4000 spiral plating device (Spiral Biotech,
yeast during fermentation. Sulfate is taken up by the yeast Bethesda, MD, USA). Yeast were grown on wort agar
cell via two membrane-bound permease enzymes, while bacteria were enumerated using 2% de Man,
reduced to sulfite via adenosine-5’-phosphosulfate and 3’- Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar (pH 4.5) comprised of liver
phosphadenosine-5’-phosphosulfate before being reduced extract (1 g/L) (Sigma, Saint Louis, MO, USA), tryptone
to sulfide by sulfite reductase. Depending on needs and (20 g/L), glucose (5 g/L), peptone (5 g/L), yeast extract (5
conditions, yeast actively excrete sulfite via a membrane g/L), 5% Tween 80 (1 mL/L), and non-concentrated apple
bound sulfite pump (Avram and Bakalinsky 1997). Most juice (250 mL/L). Plates were incubated aerobically at
strains of S. cerevisiae produce concentrations of 10 to 30 25ºC for two (yeast) or seven (bacteria) days prior to
mg/L SO2 during alcoholic fermentation, but some strains counting.
can produce amounts exceeding 100 mg/L (Rankine and
Pocock 1969, Eschenbruch 1974). The formation of SO2 is Starter culture preparation
influenced by a complex interaction of genetic, metabolic Yeast were transferred from a slant into 1 L of acidic grape
and physiochemical factors including concentrations of juice broth (pH 4.5) (Dicks et al. 1990) and incubated aer-
sulfate (Rankine 1968, Eschenbruch 1974), cysteine and obically at 25ºC for 72 h. The cells were then harvested
methionine (Eschenbruch 1972, Duan et al. 2004), ex- using centrifugation (4000 × g for 30 min) and resuspend-
posure to oxygen (Pearlstein 1988), sulfite binding ed in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) before inoculation
compounds (Rankine 1968, Rankine and Pocock 1969), into fermentation media. Bacterial cultures were in direct
insoluble solids (Liu and Gallander 1982), and the inoculum freeze-dried form.
presence, absence, or relative activity of genes encoding
for the membrane bound sulfite pump (Avram and Alcoholic fermentations
Bakalinsky 1997, Park and Bakalinsky 2000, Donalies and Fermentations were conducted using a synthetic grape
Stahl 2002). juice medium (pH 3.5) as described by Wang et al. (2003)
Besides the above-mentioned factors, the concentra- with the following additions; 5% Tween 80 (1 mL/L), ade-
tion of assimilable nitrogen in grape musts can also affect nine sulfate (5 mg/L), guanine.HCL (5 mg/L), cytosine (5
the metabolic pathways involved in the assimilatory mg/L), thymidine (5 mg/L), xanthine (5 mg/L), and uracil
reduction of sulfate to sulfite and sulfide (Henschke and (5 mg/L). Concentrations of 10 µg/L biotin and 250 µg/L
Jiranek 1991, Giudici and Kunkee 1994, Jiranek et al. pantothenic acid were used for all fermentations. A 2 × 6
1995, 1996, Spiropoulos et al. 2000, Wang et al. 2003). factorial experimental design was employed with con-
For example, nitrogen deficiency results in the increased centrations of yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) (60 and
production of sulfide by Saccharomyces (Vos and Gray 1979, 250 mg/L) and yeast strain (Saint Georges S101, UCD 522,
Giudici and Kunkee 1994, Jiranek et al. 1995, Hallinan et EC1118, RUBY.ferm, UCLM S325, V-1116) as variables.
al. 1999, Spiropoulos et al. 2000). Despite the fact that sul- YAN was calculated as the sum of the concentrations of
fide and sulfite production are within the same biological ammonia and the molar proportion of the α-amino nitro-
pathway (Vos and Gray 1979, Tamayo et al. 1999, gen present in amino acids except proline. Once prepared,
Spiropoulos et al. 2000), the effect of assimilable nitrogen 3 L of each medium was sterile filtered through 0.22 µm
on the production of sulfite by wine yeast has not been PLUS membrane bottle-top filters (Millipore Corp.
reported. Bedford, MA, USA) into 5 L Celstir fermenters (Wheaton
Therefore, the objective of this research was to inves- Science Products, Millville, NJ, USA) equipped with stain-
tigate the influence of nitrogen on SO2 production by less steel headpieces (B. Braun Biotech, Allentown, PA,
Saccharomyces and the effect of this SO2 on the malolactic USA). Yeast starter cultures (10 mL) were inoculated into
fermentation. the fermentation media to yield initial viable cell con-
centrations of 1 × 106 CFU/mL. All fermentations were
Materials and methods replicated in triplicate and conducted at 22ºC with stirring
(75 rpm for 5 min) just prior to sampling. Aseptic
Microorganisms sampling was accomplished using a syringe-type system
Active-dry forms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae used were obtained from New Brunswick Scientific Co. (model
strains RUBY.ferm (Chr. Hansen, Hørsholm, Denmark), V- 1230–6000, Edison, NJ, USA). Reducing sugars were esti-
1116 and UCD 522 Montrachet (Lallemand, Montreal, mated by Clinitest.
Osborne & Edwards Inhibition of MLF 71

Malolactic fermentations Table 1. Maximum total SO2 produced by different strains

During alcoholic fermentation, 150 mL samples were of Saccharomyces during alcoholic fermentation of synthetic
aseptically removed and 100 mL was sterile filtered grape juice with high or low amounts of YAN.
through 0.45 µm disposable Nalgene PES membrane filter
units (Nalge Nuno International, Rochester, NY, USA) into Maximum total SO2 (mg/L)1
sterilised milk dilution bottles. The remaining sample Yeast strain High-YAN Low-YAN
volume (c. 50 mL) was used to analyse yeast viable cell
populations, and free/total SO2 by titration with iodine Saint Georges S101 9.60ab 6.30a
(Amerine and Ough 1980). All analyses were performed UCD 522 22.9e 9.60ab
in triplicate. Freeze-dried O. oeni (0.1 g) was rehydrated in EC1118 18.6 cd
20 mL of 0.2M sterile phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 30
RUBY.ferm 21.3ed 11.2b
min before inoculation into the sterile filtered 100 mL
samples at initial populations of approximately 5 × 106 UCLM S325 27.7f 17.1c
CFU/mL. Bottles were incubated at 25ºC with bacterial V-1116 44.3g 23.3e
viable cell populations and L-malic acid (enzymatic test
Values are the means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate
kit, R-Biopharm, Darmstadt, Germany) being measured
twice-weekly. a-g
Mean values with different superscript letters are significantly different at
In a secondary experiment, samples were removed P ≤ 0.05.
after 16 days from fermentations being conducted by S.
cerevisiae strains RUBY.ferm and UCD 522 in high- and
low-YAN-containing synthetic grape juices. These samples
were sterile filtered as above and free/total SO2 concen- strains except Saint Georges S101 produced significantly
trations were measured by titration with iodine. Prior to higher concentrations of total SO2 under high-YAN con-
measuring the samples, synthetic wine samples were ditions than under low-YAN conditions (Table 1). There
spiked with known amounts of SO2 and measured using were also significant differences between yeast strains with
iodine titration to check the accuracy of this methodology. regard to total SO2 production as V-1116 and UCLM S325
An addition of SO2 (as K2S2O5) was made to the low-YAN produced significantly more total SO2 than all other strains
samples so that the total SO2 concentration was the same under high-YAN conditions. EC1118, RUBY.ferm, and
as that measured in the high-YAN samples. Samples were UCD 522 produced similar amounts of total SO2 while
then left for 24 h at room temperature to allow binding of Saint Georges S101 produced the least. These trends were
free SO2 before O. oeni was added to give an initial popu- generally mirrored under low-YAN conditions with V-
lation of 5 × 106 CFU/mL. Samples were incubated at 25ºC 1116 producing the highest concentrations of total SO2
and viable cell populations and malic acid were measured while Saint Georges S101 produced the lowest.
twice-weekly as outlined previously.
Malolactic fermentations
Statistics Samples of the fermenting synthetic grape juice were peri-
Statistical analysis was accomplished using SAS version odically removed, sterile filtered, and inoculated with O.
8.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) with Tukey’s HSD oeni to induce MLF. The bacterium consumed malate in
test for mean separation. samples fermented under low nitrogen conditions by Saint
Georges S101 (Figure 2a) UCD 522 (Figure 3a), EC1118
Results (Figure 4a), RUBY.ferm (Figure 5a), and UCLM S325
Alcoholic fermentations (Figure 6a) at every sampling time. However, slower
After inoculation into synthetic grape juice, all six yeast malate utilisations were observed in samples that were fer-
strains achieved populations of 107 CFU/mL or greater mented for 2, 9, 16, 23 and 44 days by V-1116 under low-
within two days under both high- and low-YAN con- YAN conditions (Figure 7a). O. oeni grew well and malate
ditions (data not shown) with no differences between was consumed in musts fermented under high-YAN con-
maximum yeast populations of high- and low-YAN fer- ditions by Saint Georges S101 (Figure 2b), and EC1118
mentations being observed. In addition, all fermentations (Figure 4b) at every sampling time but bacterial viability
reached dryness (< 2 g/L reducing sugars) within 44 days. rapidly decreased and slower malate utilisations were
Despite no observable differences in yeast growth, observed in musts fermented for 9, 16, 23 and 44 days
yeast strains produced varying amounts of SO2 under both under high-YAN conditions by UCD 522 (Figure 3b),
high- and low-YAN conditions as shown in Figure 1. Peak RUBY.ferm (Figure 5b), UCLM S325 (Figure 6b), and V-
total SO2 concentrations coincided with maximal yeast 1116 (Figure 7b).
populations with the highest amount of total SO2 being The time taken by O. oeni to complete the MLF was
produced by V-1116 on day 16 (44.3 mg/L) under high- influenced by the production of SO2 by Saccharomyces as
YAN conditions. Saint Georges S101 produced the lowest shown in Figure 8. In samples containing the highest con-
concentrations of SO2 under both high- and low-YAN con- centrations of SO2 the MLF was not completed in less than
ditions. Concentrations of free SO2 as measured by titra- 28 days under low (group I) and high (group III and IV)
tion were less than 5 mg/L for all yeast strains under both nitrogen conditions. In contrast, MLF was completed in
high- and low-YAN conditions (data not shown). All yeast less than 21 days in samples which generally had lower
72 Inhibition of MLF Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 12, 69–78, 2006

50 50
a b
40 40
Total SO2 (mg/L)

Total SO2 (mg/L)

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 14 28 42 0 14 28 42
Time (days) Time (days)

50 50
c d
40 40
Total SO2 (mg/L)

30 Total SO2 (mg/L) 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 14 28 42 0 14 28 42
Time (days)
Time (days)

50 50
e f
40 40
Total SO2 (mg/L)
Total SO2 (mg/L)

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 14 28 42 0 14 28 42
Time (days) Time (days)

Figure 1. Production of total SO2 by Saccharomyces strain Saint Georges S101 (a), UCD 522 (b), EC1118 (c), RUBY.ferm (d), UCLM S325
(e), and V-1116 (f) during alcoholic fermentation of synthetic grape juice with high () or low (  ) amounts of YAN. Arrows indicate
completion of alcoholic fermentation. Values are the means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations.
Osborne & Edwards Inhibition of MLF 73

Day 0 4
4 Day 0
Day 2
a a
Day 9 Day 2

Day 16 Day 9
3 Day 16
Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23 3

Malic acid (g/L)

Day 44 Day 23
Day 44

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
Time (days) Time (days)
4 4
Day 0
b b
Day 2 Day 0
Day 9 Day 2
3 3
Day 16 Day 9

Malic acid (g/L)

Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23 Day 16
Day 44 Day 23
2 2 Day 44

1 1

0 0
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
Time (days) Time (days)

Figure 2. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape Figure 4. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape
juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae var.
Saint Georges S101 with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values bayanus EC1118 with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values are
are the means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate the means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations.
4 4
Day 0 Day 0
a a
Day 2 Day 2
Day 9 Day 9
3 Day 16 Day 16
Malic acid (g/L)
Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23 Day 23
Day 44 Day 44

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
Time (days) Time (days)
4 4
Day 0
Day 0 b
b Day 2
Day 2
Day 9
Day 9
3 3 Day 16
Day 16
Malic acid (g/L)
Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23
Day 23
Day 44
Day 44
2 2

1 1

14 21 0 7 14 21
0 7
Time (days) Time (days)

Figure 3. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape Figure 5. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape
juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae
UCD 522 with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values are the RUBY.ferm with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values are the
means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations. means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations.
74 Inhibition of MLF Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 12, 69–78, 2006

4 Day 0 4 Day 0
a Day 2 a Day 2
Day 9 Day 9
Day 16
3 Day 16
Day 23 3
Malic acid (g/L)

Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23
Day 44
Day 44

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 7 14 21 0 7 14 21
Time (days) Time (days)

Day 0 4 Day 0
b Day 2 b Day 2
Day 9 Day 9
Day 16 3 Day 16
Malic acid (g/L)

Malic acid (g/L)

Day 23 Day 23
Day 44 Day 44

2 2

1 1

0 7 14 21
0 7 14 21
Time (days) Time (days)

Figure 6. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape Figure 7. Malic acid degradation by O. oeni VFO in synthetic grape
juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae juice undergoing alcoholic fermentation induced by S. cerevisiae V-
UCLM S325 with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values are the 1116 with low (a) or high (b) amounts of YAN. Values are the means
means from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations. from triplicate analyses made on triplicate fermentations.

total SO2 concentrations (group II, V, and VI). However, Discussion

within groups I and III, there were samples that contained Growth of S. cerevisiae during the alcoholic fermentation
similar concentrations of total SO2 to those found in sam- inhibited the MLF with the inhibition dependent on the
ples in group VI, all of which completed MLF in less than yeast strain used. Here, strains UCD 522, RUBY.ferm,
14 days. For example, under high nitrogen conditions UCLM S325, and V-1116 inhibited the MLF while strains
MLF was not completed by O. oeni in less than 28 days in Saint Georges S101 and EC1118 did not. These findings
samples fermented by RUBY.ferm (group III) but was were consistent with previous reports where yeast strains
completed in 14 days in samples fermented by EC1118 were shown to vary in their antagonism of malolactic bac-
(group VI). In addition, in samples fermented by V-1116 teria (Lemaresquier 1987, Cannon and Pilone 1993,
under low nitrogen conditions the MLF was not com- Henick-Kling and Park 1994, Larsen et al. 2003). The vari-
pleted in less than 28 days while in samples in group II able ability of S. cerevisiae strains to inhibit O. oeni is
and VI that contained similar amounts of SO2 the MLF thought to be due to the production of antibacterial com-
was completed in less than 21 days pounds (Fornachon 1968, Lonvaud-Funel et al. 1988,
Inhibition of O. oeni was observed in samples fer- Cannon and Pilone 1993, Henick-Kling and Park 1994,
mented by RUBY.ferm and UCD 522 under both high- Caridi and Corte 1997, Larsen et al. 2003) leading to the
and low-YAN conditions if SO2 concentrations were description of wine yeast strains as ‘malolactic friendly’ or
equalised through the addition of SO2 to low-YAN samples ‘malolactic unfriendly’.
(Figure 9). Results showed that the bacteria grew well Variability between yeast strains with regard to their
(Figure 9a) and consumed malic acid (Figure 9b) in sam- antagonism of O. oeni however could not always explain
ples fermented by S. cerevisiae RUBY.ferm and UCD 522 the observed bacterial inhibition in the present study. For
under low-YAN conditions (10.1 and 9.6 mg/L total SO2). instance, the inhibition of the MLF also appeared to be
In contrast, O. oeni populations decreased below detectable influenced by the nitrogen status of the grape juice, as
levels and little or no malic acid was consumed in samples some yeast strains inhibited O. oeni only during fermen-
fermented by S. cerevisiae RUBY.ferm and UCD 522 under tation in high-nitrogen grape juice. The MLF was inhibited
high-YAN conditions (20.3 and 21.3 mg/L total SO2) and by S. cerevisiae strains UCD 522, RUBY.ferm and UCLM
under low-YAN conditions where SO2 had been added to S325 during fermentation under high-nitrogen conditions
give 20 mg/L total SO2. while inhibition was greatly reduced or not observed
Osborne & Edwards Inhibition of MLF 75

I a
Malolactic fermentation (days)

> 28

Bacterial growth (CFU/mL)



0 10 20 30 40 50 < 103 < 103
Total SO2 (mg/L)
0 7 14 21
Time (days)
Malolactic fermentation (days)

> 28


Malic acid (g/L)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Total SO2 (mg/L)

0 7 14 21
Figure 8. Days required by O. oeni to degrade malic acid below 0.25 Time (days)
g/L in wine containing various concentrations of SO2 produced by
yeast strains Saint Georges S101 (), UCD 522 ( ), EC1118 (), Figure 9. Growth (a) and malic acid degradation (b) by O. oeni in
RUBY.ferm (), UCLM S325 (  ), and V1116 (), during synthetic grape juice fermented 16 days by S. cerevisiae RUBY.ferm
fermentation under low (a) or high (b) nitrogen conditions. Roman (, , ) and UCD 522 ( , , ) under high- (, ) and low- (,
numerals refer to groups of samples with comparable amounts of SO2 ) YAN conditions and under low-YAN conditions with the addition
requiring a similar time to complete MLF. Data extracted from of SO2 (, ).Values are the means from triplicate analyses made on
information in Figures 1 to 7. triplicate fermentations.

under low-nitrogen conditions. Previous studies on the for NADPH may result in sulfite reduction becoming redox
influence of nitrogen on the MLF have suggested that a limited to such an extent that SO2 accumulates. However,
lack of nitrogen may cause inhibition of O. oeni due to the whether this mechanism operates in yeast during growth
need for nitrogen for bacterial growth (Kunkee 1967, under high nitrogen conditions is debatable, as Jiranek et
Amerine and Kunkee 1968, Fornachon 1968, Beelman et al. (1996) reported that sulfite reductase activity was not
al. 1982). However, in this study the high nitrogen con- repressed under high nitrogen conditions when S. cerevisiae
centration of a grape juice was shown to contribute to the was grown in a chemically defined grape juice medium.
inhibition of O. oeni. In the present study it is not known whether com-
The influence of high nitrogen concentrations on the petition for reduced coenzyme was responsible for the ele-
MLF may have been due to the increased production of vated production of SO2 under high nitrogen conditions as
SO2 by the yeast during fermentation under high-nitrogen sulfite reductase activity was not measured. It should also
conditions. Evidence for this is provided in the present be noted that (NH4)2HPO4 and NH4Cl were the primary
study where all yeast strains, with the exception of Saint sources of assimilable nitrogen in the studies by Giudici
Georges S101, produced higher concentrations of SO2 and Kunkee (1994), Jiranek et al. (1996), and Duan et al.
during fermentation in high nitrogen grape juice. In sup- (2004), while amino acids were the primary source of
port, Giudici and Kunkee (1994) reported that sulfite for- assimilable nitrogen in the present study. Individual amino
mation by wine yeast increased with increasing amounts acids such as methionine, cysteine, asparagine and argi-
of nitrogen availability while Duan et al. (2004) reported nine have been shown to influence sulfite formation
that high nitrogen levels increased the amount of SO2 pro- (Eschenbruch 1972, Giudici and Kunkee 1994, Duan et al.
duced by brewing yeast. Duan et al. (2004) argued that 2004) and therefore direct comparisons between these
under high nitrogen conditions an increased production of studies may not be valid.
O-acetylhomoserine would compete with the redox and The increased production of SO2 during fermentation
energy requirements for the reduction of sulfite to sulfide. under high-nitrogen conditions contributed to the in-
Three molecules of NADPH are needed for the reduction hibition of the MLF by the various yeast strains. Samples
of sulfite to sulfate by sulfite reductase while O-acetyl- containing the highest concentrations of total SO2 were
homoserine production involves acetyl CoA, a compound inhibitory towards the MLF with bacterial inhibition only
whose formation also requires NADPH. This competition being observed in samples containing greater than 20
76 Inhibition of MLF Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 12, 69–78, 2006

mg/L total SO2. For instance, strain V-1116 produced Corte 1997, Larsen et al. 2003). However, O. oeni was not
greater than 20 mg/L total SO2 under both high- and low- inhibited in samples fermented by RUBY.ferm under low-
nitrogen conditions and was highly antagonistic towards nitrogen conditions that contained lower SO2 concentra-
the bacteria, while the low-sulfite producing strain, Saint tions (11.2 mg/L maximum SO2 produced). This indicates
Georges S101, did not inhibit bacterial growth, a finding that although SO2 may not have been the primary cause
supported by Larsen et al. (2003). Strains UCD 522, of bacterial inhibition by RUBY.ferm, it may have con-
RUBY.ferm, and UCLM S325 only produced greater than tributed, in conjunction with other inhibitory mecha-
20 mg/L of SO2 during fermentation under high-nitrogen nism(s), to the antagonism of O. oeni.
conditions, suggesting that the elevated production of SO2 If MLF is to be encouraged during winemaking then
by yeast strains under high-nitrogen conditions was the yeast strain used to conduct the alcoholic fermentation
responsible for inhibition of the MLF. Furthermore, exper- and the nitrogen content of the grape juice should be con-
iments where low-nitrogen samples were supplemented sidered. Certain yeast strains can produce sufficient SO2 to
with SO2 suggest that bacterial inhibition in the high- inhibit O. oeni, especially under high-nitrogen conditions.
nitrogen samples was due to the higher SO2 concentra- Furthermore, some yeast strains may inhibit MLF through
tions produced by the yeast and not by the increased pro- the production of other inhibitory substances. Because the
duction of other metabolites. In agreement with Larsen et concentration of nitrogen in grape juice varies greatly
al. (2003), very low concentrations of free SO2 were mea- (Amerine et al. 1980, Henschke and Jiranek 1993, Spayd
sured at all stages of the alcoholic fermentation, suggest- and Andersen-Bagge 1996), there may be much variabil-
ing that the bound form of SO2 was responsible for the ity regarding the antagonism of O. oeni by specific yeast
observed inhibition of O. oeni. strains. For example, in this study certain yeast strains in-
The ability of nitrogen to cause an increase in the pro- hibited O. oeni only when fermenting under high-nitrogen
duction of SO2 by yeast is often not accounted for in stud- conditions. Therefore, when considering the selection of
ies investigating the inhibition of MLF. For example, yeast strains to conduct the alcoholic fermentation the
Henick-Kling and Park (1994) reported that yeast- nitrogen content of the grape juice should also be
produced SO2 was responsible for MLF inhibition, while accounted for if MLF is desired.
Eglinton and Henschke (1996), using the same yeast
strains, concluded that yeast produced insufficient Conclusions
amounts of SO2 to cause bacterial antagonism. However, This research demonstrates that yeast strain and nitrogen
neither study reported the nitrogen content of the grape content can influence production of SO2 by Saccharomyces
juices used, which may have influenced SO2 formation by during alcoholic fermentation with increased production
the yeast leading to the contrasting conclusions of the two of SO2 under high-nitrogen conditions. The production of
studies. Results from this present study may also help SO2 by Saccharomyces may be involved in the inhibition of
explain the findings of King and Beelman (1986) where O. oeni, with bound SO2 possibly being more inhibitory
less bacterial antagonism by yeast was observed if grape then previously believed. However, results also indicate
juice was diluted from 20°Brix to 10°Brix. The authors that some yeast strains may inhibit malolactic fermenta-
proposed that the dilution of the grape juice resulted in a tion by mechanisms other than SO2. The nature of this
dilution of inhibitory precursors. An alternative explana- mechanism remains unknown and requires further
tion is offered based on the results from the present study. study. In addition, the means by which nitrogen concen-
The dilution of the grape juice would decrease the nitro- tration influences the production of SO2 by yeast also
gen content of the juice, resulting in lower SO2 production needs further investigation. Future studies should also be
by the yeast and reduced inhibition of the bacteria. conducted using grape juice rather than synthetic grape
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