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First of all, I do believe that God knew us and have plan for us .

God puts 2 paths before us, light and


Albrecht and his brother Albert came from a middle class family of eighteen children. Both boys wanted
to be artists, but their parents could not afford to send the pair of them to the academy (art school) as
they desired. In fact, it was unlikely that they could even afford to send one of the boys to a school of
that type.

Man as always, Set plans/goals in life to achieved same thing with the boys as they tossed a coin.
Albrecht Durer won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous mines
and, for the next four years, financed his brother, whose work at the academy became almost an
immediate sensation but when Albrecht turn to take care of his brother, Albert refused for he can no
longer do it…

The Praying Hands is a story of how one person’s suffering can transform another and even have an
extraordinary effect on the world.

Lucky we are because nowadays we have a lot opportunities to achieve our goals in life, just work hard ,
because sooner or later it will pays off.

Honestly, I felt empathy about his brother because he wasn’t able to fulfill his ultimate dream in life ,but
I don’t know him. Maybe God designed him just the way he did and that is to sacrificed his own life for
other people and can make a great impact from generation to generation. Maybe as day goes by ,he
already changed his goal and that is to see his brother’s success and considered this as well as his

It's quite hard, sometimes you’ll ask yourself, why your parents brought you here in this world that they
can’t even provide your primary needs. You are good son/daughter and yet in simple education they
can’t grant it to you comfortably. When I was in elementary , honestly I was honor student, every year , I
gave recognition and honor to my mom. I don’t have rewards just like my classmates had. I never had a
new things such as bag, shoes and uniform . Perhaps I was lucky because some people gave their old
stuffs to me. One day ,my mom talked to me and she said I can’t send you to school. You know how it
feels like? In a very young age, I worked, I even moved and lived to other people just to pursue my
studies … many times I stopped but I never quit.

For these instances the Lord has provided a beatitude: “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the
earth” (Matthew 5:5). The Lord promises an inheritance to those who selflessly give to others, not
immediate wealth!

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