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Test or proving of Rife Biofeedback Remedies.

Thanks for participating, that is really kind.

background about this homoepathic rife method.

When the aggrevation or healing reaction or a homoepath remedy became too strong, I often did Biofeedback
(BfB) and let it ran for 2-6 hours or longer on contact mode. Contact mode was in that situation very powerful and
cleared aggrevations, remote was not so much. Recently I had a bad healing reaction and as I have been making
homoepathic remedies recently, I was having the thought: If Bfb picks up pathogenic frequencies, that would be
ideal to make a remedy from it. As we can imprint anything with radionic device, we should be able to imprint
also frequencies. Or, homoepathic potencies into globuli or water.
So I did it, and it worked like with incredible results. My first impression is, it clears the layers of stuckness. As
did the biofeedback contact mode, it cleared all the stagnant energies. But I feel there is also more to it. Its seems
to be literally peeling one layer or more of the onion off. As higher the potencies, as deeper it seemes to work. I
dont wantto write too much, so you can be free in your observation. If you think its nonsense, please explain why.
If you think there is something good in, please try to explain too. I will make a space online soon, so everyone
can read the comments of others or comment. I really look forward to your feedback and thanks for participating.

About the equiment needed:

Genx or XM Spooky rife generator
berkana Radionic device
berkana Potentizer.

Before you start:

1. what were the health condition or complains /symphoms prior to the biofeedback scan? please give some key
details. If non, please try it anymore.
1.1. If you had treated that person (you?) with homoepathy, what remedy had you choosen and what potency?
1.2 Please write down what you expect from the remedy (and potency)

Doing Biofeeedback Scan (BfB)

2. PLACE TEN PADS on left and right side, just at the bottom part of the ribs.
2.1 Run: PRESETS > BIOFEEDBACK > GENERATOR X > GX General Biofeedback Scan with Baseline (C) –
JW (Use appropiate for xm device)
2.2 SAVE: Save your BFB results. I always just press save at the top right corner, but you can give own name.
2.3. What frequencies were picked up? (only if you wan tto share)


3.0 Connect Genx/XM with radionic device via Booster and connect potenizer.
3.1 RATE: The Birthday of the person, so if someone is born on 12.02.65 = Rate is: 120
3.2 Choose the potency // I suggest c30 or c200 or one of your choice// Place your Globulis on the Potentizer
3.4 THEN: CHOOSE your BFB scan from Programs // leave all as it is // overide > Press START
3.5 Let the whole programm run through (for 30min)
3.6 Remedy Ready.

Taking of remdedy.
For those not homoepath, I suggest C30 3 times on three days or c200 once. And wait minimum 1-2 weeks. Please
record all changes, positive, negative.

For homoepaths: Please feel free and follow your intution and if you could explain why you have choosen which
potency. This is not so much like a proving, its more about observing what has changed (if at all). I will perhaps
make a place online available, where we all can comment on our potency selection or experience. I will inform
you, please send any observation to my email.

You can contact me via and add RIFE HOMOEPATHY in top of the email please.

I hope i included all information, if you have any questions, please write me. And again, thanks so much!

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