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Marketing & Sales

Top books in Marketing & Sales

Get started with marketing and sales

By The Blinkist Curators

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Marketing & Sales

Want to get a quick on-ramp into marketing and

sales? This collection covers Blinks on classic titles
to help you understand the theories and
techniques behind sales, and the foundations of
marketing and communicating with all kinds of

Top books in Marketing & Sales

Get started with marketing and sales

Robert B. Cialdini

The Psychology of Persuasion

33 min 4.6

Made to Stick
Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

17 min 4.6

The Psychology of Selling

Brian Tracy

Increase your sales faster and easier than

you ever thought possible

11 min 4.2

Purple Cow
Seth Godin

Transform Your Business by Being


16 min 4.3

You Can Negotiate Anything

Herb Cohen

Anything you want, you got it

16 min 4.2

The Tipping Point

Malcolm Gladwell

How Little Things Can Make a Big


13 min 4.3

Building a StoryBrand
Donald Miller

Clarify Your Message So Customers Will


22 min 4.7

What Great Brands Do

Denise Lee Yohn

The Seven Brand-Building Principles That

Separate the Best from the Rest

22 min 4.4

To Sell Is Human
Daniel H. Pink

The Surprising Truth About Moving


16 min 4.5

Al Ries and Jack Trout

The Battle for your Mind: How to be seen

and heard in the overcrowded

12 min 4.1

The Long Tail

Chris Anderson

Why the Future of Business is Selling Less

of More

22 min 4.3

Martin Lindstrom

Truth and Lies About Why We Buy

19 min 4.2

The Ultimate Sales Machine

Chet Holmes

Turbocharge Your Business with

Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies

27 min 4.1

SPIN Selling
Neil Rackham

The Best-Validated Sales Method

Available Today

18 min 4.2

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The 5 AM Club Psychology

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad Career & Succe

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Thinking, Fast and Slow Science

Zero to One Motivation & In

How to Win Friends and Influence Mindfulness & H

People in the Digital Age
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The Subtle Art of Not GIving a F*ck

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