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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

(Đề thi có 07 trang)

Section 1. You will hear an explorer called Richard Livingstone talking about a trip he made in the
rainforest of South America. Listen and complete the following sentences. Write NO MORE THAN

Richard and Matthew abandoned their boat because they couldn't go (1) __________. They decided to walk
through the jungle as far as the road marked on the map. They knew there were no villages or (2) ______
along the way.
Richard says that during the walk, they were always both (3) __________.
The first sign of human activity that they found was a (4) ______. Just before sunset, they came to (5)
_______ in a hollow. On a rough wooden bible, there were some (6) ________ and a few other supplies.
Then, they found some soup made from unusual (7) _____________.
Richard says that by the time they had reached the camp, they were (8) _________.
Richard says that after the meal, they began to feel (9) ________ about what they'd done.
Before leaving the camp, they left the sum of (10) _______ to thank their host.
Section 2. Listen to a talk about the country Malawi and write:
TRUE: if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE: if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN: if there is no information on this
6. Malawi ceased to be a British colony in the 1960s.
7. Because there are no harbours, you have to use lifeboats to get from the ship to the shore.
8. Fish are caught on the Northern side of the lake.
9. In the village by the lake, they have no Internet.
10. Many unique species discovered in the lake came to light in 1950s.
You will hear part of a radio interview in which a graphic designer called Sandra Cammell is talking
about her work as a children's book illustrator. For questions 21-25, choose the answer (A, B, C or D)
which fits best according to what you hear.
11. What does Sandra find difficult about working as a freelance illustrator?
A. being expected to be available all the time B. having to work to a tight schedule
C. not knowing when she will next be working D. lacking the opportunity to develop her style
12. What is the advantage for Sandra of working with editors she knows well?
A. She can illustrate books for the age group she prefers.
B. She can disagree with the editor's decisions
C. She has freedom in how she chooses to illustrate books.
D. She is allowed to work on illustrations before receiving the story.
13. For Sandra, what aspect of drawing people requires most effort?
A. persuading other people to model for her drawings
B. keeping the figures realistic rather than cartoonish

C. making the postures of children seems convincing
D. forming a mental picture of a book's main character
14. According to Sandra, what effect did her work have on her children?
A. They had to learn to play by themselves.
B. They thought that all mothers worked at home.
C. They developed their own interest in art.
D. They became good readers at an early age.
15. What advice does Sandra give to young people hoping to be illustrators?
A. send samples of your work to publishers
B. be prepared to spend time on self-promotion
C. show that you specialize in particular subjects
D. avoid being distracted by other kinds of work
Section I. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question that best fits in the blank.
1. For the sake of _________, I will give you some examples of this misbehavior in puberty.
A. clarity B. lucidity C. unmistakability D. blunder
2. Run ______! I’m busy with my work right now.
A. away B. below C. along D. beneath
3. I took a(n) _______ dislike to James. His way of speaking to others was annoying.
A. prompt B. instant C. clamant D. exigent
4. My mom _______ me a compliment on having finished first in the race.
A. paid B. sold C. backed D. purchased
5. She drove at a snail’s ______. I felt like it took a day to reach the accomodation.
A. velocity B. swiftness C. momentum D. pace
6. . Although the new library service has been very successful, its future is _______ certain.
A. by all means B. by no means
C. at any rate D. by any chance
7. It was with a _______ heart that she said goodbye to all her classmates.
A. solemn B. dismal C. heavy D. grim
8. Tom: “Mrs. Brown passed away yesterday.” - Mary: “David has told me that. _______.”
A. By God B. God rest her
C. God bless D. God save the Queen
9. You have to _______ your revision tonight. Or it’s too late.
A. get over B. give out C. give away D. get through
10. She won the award for _______ her whole life to looking after the poor.
A. paying B. attracting C. causing D. devoting
11. By the end of this month he _______ for this company for two years.
A. have been working B. will have been working
C. will be working D. will work
12. Rarely ________ more than 50 miles from the coast.
A. redwood trees grow B. redwood trees do grow
C. do redwood trees grow D. grow redwood trees

13. At a time when so many families face financial difficulties, gambling is being promoted ________ huge
sums of money for the lucky winners.
A. with the promise of B. on account of
C. with a view to D. in the hope of
14. It is imperative __________what to do when there is a fire.
A. everyone knows B. that everyone know
C. that everyone knows D.everyone knew
15. I couldn’t afford that house because it ________.
A. was over my head B. paid through the nose
C. cost an arm and a leg D. blew my own trumpet
16. In the hands of a reckless driver, a car becomes a _______ weapon.
A. lethal B. fatal C. mortal D. venal
17. What the company needs is a _______ actor who can take on a variety of roles.
A. variable B. changeable C. diverse D. versatile
18. With their modern, lightweight boat, they soon _______ the older vessels in the race.
A. outstripped B. caught up C. overran D. exceeded
19. He _______ so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered.
A. made B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted
20. The new law on motorcyclists’ wearing safety helmets has come _______.
A. to power B. effective C. to existence D. into force
Section 2. Supply the correct form of the word to the right that best fits in the numbered blank.
There is a problem that will touch us all – men, women and children – in the
not too distant future, a problem that (1)_____ itself into a question: What is 1. SOLUTION
education for? – At the moment most of us can answer that fairly (2)______ and 2. PRACTICE
without too much soul-searching. On the lowest level, education is for enabling us to
cope in an adult world where money must be added up, tax forms filled in, numbers
looked up in telephone (3)________, maps read, curtains measured – and street signs 3. DIRECT
understood. On the next level it is for getting some kind of job that will pay a living
wage. 4. PEER
But we are already (4)______ into a future so different from anything we
would now recognise as familiar that the last of these two educational aims may
become as obsolete as a dodo. Basic skills (reading, writing and arithmetic) will
continue to be necessary but these, after all, can be taught to children in from one to
two years during their childhood.
In other words, our grandchildren may well spend their lives learning as,
today, we spend our lives working. This does not simply involve a (5)_________
substitution of activity but a complete transformation of motive. We work for things
basically unconnected with that work- usually money, (6)______, success, security.
We will learn for learning's sake alone: a rose is a rose because it is and not what we
can get out of it. Nor need any (7)______ doubt that we shall not wish to work
without there being any obvious end in view. Already, adult education classes are
(8)______ – one friend of mine teaching French literature says she could have had 10

pupils for every one she has. 9. NEVER
(9) ________, we still live in a very competitive society and most of us will
need to reshuffle the furniture of our minds in order to gear our children towards a
future in which outer rewards – keeping up with the Joneses – become less relevant
than inner and more individual spurs. The existence of competition has always meant 10. ESSENCE
doing things because they win us some (10)_____ unconnected advantage but the aim
of the future must be to integrate the doing with its own reward, like virtue.
Section 3. Each line in the following passage contains ONE mistake. Find out the mistake and correct
it as the example below.
Line 0: At  In
At this day and age, advertising is big business. It puts a lot of effort into 0……In………
effectively informing the public on a product or service. Advertisements are introduced 1. …………….
through a variety of meanings. Companies can choose from the print media, television, 2. …………….
radio or even huge lit-up billboards that have been held up around our cities and which 3. …………….
suggest that we bought this type of ice-cream or that type of trainer. Advertising 4. …………….
companies use the number of techniques to attract our attention, including stunning 5. …………….
photography, eye-catching graphics, jingles or dull comments. What is more, 6. …………….
companies may rent famous people like film stars to recommend their products. 7. …………….
However, many governments have introduced rules and regulations whose advertisers 8. ……………
must follow. These sets of conduct ensure that advertisers don’t make exaggerated 9. ……………
claims or offend certain groups of people. In some countries, advertisements should be 10. …………...
displayed only in specific areas. Furthermore, some countries do not approve of the
advertising of certain products, like tobacco, so they don’t allow such advertising at all.
Section 1. Read the following passage and mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet
to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
If the term “Moor” seems familiar but confusing, there’s a reason: Though the term can be found
throughout literature, art, and history books, it does not actually describe a (1) ______ ethnicity or race.
Instead, the (2)______ of Moors has been used to describe alternatively the reign of Muslims in Spain,
Europeans of African (3)_____, and others for centuries. Derived from the Latin word “Maurus,” the term
was originally used to describe Berbers and other people from the ancient Roman province of Mauretania in
what is now North Africa. In A.D. 711, a group of North African Muslims (4) _____ by the Berber general,
Tariq ibn-Ziyad, captured the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal). Known as al-Andalus, the
territory became a prosperous cultural and economic center where education and the arts and sciences
flourished. Over time, the strength of the Muslim state diminished, creating (5) _____ for Christians who
resented Moorish rule. For centuries, Christian groups challenged Muslim territorial dominance (6) _____ al-
Andalus and slowly expanded their territory. This culminated in 1492, when Catholic monarchs Ferdinand II
and Isabella I won the Granada War and completed Spain’s conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. Eventually,
the Moors were expelled from Spain.
By then, the idea of Moors had spread across Western Europe. “Moor” came to mean anyone who
was Muslim or had dark skin; occasionally, Europeans would distinguish between “blackamoors” and “white
Moors.” More recently, the term has been coopted by the sovereign citizen (7)_____ in the United States.

Members of Moorish sovereign citizen groups claim they are descended (8) _____ Moors who predated
white settlers in North America, and that they are part of a sovereign nation and not (9) _____ U.S. laws. It’s
proof of the ongoing allure of “Moor” as a (10) _____ legitimate ethnic designation—even though its
meaning has never been clear.
1. A. reasonable B. actual C. specific D. direct
2. A. slant B. hypothesis C. concept D. perception
3. A. descent B. family C. origin D. background
4. A. charged B. run C. managed D. led
5. A. inroads B. progress C. suffusion D. impingement
6. A. for B. at C. on D. in
7. A. movement B. riot C. party D. crusade
8. A. into B. from C. upon D. against
9. A. cry down B. level against C. cast out D. fulminate against
10. A. seemingly B. similarly C. apparently D. allegedly
Section 2. Read the following passage and think of ONE word that best fits in the numbered blank.
Across the centuries, people’s (1)_______ lives have been continually transformed by innovation.
One of the most obvious characteristics of the 20th century was the rapid (2)_______ of technology, with
individual (3)_______ of life being improved immeasurably as a result. Basic labour-saving appliances such
as washing machines, refrigerators and freezers were commonplace in the home by the 1960s and the
demand for these and other ‘white goods’ was stimulated further by the (4)_______ of cheap electricity and
noticeable increases in personal wealth during that decade.
Personal computers first (5)_______ their appearance (6)_______ the home in the 1970s, but surely
few people would have been able to imagine then that the home computer could evolve into the super-fast,
super-sleek machines of today. (7)_______ could they have even thought that handheld mobile gadgets
would be being used constantly by all of us, in our desperation to keep up with everything from office
correspondence to world news.
So what lies (8)_______ of us? By 2025, will we be embracing even more sophisticated
technological (9)_______ – or will the world’s resources have been depleted by mankind to such an extent
that there will be insufficient electricity to support these advances? Only time will (10)_______.
Section 3. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.
It has long been known that underweight, premature babies develop into children who perform worse
at school than children who had normal birth weight and were full-term. A recent study examining the effects
of birth weight on intelligence suggests that even among full-term babies the heavier ones have an
advantage. The study has been following 3,900 British men and women since their birth in 1946. Birth
weight was collated with scores on tests of reading and arithmetic skills, non-verbal reasoning, memory,
speed, and concentration. These tests were conducted when the participants were 8, 11, 15, 26 and 43 years
old. Generally speaking, the heavier children performed better on the tests. The relationship was strongest at
age 8 and then weakened over time. By age 43, the relationship was negligible. The results were not affected
by birth order, gender father’s social class, or mother’s education and age.
These findings must be interpreted with caution. First, the results were based on averages. Second,
birth weight is only one numerous factors influencing cognitive function. Parental interest in education –
such as volunteering at school or helping with homework – may offset the effect of birth weight.
Furthermore, poor environmental conditions, such as living in an overcrowded home, breathing polluted air,

or being caught in a bitter divorce can diminish the early advantages enjoyed by heavier babies. Although no
one knows exactly what makes a new-born baby heavy, it is known that healthy, wellnourished mothers tend
to have heavier babies, while those who eat poorly, smoke, and are heavy drinkers tend to produce smaller
ones. There are probably several other variables that affect birth weight, but if and how those are connected
to intelligence is not known.
1. In this duty, the researchers examined the relationship between_______.
A. maternal nutrition and birth weight B. home environment and intelligence
C. age and intelligence D. intelligence and birth weight
2. What did the researchers find out about the relationship they were studying?
A. It increased up to age 26, then decreased. B. It remained steady until age 26, then decreased.
C. It decreased as the subjects grew older. D. It remained steady throughout the study.
3. Which children have an advantage at school?
A. Those who were full-term, lighter weight babies.
B. Those who were premature but normal weight babies.
C. Those who were full-term, heavier babies.
D. Those who were premature babies who gained weight quickly.
4. According to the passage, what is one possible reason to question the conclusions of the study?
A. The study did not consider some environmental factors.
B. The study was done too long ago.
C. The study was done on premature babies, not on full term ones.
D. The study tested different children at different ages.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Premature babies are disadvantaged throughout their lives.
B. Parent’s educational level affects intelligence.
C. No one knows the exact relationship between test scores and intelligence.
D. Bigger babies may be more intelligent than smaller ones.
Section 4. You will be reading an article by the Independent. 5 sentences have been removed from the
text. Read the text carefully and choose from the sentences (A-G) that best fits in the numbered blank
(1-5). There is ONE sentences that you will not be using. There has been ONE example for you.
A painting believed to be a Gustav Klimt stolen almost 23 years ago has been discovered in a wall of
the gallery it went missing from. (0)………G………... It has been valued at around £50m. After most
experts had given up hope of it being recovered, a garden worker clearing ivy from the gallery wall stumbled
on a metal panel. (1)________. The gallery is not making an official announcement until the painting's
authenticity is confirmed. However, according to sources quoted in local media, an initial expert inspection
indicated the painting is the 1917 Klimt. (2)________.
BBC reports that gallery owner Massimo Ferrari is also confident the original has been found,
because it has the same stamps and sealing wax on the back of the painting. (3)________. Portrait of a Lady
was painted by Klimt, part of a radical group of artists called the Secession, towards the end of his life.
(4)_________. She proved her theory by persuading the Piacenza gallery's former director to have it X-
rayed. (5)_______.
A. Ten months before it was stolen, art student Claudia Maga had spotted that it had been painted
over another painting, Portrait of a Young Lady, which had not been seen since 1912.

B. Beneath it was a recess concealed within, which was a black bag that contained what appeared to
be the missing painting.
C. Beneath Portrait of a Lady was a depiction of a young girl from Vienna who died suddenly –
Klimt painted over the work to forget the pain of her death.
D. A group of experts will now use scientific and artistic analysis to work out if the painting is
E. Two police officers were designated to stand guard next to a painting – believed to be a stolen
artwork by Gustav Klimt – discovered in a cavity in a gallery's walls, in Piacenza, northern Italy.
F. Police are investigating whether it was hidden with the intention of removing it from the wall
cavity once worldwide media attention surrounding the theft – one of the most notorious in years – died
G. Portrait of a Lady, one of the world's most sought-after missing artworks, was stolen in 1977 from
a modern art gallery in Piacenza, northern Italy.
Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the original one.
1. This job is appealing to many people because they are well-paid.
It was _________________________________________________________________________to this job.
2. My father was infuriated when he saw me buying a new phone.
My father hit ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. It will probably rain soon. An umbrella might help you timely.
An umbrella might come ___________________________________________________________of
4. An excessive workload has put many students off studying.
Many students have fallen _________________________________________________________workload.
5. Mike stroke me as a naughty boy.
Mike came _____________________________________________________________________________.
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