BC Dmba102

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es (Self
Mode of Coverage e- Live Session
Session (Self content Session Activitie
Unit No & Title Learning Objectives Link of e-tutorial by
No. Study/Weekend Page to Cover s to
Live Session) No. LOs Cover
) to
1. Refer character
1. Describe the characteristics of communication SLM of istics of
Self Study/ Weekend
2. Describe the key elements in the communication process Unit No. Communi
U.No. 01 - Basic principles of Live https://player.vimeo.com/video/50
1 3. Identify the barriers to communication and suggest ways to overcome 1-27 1 to cation, Nil
Communication sessions/Discussion 5614857
these barriers understa Process
4. Recognise how good communication contributes to managerial success nd the of
basics. Communi
Types of
Refer character
SLM of istics of
Self Study/ Weekend
Unit No. Verbal
U.No. 02 - Types and Live Discussio
2 1-25 2 to and
Channels of Communication sessions/Discussion n Board
understa Nonverba
nd the l
basics. Communi
tion of
1. Distinguish clearly between the different types of communication Non
2. List the advantages and limitations of each type of communication Verbal
channels https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 Communi
3. Categorise the different channels of communication 5622749 cation.

Refer Objective
1. Explain the different types of communication in an organisation SLM of s, Types
2. list the different “‘stakeholders”’ with whom an organisation has to Self Study/ Weekend
Unit No. of
U.No. 3 - The Nature of communicate internally and externally. Live Discussio
3 1-26 3 to Business
Business Communication 3. Explain the primary reasons for communication with each stakeholder. sessions/Discussion n Board
understa Communi
4. Select the most effective channel for communication with each Board
nd the cation,
stakeholder. basics. Communi
4. Describe how information flows within an organisation cation
5. Discuss the advantages and limitations of formal and informal https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 Network.
communication networks 5622303
1. Explain the different types of communication in an organisation Refer Listening,
2. List the different “‘stakeholders”’ with whom an organisation has to SLM of Barriers,
Self Study/ Weekend
communicate internally and externally. Unit No. Strategie
U.No. 04 - The Importance of Live Discussio
4 3. Explain the primary reasons for communication with each stakeholder. 1-28 4 to s for
Listening in the Workplace sessions/Discussion n Board
4. Select the most effective channel for communication with each understa effective
stakeholder. nd the listening,
basics. Effective
https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 Questioni
communication networks 5594088 ng.
1. Evaluate your writing style SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend of
U.No. 05 - Guidelines for 2. Identify common errors in English usage Unit No.
Live Writing, Discussio
5 Written Business 3. Recognise the appropriate use of active and passive voice, grammar and 1-26 5 to
sessions/Discussion Principles n Board
Communication punctuation understa
Board of
4. Distinguish between general and business writing https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 nd the
5. Compose a piece of business communication confidently 5595208 basics.
Types of
SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend Oral
U.No. 06 - Developing Oral Unit No.
Live Communi Discussio
6 Business Communication 1-27 6
sessions/Discussion cation, n Board
Skills 1. Explain the two types of oral communication skills understa
Board Steps in
2. List the types of presentation and its target audience nd the
3. List the steps for developing oral presentation https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 basics.
4. Select visual and other presentation aids for maximum effect 5595534 ion.
Refer ion,
SLM of Objective
Self Study/ Weekend
U.No. 7 - Reading Skills for Unit No. s,
Live Discussio
7 effective Business 1-21 7 to Purpose
sessions/Discussion n Board
Communication 1. Define reading understa of
2. Explain the purpose of reading nd the reading,
3. Select different types of reading for different purposes https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 basics. Types of
4. Describe the steps of SQ3R reading technique 5585596 Reading.

SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend Types of
U.No. 8 - Internal Business Unit No.
Live Meetings, Discussio
8 Communication - Guidelines 1. List the different types of meetings 1-22 8 to
sessions/Discussion Before- n Board
for Meetings 2. Prepare effectively for meetings understa
Board during-
3. Explain the responsibilities of a chairperson nd the
after the
4. Realise the etiquette to follow in a meeting https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 basics.
5. Describe the steps to follow up participants’ progress 5591544
SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend
U.No. 9 - IBC - Writing Unit No. Introduct
Live Discussio
9 memos, Circulars and 1-21 9 to ion,
1. Describe the structure of a memo sessions/Discussion n Board
Notices. understa Memo
2. Explain the purpose of circulars and notices Board https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 nd the
3. Prepare memos, circulars and notices 5603525 basics.
Intranet -
es and
ages of
SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend intranet,
U.No. 10 - IBC - Electronic Unit No.
Live Communi Discussio
10 Media and shareholder 1-23 10 to
sessions/Discussion cation n Board
Communication understa
Board through
nd the
1. Explain the meaning and purpose of the intranet through
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of the intranet instant
3. Describe the principles of e-mail communication messagin
4. Describe the etiquette for e-mail communication g, with
5. Identify the importance of Instant Messaging in business communication https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 sharehol
6. Recognise why communicating to shareholders is very important 5614831 ders.
Refer of
SLM of Business
Self Study/ Weekend
U.No. 11 - External Business Unit No. Letters,
Live Discussio
11 Communication - Writing 1-27 11 to Types of
sessions/Discussion n Board
Business Letters understa Business
nd the Letters,
1. Describe the principles of writing business letters basics. Format
2. Categorise business letters into different types for
3. Use the proper format and tone, when writing business letters https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 Business
4. Develop good business writing skills 5959977 Letters
Refer ion,
SLM of Communi
Self Study/ Weekend
U.No. 12 - Other forms of Unit No. cation
Live Discussio
12 External Business 1-21 12 to with
sessions/Discussion n Board
Communication 1. Define press release understa media
2. List the elements of a press release nd the through
3. Identify the types of corporate advertising https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 basics. news
4. Explain AIDA format 5963502 releases.
Types of
Refer Business
SLM of reports,
U.No. 13 - Internal and Self Study/ Weekend
Unit No. Format
External Business Live Discussio
13 1-30 13 to for
Communication - Writing sessions/Discussion n Board
understa Business
Business reports Board
nd the Reports,
1. Define business report basics. Steps in
2. Identify the different types of business reports Report
3. Explain the format of a business report https://player.vimeo.com/video/50 Preparati
4. List the steps for creating an effective report 5964308 on.
SLM of
Self Study/ Weekend Writing a
U.No. 14 - Employment Unit No.
Live Resume, Discussio
14 Communication - Resumes 1-30 14 to
1. Define resume sessions/Discussion Writing n Board
and Cover Letters understa
2. List types of resume Board Job
nd the
3. Write a job application letter Applicatio
4. List other types of letters related to employment https://player.vimeo.com/video/505963645 n Letters.
Refer Introduct
SLM of ion,
1. Explain the meaning and purpose of group discussions Self Study/ Weekend
U.No. 15- Employment Unit No. Group
2. Demonstrate good group discussion skills Live Discussio
15 Communication - group 1-31 15 to Discussio
3. List the types of group discussions sessions/Discussion n Board
Discussions and Interviews understa ns, Job
4. Assess interviewees’ conduct and performance in job interviews Board
nd the Interview
5. Elucidate the processes involved in the job interviews https://player.vimeo.com/video/505965309 basics. s.

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