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Solution Manual for Essentials of General, Organic,

and Biochemistry, 3rd Edition, Denise Guinn

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S o l u t i o n M a n u a l f o r E s s e n t i a l s o f G e n e r a l , O r g a n i c , a

Changes of State and the Gas Laws 53

Chapter 7
Changes of State and the Gas Laws
42 Symptoms of the bends include confusion, weakness, headaches itching and joint pain.
43 Atmospheric pressure is the pressure from the mass of air. At sea level, atmospheric pressure is
1 atm.
44 The pressure you experience when diving beneath the surface of the sea is due the mass of air and
45 The pressure beneath the sea is greater than atmospheric pressure.
46 When the diver is ascending back to the surface, the pressure on the diver decreases causing some
of the dissolved nitrogen molecules to come out of solution. If a diver ascends too quickly, the
dissolved nitrogen gas will diffuse out of the blood too quickly, forming gas bubbles in the
47 The nitrogen bubbles can clog small blood vessels and disrupt circulation. Severe pain occurs as
the gas expands within the joints.
48 A change in state is the process from going from one state of matter to another state of matter.
49 a. chemical reaction; the chemical composition of the metal has changed. b. change of state;
liquid is turning into water vapor. c. change of state; liquid is turning into solid.
d. chemical reaction; the chemical composition of the wick has changed.
50 a. change of state; a solid is turning into a liquid. b. change of state; a liquid is becoming a
solid. c. chemical reaction; vinegar and baking soda react in a neutralization reaction
d. chemical reaction; the reactants have become different compounds.
51 Gas has less intermolecular forces than a liquid. A liquid has less intermolecular forces than a
52 A solid has less kinetic energy than a liquid. A liquid has less kinetic energy than a gas.
53 The substances that are liquids have stronger intermolecular forces of attraction than the ones that are
gases. The molecules in substances that are liquids at this temperature do not have enough kinetic
energy to disrupt the intermolecular forces. The molecules in substances that are gases at this
temperature have sufficient kinetic energy to break the intermolecular forces.
54 Intermolecular forces of attraction are affected during a change in state. Covalent bonds remain
55 Melting, vaporization, and sublimation absorb heat energy from their surroundings. These changes
of state are endothermic physical changes.
56 Freezing, condensation, and deposition release heat energy to their surroundings. These changes of
state are exothermic processes.
57 a. melting ( solid → liquid ) b. sublimation ( solid → gas ) c. freezing ( liquid → solid )
d. vaporization ( liquid → gas ) e. vaporization ( liquid → gas ) f. freezing ( liquid → solid )
58 a. vaporization (liquid → gas) b. freezing (liquid → solid) c. melting (solid → liquid)
d. sublimation (solid → gas) e. condensation (gas → liquid)

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54 Chapter 7

59 When pressure is applied to a gas, it causes a change in phase from the gas phase to the liquid
60 Vaporization going from a liquid to a gas makes mercury dangerous.
61 The heat energy added at the melting point and the boiling point disrupts the intermolecular forces
of attraction.
62 The flat line at 0 °C represents the formation of liquid water from ice. The temperature remains
constant at this point because the heat energy is used to break the intermolecular forces of
attraction required for a change of state. This point is called the melting point.
63 Water has a higher boiling point. Water is able to form hydrogen bonds; chloroform cannot. It requires
more heat energy to break apart the hydrogen bonds in water.
64 Acetic acid has a lower boiling point. Acetic acid has weaker intermolecular forces of attraction
than phenol. It takes less heat energy to disrupt the intermolecular forces present in acetic acid.
65 Ethanol can form hydrogen bonds; carbon dioxide cannot. Carbon dioxide has enough kinetic
energy to disrupt the weak dispersion forces. Ethanol does not have enough kinetic energy to
disrupt the hydrogen bonds.
66 Heats of vaporization are greater than heats of fusion because the former requires that all
intermolecular forces of attraction be disrupted.
67 a. evaporation b. vaporization
68 When you sweat, heat flows out of your body to evaporate the water on your skin. This process is
called evaporative cooling. The body warms up by shivering by giving more kinetic energy to the
69 Steam causes burns because heat is transferred to the skin during condensation of the steam on the
skin, an exothermic process. At 100 °C , steam transfers 539 calories of heat per gram of water to
the skin.
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 55

71 ∆ = 51 − 29 = 22 ℃
a. water: Heat = 1.00 ∙℃
× 13.4 g × 22 ℃ = 290 cal

b. air: Heat = 0.24 ∙℃

× 13.4 g × 22 ℃ = 71 cal

c. sand: Heat = 0.16 ∙℃

× 13.4 g × 22 ℃ = 47 cal
Water requires the greatest input of heat energy to warm 13.4 g by 22 °C . Water has the largest
heat capacity.
72 ∆ = 49 − 22 = 27 ℃
a. brick: Heat = 0.20 ∙℃
× 10.9 g × 27 ℃ = 59 cal

b. ethanol: Heat = 0.58 × 10.9 g × 27 ℃ = 170 cal


c. wood: Heat = 0.10 × 10.9 g × 27 ℃ = 29 cal

Ethanol requires the greatest number of calories to warm10.9 g by 27 °C.
73 a. The attractive forces among the particles of a gas are negligible. Therefore, molecules in the
gas phase are not linked by hydrogen bonds.
b. The temperature of a gas depends on the average kinetic energy of the gas particles. On a cold
day, the temperature is lower, so the kinetic energy of the particles is lower and there will be fewer
collisions with the walls of the tires. Fewer collisions means that the tire pressure is lower.
c. The total volume of all the gas particles is negligible compared to the volume of the container.
Gas particles are far apart from each other; therefore, the volume of a container filled with a gas
contains mostly empty space.
74 a. The atoms or molecules in the gas phase are far apart from one another. Therefore, dispersion
forces are not important in the gas phase.
b. Atoms and molecules in the gas phase are in constant motion and moving at high speeds; thus
perfume vapor will travel quickly across a room.
c. The temperature of a gas depends on the average kinetic energy of the gas particles. On a
winter day, the temperature is lower, so the kinetic energy of the particles is lower and there will
be fewer collisions with the walls of the balloon. On a summer day, the temperature is higher, so
the kinetic energy of the particles is higher. On a summer day, there will be more collisions with
the walls of the balloon making the balloon bigger than on a winter day.
d. The atoms or molecules in a gas are far apart from one another. They can be compressed which
forces the atoms or molecules closer together, so they will take up a smaller volume.
75 Pressure is defined as “force per unit area.”
76 The second container of nitrogen has a greater pressure, so there will be more collisions between
the molecules and their container.
77 The second container of argon has a lower pressure, so there is more empty space. The lower the
pressure is, the fewer collisions with other molecules or the container.
78 Atmospheres are a unit of pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the pressure caused by gas molecules
(N2 and O2) pressing down on us as a result of gravity.
56 Chapter 7

79 A basic barometer consists of an inverted glass tube that has all the air evacuated from it. The
open end of the inverted glass tube is submerged in a shallow dish of liquid mercury. The
atmosphere exerts a downward pressure on the surface of the mercury in the dish; the pressure
forces the mercury up the evacuated tube.
80 At the lower elevation in Denver, the atmospheric pressure is higher compared to the mountains.
The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas. As the pressure increases
as you come down from the mountains, the volume of gas in the water bottle decreases.
81 The atmospheric pressure is lower in Denver compared to Los Angeles or sea level. The pressure
of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas. The atmospheric pressure decreases
moving from sea level to Denver; therefore, the volume of the gas inside the chip bags increases.
82 Since both P and V are changing, while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law: PiVi =PfVf.
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 1 atm, Vi = 3.6 L, and Pf = 13.3 atm; therefore, you need to solve
for Vf the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 1 atm × = 0.3 L
83 Upon inhalation, the pressure of the lungs decreases as the volume of the lungs increases.
84 On exhalation, the pressure of the lungs increases as the volume of the lungs decreases.
85 Boyle’s law states the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of a gas; thus, if
one goes up, the other will go down. Upon inhalation, the pressure of the lungs decreases as the
volume of the lungs increases. Upon exhalation, the pressure of the lungs increases as the volume
of the lungs decreases.
86 Since both P and V are changing, while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law: PiVi =PfVf.
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 142.8 atm, Vi = 2.24 L, and Pf = 0.84 atm; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 142.8 atm × = 380 L
87 Since both P and V are changing, while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law: PiVi =PfVf.
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 10.2 atm, Vi = 13.9 L, and Pf = 25.1 atm; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 57

Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:

= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 10.2 atm × = 5.65 L
88 Since both P and V are changing, while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law: PiVi =PfVf.
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 4.35 atm, Vi = 7.32 mL, and Pf = 1.00 atm; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 4.35 atm × = 31.8 mL
89 Gay-Lussac’s law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of a
gas. If the can of unopened beans is heated directly on the stove, the temperature of the gas inside
the can will increase. As the temperature of the gas increases, the pressure of the gas will increase,
causing the can of beans to explode.
90 Charles’s law states that temperature and volume are directly proportional to each other. As you
heat the cake in the oven, the carbon dioxide in the cake heats up; therefore, the volume of the
carbon dioxide increases, and the cake rises.
91 Charles’s law states that temperature and volume are directly proportional to each other. As the
balloon is cooled, the temperature of the air inside the balloon decreases and the volume of the air
decreases, causing the balloon to shrink.
92 Since both V and T are changing, while n and P are constant, we can use Charles’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Vi = 8.7 L, Ti = 12 °C, and Tf = 34 °C; therefore, you need to solve for
Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 12 °C + 273.15 = 285 K
Tf = 34 °C + 273.15 = 307 K
. L
= 307 K × = 9.4 L
58 Chapter 7

93 Since both V and T are changing, while n and P are constant, we can use Charles’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Vi = 122 L, Ti = 120. °C, and Tf = 52 °C; therefore, you need to solve
for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 120. °C + 273.15 = 393 K
Tf = 52 °C + 273.15 = 325 K
= 325 K × = 101 L
94 Since both V and T are changing, while n and P are constant, we can use Charles’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Vi = 19.8 L, Ti = 27 °C, and Tf = 58 °C; therefore, you need to solve for
Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 27 °C + 273.15 = 300. K
Tf = 58 °C + 273.15 = 331 K
. L
= 331 K × = 21.8 L
95 Since both V and T are changing, while n and P are constant, we can use Charles’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Vi = 1.63 L, Ti = 2 °C, and Vf = 1.80 L; therefore, you need to solve for
Tf, the final temperature.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Tf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 2 °C + 273.15 = 275 K
= 1.80 L × = 304 K
. .L
Next, convert kelvins to °C
Tf = 304 K – 273.15 = 31 °C
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 59

96 Gay-Lussac’s law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of a
gas. The temperature is higher in the summer; therefore, the tire pressure will be higher in the
97 Since both P and T are changing, while n and V are constant, we can use Gay-Lussac’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 1.01325 × 103 Pa, Ti = 100. °C, and Pf = 1.03 × 103 Pa L;
therefore, you need to solve for Tf, the final temperature.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Tf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 100 °C + 273.15 = 373 K
= 1.03 × 10 Pa × = 379 K
. × P
Next, convert kelvins to °C
Tf = 379 K – 273.15 =106 °C
98 Gay-Lussac’s law states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of a
gas. Inside the pressure cooker, the pressure is higher than the covered pot on the stove; therefore,
the temperature in the pressure cooker will be higher. The higher temperature cooks the food
99 Since both P and T are changing, while n and V are constant, we can use Gay-Lussac’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 1 atm, Ti = 100 °C, and Tf = 125 °C; therefore, you need to solve
for Pf, the final pressure.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Pf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 100 °C + 273.15 = 373 K
Tf = 125 °C + 273.15 = 398 K
= 398 K × = 1.08 atm
100 Since both P and T are changing, while n and V are constant, we can use Gay-Lussac’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
60 Chapter 7

The problem indicates that Pi = 30.1 psi, Ti = 20. °C, and Tf = 22 °C; therefore, you need to solve
for Pf, the final pressure.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Pf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 20 °C + 273.15 = 293 K
Tf = 22 °C + 273.15 = 295 K
= 295 K × = 30.3 psi
101 Since both P and T are changing, while n and V are constant, we can use Gay-Lussac’s law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 150. psi , Ti = 54.4 °C, and Tf = 82.2 °C; therefore, you need to
solve for Pf, the final pressure.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Pf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 54.4 °C + 273.15 = 327.6 K
Tf = 82.2 °C + 273.15 = 355.4 K
= 355.4 K × = 163 psi
. K
102 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 4.3 atm, Vi =18.1 L, Ti = 501 K, Pf = 10. Atm and Tf = 250 K;
therefore, you need to solve for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
( . )( . L)( K)
= = 3.9 L
( K)( . )
103 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 61

The problem indicates that Pi = 2.7 atm, Vi =2.25 L, Ti = 12.0 °C, Pf = 0.987 atm and Tf = 0.00 °C;
therefore, you need to solve for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 12.0 °C + 273.15 = 285.2 K
Tf = 0.00 °C + 273.15 = 273.15 K
( . )( . L)( . K)
= = 5.9 L
( . K)( . . )
104 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 712 mmHg, Vi =205 mL, Ti = −44.0 °C, Vf = 370. mL and Tf = 30.
°C; therefore, you need to solve for Pf, the final pressure.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Pf is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = −44.0 °C + 273.15 = 229.2 K
Tf = 30. °C + 273.15 = 303 K
( H )( L)( K)
= = 522 mmHg
( . K)( . L)
105 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Vi =28 L, Ti = 45 °C, Pf = 2.0 atm Vf = 32 L and Tf = 30. °C; therefore,
you need to solve for Pi, the initial pressure.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Pi is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 45 °C + 273.15 = 318 K
Tf = 30. °C + 273.15 = 303 K
( . )( L)( K)
= = 2.4 atm
( K)( .L)
62 Chapter 7

106 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 345 torr, Vi =3.86 L, Ti = 28 °C, Vf = 8.85 L and Pf = 154 torr;
therefore, you need to solve for Tf, the final temperature.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Tf is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 28 °C + 273.15 = 301 K
( )( . L)( K)
= = 308 K
( )( . .L)
Next, convert kelvins to °C
Tf = 308 K – 273.15 = 35 °C
107 Since P, V, and T are changing, while n is constant, we can use the combined gas law:
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 2.64 atm, Vi =5.46 L, Ti = 24 °C, Pf = 4.75 atm Vf = 1.22 L and Pf
= 4.75 atm; therefore, you need to solve for Tf, the final temperature.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Tf is isolated:
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable. Remember, you
must first convert temperatures to Kelvin!
Ti = 24 °C + 273.15 = 297 K
( . )( . L)( K)
= = 119 K
( . )( . .L)
Next, convert kelvins to °C
Tf = 119 K – 273.15 = −154 °C
108 If we remove the temperature terms, T, from the combined gas law equation, we have Boyle’s law;
if we remove the pressure terms, P, we have Charles’s law; and if we remove the volume terms, V,
we have Gay-Lussac’s law.
109 Since both n and V are changing, while P and T are constant, we can use Avogadro’s law: = .
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that ni = 0.10 mol, Vi = 2.5 L, and Vf = 2.0 L; therefore, you need to solve
for nf.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that nf is isolated:
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 63

= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 0.10 mol × = 0.080 mol
. L

110 Since both n and V are changing, while P and T are constant, we can use Avogadro’s law: = .
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that ni = 0.08 mol, Vi = 1.9 L, and Vf = 1.5 L; therefore, you need to solve
for nf.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that nf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 0.08 mol × = 0.06 mol
. L

111 Since both n and V are changing, while P and T are constant, we can use Avogadro’s law: = .
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that ni = 0.30 mol, Vi = 5.5 L, and Vf = 3.5 L; therefore, you need to solve
for nf.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that nf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 0.30 mol × = 0.19 mol
. L

112 Since both n and V are changing, while P and T are constant, we can use Avogadro’s law: = .
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that ni = 0.28 mol, Vi = 6.0 L, and nf = 0.20 mol; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that nf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
= 6.0 L × = 4.3 L
113 STP is standard temperature and pressure, that is, 0 °C (273.15 K) and 1 atm of pressure.
114 22.4 L
115 11.2 L × = 0.500 mol
. L
. L
116 4.1 mol × = 92 L
64 Chapter 7

117 15.3 L × = 0.683 mol

. L
118 220. L × = 9.82 mol
. L
. L
119 0.2 mol × =4L
120 As the air inside of the balloon is heated up, the volume of the air increases (Charles’s law). The
number of molecules of air in the balloon stays the same, but the density (mass/volume) of the
heated air decreases. The less dense air inside the balloon will cause the balloon to float.
121 = L = 1.78 g/L. No, argon will not float in air. It is denser than air.

122 Dalton’s law of partial pressures shows that for a mixture of gases, each gas exerts a pressure
independent of the other gases, behaving as if it alone occupied the total volume.
123 Since partial pressures are provided, use the following equation:
= +
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Ptotal = 4.30 atm and Pnitrogen = 0.92 atm; therefore we need to find
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation:
= −
Substitute the known variables into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
= − = 4.30 atm − 0.92 atm = 3.38 atm
124 Since partial pressures are provided, use the following equation:
= +
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Ptotal = 2.42 atm and Pneon = 1.81 atm; therefore we need to find Pargon.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation:
= −
Substitute the known variables into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
= − = 2.42 atm − 1.81 atm = 0.61 atm
125 Poxygen = 0.21 × 780 mmHg = 164 mmHg
126 Pargon = 0.93 × 667 mmHg = 620 mmHg
127 Pnitrogen = 0.74 × 750 mmHg = 555 mmHg
128 Pnitrogen = 0.78 × 637 mmHg = 497 mmHg
129 As the patient breathes out, the partial pressure of the carbon dioxide in the bag increases.
130 The person who is SCUBA diving has more pressure above them and therefore will have a higher
concentration of oxygen in their blood. This is an example of Henry’s law.
131 A glass of soda should have more bubbles in it on the beach since the atmospheric pressure is
higher than in the mountains. Henry’s law states that the higher the pressure above a liquid, the
higher the concentration of the gas in the liquid.
132 Lake Pontchartrain has a higher concentration of oxygen in it. There is more air pressure above
Lake Pontchartrain than Lake Tahoe. Henry’s law states that the higher the pressure above a liquid
is then the higher the concentration of the gas in the liquid is.
Changes of State and the Gas Laws 65

133 Desflurane has a larger Henry’s constant than diethyl ether. The concentration of desflurane will
be lower in the blood; therefore, the patient would regain consciousness more quickly.
134 A patient would need to use hyperbaric oxygen therapy if he had the bends, carbon monoxide
poisoning, diabetic wounds, or some types of infections.
135 The increase in pressure within the chamber causes the nitrogen bubbles to redissolve. The
redissolved nitrogen circulates to the lungs where it can safely be exhaled. Henry’s law shows that
there is a direct relationship between the pressure and the concentration of the gas in solution. As
the pressure increases, the concentration of nitrogen in the blood should increase.
136 Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it binds to hemoglobin more strongly than oxygen. When
carbon monoxide enters the blood stream, it binds with hemoglobin replacing the oxygen, and the
level of oxygen available to tissues drops to dangerous levels.
137 HBOT significantly reduces the amount of time needed to drive out the CO present in the blood.
138 HBOT stimulates the formation of capillary blood vessels near the wound. The additional blood
vessels near the wound enable more oxygenated blood to reach hypoxic tissues and aiding tissue
139 a. Sublimation is a physical change.
b. The bonds between iodine atoms are not broken as iodine undergoes a change of state from the
solid phase to the gas phase.
c. The iodine molecules move farther apart as iodine goes from the solid phase to the gas phase.
d. Sublimation is an endothermic process.
e. Iodine molecules in the gas state have the most kinetic energy.
140 a. deposition (gas → solid)
b. hydrogen bonding
c. Forming snowflakes in clouds is an exothermic process, which requires the removal of heat
energy from the surroundings.

142 ∆ = 45 − 30 = 15 ℃
mass = = = 27 g
×∆ . × ℃
66 Chapter 7

143 ∆ = 43 − 16 = 27 ℃
mass = = = 32 g
×∆ . × ℃
144 ∆ = = = 21.9 ℃
× . × .
H ,
145 ∆ = ×
. × .
= 22.2 ℃

146 First, calculate the amount of heat gained by the water. Use the temperature changes and mass
related to water.
∆ = 24 − 19 = 5 ℃
Heat = 1.00 × 81 g × 5 ℃ = 400 cal
The amount of heat lost by the metal is 400 cal since that is the amount gained by the water. Use
the specific heat equation to calculate the specific heat of the metal object. Use the temperature
change and mass related to the metal object.
∆ = 97 − 24 = 73 ℃
Specific heat = = = 0.2 cal/g ∙ ℃
M × ∆T × ℃

147 Heat (ice) = 0.49 ∙℃

× 25.0 g × 20 ℃ = 245 cal
∆ = 25.0 g × = 1,990 cal

Heat (liquid water) = 1.00 × 25.0 g × 100. ℃ = 2.50 kcal


∆ = 25.0 g × = 13,500 cal

Heat (steam) = 0.49 × 25.0 g × 15 ℃ = 184 cal

Total: 245 cal + 1,990 cal + 25,000 cal + 13,500 cal + 184 cal = 40.9 kcal
148 At 14,000 ft above sea level, there are fewer air molecules around us than at sea level. At 14,000
feet below sea level, not only is the whole atmosphere pressing down on us, but so is 14,000 ft of

This graph represents Boyle’s law.

Changes of State and the Gas Laws 67


Volume is directly proportional to temperature in Charles’s law.

151 Since partial pressures are provided, use the following equation:
Ptotal = Poxygen + Pnitrogen
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Ptotal = 3.83 atm and Poxygen = 1.38 atm; therefore we need find Pnitrogen.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Pnitrogen = Ptotal − Poxygen
Substitute the known variables into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
Pnitrogen = Ptotal − Poxygen = 3.83 atm − .38 atm=2.45 atm
The percentage of nitrogen in the tank is × 100% = 64%.
In order to calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the air, the total pressure of the air must be
Ptotal = Pnitrogen + Poxygen + Pcarbon dioxide = 0.77 + 0.18 + 0.05 = 1.00 atm
The percentage of nitrogen in the air is × 100% = 77%.
The tank is 64% nitrogen. Air is 77% nitrogen.
The percentage of nitrogen in the tank is less than the percentage of nitrogen in the air.
152 The ratio of nitrous oxide to oxygen is 1:1. If the partial pressure of oxygen is 0.50 atm, then the
partial pressure of nitrous oxide is 0.50 atm:
Ptotal = Poxygen + Pnitrous oxide = 0.50 + 0.50 = 1.00 atm
153 a. Since both P and V are changing while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law:
PiVi = PfVf.
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 2.81 atm, Vi = 0.021 mL, and Pf = 1.00 atm; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 2.81 atm × = 0.059 mL
Solution Manual for Essentials of General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 3rd Edition, Denise Gu

68 Chapter 7

b. Since both P and V are changing while n and T are constant, we can use Boyle’s law: PiVi =
Define the variables and select the variable to solve for.
The problem indicates that Pi = 1.00 atm, Vi = 0.059 mL, and Pf = 2.25 atm; therefore, you need to
solve for Vf, the final volume.
Algebraically isolate the unknown variable on one side of the equation.
Use algebra to manipulate the equation, so that Vf is isolated:
= ×
Substitute the known values into the equation and solve for the unknown variable:
. L
= 1.00 atm × = 0.026 mL
. H
154 percentage carbon dioxide in inspired air = 100% = 0.039%
percentage carbon dioxide in alveoli = 100% = 5.2%
155 Henry’s law states that the pressure above a liquid is directly proportional to the concentration
of the gas in the liquid. When a patient has pneumonia, the partial pressure of oxygen in the
lungs is lower; therefore, the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood will be lower.
156 The concentration of dissolved nitrogen in the blood would be expected to be greater below sea
level than at the surface because the total pressure is greater below the surface, and Henry’s law
states that partial pressure and concentration are proportional. Hence, as pressure increases, so
does the concentration of dissolved nitrogen.

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