Chief Mate Management Level-Compass Works

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Chief Mate Management level

Compass Works

Q-1-Define the following:

The acute angle between Magnetic Meridian and Geographic North. Meridian.

b- Magnetic Deviation.
Magnetic deviation refers specifically to compass error caused by magnetized iron
within a ship or aircraft. This iron has a mixture of permanent magnetization and an
induced (temporary) magnetization that is induced by the Earth's magnetic field.

c- Total Directive force

The resultant or total magnetic force can be divided into a horizontal component (H)
and a vertical component (Z). The horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is
known as the "Directive Force", which aligns the compass needle. The angle
between the earth horizontal and the resultant force is called dip.

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif

d-Horizontal component (H)

The horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is known as the "Directive
Force", which aligns the compass needle to North Meridian.

e-Angle of Dip
Indicate angle between total force and the horizontal
Angle of dip is also known as the magnetic dip and is defined as the angle that is
made by the earth's magnetic field lines with the horizontal Component

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-2-Explain the courses of deviation?


– Caused deviation by ship’s magnetism Iron-made ship magnetized by the

Earth’s y Earth’s magnetism.

Q-3- State the steel structures of a ship?


- Hard iron (permanent magnetism)

• Difficult to be magnetised

• Retain magnetized once magnetised

• E.g. hull, decks, bulkheads, tank tops

– Soft iron (induced magnetism)

• Easy to be magnetized

• Easy to lose magnetism once magnetic field removed

• E.g. beams, girders, masts, funnel.

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-4- Explain between Hard Iron And Soft Iron?
Hard iron (permanent magnetism)
• Difficult to be magnetised
• Retain magnetized once magnetised.
Soft iron (induced magnetism)
Easy to be magnetized
• Easy to lose magnetism once magnetic field removed.
Q-5- Explain What that means (The amount of permanent magnetism depends on
the magnetic latitude during ship’s building)?
Horizontal : (H) max at Mag. Equator nil at Mag. Poles
H = T cosθ……Where (θ is the Mag.Lat)
– Vertical: max at Mag Poles nil at Mag. Equator
Z = T sin θ…….Where (θ is Mag.Lat)

Q-5- what are the location of the components of hard iron give example?

P, Q, R are constant forces due to permanent

Force P: horizontal fore and aft component

“+” towards bow, “-” towards stern

– Force Q: horizontal athwart ship component

» “+” towards starboard, “-” towards port side

Force R: vertical component

» “+” downwards, “-” upwards

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-6- With aid of sketch explain permanent coefficient P (Bp)?
a- Nature of this Force
b-effect of changing course
C- dev. When change Latitude
e- Way of correction
Coefficient Bp
– Coefficient of semicircular deviation
– Caused by permanent force P and soft rod c
– Semicircular deviation proportional to sin Comp. Course
– Max. On E and W, nil on S and N
Dev. @any Course = Bp×Sin Course

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Effect of change latitude

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-7- Permanent B is +8 and induced −4° at position (1) where
H=30A\m and Z =40A\m.Find the deviation due to these coefficient
when heading 255⁰ C at position (2) where H= 20A/m and Z= ‒30A/m?
Permanent +Bp (Hard Iron For,& Aft) Induced –Bind. (Induced Iron)
(Vertical Rod (C)

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Dev.of Perm. Dev.


Coefficient = Permanent Bp + Induced Bind.

=12°+ 4.5°= 16.5°
Deviation due all Coefficient at course 255°= B Sin 255
= 16.5 × Sin225°= − 15.9 ……


Q-8- Analyze the following list of deviations into approximate

coefficients A,B,C,D,E And calculate the Deviation on Course S30°W


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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Coefficient A=
Coefficient B =+20.5

Coefficient C=
େ େ
Coefficient D =

Coefficient E =
Dev.=A+ B sin +C cos +D sin2 +E cos2
Dev.210= 0+20.5- 3cos210+3.25sin (2×210)+0.25cos(2×210)
Dev.@course 210= -4.7°….(4.7° W)

Q-9- - State the method of observing the deviation?

1. By -Comparing Gyrocompass
2. By North Star
3. By-sun amplitude
4. By - By GPS
5. By- Transit tow object
6. By- celestials bodies (moon –stares - planets)

Q-10- Calculate the Deviation on Course 040°Compass and 280° (C) given the
following values for the Coefficients:-
Deviation (⸹) 040º= A+B sin Co.+C cos Co.+C sin2 Co+ E Cos 2Co
=-1 +(+2.5º)sin40º+(-3º)cos40º+(+2º)sin2(40º)+(-1º)cos2(40º)
= Dev. @ Course 040⁰= 0.11⁰ East

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-11- If deviation due to hard iron in the ship is 10°W when heading 090° (C)
@ Position-A. where H= 20 (A\m)
a-Find the Dev. Due the same when same heading (090°) at position-B. when
H=16 amperes\m
b-Find the Dev. When Heading 315°


Q-12- Explain what is Magnetic Heeling error?

It is Difference between a vessel deviation When upright and when
heeled on same heading thus if a vessel dev. Is 2°W. When upright and
6°W when heeled The heeling error is 4 W.
 Heeling error may be caused by Permanent or induced

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-13- State the causes of heeling error?

Q-14- From these observation table .Calculate the Coefficient s

A,B,C,D,E ?

Coeff. A=
Coeff.B= =32/2=+16


{ }

{ }
Dev. @ Co.N75W……..=285°
dev@Co.285°= A+Bsin285°+Ccos285°+Dsin2×285°+ Ecos2×285°
=0+16 × (−0.966) + {−3×0.259} + (2.5×−0.5) +2.5× (−0.866)

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-15- Calculate the Deviation on Compass Course N60°W (C) given the
following values for the Coefficients:-

Deviation on Course 300º

CoeffA+Coef.Bsin CO+coef.CCosCo+coef.Dsin2 (Co) +coef.E2 (Co) Co. N60⁰W=-1 +2.5sin300⁰-3cos300⁰+2sin600⁰-1cos600⁰
=-1+2.5x-0.87-3x0, 5+2x-0.87-1x-0.5
= -5.90(5.9⁰W)

Q-16- What is the specification of the liquid used in of Magnetic Compass


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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-17- What is the Gaussin error?


Q-18- What is Coefficient Lambda (ʎ)

It’s the ratio between the mean horizontal force toward magnetic N at the
compass position on board and the horizontal force ashore.


Q-19- What is the ship Multiplire(μ)


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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-20- What are the causes of Magnetic coefficient D?

Coefficient D
– Coefficient of Quadrantal deviation
– Caused by soft iron Rod a, and rod e
– Quadrantal deviation proportional to sin2CompassCourse
– Max. On intercardinal, nil on cardinal
δ = Dsin2CC

Q-21- What are the causes of Coefficient E?

Coefficient of Quadrantal deviation
Caused by soft iron Rod b and Rod d.

Q-22- How to remove babbles from magnetic compass?

i. Tilt the bowl until the “filter whole” comes upper most. This hole is
provided on the side of the bowl.
ii. Unscrew the stud/screw provide.
iii. Top up with ethyl alcohol. If this is not available distilled water would be
iv. Screw the stud/screw back into place.
v. Gently let the bowl return to upright.

Q-22- During the course of a swing, compass bearing of a star were

observed and True bearing calculated as in the table below.
Find the Value of Variation and the value of the Deviation
On Heading 080° (C) Coefficient A =Zero

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Compass 000° 045° 090° 135° 180° 225° 270° 315°
Compass 069° 064° 065° 065° O63° 063.5° 071° 077°
True 075° 075.5° 076° 076.5° 077° 078° 079° 079.5°

Error 6°E 11.5°E 12°E 11.5°E 14E 14.5°E 8°W 2.5°E


True Bgs 075° 075.5° 076° 076.5° 07 078° 07 079.5

7° 9° °
Error 6°E 11.5° 12° 11.5°E 1 14.5° 8° 2.5°
E E 4 E W E
Variation 10° 10°E 10°E 10°E 10° 10°E 10°E 10°E

DEVIATIO 4°W 1.5°E 2°E 1.5°E 4°E 4.5°E 2°W 7.5°W

Coefficient B=

Coefficient C=

Coefficient D= = ˚E

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Coefficient E

Deviation @ Co.080°=B×Sin Co + C×Cos Co+ Dsin2 Co

= 2sin080°+ (- 4cos080°) + 3sin2×080°
=1.9696 694 4
=1.617 E 7-Marks

Q-23- The deviation due to coefficient induce B is 6°E when heading

225°(C) at Position 1 where the angle of Dip=+60°
Find the deviation when heading 302°(C) at position 2
Where the angle of Dip= +20°

Dev. @ position 2

Gyro Compass

Q-24- What are the factors affecting the rate of precession?


The rate of precession is directly proportional to the applied

torque and inversely proportional to the gyroscopic inertia of
the spinning rotor
P=rate of procession
I=Moment of Inertia of gyro wheel
S=Angular Velocity
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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-25- Define the following with aid of Sketching:
A-Tilt: this is the angle by which the spin axis of gyro has
apparently moved up and down from the horizontal plane.

Tilting: This is the apparent motion of gyro axel on the vertical

plane, it may be upward and downward defending of factors which
it causing.

Rate of tilting per hour = 15 Cos latitude x Sin Azimuth.

this is the angle by which gyro axel has drifted and moved away
from the original direction in the horizontal plan
This is the apparent motion of gyro axel on the horizontal plane.
Rate of drifting per hour = 15 x Sin Lat.

-C- Top heavy:

The first step in converting a free gyro compass is to 'control' the

gyro or make it north seeking. In general this is done by creating
torque about the east west axis, which is effective when the gyro
tilts out of the horizontal. This torque will produce a precession in
azimuth which causes the spin axis to seek the meridian.

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-26- Free gyroscope located in 30° north latitude in started with its
spinning axis horizontal and pointing in the direction of 60° to the east
of North. Calculate the rate of tilting and drifting for this situation.

Rate of tilting per hour = 15 x cos Lat. x sin azimuth

= 15 x cos 30 x sin 60
= 11.15 (11.25)/H

Rate of drifting per hour = 15 x sin Lat.

= 15 x sin 30
= 7.30 (7.5)/H

Free gyroscope located in latitude 37° North with spin axis horizontal
And pointing in direction of 55° to east Of North….Calculate the rate of
Drifting &rate tilting?
Rate of tilting per hour = 15 x cos Lat x sin azimuth.
Rate of drifting per hour = 15 x sin Lat.

Rate of Tilting\H=15×cos 37°× Sin 55°

=15× (0.7986) ×0.8192
= 9.8\H

Rate of drifting per hour = 15 x sin Lat.

= 15×Sin37°
= 15×0.602
= 9.0\H

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-28-Explain the PROPERTIES OF A FREE Gyroscope?
A free gyro demonstrates the following two properties:
1) Gyroscopic inertia or Rigidity in Space:
It is the property of a free gyro to maintain the direction of spin axis towards a
fixed point in space.

2) Precession:
Precession is the movement of spin axis which takes place due to the
external torque applied on it. The direction of precession depends upon the
direction of spin of the wheel and the direction of applied torque
The direction of precession is always perpendicular to the direction of applied
Effect of Earth’s rotation on a free gyro
The spin axis of a free gyro kept on the earth’s surface keeps pointing towards a
fixed point in space ( any imaginary star ) As a star, which is assumed to be a fixed
point in space, follows an apparent path due to earth’s spinning motion, the spin
Axis of a free gyro also follows a similar path.
It is obvious from the above figure that a free gyro on the earth’s surface will
always follow a circular path around the celestial pole and will have the drifting as
well as tilting motion. And, therefore it cannot be used as a compass on ship.

Q-29- a-What are the types of damping ellipse gyro compass?

b- Explain one of them?
1. Damping in tilt
2. Damping in azimuth

1. Damping in tilt
In this method a force is applied in the horizontal plane (a torque to the vertical

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Which results in a precession in the vertical plane, reducing the tilt. This is the
method used in the Sperry MK 20.

2. Damping in azimuth
In this method a precession is developed which assists the movement in the
Plane when the axis moves towards the meridian, and opposes the movement
when the Spin axis moves away from the meridian (Torque applying to Horizontal

Q-30- If the gyrocompass reading course 345° (G) with speed 24kots
At latitude 60°
i-What is the gyrocompass error?
ii- what is true course should be steered?

Gyro error=

True Course to steer=345°−2.95= 342 °

Q-31- Calculate the course lat. & speed error of a gyro-compass when steering
160° (T) at speed 22 knots in latitude 43° south.
Gyro error=

- 1.8 Low

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-31- With aid of sketch explain one of:
A-Controlled ellipse of gyro scope at equator?
b- Controlled ellipse (undamping north seeking) in North-

Ans.a Controlled ellipse of gyro scope at equator

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Ans.b- Controlled ellipse (undamping north seeking) in North-hemisphere

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
Q-32- By aid sketch explain the spiraled of main axis in the North Hemisphere
in Damping in Tilt?


Q-33- Explain with aid of sketching the spiraled motion main axis of gyro the
Damping in Tilt in North Hemisphere?

Damping in tilt

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
In this method a force is applied in the horizontal plane (a torque to the
vertical axis) which results in a precession in the vertical plane, reducing the
tilt. This is the method used in the Sperry MK 20.


Tg =Tilting Dr= Drifting Pc= Control precession

Q-33- From your studies of gyroscope state the difference between damping
&undamping gyroscope.

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif

Q-34-Conversion of a free gyro into gyro compass?

1) Conversion of free gyro into gravity controlled gyro (undamped gyro)
To convert a free gyro into gravity controlled gyro, a small weight is attached
to the rotor casing in such a way that this weight passes through the vertical
axis of the gyro when the gyro axle is horizontal.
Whenever, the gyro axle is tilted due to earth’s spinning motion, the attached
weight comes out of the vertical axis and applies an external torque on the
spin axis. This torque being vertical leads to the precession of spin axis in the
horizontal plane.

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
2) Conversion of gravity controlled gyro into gyro compass (damped gyro)

to convert gravity controlled gyro into gyro compass / damped gyro, we need
to dampen the elliptical path followed by the spin axis.

This damping can be achieved in two ways:

a) By damping the horizontal axis of the ellipse (known as Damping in


b) By damping the vertical axis of the ellipse (known as Damping in Tilt).

Q-35-What is the FREE GYROSCOPE?


A free gyroscope consists of a heavy balanced wheel which can spin at

high speed about its axis of symmetry and having following 3

degrees of freedom:

a) Freedom to spin about spin axis

b) Freedom to drift about vertical axis

c) Freedom to tilt about horizontal axis

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif
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Captain: Mohammed Sharif

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Captain: Mohammed Sharif

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