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a. Sketch amidships section in bulk carrier?

b. How the bulk carriers double Bottom effect on cargo handling?
c. How loading and unloading procedures effect on bulk carrier construction?

d. Sketch a semi balanced rudder supported by two pintles for twin screw ship?
Enumerate examination to carry out in dry dock on the rudder arrangement.

Question 2:
a. State the measures that control the distribution of anodes on the surface to prevent the
underwater hull?

b. Describe with aid of sketch the construction of a corrugated bulkhead. What the
advantages of such a bulkhead compared with the normal plain bulkhead?

Question 3:
a. Specify with aid of diagrammatic sketch the structural arrangements at forward end to
withstand the effect of local pounding and panting stresses.
b. State the measures that control the distribution of anodes on the surface to prevent
the underwater hull.
c. State with aid of simple sketch 6 weld faults could be occurred in the joint?

Question 4:

a. Draw a mid-ship cross section through modern VLCC with double hull and longitudinal
b. What are the advantages of double hull?
c. Identify three regions where the use of higher tensile steel is recommended in VLCC?
What are the advantages of high tensile steel?
d. What is meant by cofferdams and where are they situated in oil tanker

Question 5:
a. Explain with sketches why and how the corrosion is liable to occur in ship hull steel under
and above water? The measures which can be taken to minimize this action

b. Enumerate the possible faults which may be found during dry docking inspection of the
I. Propeller
II. Bilge keel
III. Rudder
IV. Anchor chain
V. Anodes
VI Sea v/v and sea chest

Question 6:
a. Make a diagrammatic sketch of a watertight door, frame and closing gear, showing the
manner of attachment to the bulkhead and the additional reinforcement carried by the
bulkhead to compensate for the aperture.

b. What the routine maintenance must be carried out to ensure that the door is always in
working order?

c. Describe the purpose of bilge keel? Where and how is attached to shell plating at bilge

Question 7:
a. Explain with the aid of sketches what is meant by breast hooks and panting beams,
Stringer, giving approximate scantlings. Where are they fitted and what is their purpose?

b. State two main types of cathodic protection systems to prevent corrosion of external hull
structure under water? Describe in details either one?

Question 8:
a. Briefly describe destructive testing methods may carry out on welding joint to detect
weld faults? Specify which method is suitable for detecting either surface faults or
deep faults.

b. With reference to brittle fracture of ship building mild steel.

I. Explain what is meant by brittle fracture?
II. What conditions may increase chances of brittle fracture?
c. Sketch suitable description of the structural arrangement of the of hawse pipe

Question 9:

a. Explain in detail the forces acting on the aft end of a vessel. State the parts withstand their
b. There are two type of stern construction state the advantages of Transom stern fitted to a
Single screw ship comparing with the cruiser stern?
c. Describe with the aid of diagrammatic sketch the structure forward of the Collision
bulkhead of the Ship fitted with a bulbous bow, and briefly comment on the advantages of
fitting this bow to certain vessels

Question 10: Regarding for protection of hull

a. Show by simple sketch the fastening of Aluminum superstructure to steel main deck in
order to avoid bimetallic (galvanic) corrosion?
b. State two main types of cathodic protection systems to prevent corrosion of external hull
structure under water? Describe in details either one?

Question 11:
a. Explain with diagrammatic sketch where applicable the meaning of following terms:
(1)Bilge keel, (2) Elasticity of material (3) LR symbol: +100A1, (4) CPP.
b. Explain what is meant by class “A”, class “B” and Class “C” fire division? Give example of
fire divisions for passenger ship carrying more than thirty-six passengers.

Question 12:

With refer to watertight bulkheads and watertight door, answer the following:
a. Describe with aid of diagrammatic sketch the arrangement and operation of horizontal
sliding water tight door driven by hydraulic power?
b. Describe the construction of a corrugated bulkhead. What the advantages of such a
bulkhead compared with the normal plain bulkhead?

Question 13:

a. Describe the causes of corrosion in a ship's structure and the methods used to reduce
wastage. Explain one of them?
b. State the measures that control the distribution of anodes on the surface to prevent the
underwater hull?
c. Why anodes of magnesium are not permitted in cargo ballast tank and in adjacent tanks in

Question 14:

Describe the procedure adopted for testing of the following for water tightness:
I. A watertight door.
II. A hold-bulkhead in a dry cargo ship
III Hatch covers.
IV Rudder
V. double bottom tanks

Question 15:

a. State the Information and documents provided to dry dock staff before docking.
b. State the Inspections & Measurements carried out during dry dock.

Question 16:

a. Sketch midship section in a container ship showing the Torsion box arrangement, how the
torsion stresses are effect on the carrier structure,
b. What members of the vessel are affected by these conditions? What portions of structure
resist these stresses?


a. Explain with aid of diagrammatic sketches where applicable the meaning of following
(1)Free board (2) Forward collision bulkhead, (3) bulwark, (4) Brittle fracture, (5) Gross

b. Sketch amidships section in General Cargo ship with one twine deck?


a. Show by simple sketch the fastening of Aluminum superstructure to steel main deck in
order to avoid bimetallic (galvanic) corrosion?

b. Describe what is meant by pillars and their function? State three locations where pillars are
fitted? With aid of simple sketch show how they are connected to deck and tank top.

a. Explain with diagrammatic sketch where applicable the meaning of following terms:
(1) Moulded depth, (2) Elasticity of material (3) LR symbol: +100A1, (4) CPP, (5) Gross

b. High tensile steel now often replace mild steel in ship construction. State the types of
vessel in which these materials are used and give reasoned explanations why they have
replaced mild steel.
c. Describe with aid of simple sketch the hogging and sagging cases as a result of
longitudinal bending stress on ship structure caused by sea state? What portions of
structure resist these stresses?


a. Explain with diagrammatic sketch where applicable the meaning of following terms:
(1)Bilge keel, (2) Elasticity of material (3) LR symbol: +100A1, (4) CPP, (5) Panama fairlead

b. Describe with simple sketch how sagging or hogging could occur during incorrect loading
& discharging of cargo?


a.Define the following mechanical properties of ship building material?

• Fatigue
• Toughness
• Brittleness
• Hardness
• Brittle fracture

b.Describe with aid of sketches destructive test to be made on ship building steel in
accordance with classification societies’ requirements?


a. Briefly describe non-destructive testing methods may carry out on welding joint
to detect weld faults? Specify which method is suitable for detecting either
surface faults or deep faults.
b. Describe procedures of cleaning, preparation and painting of ship hull in dry


Sketch and describe a welded watertight bulkhead indicating plate thickness and stiffener
sizes. How is it made watertight? Show how ballast pipes, electric cables and intermediate
shafting are taken through the bulkhead, and the measures which can be taken to minimize
the risk of this opening.


a. What factors may lead to weld faults? State 5 methods of non-destructive tests which
may carry out on welded joint and specify which ones are good for detecting surface
cracks or deep internal defects? .
b. State the main causes for vibration stresses.

QUESTION 25 : With refer to anchor and anchor chain answer the following:
a. Describe with the aid of sketch the constructional features of chain locker.
b. What is meant by the terms: hawse pipe, spurling pipe, cable stopper ?
c. Explain how the inner end of anchor chain is fixed to the chain locker?
d. what kind of maintenance carried out for anchor chain in dry dock

QUESTION 26 : With refer to anchor and anchor chain answer the following:

a. Describe with the aid of sketch the construction of chain locker and show with aid of simple
sketch how the last chain link is secured to center line bulkhead between lockers?
b. What are the function of chain stopper and quick release mechanism?
c. Sketch suitable description of the structural arrangement of the of hawse pipe.


a. Describe with aid of sketches destructive to be made on ship building steel in

accordance with classification societies’ requirements?
b. Sketch and describe different types of rudder. How are they supported in the ship?


State two types of WT doors operated by electro-hydraulic power? Specify location of each
type reference to water line? Explain in details with aid of diagrammatic sketch the
arrangement and operation of either type?

a. Function of water tight bulkheads.
b. How bulk heads tested?
c. Where we use the longitudinal watertight bulkhead
d. Discuss the different stresses that acting on the watertight bulkhead
e. Explain what is meant by class “A”, class “B” and Class “C” fire division and its ratings?
Give example of fire divisions for passenger ship carrying more than thirty-six passengers.


a. What is meant by SPC antifouling paint, explain how it prevents the settlement of marine
organisms on ship hull under water?

b. Describe with aid of diagrammatic sketch the cathodic protection methods to prevent and
control corrosion of hull steel under water

c. Briefly describe the paint system on ship external hull which was divided to three regions

Question 31:

a. Briefly describe the paint system on ship external hull which was divided to three regions.
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum alloy?

c. Show how an aluminium superstructure is fastened to a steel deck. Explain why special
precautions must be taken and what would happen if no such measures were taken.

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