311146-FantasyArchetypes NoLayers

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Fantasy Archetypes

This document contains eight fantasy characters built

using the Savage Worlds core rules, based on common
archetypes, and suitable for most fantasy settings. The characters use standard equipment from the core
Each character has five different stat blocks, one for rules, however in some cases the equipment has been
each rank. There are also two different illustrations renamed to something more appropriate, in much the
per character, each on a separate page, so the PDF can same way that trappings can be applied to powers. For
be printed double-sided and players can choose which example, the necromancer’s “entropic staff” is simply a
side of their sheet they wish to use. renamed spear, the paladin’s “antique breastplate” is in
fact just a renamed bronze corselet, and so on.
Name None of the characters suffer any Encumbrance or
Minimum Strength penalties for their equipment, and
Each character has a default name. If you prefer to let the Novice characters all remain within the $500 limit
your players make up their own names, download the for starting gear. Clothes, scabbards, quivers, tack, etc,
other version of this PDF, as it has configurable layers are handwaved as “personal items,” and not listed.
which can be toggled before printing.
Backstory Interludes
Race The characters each include suggestions for Backstory
Characters are assumed to be human by default. They Interludes (see Savage Worlds). These provide a great
begin with a free Edge (which is already included), and opportunity for players to introduce their characters
have used their four Hindrance points to buy a second at the start of an adventure or campaign, or to break
Edge and raise one attribute. If someone would prefer up the action with a roleplaying scene—for example,
to play a non-human, they can simply apply one of the while the player characters are sitting by the camp fire
following choices: during a long journey, sharing tales from their past.
• Dwarf: Add Low Light Vision and Reduced Pace.
• Half-Elf: Add Low Light Vision and Outsider.
• Elf: Add Low Light Vision and All Thumbs.
Figure Flats
• Half-Folk: Add Luck, Reduced Pace and Size –1. The final page of this document contains a set of “tri-
• Half-Orc*: Add Infravision and Outsider. fold” Figure Flats, one for each character. Print out the
Do not add the attribute bonus normally granted by page, cut out the figures, fold along their interior lines
the race, as it is already factored in. Your character is to form a triangle, and glue the flap on the inside.
now assumed to have used all their Hindrance points Alternatively, you could just cut out the two colored
to buy their two Edges. sides and stick them together (perhaps with a piece of
* The Half-Orc starts with Strength d6, so this race can’t card between them, to add some weight). You can slot
be taken by the Mage archetype (who has Strength d4). these paper miniature into plastic board game bases.

Writing and layout by Richard “Zadmar” Woolcock.

Character illustrations by Forrest Imel.
Special thanks to Manuel Sambs, Charlotte Irrgang and Jan Jetmar for feedback and suggestions.

Fantasy Archetypes (no layers version 1) © 2019 Richard Woolcock.

Permission is granted to print this document for personal use only.
Any electronic distribution of this document is strictly forbidden.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality,
viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (3); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
her sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, Trademark Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), medium shield (+2 Parry),
thick hide jacket (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s son. Sadly, his mother didn’t approve of you,
and said that you’d never amount to anything. Her harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (3); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
his sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, Trademark Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), medium shield (+2 Parry),
thick hide jacket (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s daughter. Sadly, her father didn’t approve of
you, and said you’d never amount to anything. His harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Power Points
Powers: Bolt (lightning bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(mirage). Power Points: 15
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Power Points
Powers: Bolt (flaming bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(conjure mirage). Power Points: 15
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priestesses were harsh but
fair, giving you food and shelter, and educating you extensively in the ways of the church. You were grateful for
their generosity and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you
decided to take your vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priestesses helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d8, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d4, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Healer
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 10
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so your goddess could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your goddess, and her
love fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priests were harsh but fair,
giving you food and shelter, and educating you in the ways of the church. You were grateful for their generosity
and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you decided to take your
vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priesthood helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d8, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d4, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Healer
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 10
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so that your god could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your god, and his love
fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d8,
Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d8,
Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You were once a simple huntress, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your husband and son until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of her family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), bow
(Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, thick leather
jacket (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You were once a simple huntsman, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your wife and child until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of his family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), bow
(Range 12/24/48; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, thick leather
jacket (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You are the daughter of a minor noble, who sent you to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in
scholarly pursuits, but you were a strong lass, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to
fight. The abbess felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the
military arm of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d8,
Riding d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), medium shield (+2 Parry),
antique breastplate (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priest during your training, but
he had sworn a vow of chastity. Should your relationship
ever be discovered, he could be cast out from the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
As the third son of a minor lord, you were sent to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in scholarly
pursuits, but you were a strong lad, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to fight. The
abbot felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the military arm
of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d8,
Riding d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), medium shield (+2 Parry),
antique breastplate (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priestess during training, but
she had sworn a vow of chastity. Should the relationship
ever be discovered, she could be cast out of the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The woman took you under her wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of her order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith d8,
Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk)
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 10
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The man took you under his wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of his order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith d8,
Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk)
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 10
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions). Power Points: 10
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Novice (0 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions). Power Points: 10
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 11 (4); Toughness: 8 (3)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
her sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Trademark Weapon
(long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, splint
armor (+3), horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s son. Sadly, his mother didn’t approve of you,
and said that you’d never amount to anything. Her harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 11 (4); Toughness: 8 (3)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
his sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Trademark Weapon
(long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, splint
armor (+3), horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s daughter. Sadly, her father didn’t approve of
you, and said you’d never amount to anything. His harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers,
Power Points
Powers: Bolt (lightning bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(mirage), blast (ball lightning), invisibility (concealment).
Power Points: 15
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers,
Power Points
Powers: Bolt (flaming bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(conjure mirage), blast (fireball), invisibility (concealment).
Power Points: 15
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priestesses were harsh but
fair, giving you food and shelter, and educating you extensively in the ways of the church. You were grateful for
their generosity and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you
decided to take your vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priestesses helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Healer, Power
Points, Holy/Unholy Warrior
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 15
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so your goddess could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your goddess, and her
love fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priests were harsh but fair,
giving you food and shelter, and educating you in the ways of the church. You were grateful for their generosity
and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you decided to take your
vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priesthood helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d10, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Healer, Power
Points, Holy/Unholy Warrior
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 15
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so that your god could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your god, and his love
fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d10,
Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Acrobat, Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d10,
Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Acrobat, Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You were once a simple huntress, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your husband and son until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 8 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of her family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Trademark Weapon (long
bow), Marksman
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You were once a simple huntsman, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your wife and child until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 8 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of his family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Trademark Weapon (long
bow), Marksman
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You are the daughter of a minor noble, who sent you to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in
scholarly pursuits, but you were a strong lass, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to
fight. The abbess felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the
military arm of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d8,
Riding d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (3); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Brave
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priest during your training, but
he had sworn a vow of chastity. Should your relationship
ever be discovered, he could be cast out from the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
As the third son of a minor lord, you were sent to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in scholarly
pursuits, but you were a strong lad, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to fight. The
abbot felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the military arm
of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d8,
Riding d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (3); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Brave
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priestess during training, but
she had sworn a vow of chastity. Should the relationship
ever be discovered, she could be cast out of the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The woman took you under her wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of her order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d8,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Power Points
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 15
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The man took you under his wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of his order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d8,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Power Points
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 15
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points, Power Surge
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions). Power Points: 15
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Seasoned (4 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points, Power Surge
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions). Power Points: 15
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 13 (5); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
her sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Improved Trademark
Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s son. Sadly, his mother didn’t approve of you,
and said that you’d never amount to anything. Her harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 13 (5); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
his sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Improved Trademark
Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s daughter. Sadly, her father didn’t approve of
you, and said you’d never amount to anything. His harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (2), Rapid Recharge, Wizard
Powers: Bolt (lightning bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(mirage), blast (ball lightning), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (shock aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 20
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d4,
Research d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (2), Rapid Recharge, Wizard
Powers: Bolt (flaming bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(conjure mirage), blast (fireball), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (fiery aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 20
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priestesses were harsh but
fair, giving you food and shelter, and educating you extensively in the ways of the church. You were grateful for
their generosity and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you
decided to take your vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priestesses helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Common Bond,
Healer, Power Points (2), Holy/Unholy Warrior
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 20
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so your goddess could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your goddess, and her
love fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priests were harsh but fair,
giving you food and shelter, and educating you in the ways of the church. You were grateful for their generosity
and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you decided to take your
vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priesthood helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Common Bond,
Healer, Power Points (2), Holy/Unholy Warrior
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing). Power Points: 20
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so that your god could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your god, and his love
fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d10,
Thievery d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d10,
Thievery d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You were once a simple huntress, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your husband and son until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d6,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of her family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Trademark Weapon (long
bow), Marksman, Extraction
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You were once a simple huntsman, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your wife and child until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d6,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of his family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Trademark Weapon (long
bow), Marksman, Extraction
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You are the daughter of a minor noble, who sent you to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in
scholarly pursuits, but you were a strong lass, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to
fight. The abbess felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the
military arm of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 10 (3); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Counterattack,
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priest during your training, but
he had sworn a vow of chastity. Should your relationship
ever be discovered, he could be cast out from the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
As the third son of a minor lord, you were sent to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in scholarly
pursuits, but you were a strong lad, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to fight. The
abbot felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the military arm
of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 10 (3); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Counterattack,
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priestess during training, but
she had sworn a vow of chastity. Should the relationship
ever be discovered, she could be cast out of the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The woman took you under her wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of her order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (2)
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 20
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The man took you under his wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of his order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (2)
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift). Power Points: 20
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (2), Power Surge, New Powers
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead). Power Points: 20
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Veteran (8 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (2), Power Surge, New Powers
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead). Power Points: 20
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 14 (5); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
her sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Improved Trademark
Weapon (long sword), Combat Reflexes, Block, Iron Jaw
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s son. Sadly, his mother didn’t approve of you,
and said that you’d never amount to anything. Her harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 14 (5); Toughness: 10 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
his sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Frenzy, Improved Trademark
Weapon (long sword), Combat Reflexes, Block, Iron Jaw
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s daughter. Sadly, her father didn’t approve of
you, and said you’d never amount to anything. His harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d4,
Research d8, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (3), Rapid Recharge, Scholar (Occult),
Powers: Bolt (lightning bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(mirage), blast (ball lightning), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (shock aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 25
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d4,
Research d8, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (3), Rapid Recharge, Scholar (Occult),
Powers: Bolt (flaming bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(conjure mirage), blast (fireball), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (fiery aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 25
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priestesses were harsh but
fair, giving you food and shelter, and educating you extensively in the ways of the church. You were grateful for
their generosity and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you
decided to take your vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priestesses helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Common Bond,
Elan, Healer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, New Powers, Strong
Willed, Power Points (3)
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing), divination (commune), resurrection (raise dead).
Power Points: 25
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so your goddess could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your goddess, and her
love fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priests were harsh but fair,
giving you food and shelter, and educating you in the ways of the church. You were grateful for their generosity
and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you decided to take your
vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priesthood helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6, Occult
d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Common Bond,
Elan, Healer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, New Powers, Strong
Willed, Power Points (3)
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing), divination (commune), resurrection (raise dead).
Power Points: 25
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so that your god could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your god, and his love
fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d12,
Thievery d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief, Alertness, Luck, Scavenger
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d12,
Thievery d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief, Alertness, Luck, Scavenger
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You were once a simple huntress, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your husband and son until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of her family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Giant Killer, Marksman,
Steady Hands, Improved Trademark Weapon (long bow),
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You were once a simple huntsman, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your wife and child until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of his family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Giant Killer, Marksman,
Steady Hands, Improved Trademark Weapon (long bow),
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You are the daughter of a minor noble, who sent you to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in
scholarly pursuits, but you were a strong lass, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to
fight. The abbess felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the
military arm of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 11 (3); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Nerves of Steel,
Counterattack, Brave, Elan, Fame
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priest during your training, but
he had sworn a vow of chastity. Should your relationship
ever be discovered, he could be cast out from the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
As the third son of a minor lord, you were sent to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in scholarly
pursuits, but you were a strong lad, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to fight. The
abbot felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the military arm
of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 11 (3); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Champion, Charismatic, Nerves of Steel,
Counterattack, Brave, Elan, Fame
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priestess during training, but
she had sworn a vow of chastity. Should the relationship
ever be discovered, she could be cast out of the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The woman took you under her wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of her order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (4), New Powers, Concentration
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift), banish (dispel extradimensional
entities), blast (lightning strike). Power Points: 30
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The man took you under his wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of his order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (4), New Powers, Concentration
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift), banish (dispel extradimensional
entities), blast (lightning strike). Power Points: 30
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d10,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (3), Power Surge, New Powers (2), Channeling
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead), drain power points (feast of souls),
barrier (wall of bones). Power Points: 25
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Heroic (12 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d10,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (3), Power Surge, New Powers (2), Channeling
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead), drain power points (feast of souls),
barrier (wall of bones). Power Points: 25
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 16 (5); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
her sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Improved Frenzy, Improved
Trademark Weapon (long sword), Improved Block, Iron
Jaw, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Master
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s son. Sadly, his mother didn’t approve of you,
and said that you’d never amount to anything. Her harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You were born in a small farming village and grew up listening to tales of mighty heroes. The dull life of a farmer
held no appeal, so you signed up with the local lord’s army on your 16th birthday, and never looked back.
Soldiering proved very disappointing, however. You’d been expecting excitement and riches, not endless days
spent mucking out stables and cleaning latrines, and long nights standing watch in the freezing cold. So you quit
the army and signed up with a mercenary company instead, where your talents would be better appreciated.
Life as a mercenary was a definite improvement, but the work was unreliable, and it still didn’t pay as much as
you’d hoped. Eventually, you decided to go into business for yourself, and became an adventurer!

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Riding d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 16 (5); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Enemy (Minor: Former mercenary outfit),
Greedy (Minor), Quirk (Minor: Brags shamelessly about
his sword skills), Ruthless (Minor)
Edges: Soldier, First Strike, Improved Frenzy, Improved
Trademark Weapon (long sword), Improved Block, Iron
Jaw, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Master
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), long
bow (Range 15/30/60; Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ Back in your army days, a sergeant once tried to make
an example of you during a sparring match, hoping to
humiliate you in front of your unit. However, you turned
the tables on the old fool, beating him unconscious while
your friends cheered you on!
♥ Before you left to join the army, you fell in love with a
merchant’s daughter. Sadly, her father didn’t approve of
you, and said you’d never amount to anything. His harsh
criticism was the final straw that drove you to leave. But
sometimes, you wonder what happened to your love.
♦ You dream of one day returning to your village as a
rich and famous hero. Deep in your heart, you know you
could never settle down—but still, you would love to see
the expressions on the other villagers’ faces!
♣ You left the mercenary company on very bad terms. A
disagreement over a gambling debt led to bloodshed, and
the situation got totally out of hand. Worse still, it seems
that your former comrades still hold a grudge.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d4,
Research d8, Spellcasting d12+1*, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (4), Improved Rapid Recharge, Scholar
(Occult), Wizard, Investigator, Professional*
Powers: Bolt (lightning bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(mirage), blast (ball lightning), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (shock aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 30
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
You grew up in a coastal town, apprenticed to an old archmage who claimed to recognize your potential. But your
master seemed more interested in having a servant than a protégé and barred you from the advanced knowledge
you craved, claiming you weren’t ready, that such magic was far too dangerous. Over the years, your resentment
grew, and you made no secret of your discontent—the old man was holding you back from greatness!
Then one night, your master was ambushed on his way home, brutally beaten to death in the street. Witnesses
claimed to have seen you commit the crime, and you were forced to flee for your life. You took on a new name
and identity, but you fear that one day your past will catch up with you.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d4,
Research d8, Spellcasting d12+1*, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 6 (1)
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Driven (Minor: Master the
magical arts), Secret (Major: Accused of murder)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck, New Powers
(2), Power Points (4), Improved Rapid Recharge, Scholar
(Occult), Wizard, Investigator, Professional*
Powers: Bolt (flaming bolt), deflection (forcefield), illusion
(conjure mirage), blast (fireball), invisibility (concealment),
damage field (fiery aura), fly (levitate). Power Points: 30
Gear: Staff (Str+d4; +1 Parry; Reach 1), robes (+1)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have always been physically weak, and even as a
child, were often bullied by other children. The bullying
persisted after you became an apprentice, but you finally
put an end to it—using an illusion, you set a trap and
seriously hurt several of your would-be attackers. After
that, your tormentors learned to leave you alone.
♥ Even as a child you always loved tales of magic, and it
was your great passion for exploring the arcane arts that
first drew the attention of your former master.
♦ You have dedicated your life to the study and mastery
of magic, researching ancient mysteries and discovering
long-forgotten secrets. You believe you are destined for
greatness, and won’t allow anyone to stand in your way
or steal your destiny from you.
♣ After your master’s murder, you fled with nothing but
the clothes on your back and found yourself ill-prepared
for life on the road. You persevered, but you desperately
miss the comforts of the city.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priestesses were harsh but
fair, giving you food and shelter, and educating you extensively in the ways of the church. You were grateful for
their generosity and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you
decided to take your vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priestesses helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12+1*, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6,
Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Bolster, Common
Bond, Elan, Healer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, New Powers,
Power Points (4), Reliable, Strong Willed, Professional*
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing), divination (commune), resurrection (raise dead).
Power Points: 30
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so your goddess could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your goddess, and her
love fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
The holy order took you in as an infant after a band of raiders killed your parents. The priests were harsh but fair,
giving you food and shelter, and educating you in the ways of the church. You were grateful for their generosity
and for the opportunity they had given you, and it came as no surprise to anyone when you decided to take your
vows upon reaching adulthood.
Now you wander the land as a missionary, seeking to aid and protect the innocent, just as the priesthood helped
you. But these are dangerous times, and you dare not travel alone, so you seek the company of brave adventurers
to help you fight against the forces of darkness.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d4, Faith d12+1*, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Notice d6,
Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 8 (2)
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Vow (Major: Religious)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Bolster, Common
Bond, Elan, Healer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, New Powers,
Power Points (4), Reliable, Strong Willed, Professional*
Powers: Relief (divine touch), healing (cure wounds), smite
(blessing), divination (commune), resurrection (raise dead).
Power Points: 30
Gear: Divine staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), armored
robes (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once defended a village that was being targeted by
foul undead. The survivors were so grateful they wanted
to erect a statue of you! Instead, you requested they build
a church, so that your god could watch over them. Some
months later you passed through the settlement and saw
dozens of villagers attending a sermon at the church!
♥ There is no time for romance in your life, for you have
dedicated your body and soul to your god, and his love
fills your heart.
♦ You desire is to spread your belief far and wide, to see
others find peace and purpose in their lives.
♣ Not everyone can be saved. You still remember a small
village that was destroyed by a rampaging monster, a few
years ago. The villagers mocked your warning, laughing
in your face—but you took no pleasure in being proven
right. Every last man, woman and child was slaughtered
and devoured. You couldn’t find a single survivor when
you returned to the village the following day.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d12,
Thievery d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief, Alertness, Luck, Scavenger, Extraction,
Danger Sense, Improved Dodge
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You grew up in the slums of a large city, a place of danger and opportunity, where your nimble fingers and sharp
wits earned you a position in one of the street gangs. As you grew older, you continued honing your skills, joining
the thieves guild and making a name for yourself. But guild jobs often left you feeling unsatisfied, and you sought
out new and exciting challenges to test your mettle.
Eventually, you grew tired of city life and decided to travel, to explore the world and discover its secrets. It was
never the money that motivated you to become a thief, after all—it was always about the excitement, the thrill, the
challenge. You wanted to prove yourself, to show everyone how good you are.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting
d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d12,
Thievery d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Driven (Major: Prove you’re the best thief),
Enemy (Minor: Nobleman), Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Combat Acrobat, Connections (the thieves’ guild),
Streetwise, Thief, Alertness, Luck, Scavenger, Extraction,
Danger Sense, Improved Dodge
Gear: Short Sword (Str+d6), small shield (+1 Parry), two
knives (Str+d4; range 3/6/12), boiled leather armor (+2)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You once scaled the tower of the royal castle and stole
the princess’s favorite comb from her chamber. The next
night, you climbed the tower a second time and returned
the trinket, despite the heightened security, both baffling
and humiliating the royal guards!
♥ You’ve had your fair share of romantic flings, but even
when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s the thrill of the
chase that drives you. This attitude has led to trouble on
more than one occasion.
♦ Your occupation can be a highly profitable one, but it
requires some degree of anonymity. At the same time,
you secretly hope to be recognized and lauded for your
skills and achievements. It can be hard to balance these
two conflicting goals!
♣ You may be good, but your propensity for risk-taking
has its downsides. A few years ago, a particularly daring
robbery went horribly wrong. Although you managed to
escape, your mark—a rather influential nobleman—put a
price on your head, and every so often a bounty hunter
comes looking for you, hoping to collect the reward.
You were once a simple huntress, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your husband and son until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d12, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of her family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Giant Killer, Marksman,
Steady Hands, Improved Trademark Weapon (long bow),
Improved Extraction, Dodge, No Mercy
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You were once a simple huntsman, and you lived peacefully in the forest with your wife and child until one day a
band of outlaws brutally murdered them, while you were away. You spent the next few months hunting the killers
down, one by one, and exacting your revenge—but it was not enough to put your ghosts to rest. When you finally
faced the leader of the bandits, you recognized him as a poacher whose life you’d once spared.
Never again will you let your guard down, or show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, for they will only stab
you in the back as soon as the chance presents itself. Better to kill them when you have the opportunity, and save
your loyalty for those who have earned your trust and respect.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d12, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (2); Toughness: 9 (3)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major: Cold-blooded killer),
Loyal (Minor), Shamed (Minor: Death of his family)
Edges: Dead Shot, Woodsman, Giant Killer, Marksman,
Steady Hands, Improved Trademark Weapon (long bow),
Improved Extraction, Dodge, No Mercy
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), long bow (Range 15/30/60;
Damage 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), medium shield
(+2 Parry), chainmail armor (+3)

Backstory Interludes
♠ The band of outlaws broke up shortly after murdering
your family, due to some disagreement over loot. It took
months to track them all down, and you saved the leader
for last. By that point, he knew you were coming and had
hired bodyguards to protect him—but all that did was to
increase his terror, as you picked them off one by one.
♥ Your spouse and son were the two great loves in your
life, until they were stolen from you. There is no longer
any place for love in your heart.
♦ Your old life is gone forever, and you’ve taken revenge
against those who destroyed it. Now you look for a new
purpose in life, something to drive you forward—or at
least, something to take your mind off the past.
♣ You were once a kind and forgiving soul, and it was a
single act of mercy that led to the death of your family. If
you had simply killed the poacher, your family would be
alive right now. But it is a mistake you will never repeat;
you will do whatever is necessary to protect your friends
and adventuring companions from a similar fate.
You are the daughter of a minor noble, who sent you to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in
scholarly pursuits, but you were a strong lass, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to
fight. The abbess felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the
military arm of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 12 (4); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Elan, Champion, Charismatic, Improved
Nerves of Steel, Improved Counterattack, Brave, Famous,
Trademark Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priest during your training, but
he had sworn a vow of chastity. Should your relationship
ever be discovered, he could be cast out from the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
As the third son of a minor lord, you were sent to the monastery at a young age. You had little interest in scholarly
pursuits, but you were a strong lad, and one skill you had learned from your older brothers was how to fight. The
abbot felt that your headstrong nature and aggressive demeanor made you a much better fit for the military arm
of the church, and you lept eagerly at the chance to take up arms.
What you lacked in wits, you more than made up for in tenacity and brute strength—and with the guidance of
the church, you became a force to be reckoned with. Who cares about noble bloodlines? The church is a far more
powerful force, and you are one of their elite warriors, a knight of the faith.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d12, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion
d8, Riding d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 12 (4); Toughness: 11 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
Secret (Minor: Forbidden love)
Edges: Brawny, Elan, Champion, Charismatic, Improved
Nerves of Steel, Improved Counterattack, Brave, Famous,
Trademark Weapon (long sword)
Gear: Long sword (Str+d8), large shield (+3 Parry), plate
armor (+4), war horse

Backstory Interludes
♠ You have already fought and defeated several notable
enemies. The most recent victory was against an infernal
knight, who you slew in single combat.
♥ You fell in love with a priestess during training, but
she had sworn a vow of chastity. Should the relationship
ever be discovered, she could be cast out of the church,
and your own reputation would also suffer.
♦ Although you wouldn’t consider yourself particularly
ambitious, you are proud of your achievements, and find
it hard to resist the allure of fame and glory. You hope
that your name will go down in history, that you will be
remembered as one of the great heroes of legend.
♣ The church is powerful, and paladins are formidable
warriors—but victory should never be assumed, and evil
can never be underestimated. A few weeks ago you were
ambushed by a horde of ghouls and barely escaped with
your life. You had to return with reinforcements a week
later, and to your horror, you discovered that your fallen
companions had already joined the ranks of the undead.
You had to destroy them as well.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The woman took you under her wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of her order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (4), New Powers, Dodge, Combat Reflexes,
Frenzy, Quick, Concentration
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift), banish (dispel extradimensional
entities), blast (lightning strike). Power Points: 30
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
You grew up on the edge of civilization and learned at a young age how to set snares, follow tracks, and live off
the land. Your parents were outlaws, and they eventually fell foul of a local lord, who had them hunted down and
executed. You fled deep into the nearby forest, where you hid for several days before meeting a strange old druid.
The man took you under his wing and trained you in the ancient traditions of his order.
After your mentor’s death, you left your home in the forest and made your way back to civilization. These are
dark times, and you cannot protect Mother Nature if you spend your life hiding away like a hermit. Besides, the
lordling who killed your parents is still out there somewhere, and you hate leaving loose ends.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d10,
Fighting d8, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d8, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (2); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Obligation (Major: Protect the land and the
beasts), Illiterate (Minor), Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Beast Master (Tal
the hawk), Beast Master (Tal’s a Wild Card), Beast Bond,
Power Points (4), New Powers, Dodge, Combat Reflexes,
Frenzy, Quick, Concentration
Powers: Beast friend (animal whisperer), entangle (vines),
shape change (shapeshift), banish (dispel extradimensional
entities), blast (lightning strike). Power Points: 30
Gear: Heavy club (Str+d6), thick hide armor (+2), sling
(Range 4/8/12; Damage Str+d4), 20 sling stones, medium
shield (+2 Parry)

Backstory Interludes
♠ Even as a child, you managed to evade the local lord’s
soldiers and trackers for three days. They finally gave up
and returned empty-handed. Next time, you’ll have a few
new tricks to show them.
♥ You’ve always had a special affinity with animals, but a
few months ago you found an injured hawk and nursed
her back to health. You forged a powerful bond with her,
and now she accompanies you everywhere you go.
♦ While dreams of vengeance may put a smile on your
face, your real goal is far more pressing. Mother Nature
herself is under assault, and you must do everything in
your power to protect her.
♣ You recently encountered an undead beast who had
tainted and destroyed several acres of woodland. You put
an end to it, but the forest will take years to recover.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d10,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12+1*, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (4), New Powers (2), Channeling, Killer Instinct,
Power Surge, Soul Drain, Professional*
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead), drain power points (feast of souls),
barrier (wall of bones). Power Points: 30
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.
Some wonder what sort of dark past or twisted upbringing led you to become a necromancer, and you take great
pleasure in spinning horrifying tales of misery and woe. But the truth is, you had a very normal childhood, with
parents who loved and cared for you, and supportive siblings who went on to lead mundane lives. You first turned
to necromancy as a way of rebelling against your banal existence, but in the mysteries, you discovered something
that finally gave your life meaning: power.
You’d always felt special, but now the evidence is there for all to see. You wield power over life and death,
walking among the peasants like a wolf among sheep.

Game Statistics
Rank: Legendary (16 advances)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Occult d10,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d12+1*, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (1); Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic (Minor: Black magic has taken its
toll), Arrogant (Major), Hesitant (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Calculating, Power
Points (4), New Powers (2), Channeling, Killer Instinct,
Power Surge, Soul Drain, Professional*
Powers: Havoc (vengeful spirits), protection (bone armor),
summon ally (skeletal minions), puppet (possessing ghost),
zombie (animate dead), drain power points (feast of souls),
barrier (wall of bones). Power Points: 30
Gear: Entropic staff (Str+d6; +1 Parry; Reach 1), bone-
bound robes (+2), sacrificial dagger (Str+d4)

Backstory Interludes
♠ You were once attacked by a pair of adventurers while
exploring a crypt. The idiots seemed to think you were a
denizen of the filthy dungeon! Of course, you tore them
to shreds—you couldn’t ignore an insult like that.
♥ There is no place for love in your cold, shriveled heart.
However, you can understand why others would admire
you and seek your affections, and you’ve been known to
indulge them from time to time.
♦ Your driving desire in life is power, and you can never
get enough to sate your appetite. One day, you’ll be the
greatest necromancer in existence—but even then, it just
won’t be enough for you. It’ll never be enough.
♣ You once discovered an ancient grimoire of forbidden
magic, hidden in an abandoned library. Unfortunately, a
vicious curse had been laid upon the dusty book, and it
had a lingering impact on your health.

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