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Date Sessions/Workshops Start End Duration Event Assigned to Venue

Day 1 Thursday Welcome team

ADMINISTRATION 13:00 17:00 04:00 Registration KUH
May 12nd Tourism organization
Opening Ceremony
Day 1 Thursday Yasemin Gürsoy Özdemir, GSHS Director on behalf of the organizing committee
SOCIAL 13:15 13:45 00:30 KUH
May 12nd Hakan Orer, ORPHEUS Local performance artists
Zeynep Gürhan Canlı, Koç University Acting Dean
Session 1: Invited speaker 1:
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 13:45 14:15 00:30 Opening conference Robert Harris/Karolinska Institute ORPHEUS President KUH
May 12nd
Hakan S. Orer State of the ORPHEUS talk
Session 1:
Day 1 Thursday Invıted Speaker (online): Gundula Bosch/Johns Hopkins University, Invited Speeaker 2: Data
Main Title Chairs: 14:15 14:45 00:30 KUH
May 12nd "Graduate Science Education Reform: Preparing Critical Thinkers for Global Crises” reproducibility
Hakan S. Orer
Session 2: Oral Communications-1: PhD Monitoring and Consultation: bringing data to life
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 14:45 14:55 00:10 M.X. Hu, J. Cabanas-Danés Oral presentation 1 KUH
May 12nd
Bayram Yılmaz Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Session 2: Oral Communications-1: Evaluation of Supervision Systems by PhD students in Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Health Sciences.
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 14:55 15:05 00:10 Zahide Cavdar, Esin Ergonul, Yasemin Soysal, Duygu Harmanci, Aygul Cemre Sahin Cansu Gultekin, Ahmet Okay Çaglayan, Oral presentation 2 KUH
May 12nd
Bayram Yılmaz Dokuz Eylul University, Health Sciences Institute, Izmir
Session 2: Oral Communications-1: Development of a teaching module for PhD Candidates in Pharmacology
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 15:05 15:15 00:10 Kelly, John P., Finn, David P. and Ryan, Aideen E. Oral presentation 3 KUH
May 12nd
Bayram Yılmaz Discipline of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, NUI Galway, Ireland
Oral Communications-1: The impact of the COVID pandemic and online learning on the overall assessment of the quality of doctoral studies among second-year
Session 2:
Day 1 Thursday doctoral students in Kinesiology
Main Title Chairs: 15:15 15:25 00:10 Oral presentation 4 KUH
May 12nd Lana Ružić, Branka Matković, Đurđica Kamenarić
Bayram Yılmaz
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
Day 1 Thursday
BREAK 15:25 16:00 00:35 Tea/Coffee Poster Viewing BREAK KUH
May 12nd
Oral Communications-2: The effect of occupational anxiety of PhD candidates on their attitudes towards working outside academia
Session 2:
Day 1 Thursday Sema Askin Keceli, Bilsen Bilgili
Main Title Chairs: 16:00 16:10 00:10 Oral presentation 5 KUH
May 12nd Health Science Institute of Kocaeli University and Department of Microbiology
Bayram Yılmaz
Tourism Faculty, Tourist Guide Department and Career development Center, Kocaeli, Turkey.
Oral Communications-2 : Empowering students for an excellent Ph.D. and career path: the active role of students of the Doctoral College of the University of
Session 2: Ana Margarida Gonçalves, Tiago Vieira da Silva
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 16:10 16:20 00:10 Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho, Oral presentation 6 KUH
May 12nd
Bayram Yılmaz ICVS/3B’s - PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal 3Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), Institute of Social Sciences,
University of Minho
Coordinating Committee of the Doctoral College of the University of Minho, University of Minho
Oral Communications-2 : Evaluating and Comparing the Survey Results of PhD Candidates and Supervisors About Doctoral Education at Istanbul University
Session 2:
Day 1 Thursday Institute of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences
Main Title Chairs: 16:20 16:30 00:10 Oral presentation 7 KUH
May 12nd Baris Ertugrul, Meryem Sedef Erdal, Merva Soluk Tekkesin, Muge Sayitoglu, Zeynep Karakas
Bayram Yılmaz
Istanbul University, Institute of Graduate Studies in Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
Session 2: Oral Communications-2 : Focus on sustainable development in health and medical science PhD education
Day 1 Thursday
Main Title Chairs: 16:30 16:40 00:10 Havjin Jacob, Stefán Hjörleifsson, Martha C. Enger Oral presentation 8 KUH
May 12nd
Bayram Yılmaz Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway.
Session 2: Invited speaker 3:
Day 1 Thursday Invıted Speaker (online): David Resnik/NIH
Main Title Chairs: 16:40 17:10 00:30 Reproducibility and Research KUH
May 12nd “Reproducibility and Research Ethics”
Yasemin G. Özdemir Integrity
Day 1 Thursday
MEAL 17:10 19:00 01:50 Welcome reception Catering/Hot food/Sprits KUH
May 12nd

Day 2 Friday May

ADMINISTRATION 08:45 09:45 01:00 Registration
Day 2 Friday May BREAK 09:00 09:15 00:15 Tea/Coffee/Breakfast cookies Catering RF
Session 3:
Day 2 Friday May Invıted Speaker: Saeed Moghadam Saman/Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Invited speaker 4:
Main Title Chairs: John 09:15 09:55 00:40 RF
13rd "Collaboration with industry as learning opportunity during PhD education" Translational Research
Session 3:
Day 2 Friday May Invıted Speaker: Rana Sanyal/Boğaziçi University Invited speaker 5:
Main Title Chairs: John 09:55 10:35 00:40 RF
13rd "PhD with industrial sector orientation: start-ups and academia" Translational Research
Day 2 Friday May
BREAK 10:35 11:00 00:20 Tea/Coffee and poster viewing Catering RF
Day 2 Friday May Workshop 1: Career Opportunities for Post-docs, RF - SNA
Workshop session 1 11:00 12:30 01:30 Workshop moderators
13rd Moderator: Gülçin Sağdıçoğlu Celep/Gazi University 122
Day 2 Friday May Workshop 2: Matching Supervisor and Candidate Expectations, RF - SNA
Workshop session 1 11:00 12:30 01:30 Workshop moderators
13rd Moderator: Feyza Arıcıoğlu/(YÖKAK) Marmara University 159
Day 2 Friday May Workshop 3: Publishing PhD Thesis, RF - SNA
Workshop session 1 11:00 12:30 01:30 Workshop moderators
13rd Moderator: Tuğba Bağcı Önder/Koç University 103
Day 2 Friday May Workshop 4: Getting Ready for Labeling, RF - SNA
Workshop session 1 11:00 12:30 01:30 Workshop moderators
13rd Moderator: Gül Güner/İzmir Economy U. & Mike Mulvany/Aarhus U. 161
Day 2 Friday May
MEAL 12:30 13:30 01:00 Lunch Catering RF
Session 4:
Day 2 Friday May Invıted Speaker: John Creemers/KU Leuven Invited speaker 7:
Main Title Chairs: Sema 13:30 14:10 00:40 RF
13rd “Moving from international collaborations to a truly international university; the case of joint doctorates” Network Ecosystem Mobility
Session 4: Oral Communications-3 :Developing a National Programme for Supporting Research Supervisors in Ireland
Day 2 Friday May
Main Title Chairs: Sema 14:10 14:30 00:20 Janet Carton Invited speaker 8 RF
Keçeli University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland
Session 4:
Day 2 Friday May Invıted Speaker (online): Tansu Çelikel/Radboud University, Invited speaker 6: Network
Main Title Chairs: Sema 14:30 14:50 00:20 RF
13rd "Network Mobilty Ecosystem" Ecosystem Mobility
Session 5: Oral Communications-3: Labeling and Beyond
Day 2 Friday May
Main Title Chairs: Müge 14:50 15:00 00:10 Özlem Ülger Oral presentation 9 RF
Yemişçi Özkan Hacettepe University
Session 5: Oral Communications-3 : Engaging With Graduate Students: Scholar Studio Talks
Day 2 Friday May
Main Title Chairs: Müge 15:00 15:10 00:10 Burak Başaranlar, Ph.D., Naz Özkan, Librarian Oral presentation 10 RF
Yemişçi Özkan Koç University, Suna Kıraç Library
Session 5: Oral Communications-4 : Conditions for performing PhD supervisors’ duties at Medical faculty Foca
Day 2 Friday May
Main Title Chairs: Müge 15:10 15:20 00:10 Bokonjic D., Masic S. Oral presentation 11 RF
Yemişçi Özkan University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Medicine Foca
Day 2 Friday May
BREAK 15:20 15:35 00:15 Tea/Coffee Break Catering RF
Day 2 Friday May Session 6:
15:35 16:00 00:25 Orpheus General Assembly Admin RF
13rd General Assembly
Session 7: Prof. Michael J. Mulvany / Founding Member, ORPHEUS Invited speakers: RF
Day 2 Friday May
Main Title Chairs: Gül 16:00 17:15 01:15 Prof. Alexander Hasgall / Head of Council for Doctoral Education, EUA Invited speakers: RF
Güner Akdoğan Prof. André Nieoullon / Aix-Marseille University Invited speakers: RF
Day 2 Friday May
SOCIAL 17:15 17:30 00:15 Photo shoot SOCIAL RF
Day 2 Friday May
TRANSFER 17:45 18:45 01:00 Transfer to Gala Dinner SHUTTLE SERVICE
Day 2 Friday May
MEAL 18:45 22:00 03:15 Conference Dinner with live music Catering/dinner/ spirits/music

Day 3 Saturday
ADMINISTRATION 09:00 09:45 00:45 Registration
May 14th
Day 3 Saturday
BREAK 09:00 09:15 00:15 Tea/Coffee/Breakfast cookies Catering RF
May 14th
Session 8: Invited speaker 9: Institutional
Day 3 Saturday Invıted Speaker: Hakan S. Orer/Koç University
Main Title Chairs: 09:15 09:45 00:30 Review Board and Graduate RF
May 14th “Ethics committees and Graduate Projects: Any meaning for bioethics education?”
Robert Harris Projects
Session 8: Invited speaker 10: Pandemic
Day 3 Saturday Invıted Speaker: Julie Gould/Nature Jobs
Main Title Chairs: 09:45 10:15 00:30 Associated Academic RF
May 14th “How the pandemic widened scientists' mentoring networks”
Robert Harris Exhaustion
Day 3 Saturday Session 9:
10:15 10:30 00:15 Brief reports from morning workshops Workshop moderators RF
May 14th Main Title Chairs:
Session 10: Oral Communications-4 :Pivoting to Hybrid-Flexible Graduate Education: A Year-Long Institutional Experience and Lessons Learned
Day 3 Saturday
Main Title Chairs: Uğur 10:30 10:45 00:15 Zuhal Zeybekoğlu Oral presentation 12 RF
May 14th
Özbek Koç University, Office of Teaching and Learning
Session 10: Oral Communications-4 : Koç University Graduate School of Health Sciences PhD student Experience
Day 3 Saturday
Main Title Chairs: Uğur 10:45 11:00 00:15 Fatihan Pınarlık, Ezgi Yağmur Kala Oral presentation 13 RF
May 14th
Özbek Koç University, Graduate School of Health Sciences
Session 10: Oral Communications-4: Analysis of the satisfaction with the mentor training courses at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, 2019 and 2022
Day 3 Saturday
Main Title Chairs: Uğur 11:00 11:15 00:15 Tatjana Pekmezovic, Petar Milovanovic, Lazar Davidovic, Vladimir Bumbasirevic, Nebojsa Lalic Oral presentation 14 RF
May 14th
Özbek University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia
Session 10: Oral Communications-4: Acıbadem University Orpheus Experience: Structuring and Evaluation of the PhD Education in the Institute of Health Sciences
Day 3 Saturday
Main Title Chairs: Uğur 11:15 11:30 00:15 Günseli Bayram Akçapınar, Levent Altıntaş, Acıbadem Orpheus Committee, Uğur Özbek Oral presentation 15 RF
May 14th
Özbek 1 Institute of Health Sciences, Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, Istanbul, Turkey
Day 3 Saturday Session 10: Introduction to Orpheus 2023 and flag ceremony
11:30 11:40 00:10 Admin RF
May 14th Main Title Chairs:
Day 3 Saturday Session 10:
11:40 12:00 00:20 Conference closure Admin RF
May 14th Main Title Chairs:
Day 3 Saturday
MEAL 12:00 13:00 01:00 Lunch Catering RF
May 14th
Day 3 Saturday
SOCIAL 13:00 Social Program SOCIAL RF
May 14th

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