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Main text:1Sam 2:8b Psalm 11:3

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
The foundation is a key aspect of any structure, life or nation. Its very useful in determining its destiny. If
the foundation is not right, the building or destiny may never be accomplished. Today we shall study the
impact of foundations and what destroying them means.
A. There are different foundations – a Godly one and an evil one
1. The Goldy foundation built through Jesus Christ the rock – the one who builds on it is wise Mat 7:24 –
2. The evil foundation on which the builder builds on the sand – the foolish builder Mat 7:26
3. There is no middle ground – 1Kings 18:21
B. Foundations are built on certain things
1. Covenants and curses – these involve the shedding of blood of animals or birds – Gen 15:9 – 18,
Jer 31:31-32, Heb10:9-10
2. Altars -
3. Dedications – Samuel was dedicated to God
C. Dedications
1. Can be done at whatever stage in life but most times at infancy
2. They create cycles and patterns –
3. Lead to establishment of the dedicated person or thing into the realm of that greater power
dedicated to
D. on the altar, there are three things;
1. sacrifice (2Kings 3:27)
2. dedication -
3. monitoring (okulondoola) and spy network (okuketta)…. Mat 12:43 – 45
E. Other areas to read:
 1Sam 11
 The men of Gibeon and Joshua – who lied to him
 Laban who had small gods that Rachael stole
 Samson’s story – Delilah was a monitoring spirit
God began cycles – Gen 8:22 and the devil copied it and brought suffering
Evil conspiracy is formed at the altar
You become the character of the one you are dedicated to
Names are changed at dedication
1. Avoid sin
2. Remain faithful
3. Be humble

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