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Disusun Oleh :

M.AMARUNA SAHONA (2021110117)



Every day technology is developing in accordance with the development of the times,
especially in the use of computing technology which is increasing. Along with the times,
computing technology has achieved extraordinary convenience and comfort in carrying out daily
activities that are considered impossible and can be done in a short time, one of which is
commonly used is the internet (Disurya, Sardana, & Sardana, 2019).
Cloud computing or cloud storage support (Ismawan, Irfansyah, & Apriyani, 2019) can
provide convenience in the process of learning activities at school. With the limited condition of
the devices that schools have, they need storage beyond that.
Cloud computing is a combination of computer technology utilization with internet-based
development (Destiawati, Dhika, & Purnama, 2019). The cloud is a metaphor for the internet, as
clouds are often depicted on computer network diagrams. Cloud design requires a lot of
resources, for that temporary study can be done by configuring an existing cloud (Zulfa, Fadli, &
Ramadhani, 2017).
The problem is the lack of knowledge of teachers about cloud computing technology
while teachers are required to continue learning in particular, another thing is the use of cloud
computing as a data storage medium which of course can provide benefits in storing important
data, which can be accessed anywhere and anytime if needed with security that is very well
maintained so that it will ultimately reduce the use of paper in learning or paperless in the future
(Setya & Puspasari, 2015).

References :

Destiawati, F., Dhika, H., & Purnama, J. (2019). Perbandingan Cloud Computing Microsoft
Onedrive , Dropbox , dan Google drive. (58).
Disurya, R., Sardana, L., & Husnulwati, S. (2019). Sosialisasi Praktik dan Perlindungan
Pengguna Internet di Sma Negeri 1 Sungai Liat. Jurnal PKM: Pengabdian Kepada
Masyarakat, 02(02), 167–175.
Ismawan, F., Irfansyah, P., & Apriyani, D. D. (2019). Pengoptimalan Cloud Storage – Google
Drive sebagai Media Pembelajaran untuk Guru SMP dan SMA. Jurnal PkM
Setya, O., & Puspasari, D. (2015). Penggunaan Aplikasi Google Drive Sebagai Penunjang.
Ilmu Sosial, 15.
Zulfa, M. I., Fadli, A., & Ramadhani, Y. (2017). Model Infrastruktur dan Manajemen Platform
Server Berbasis Cloud Computing. Jurnal Infotel, 9(4), 394. https://do i.org/10.2089

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