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NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ /10

Energy accounts for over two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions. If we don’t address this issue, we will be
close to hitting the 1.5°C temperature rise in the near future. (paragraph 1)
At the same time, 759 million people lack access to electricity, and 2.6 billion people do not have access to clean
cooking solutions. This is another crisis for humanity. Billions of people are being left behind in energy poverty,
which impacts almost every aspect of what it means to live modern, dignified lives. Lack of electricity impacts
healthcare, education, food security, public safety, and economic opportunity. Without clean cooking solutions,
smoke inhalation prematurely kills nearly four million people a year – most of those being women and children.
(paragraph 2)
These two challenges – the climate crisis and the energy crisis – are closely linked and require urgent action. It’s not
one or the other; we must do both. In fact, we will not be able to achieve the agenda 2030 and limit rising
temperatures unless we tackle energy poverty. (paragraph 3)
While developing countries must invest heavily into green economies, we must also ensure that adequate
investments flow to low-emitting, energy-poor countries to grow their economies and achieve Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) 7 – having affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. (paragraph 4)
Developing countries need investment and technical support in creating and implementing renewable energy.
Countries need to respond to the aspirations of their populations by providing sufficient and reliable energy for
development. This is what a just, equitable, and inclusive clean energy transition would look like. (paragraph 5)

1. Find a synonym in the text for the following words. (0.25 each- 2 points)

a) Increase (p.1): e) To address/ deal with (p.3):

b) To affect (p.2): f) To spend money (p.4):
c) Connected (p.3): g) To give (p.5):
d) Actually (p.3): h) Fair (p.5):

2. Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Justify ALL your answers. (5 POINTS)
a) Unless we deal with greenhouse gas emissions, there will be an increase of 1.5 degrees.

b) Not having electricity access affects many areas of your life.

c) There is a small number of people dying every year because of breathing smoke.

d) Solving energy poverty will also contribute to deal with climate change and reach the Agenda 2030.

e) Developing countries should help developed nations economically and technically.

3. Choose the correct option. (2 POINTS)

1. Energy is responsible for…
a) Half of the world’s gas emissions.
b) Less than half of the world’s gas emissions.
c) More than half of the world’s gas emissions.

2. The most vulnerable groups when we talk about health/breathing problems are…
a) Women and kids.
b) 759 million people.
c) 4 million people every year.

4. Answer in your OWN WORDS. (1 POINT)

What should developing countries do? (3 ideas)

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