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Respiratory diseases

Cold and Flu

It is a viral infection. So cannot be treated by antivirals instead we use immunostimulators.

We use immunostimulatory plants:

1. Vitamin C containing plants: (Rosehip, Black Currant, unripe walnut, pine needles) they are
also sweat inducers. So this is a way to decrease the body temperature.
2. Ginger can also be used as immunostimulatory.
3. Linden Flower (Tilia), Elder flower (sambucus): sweat inducers and immunostimulators.
4. Best: Echinecea purple - immunostimulatory plant, ANTI-Viral. Echinacea is the strongest stimulates specific and non specific immune system. It increases
macrophages which increase non specific effect, which in turn increases interleukins (specific
immunity). They are contraindicated to pregnant women.
5. Adaptogenic: (Ginseng,radiola, Schizandra): they also have Immunostimulatory effect but for
long term administration. They are used for prevention of flu, not after patient gets sick.


Decongestants used as they cause vaso-constriction of vessels in mucous membrane.

1. Peppermint: decongestant and anti-microbial effect………..most useful plant. It has menthol

which has decongestant effect and cooling effect.
It dilates coronary vessels but at same time it constricts peripheral vessels in nose..
Chemical Disadvantage: increase blood pressure, they dry nose mucous membrane
Peppermint oil is good for rhinitis caused by both bacterial and allergic rhinitis.
2. Eucalyptus: decongestant and anti-microbial. Also used for all types of rhinitis.
3. Pine tree oil: strong anti-microbial, only used in case of bacterial Rhinitis
Not used in case of allergic rhinitis
4. Onion oil.- also good for rhinitis, used after dilution
(so peppermint and eucalyptus used in case of both bacterial and allergic rhinitis).


We have 2 types: acute and chronic bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis occurs due to bacterial infection.(when untreated cold or flu occurs). So
antimicrobials are mainly used.

We can use plants with 3 properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects.

1. Anti-microbial: peppermint, Eculyptus, Thyme. They also have anti-inflammatory effects.

2. Anti-inflammatory: (yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, sage leaves, mint
leaves), Astringents (tannins) ((Sage has anti-inflammatory effect but cant be use internally it
leads to nausea and vomiting)
3. Expectorants:
A. Dilators of mucous: Mucilage containing plants (marshmellow roots, plantain leaves, colts
foot, flax seed) colts foot toxic in large doses.
B. Irritators of Bronchi: (elecampane, Primrose(saponin containing), Liquorice, Sweet
Fennel, Ani seed)

We can use combination of both.

In case of Dry Cough, only plant used is Thyme.

Thyme has antimicrobial, spasmolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory action also.

THYME SIDE EFFECT: reduce thymus gland activity, and Hypotensive effect. Thyme removes
iodine from body causing hypothyroidism.

Throat Inflammation

1. Demulcents

- Plants containing mucilage

- M.OA: covers mucus membrane

- E.g., Marshmallow roots, flax seeds, plantain leaves, colts foot leaves

2. Anti-inflammatory plants

- E.g., Yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, sage leaf, mint leaf, etc

3. antimicrobials- tannin containing plants are used. They form complexes with albumin on
mucous membrane making an impermeable layer to water.

Eg billbery fruits, tormentil rhizome, common bistort rhizome.

4. Mucous regenerators- relieves pain.

Carotenoid oil-calendula oil,st. john warts, sea buckthorn fruits.
5. Saliva secretion increasers- saliva acts as the first barrier to microbe. Increase in saliva can be
by bitter compounds. Eg ginger rhizome, dandelion, wormwood, cinnamon bark etc
Bronchial Asthma

It can be either allergic or not . but most commonly it is hypersensitivity reaction

1. Eucalyptus- strong anti-inflammatory

2. Thyme – bronchodilator, spasmolytic
3. Pine tree oil- strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

For children for prevention of Asthma Attack(live twice an year in a pine forest)

4. Khella: it causes vasodilation. it is a strong bronchodilator and is used for asthma attacks. it
causes calcium influx into the smooth muscles causing dilation. but it causes so many side
effect because it is not selective.


In TB, lung tissue will be damaged.

Silicic acid containing plants: they are strengthening lung tissues. (Horse tail, Knot grass-Polygonum
aviculare) good for all lung diseases.

+ we do adjunctive Pharmacological treatment includes-aminoglycosides/streptomycin and

Fluoroquinolenes, rifampicin.

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