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May 10, 2023


Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or

thought that makes one feel frustrated, angry, or nervous and stress is a normal part of one’s

daily life but over time, sustained stress may lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease,

hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and other illnesses, as well as mental health disorders like

depression or anxiety.

The De-Stressing and Recreational Center is a place where everyone can stay to take a break

from stress. This project will allow the university students as well as the teachers to unwind

without going anywhere far. This Center not only promotes wellness but will also have a great

impact on the University’s economy.

A lot of students suffer from Stress and according to the survey that we conducted from May 8 to

May 9, 2023, we found that 38.1% of students suffer from Anxiety which makes it the main

cause of stress among the students. This stress affects their mental and emotional being which

results in a lack of concentration, exhaustion, trouble sleeping, and at some, it may lead to

health-related problems. It is important to oneself to take care of their health by letting go of the

stress in many ways possible. It could be a hobby or something different that definitely want to


The De-stressing and Recreational Center hope to achieve the following outcomes:

1. Through games and exercises will make student feels better and cope with their everyday


2. This project will allow students to find the best strategies to cope with their problems.

3. Destressing activities will distract them from their worries.

4. Let them calm and have time for themselves and let them unwind and release tension built up

from their problem.

The immediate outputs of this project are:

1. To reduce the rate of the student getting stress

2. Lowering the stress level of the student.

3. Help students to combat their mental stress and anxiety.

4. Help students to learn healthier ways to manage their emotions.

5. Prevent students from their harmful thoughts or action.


Upon gathering information, the proponents came up with the following:

1. Gather the data from the Student of Mindanao State University using a survey questionnaire,

identifying what de-stressing and recreational activities they tend to do to cope-up with stress.

2. Identify the major activities with the highest percentage from the survey.

3. Conception. Creating a vision of the possible project outcome.

4. Project Planning. This will include land visitation, measuring land, and dividing it into

different rooms. Zoning out the land base on its geographical location

5. Drafting a possible design for the whole project.

6. Finalizing the design by creating an illustration of the possible outcome.

7. Create the construction documents. This will include the permission and contract with the

government if the property is public and buying of property if it is private. Making and checking

papers are the most important part. The contract should be validated with the signature of each

person involved.

8. Team and Delivery Method Selecting. Choosing the right partners to work within this project.

9. Preconstruction and Procurement. This involves planning the construction process, budgets,

schedules, and other factors essential for completing the project. The team will iron out the

details of permitting and land development. Revisiting the geographical features of the site, and

finalizing the specific requirements of the municipality will be done in this step.
10. Construction. The beginning of the actual designing. The construction team will be on-site to

manage subcontractors, ensure work is being performed correctly, keep the site safe, and keep

the team on schedule. The design team will perform an on-site visitation to ensure that the

project is in line with the goals and vision.

11. Collection of receipts and tallying the total cost before submitting it to the sponsor for


12. After the Construction buying of equipment and materials needed for the De-stressing and

Recreational Center will now commence. The needs and designs, including the furniture and

decorations of the building, shall be purchased.

13. Placing and buying everything, it must still go for a check-up. Look for a lack or unnecessary


14. The Final Checking. This step is the last step of the project, making sure everything is in

according with the said plan, goals, and vision.

15. Invitation. the making a letter of invitation, and delivering it to the Municipality Mayor and

its constituents as well as the President of Mindanao State University, publicly informing of the

newly constructed center. Importantly, do not forget to send letters to the sponsors and those

people who have been part of the completion of the Center.

15. The Ribbon Cutting. This Event will showcase the Newly opened De-stressing and

Recreational Center to the public.

16. Marketing. Post it on social media, the day when to open the center giving a little picture of

what is inside and a description of the De-stressing and Recreational Center.


Below indicates the timetable regarding the completion of steps in a span of a year.

Week 1 Year
Steps 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5
week week weeks weeks weeks weeks

Below is the list of possible risks that the center may face.
1. A customer contains a lot of stress that he or she cannot handle it anymore.
Where he/she converts the stress to force or most probably converts the
stress to uncontrollable behavior.
2. When a customer having stressed, brings a firearm or any harmful tools that
may result from threatening behavior inside.
3. When there is a fight between the customers given that they are having
4. When the customer is angry and is about to explode because of stress.
5. Maintaining the cleanliness of the Center.
6. When the building will be on fire.

There are solutions that we can offer for those risks or challenges mentioned
1. We will conduct seminars for the staff relating to stress. How to handle
people with stress and different kinds of stress with an expert speaker. We will also
give a highlight talk to the hired psychiatrist so they can have their own building of
the relationship. We will also conduct a seminar on Public Speaking so they cannot
have a problem dealing with and talking to the customers. Most importantly a
seminar for proper hygiene and cleanliness for the self and workplace since they
will be dealing with people and co-staffs.
2. We will hire a psychiatrist so people who have stress can talk to her/his
room. He/she also can assess customers or ask questions if possible if the Center
really does give help to them.
3. We will also hire two guards for keeping the peace in the Center. He can
confiscate firearms or any harmful tools.
4. We can also hire a janitor for maintaining the cleanliness of the Center.
5. We also have a fire exit in case the building will be on fire.

Land visitation Owned by the University In progress
10,000.00 -
Checked by the
officials, construction
Zoning In progress
engineers, and the design 12,000.00 -
Drafting and
Done by the design Needs
finalizing the
team Review 120,000.00 -
Done by the
Pre- Needs
construction engineers
Construction Review 550,000.00 -
and staff
Done by the
Construction construction workers under Needs
(Labor) the guidance of the head Review 1,930,276.40 -
Materials Purchased by the Needs
(Equipment, tools) design team. Review 4,825,691.00 -
Furniture and Hand-picked by the Needs
Fixtures team. Review -
Hand-picked by the
design team in Needs
accordance with the Review 100,000.00 -
project’s vision.
Emergency Will be used if Needs
Funds necessary. Review 100,000.00 -

TOTAL 8,027,307.4 -

This Financial Requirement is tangible and estimated by the proponents. It is

negotiable depending on the sponsor’s liking.
The estimated area for the whole project is 30 x 25 = 750 square meters. Each
room will have a different area depending on its purpose.
• Floor plans
1st Floor – Receiving Area, Craft Corner, Karaoke and Music Room

2nd Floor – Lounging Area

3rd Floor – Rooftop

De-Stressing and Recreational Center - Front View

De-Stressing and Recreational Center - Back View

De-Stressing and Recreational Center – Left and Right Wing View

De-Stressing and Recreational Center – 1st Floor (Fully Furnished Plan)

De-Stressing and Recreational Center – 2nd Floor (Fully Furnished Plan)

De-Stressing and Recreational Center – 3nd Floor (Fully Furnished Plan)

De-Stressing and Recreational Center – Aerial View


The sponsor can benefit from the following:

1. This project can be marketable.

2. This project can increase public branding.

3. Good publicity.

4. Can provide credibility.

5. Gain audience insights.

6. Return investments.

7. Can give good exposure.

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