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Lab #: 2

Date: February 15, 2022

Title: Acids, bases and salts – Preparation of an Insoluble Salt
Aim: To prepare an insoluble salt
Apparatus/Materials: Aqueous Lead (II) Nitrate, aqueous potassium iodide, distilled water,
measuring cylinder, filter paper, filter funnel, beaker, stirring rod
Diagram of Apparatus:

1. 75cm3 of lead (II) nitrate was measured using a measuring cylinder and added to a
2. 75cm3 of potassium iodide was measured in a measuring cylinder and added to the
beaker containing the lead nitrite. The mixture was stirred using a glass rod
3. A filter paper was placed into a filter funnel and the researchers filtered the mixture
through this filter paper and into a beaker
4. The residue was rinsed with distilled water and put to dry
5. The filter paper was secured for grading
After the lead nitrate and the potassium iodide were mixed. A mixture of yellow, unmixed
yellow bubbles settled down and allowed a transparent, yellow liquid to rise.
The filter paper was placed into a funnel and the yellow mixture was poured through the
funnel to be filtered. The liquid filtered out slowly and appeared clear with a slight tint of
The mixture that remained in the filter paper appeared like a powder. Its texture seemed dry.
After the residue was again rinsed with distilled water, it remained dry and maintained the
same, powdery texture.
1. Background information: what is salt? What type of reaction occurred? Discuss the
solubility of the salt formed
2. Discuss observations giving explanations for the solubility of the product, the type of
mixture formed after reaction occurred, why this separation technique was chosen and
what residue and filtrate were formed
3. Write a chemical equation to represent the reaction
4. Write an ionic equation to display the reacting species
5. State the reason for rinsing the residue

Source of error:




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