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Ancient Artifacts That Should Not Exist

lolik4 on Friday, April 30 @ 20:56:37 PDT

Strange discoveries of objects that should not exist have often placed a huge question mark against what we know of the
world. Particularly compelling is the evidence that suggests that deep in antiquity Mankind was considerably more advanced
than we have ever dared to imagine. At the very least these finds encourage us to ask deeper questions concerning the world
that once was. For only through a spirit of true inquiry can we ever hope to acquaint ourselves with these forgotten pages of
our planets history. Let us then examine a few of these finds, and see what conclusions can be drawn: (read more)

The Coso Artifact.

In 1961 a strange stone was found in the Coso Mountains of California. Strange, because when it was sawed open
it was found to contain a bizarre mechanical device. This comprised of an hexagonal layer of some unknown
substance, which surrounded an inch thick porcelain cylinder, which in turn contained a shaft of bright metal
around 2 mm in length. Around the porcelain cylinder were rings of copper, which remarkably showed no signs of

Later examination at the Charles Ford Society confirmed the device as some kind of mechanical instrument.
Photographs taken of the object showed the metallic shaft fixed to a tiny spring. This led to it being labelled as some form of electrical device. Experts who examined it compared
it to a spark plug.

This was remarkable enough, but when geologists insisted that the rock in which it was encased was over half a million years old, the mystery sky rocketed. What was it doing
there? How had it got there? On the face of it there was no plausible answer. Just the unthinkable - that this was a relic from a past era of high technological advancement - one
that existed over half a million years ago.

The Morrisonville Enigma.

In 1891 there was an even more remarkable find. A woman in Morrisonville Illinois was shovelling coal when a piece broke open in front of her. To her astonishment she found it
contained a beautiful gold chain of elaborate workmanship. The local newspaper gave the following account:

'Mrs Culp thought the chain had been dropped accidentally in the coal, but as she undertook to lift the chain up, the idea of its having been recently dropped was shown to be
fallacious, for as the lump of coal broke, it separated almost in the middle, and the circular position of the chain placed the two ends near to each other; and as the lumps
separated, the middle of the chain became loosened while each end remained fastened to the coal.....' Nor was the Morrisonville incident the only one of its kind. In 1844 an
unidentified gold artifact was discovered in a quarry in England.

Workmen blasting granite, came across the discovery of an item of gold thread about eight feet below the surface. It was embedded in rock thought to be over 60 million years
old. Experts sent at the behest of the Times newspaper concluded that the object had been artificially manufactured, but ventured no opinion as to how it could have found itself
embedded in rock so unimaginably old.

The Salzburg Cube.

In 1885 a block of coal was found to have a strange steel cube embedded inside of it. Later tests confirmed it to be artificially manufactured and experts were astonished. The
edges were sharp and straight, and there was little doubt that this was a machine made instrument that seemed part of a much larger instrument.

The Rhodesia Man Mystery.

In 1921 the discovery of a Neanderthal skull in Rhodesia revealed an astonishing mystery. The skull had been pierced by a high velocity projectile, similar to a bullet. Mysterious,
because it was disclosed that this injury must have occurred at the moment of death, and not afterwards. It meant that whoever fired the fatal bullet must have fired it many
thousands of years ago. In his book Secrets of the Lost Races, author Rene Noorbergen had the following to say: 'A German forensic authority from Berlin has positively stated
that the cranial damage to Rhodesian man's skull could not have been caused by anything but a bullet'.

The fact that the skull was found fully 60 feet below the surface of the ground attested to the fact that this was no recent injury, and experts were baffled. Even so certain
conclusions seemed obvious: The most apparent of these was that in times considered too remote for intelligent life, this creature had been gunned down by a high velocity
weapon. The neat entry point of the wound testified to the great speed of the projectile, which had created a perfectly rounded hole.

Ancient computer.

One of the most significant finds that gives undisputed evidence of hitherto unsuspected ancient knowledge is the so called Antikythira device ! This mysterious mechanism
comprising of a series of interlocking cogs and wheels was found at the site of an ancient shipwreck just off the Greek island of Antikythira. Straight away it became apparent that
this was something extraordinary, and although heavily corroded, radiograph examination revealed the existence of a precision instrument of great complexity. A differential turn
table with interlocking cogs testified to its high degree of craftsmanship. But what was it?

At first experts dubbed it a navigational instrument, but detailed investigation revealed it to be something a good deal more complex. Certain similarities with later astronomical
instruments led to it being labelled a planisphere - a calendrical device that gives the year round positions of stars and planets. Other inscriptions, unfortunately damaged, seemed
to refer to zodiacal positions with a degree of accuracy that involved considerable expertise.

Important Questions.

Incredibly the wreck from which the device was salvaged dates back to nearly one hundred BC. This created an immediate stir. Such refined craftsmanship was at that time
unknown, and was to remain so until the 16 th century. Now suddenly this fortuitous find raised important questions. For this kind of precision instrument to exist there must
equally have existed a sophisticated method of production. But up until that moment no hint of such capability had ever been found.

Awesome achievement.

So what can we make of the Antikythira device ? Is it just an archaeological oddity - a simple aberration to the established order, or does it represent the tip of a vast treasure of
unexplained ancient technology?

In our opinion this strange instrument categorically places the technology of it's era in a completely different light. We are seeing something that should not have existed for over
1500 years, and once again we are left in awe at achievements that leap out across the void that separates our understanding of these distant ages. But whatever the meaning
and function of the Antikythira device, we must not forget that it's importance represents no more than a small gem in a large crown of strange and magnificent finds.

Global Catalogue.

No corner of the globe is without some strange enigma of things that seem impossible to explain. Indeed the catalogue of these finds is highly impressive. Ancient lenses polished
as finely as any we have today - pieces of an ancient battery, magnificent astronomical observatories, sophisticated toys resembling heavy earth moving equipment - these are
only a small element of a rich vein of finds that is slowly extending our perception of ancient times. There is even evidence that ancient man may have flown in aircraft.

It is a known fact that ancient druidic legends speak of frequent flights using the power inherent in ley-lines. By some unknown means these ley-lines were capable of raising
flying machines that according to author Rene Noorbergen regularly flew backwards and forwards between England and Greece. He writes: ' Druidic tradition tells of such heroes
as Mog Ruith, Bladud and the magician Abiris, who possessed flying vehicles activated by the ley-line energies and were able to travel in them as far as Greece'.

Ancient electrical supply.

Particularly compelling is evidence of an ancient electrical supply. This seems to have been utilised much as we use electric current today.

One area especially rich in evidence of this sort is ancient Babylonia and Persia. A discovery of several clay pots excavated in Iraq revealed an amazing discovery. Each of the pots
appeared to have been soldered with a lead/tin alloy, topped with copper discs, sealed with bitumen. Far sighted investigators discovered that when a mixture of copper sulphate
and acetic acid was added to the pots it produced around 2 volts of electricity. Over the years many more electric cells were discovered, almost as if this was part of a mass-
produced industry. Also of amazing importance is the discovery of electroplated gold jewelry using a technique only recently discovered in this modern age.

Strange Lamps.

Written evidence in mystical Hebrew literature speaks of strange energy sources and of lamps that 'lit themselves'!

Also strange, are seafaring stories from the last century. More than one sea-man described strange orb like lamps hung by natives in the jungles of South America. These lamps
were apparently self-sustainable utilising a source of energy that seemed impossible to explain. In 1601 a Spanish writer and explorer who followed the Conquistadores to South
America wrote of a strange pillar on which was a brilliant white object that illuminated the whole of the surrounding area to quite some distance.

The ancient historian and travel writer Pausanias, once wrote of a temple with a light that burnt continuously for at least a year. Even more amazing is the account of the
discovery of the sepulchre of Pallas near Rome. This was said to have been lit by a light source that had kept the interior of the chamber illuminated for over two thousand years.

Medical Knowledge.

Unusual early knowledge of medical procedure is another strange aspect of the ancient world. Perhaps the most bizarre evidence of this sort concerns the discovery of numerous
skulls from the Neolithic age that appear to have been trepanned.

In his book Colony Earth, author Richard Mooney explains the process in the following terms. 'Trepanning today is an operation in which a section of bone in the skull is removed,
either to ease pressure caused by a tumour or blood clot, or to remove splinters of bone caused by a skull fracture, and the cavity closed by a plate. The operation is hardly minor
and requires great skill and care to perform. It is difficult to believe that Neolithic man - if he was, as has been thought, extremely primitive - could have carried out such
operations with the crudest techniques, a flint knife, and no anesthetics or notions of hygiene'.

Apparently survivors of this treatment later went on to live for years afterwards. This in itself was remarkable, as even in relatively recent times patients undergoing surgery had a
high mortality rate from infection or blood poisioning.

Soviet Finds.

Particularly well documented evidence of ancient cranial surgery comes to us from research in the former Soviet Union. Examination of several skulls found at the site of
Ishtikunuy near Lake Sevan in Armenia, revealed a highly developed technique of skull surgery employed over 4000 years ago. One patient had suffered a serious head injury,
presumably leaving sensitive brain tissue exposed. Despite these difficulties the surgeons of the day had neatly plugged the fracture using a carefully shaped wedge of animal
bone. From the way the patients bone tissue had enveloped the plug, it was possible to deduce that the woman had survived the operation and went on to live for quite some time

Ancient brain surgery.

Soviet scientists uncovered even more starling evidence, this time involving surgery directly on the brain. It was found that one woman had been successfully operated upon to
remove an inch wide object that smashed through her skull. This had penetrated directly to the brain. Sensationally the surgeons of the day were able to cut around the object to
remove the splinters, before closing up the wound using animal bone. Once more the patient was able to live on for many years afterwards.

Admiring the great skill of these early surgeons one scientist, Professor Jagharian remarked: 'Considering the ancient tools the doctors had to work with, I would say they were
technically superior to modern-day surgeons'.

Ancient X-ray machine.

In Peru a rock drawing from Toro Muerto appears to a show a figure with raised arms, with what appears to be an X-ray plate of the thorax. Fully visible are the ribs of the chest
cavity, and a central column resembling the spine. Little information is available on the circumstances of this find, which if genuine represents yet another amazing insight into the
astonishing complexity of the ancient world.

Far reaching conclusions.

In detailing the sheer wealth of these strange and bizarre finds we could go on and on. All we have done here is to just barely scratch the surface of the many enigmas that
surround us. In so doing we have seen the image of a world that once was. We see it slowly take shape in front of us. A world completely at variance with the established view of
things. It means that sooner or later, the pieces of this gathering jigsaw will force even the most hardened skeptic to accept the full majesty of the world that once was.

Even now we have approached the point where doubters can rightfully be termed fools and idiots - blind bigots, whom history will rightfully view with the scorn they deserve. The
evidence is overwhelming, and it all adds up to the fact of a planet considerably stranger than we have ever imagined.

Written by Aeroman

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