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Simple present Exercises

1-Read and translate.

Tom’s Job

Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work
every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work every day. His brother
and sister also work at the bank. But, they do not live close to the bank. They drive cars to
work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all the workers and
tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like
Tom, and they say hello to him when they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers
and make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job.

2-Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1-She _________________ (play) baseball on Saturday.

2. We _________________ (live) in an apartment.
3. The boys ___________________ (eat) breakfast at 7 am.
4. He ____________________ (have) two brothers.
5. My mother ___________________ (like) romantic movies.
6. Pedro _____________________ (make) dinner every day.
7. Cynthia and Ramon ________________________ (work) on Monday.
8. I ______________________ (go) to school at 8 am.
9. The computer ________________ (be) broken.
10. My brother and I _________________ (watch) TV at night.
11.I _________________ (no, want) juice.
12.Sheila _________________ (no, be) happy.
13. Daniel ___________________ (no, write) on his tablet.
14. The girls ___________________ (no, be) hungry.
15. My dog ____________________ (no, sleep) in the house.
16.____________________you like pizza?
17.____________________ they ready?
18. ________________ your father work on the weekend?
19. ________________ my book in the class?
20. ________________ you a doctor?

3-Pass to English.
a. Eu amo você.
B. Ela come pizza aos sábados.
C. Eles estão aqui.
D. Ele não bebe agua.
E. Você é meu melhor amigo.
F. Ela é minha namorada?
G. Sara e minha irmã são amigas.
H. João joga futebol ?

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