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Cycone 4 Hnthcyc Vone

Tropicad cycVone e Kat o9iginote

Violent 8tomd ovet

OCans in tHopica AHoak Ond moVe ovethtotho

Coak tal A90ad btinging obout osrge Scale dost9toc lion

Cause d by Violent oind&, Vey heavyoindall ond Atotm

THopical CGclones
OCyclone in Tndion OCoan
Ho9 CQnes in Atlon hc
Tph oon
Ph in weston Pocdic onod Sootk china 9ea
oiUy -wi in
oestesin Aus+9aia

7opica Cycone 09iga inote ond inten 8iy ove

wam +9opical oceanA +ho Co ndiionA davourable
dot Ko domation ond in tenAiicaion o
HopicaA+oam a10-
Lcgo Aea Soace coih temp eat u9e high
hon c
Presen Ce o CoioliA do Ce
mal Vastiation in ke vesrlical co in d Speed
pe- eiAHiog weok loco -Presuste ae
o os -

leve CHclonic CiCuVa on

OPP Cvetg Chce
enCe above
above tho
h S0a lovel

Thopical gclones
enc9gy tho+ in ten&idieA Ko Ato%m, Comed
dHom tho Cond enko Hon
rocaAs in the
towing Cumulo nimbu choudA, Sotoun
he Cont Ke Ato9tm.
'wiK Con tin uouA spply el moistuue tom K
sea ko Ato9m iA
AUtKe9 A+910nghod.

neoching o Lond o moiatuse
AupPy iA
Ct ol and ho Atosm
diMipofes- Londfall
Oootk o clene.
The Cyclone,whick corons AoW
Lohi tode
g@nehaly, tecvved ond +Key a9e moe
StroctUHe o CyCJone
Hmato%a t1opical coclono
aAtong Spitall, CiCsohing toind Ke Cent&

akeCallWed the eye

The diomete
Ko C/CWokin q ystem Con Vag
betueen ISo and 250km. tKe epe in a
Ond Subsi hegion Cam
ding ai
Hound Ke ee Re eye oal, who Keore a st9tong
Spirall aA Cen t 9 Ait togeota heigkt «eac hing tke
The w ind Yeaches mu. Veloci
h in tKis H2qion. 90aching
as high e &5d km /ht
+ooén hal Rain oc0% hoo.
F9tom he eye wallW Nain bondA may rodiate ond
+9 oins 9!
Comulos Ond Comulonimbos cJood moy deit into #a
The oiomet@ Atoam ove *e ay oBengal, Arobian ea
Ondndian ocean
is between 600 200 Km.
. The System move osb about 3o0-S0 km pon doy
TRe Cyc/ona CreoteA Atosm Suges ond hey innudoe
+he Coadtal vs londJA
The Ao9mA peteA outon a Voned

CoioA eect2ero in eque fos.


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