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Think about 3 Filipino traits that you think are prevalently practiced by the Filipinos.

How do you feel

about the three traits? Are you proud of them?

Filipinos are known to have many of the best traits in the world. Filipinos may not be perfect, but they
have great personalities, characteristics, and qualities that one can be proud of. In my own perspective,
the three Filipino traits that are prevalently practiced by the Filipinos are “Joy and Humor”, “Family
Orientation” and “Faith and Religiosity”.

First, joy and humor are famous Filipino traits which is the ability of the Filipino to find happiness in
everything. Despite of any struggles and hardships, having the trait of joy and humor sheds light on the
optimism of the Filipinos. We, the Filipinos, do not forget to smile and laugh especially in times of crisis.
This kind of trait serves as our weapon to spread positivity around those negative vibes and auras. It also
serves as a coping technique, no matter what kind of downfall it may be, the Filipinos keep their chin
high and paint a smile on their lips.

Second, family orientation is one of the best Filipino traits as it unlikely for most countries. Our family is
one of the primary sources of our happiness. A strong family orientation leads to well-bounded and
compact relationships in every member of the family. As such, it is the quality and nature of family
relationships that are very important in building close family ties. Filipinos place a high regard and give
importance to their family before anything else.

Lastly, in whatever religion we may be, Filipinos are one of the most faithful people in the world. Filipino
religiosity is multi-linear and a deposition of centuries of colonization and differentiation. Majority of the
Filipinos are identified as Christian, which means that we deposit Catholic prayers, rituals, and traditions
that show Filipino religiosity and pageantry. In any situation in life, may it be good or bad, we remain
faithful and we don’t lose hope for a better and brighter tomorrow.

How do I feel about the three traits? Well, these three have a connection and are relative to each other.
Putting in a picture of a family who keeps on smiling despite of the problems that they have
encountered, and they believe that no matter what happens, God is with them. These three traits that I
believe are prevalently practiced by Filipinos revolve to one another as it does not only imply to one
situation at a time. Honestly speaking, I’m very proud and honored with these Filipino traits. These traits
are part of our identity as Filipinos because some of these traits are not practiced in some countries.
Therefore, these traits make us unique and extraordinary.
Choose 3 among the enumerated general weaknesses of the Filipinos. One by one offer solutions how
can these weaknesses be turned into strengths. Be realistic with your suggested solutions. Give
examples for each.

1. Passivity and Lack of Initiative – This refers to a strong reliance to others. Filipinos are generally
passive and lacking in initiative as one waits to be told what has to be done, which is also a
result of the Filipinos’ inclination to be lazy.

Example: During a group activity, there is an assigned leader, a secretary, and the rest are the
members. However, some of the members are not helping in their group activity. Some of them
think that the leader and the secretary doesn’t need any help. Also, they thought that they are
not capable enough to do the activity as they downgraded themselves because they thought
they are not intellectual enough. Thus, the group members only rely to the leader and secretary.

The solution for this situation is to stop looking down on themselves. Each and everyone of us,
have our own strengths and weaknesses and being in a group activity means that you need to
participate and do your part. This is a group activity, it means every member should act,
cooperate, and give your own ideas and opinions. Being too reliant and dependent is not a good
trait. In a group activity, if you think you don’t know how to do it, you better ask help from your
leader or other members to explain and teach you on how this activity should be done. In order
for us to grow, we must not put ourselves down and remember that there are things that we
can learn from other people.

2. Extreme Personalism – This is when one is able to relate personally to things and people
determine the recognition of their existence and the value attached to them. Filipinos view the
world in terms of personal relationships and the extent to which one is able to personally relate
things and people determines the recognition of their existence and the value given to them.
There is no separation between an objective task and emotional involvement.

Example: You have a long-time friend and that friend became your sister even if you are not
related by blood. You share secrets with one another, spend time with each other, and have
each other’s backs. However, just because of one simple misunderstanding, you end up your
friendship. You still continue to respect your friend’s privacy and the secrets she had told you.
Unfortunately, your friend shared some of your secrets to other people because she was jealous
and hated you for a very long time.

So, the solution for this problem is to talk and settle things with your friend. Your friend should
realize the damage that she has done. She should acknowledge the essence of respect and to
set aside personal things. Both of you should reconcile to one another. Fix your problem,
apologize, forgive, and leave everything in the past. In every failed relationship, keep personal
things or feelings in private. Respect even if you never have the same relationship as before.
3. Lack of Discipline - Self-discipline is one of the most important requirements for achieving
success, but too often, there is lack of self-discipline. The need for discipline has always been a
big problem for the Philippines. The Filipino is carefree and prone to being lazy, which renders
him insensitive to the need for discipline especially in his relationship with his surroundings.

Example: Every year, the Philippines experiences different calamities. One of the most common
natural calamities is the typhoon. However, the problem is that people are throwing garbage
anywhere. There is the great presence of pollution, whether in land, air, or water. As the
occurrence of the flood, there are garbage, wastes, and trash are flowing in the waters. The
water is therefore contaminated because of the pollutants.

The solution for this scenario is that people should be responsible enough in regards with the
proper waste disposal and proper waste management. Being a responsible and concerned
citizen, it should start within ourselves. People should think and be mindful of their actions
before it turns to severe consequences. Some of the garbage or waste can be still recycled and
used again for the same purpose or for a new one. We must keep our surroundings neat and
clean to help us live healthy and better lives and for the betterment of society.

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