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What are the underlying reasons why emotions or feelings are not considered as the minimum
criterion for morality? Justify your views
Emotion is defined as a manifestation of the emotional life, usually accompanied by a
pleasurable or painful state of consciousness. As such, emotion is a reaction to a new and
unexpected situation. In addition, emotions are “strong instinctive feelings” as they are
distinguished from an individual’s reasoning or knowledge. Every emotion or feeling has its own
meaning and it also reveals an intention and purpose. Each individual is responsible for their
own emotions and feelings. What are the underlying reasons why emotions or feelings are not
considered as the minimum criterion for morality? Emotions or feelings are not considered as
the minimum criterion for morality for the reason that it has been considered by purely
idealistic views and perspectives as having no place in a formally made moral decision. In
accordance with morality, you can’t just decide on your own if something is right or wrong as
you are part of a moral community. You don’t need to agree with the moral beliefs of other
people at all times, but you must consider and take their moral beliefs into account whenever
you are forming your own beliefs. As for our emotions, they are not necessarily up to the task
of helping us work through moral problems for there are times that emotions or feelings might
be beyond our control. However, reason and impartiality are considered as the minimum
requirement for morality. These two become the basic prerequisite for morality as an individual
should be able to deliver a clear, concise, and rightful judgement made out of logic and
understanding. There should be no biased and unprejudiced manner while considering the
general welfare in order to arrive at an appropriate moral decision. There are times that our
emotions will lead us to prioritizing our personal interests, biases, and prejudice and therefore,
this will lead to create a distraction, confusion, and puzzlement. In conclusion, these are the
reasons why emotions or feelings are not considered as the minimum criterion for morality.

Tim. (2013, March 14). Emotion: Philosophical Definitions. Retrieved from
Gabatan, Heavenly T. GE
AB Political Science 2 MWF 11:30 AM – 12:30


Provide at least 2 situations in which you can prove the necessary roles of the following:

Both emotions and reason and impartiality play an important implication for the nature of
moral knowledge and decision. Emotional processing involves states that are inherently affective
or valenced. On the other hand, reasoning is an inferential process that forms new beliefs on the
basis of existing ones. As for morality, it requires the impartial consideration of each individual’s
interests. Therefore, our emotions or feelings are important, but they must be guided by good
reasoning and as well as the idea of impartiality. These are the following examples and scenarios
in the application of emotions/feelings and reason and impartiality:

 Emotions/Feelings
a. Sympathizing – When my friend’s dad died during his birthday. His father had a
heart attack and was comatose for a couple of days. Unfortunately, his father did not
survive. During those days, when his father was hospitalized, died, and buried, I
showed my sympathy and respect by mourning with him. I was there to comfort my
friend and try to make him happy.
b. Gratitude – Back when I was a kid, my life was 50/50. I suffered from dengue, it
was my first time of experiencing it and my 2nd experience happened when I was in
grade 10. I was and am very thankful to God for He always gave me the chance to
live and I was also thankful for my parents who were there for me physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

 Reason and Impartiality

a. Equality in gender when it comes to a particular job – There are some jobs that do
not allow any woman to work for that job as they see her as incapable of doing things
that men can do. But in today’s generation, there are companies or job offers that
don’t require gender basis for as long as they are capable of doing that job then he or
she will be hired.
b. Correcting someone about telling false information about a certain social issue –
Spreading false information or fake news should stop as it is misleading. It will cause
confusion to other people. Factual information should be the basis of spreading and
providing information or news to others for them to acknowledge what is the truth.
In conclusion, emotions or feelings and reason and impartiality each have their own
purpose and role in creating and forming a moral decision. The way to attain and maintain moral
knowledge requires improving both reasoning and impartiality and emotions. Both also help
people to aim for better moral thinking. Also, both are necessary and essential in processing and
arriving a moral judgment. Therefore, moral judgements must be backed by good reasoning for
feelings can often overwhelm one's sense of reason.

May, J. & Kumar, V. (2018). Moral Reasoning and Emotion. The Routledge Handbook of Moral
Epistemology, 139-156.

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