Orders Chart Final

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Orders C.Name Morphological characters Life History Sub-Orders Major Families Eco.

Imp Oddity

Thysanura • Bristle tails • Antenna-Setaceous • Microcoryphia- Large, • Machilidae-Styli on 2-9 abdominal seg. • Feed on starchy material,
• Firebrat • Mouthparts-Chewing & ectognathus overlapping compound 3 caudal filaments unequal in paper, fabric- household
• Silverfish • Compoud eyes usually present eyes on upper side. length.Brstle tail pest.
• Thorax- Primitively wingless • Zygentoma-Very small, • Lepismatidae-Styli on 8-9 abdominal
• Abdomen-Styli & cerci present. widely separated seg. 3 caudal filaments equal in length.
compound eyes. Silverfish
Diplura • Double tailed • Antenna-Long & Moniliform • Rhabdura- Caudal • Soil formation
• Dipluron • Eyes absent filaments long & unseg • Degrade organic matter
• Mouthparts-Chewing & entognathus • Dicellurata- Caudal • Soil fertility
• Thorax-Primitively wingless filaments single seg
• Styli present, 2 long & seg c. filaments or short &
Protura • Proturans • Antenna-Absent • Lack pigmentation • Acerentomidae • Soil formation • Antenna absent
• Telson tail • Mouthparts-Piercing sucking & entognathus • Anamorphosis • Eosentomidae • Soil decomposition • 1&2 instar-9 seg.
• Eyes absent • Protentomidae • Soil fertility • 3 instar-10 seg
• Thorax-Primitively wingless, 1st legs project • Rest-12 seg
• Abdomen end-peg like
Collembola • Spring tails • Eyes absent • Ametamorph osis • Hypogastruidae • Soil formation • Spring function
• Collembolans • Antenna-4-6 seg • 6000 specie • Isotomidae • Decomposer • Also molt after
• Thorax-Primitively wingless • Soil dweller • Smithuridae • Soil fertility becoming adult
• Abdomen 6 seg(Oddity) • Scavengers • Entomobryidae • 3 specie have pest status • Genetalia-5th seg.
• 1st seg-Collophore(adhesive)
• 3rd seg-Tenaculum(ventral hook)
• 4th seg-Furcula(spring)
Ephemeroptera • Mayfly • Antenna-short & bristle like • Short lived adults • Bactidae-niaids in warm water • Bio-indicators • Niaids
(Paleoptera) • Short lived • Front legs long, held in front • Fresh and flowing • Hepatageniidae-niaids in fast water • Fishbait • Sub-imago- wings form
• 4 membranous wings water • Ephermeridae-Niaids in slow water in 2nd last moulting,
• Hindwings fan like • 2000 specie dull body, dull wings
• Abdomen-slendrical, 2 long cerci • Herbivorous
• Vestigial mouthparts
Odonata (Paleoptera) • Strong teeth • Antenna-short & bristle like • Aquatic nymphs • Zygoptera- Damselflies- • Dragonfly- Lebellulidae(common • Biocontrol • Terostigma
• Dragonly • 4 membranous wings-many veins • 5000 species wings similar skimmers), Gomphidae(clubtails), • Pest in honey bee • Niaids
• Damselfly • Abdomen-long and cylindrical • Predatory • Anisoptera- dragonflies- Ashmidae(darners) • Transfer proshogonimus • Male gentalia present
• Labium extended in adults • Catching legs hind wings broader • Damselfly- Lestidae(spreadwinged), pellucidus on second abdominal
• Dragonfly-Ovelap eyes, nodus in middle of costal • Active fliers Coenagrionidae(narrowwinged), • Bio-indicator segments
margin, gills inside rectum(Niaids) Caloptergidae(broadwinged)
• Damselfly-seperated eyes, nodus at proximal end,
3 gills on position of tail outside(Niaids)
Plecoptera (Neoptera) • Folded wings • Antenna-Long & filiform • Fast water • Perlidae • Bio-indicators
(Orthopteroid) • Stoneflies • Front wings-long, narrow • Cooler env. • Chloroperlidae • Clean environment
(Polyneoptera) • Hind wings-shorter, basal area pleated beneath • 2000 species • Both have predatory role
forewing • Niaids • Feed on immature mayflies
• Evolutionary dead ends • Short lived • Cling to stones
• Tracheal gills on ventral side • Weak fliers
• Vestigial mouthparts
Dermaptera (Neoptera) • Earwigs • Front wings-short, hard-elytra • Wings and skin look • Forficulidae(Common) • No importance
(Orthopteroid) • Skin wings • Hinds wings-semi circular, foldable, membranous same • Labiduridae(long cerci) • If abundant can cause
(Polyneoptera) • Antenna-Slender, moniliform • 1800 species • Carcinophoridae(short cerci) damage to ornamentals
• 3 segmented tarsi • Tropical condition • Male-cerci curved • Forticula auricularia-
• Cerci enlarged to form pincers for defence, • Scavengers • Female-cerci straight dame fruits & veg early
grooming, courtship • Nocturnal stage
• Some species secondarily wingless
Orders C.Name Morphological characters Life History Sub-Orders Major Families Eco.Imp Oddity

Orthoptera • Straight wings • Antenna-Filliform, setaceous, ansiform • >20,000 species • Ensifera- Crickets, • Caelifera-acrididae, tetrigidae(short • Household pest • Stridulation
(Orthopteroid) • Grasshop pers • Mouthparts-Mandibulate, hypognathus. • Pop high in sandy tympanum on protibia antenna) • Ornamental pest
(Polyneoptera) • Crickets • Thorax-pronotum shield, front wings narrow, base, antennae equal or • Ensifera-grylidae, gryllachiididae(long • Swarming locusts
• Katydids leathery folded over abdomen, hind wings • Female lay egg in soil larger the body antenna) • Crop damage
membranous • Phytophagous • Caelifera- Grasshopper, • Cricket-hind legs spread • Crickets reared for fish
• Hind legs-saltatorial(jumping) tympanum present on 1st • Katydid-hind legs close to body bait.
• Front 2 legs-ambulatorial(walking) abdominal seg, antennae
• Auditory organ(Tympnum) and stridulatory organs shorter than body
Blattodea • Cockroach • Antenna-Slender, filiform • 4000 species • Blattidae-oriental and American • Most cosmopolitan insect • Ootheca but
(Orthopteroid) • Waterbugs • Thorax-Pronotum shield covering head & thorax, • Scavengers and • Blatellidae-german pest characteristic also
(Polyneoptera) cursorial legs. omnivorous • German (Balttela germanic)-2 dark • Unsanitary conditions- present in mantids
• F.W-thickened, H.W-membranous • Can squeeze into brown stripes behind head Pathogen
• Cerci short & multi segmented narrow openings • American (Periplaneta americana)- • Research tools
• Ootheca produced largest, light yellow bands round • Dead remains a source of
when egg laying prontum danger which can cause
• Found in various • Oriental (Blatta orientalis)-glossy, dark allergies
climates brown/black. • Only 12 species have
• Brown-banded (Supella longipalpa)- pest status
male wings dark brown at base & lighten
till tip
Grylloblattodea • Rock crawlers • Antenna-Slender, filiform • ~25 species • Grylloblattidae • No significant importance • May require up to 7
(Orthopteroid) • Icebugs • Mouthparts-mandibulate, hypognathus • Rare. Near ice, snow, years to complete 1
(Polyneoptera) • Cricket+roach • Thorax-secondarily wingless in caves generation
• Legs cricket like • Scavengers, • Active below freezing
• Head cricket like omnivorous
• Soft exoskeleton • Move to permafrost
when warm climate
Mantodea • Mantids • Antenna-filiform • ~1800 species • Mantidae • Beneficial insects-general Side to side head
(Orthopteroid) • Praying mantis • Mouthparts-mandibulate, hypognathus • Head can turn side to feeders movement
(Polyneoptera) • Triangular head, large compound eyes side • Cannabalistic nature-can
• Thorax-prothorax elongate, front legs raptorial with • Tropical and eat other beneficial
spines, rest cursorial. subtropical insects. Behaviour
• F.W thick • Cryptic colouration common in captivity.
• Cerci short & multi segmented
Phasmida/ • Walkingsticks • Antenna-long, slender • >2500 species • Phasmatidae-mimic sticks and twigs • When pop high enough Can regenerate broken
Phasmatodea • Stick insects • Mouthparts-mandibulate, prognathous • Tropical and • Timemidae-mimic leaves and foliage can damage host legs
(Orthopteroid) • Leaf insects • Body long and slender subtropical • Forest pest-defoliate
• Phasmids • Thorax-prothorax shorter, wings often reduced • Slow moving trees
(brachypterous) • Cryptic colouration
• Females don’t have developed ovipositor
Mantophasmatdea • Mantophasmids • Antenna-slender, filiform • ~6-8 species • Mantophasmatidae-3 genera • No economic importance • Erected in 2002
(Orthopteroid) • Gladiator • Mouthparts-mandibulate, hypognathous • Nocturnal predators
• Head-mantids, legs-stick insects • Rare-tanzania,
• Thorax-secondarily wingless s.africa
• Cerci short & 1 segmented
Hemiptera • True bugs • Antenna-slender, 4-5 segments • >50,000 species *families contd. • Miridae-plant bugs, Lygaeidae-seed • Important pests of crops • Hemielytra
(Heteroptera) • Different wings • Mouthparts-elongate, proboscis contains food & • Abundant worldwide • Belostomatidae-giant bugs, Pentatomidae-stink bugs (Largest • Transmit pathgens • Triangular scutelum
(Hemipteroid) salivary channel • Adapted to many water bug, Nepidae-water families) • Feed on human blood
• Trapezoidal pronotum habitats scorpion, Gerridae-water • Tingidae-lace bugs, Berytidae-stilt • Chagas disease-
• Thorax-F.W-basal leathery, apical membranous. • Plant pests, striders, Corixidae-water bugs, Coreidae-squash bugs, Alydidae- conenose bugs
Wings at rest for X predators, aquatic, boatmen (aquatic broadheaded bugs (terrestrial
human pests etc predators) herbivores)
Orders C.Name Morphological characters Life History Sub-Orders Major Families Eco.Imp Oddity

Hemiptera • Similar wings • Antenna-slender, bristle like • >32,000 species • Auchenorryncha-antenna • Auchenorryncha-Cicadellidae-jassid, • Significant agricultural • Jassid-black spots
(Homoptera) • Leafhoppers • Mouthparts-proboscis shorter than true bugs • Abundant worldwide short setaceous, tarsi 3 Lophopidae-pyrilla, Delphacidae-white pests • Whitefly-Pseudopupa
(Hemipteroid) • Scale insects • Thorax-Uniform wings which fold tent like over • Terrestrial herbivores segmented backed hopper, Membracidae-tree • Plant disease carriers • Female scale insects-
• Treehoppers abdomen, some are secondarily wingless • Most have filter • Sterorrhyncha-antenna hoppers, Cicadidae-cicadas • Regular pest-throughout degeneration of wings
• Aphids etc chamber in digestive long filiform, tarsi 1-2 • Sterorrhyncha-Aphididae-aphids, year • Male mango mealy-
system segmented Lacciferidae-lac insects, Coccidae-wax sporadic pest-occasional halteres
scale, Margarodidae-mango mealy, • Potential-no sig damage • Aphids-
Aleyrodidae-whitefly, Psyllidae-citrus • Lac insect-beneficial parthenogenesis
Pthiraptera • Lice-wingless • Antenna-short, 3-5 segmented • ~5500 species *splitters • Philopteridae-bird lice • Disease spread
(Hemipteroid) • Biting lice • Eyes reduced or absent • Ectoparasites of birds • Mallophaga-biting lice • Trichodectidae-mammal chewing lice • Pediculosis
• Sucking lice • Biting lice-head broad, mandibulate & mammals • Anoplura-sucking lice • Menoponidae-poultry lice • Damage poultry, weight
• Parasitic lice • Sucking lice-head conical, suctorial • Biting lice over time • Pediculidae-body lice loss, egg production
gave birth to sucking • Haematopinidae-ungulate lice • Typhus, relapsing fever,
lice • Pthiridae-pubic lice trench fever
• Can’t live without host
Isoptera • Equal wings • Antenna-beaded, mouthparts-chewing • ~2300 species • Rhinotermitidae-subterranean termites • Decomposers • Only hemimetabolous
(Orthopteroid) • Termites • Immatures-pale colour, eyes small or absent, head • Tropical and • Hodotermitidae-rottenwood termites • Recycle dead wood insect which exhibit true
(Polyneoptera) • White ants large & cylindrical or small & round. subtropical • Kalotermitidae-drywood and • Become pests when enter social behaviour
• Adults-darkly pigmented, head well developed, 2 • Less in temperate dampwood termites human homes, building
pairs membranous wings which shed after mating, • Related to • Termitidae-largest family material, forest, products
compound eyes present cockroaches
• Caste system
Thysanoptera • Fringed wings • Minute insects-<3mm • >4500 species • Terebrantia-last abdominal • Aelothripidae-predatory thrips • First pest of cotton • Asymmetrical
(Hemipteroid) • Thrips • Antenna-short, 6-10 segments • Common in flowers, segment short and pointed (beneficial) • Some specie are mouthparts-right
• Mouthparts-rasping sucking lead litter & fungi • Tubulifera-last abdominal • Thripidae-common thrips (herbivores) predatory-control mites mandible reduced
• Body cylindrical or spindle shaped • Parthenogenetic segment long and tubular • Phlaeothripidae-tube tailed thrips etc
• Thorax-all wings rod like with fringe of hairs, some • Entended (largest family) • Destructive pests of grain
species are secondarily wingless metamorphosis- crops, fruit, veg &
• Tarsi-have eversible adhesive bladders pseudopupa- ornamentals
convergent evolution • Transmission of
Neuroptera • Nerve-wings • Immatures-chewing or pinching mouthparts. • ~5000 species • Hemerobiiformia- • Chrysopidae-green lacewings • Beneficial as predators of • All members terrestrial
• Lacewings Larvae have modified sickle shaped mandible and • Antlion larvae make lacewings, mantisflies • Hemerobiidae-brown lacewings agricultural pests except for
• Antlions maxilla that form pincers pitfall traps • Myrmeleontiformia- • Mantispidae-mantidflies • Some species reared & spongillaflies-larvae fee
• Adults-antenna-filiform multisegmented, chewing • Lacewing larvae-in antlions, owlflies sold commercially- on fresh water sponges
mouthparts, Thorax-wings membranous, similar, vegetation • Myrmeleontidae-antlions Chrysoperla carnea • Larvae spin loose silken
extensive branching • Common worldwide • Ascalaphidae-owlflies cocoon produced by
excretory organs
Coleoptera • Sheath (elytra) • No abdominal prolegs on immature • >300k species *4 suborder-2 major • Aedephaga-cicendelidae-tiger beetle, • Agricultural & stored pest • Elytra
wings • Chewing mouthparts-(beak or snout) • Largest order • Aedephaga-first carbidae-carabid beetle, dytiscidae- • Decomposers • Central line through
• Beetles • Immatures-campodeiform-slender active • Inhabit all habitats- abdominal sternum divided aquatic beetles • Predatory-biological elytra
• Weevils crawlers, scarabaeiform-grub like, c shape, water, terrestrial, soil, by hind coxae • Polyphaga-scarabidae-dung beetle, control agents
Elateriform-elongate, hard exoskeleton parasitic, scavengers • Polyphaga-first abdominal cxoccinellidae-lady bird, meloidae-
(wireworms) etc. sternum undivided blister beetle, dermestidae-khapra,
• Adults-F.W-elytra, H.W-membranous folded tenebrionidae-red flour, curculionidae-
weevils etc
Lepidoptera • Scale wings • Immature-eruciform (caterpillar)-prolegs-3rd, 4th, • >112k species • Diff b/w butter & moth • Butterfly-nymphalidae, danaidae- • Beauty • Large wings covered
• Butterflies 5th, 6th & 10th, hooks present on legs, • Common worldwide • Butterfly-Diurnal, bright, milweed bf, pieridae-whites/sulphurs, • Sericulture with overlapping scales
• Moths (semilooper)-prolegs-5th, 6th & 10th, (looper)- • Colour patterns- clubbed/clavate, thin body papilionidae-lemon • Larvae pest of agricultural
prolegs-6th & 10th mating, recognition, • Moth-nocturnal, dull, • Moth-sphingidae-hawk, bombycidae- crops
• Adult-coiled proboscis, F.W-large triangular, H.W- communication pectinate/bipectinate, thick silk, noctuidae-American/army, • Pollinators
large fan shaped body arctiidae-spotted
• Wings joined by frenulum & jugum
Orders C.Name Morphological characters Life History Sub-Orders Major Families Eco.Imp Oddity

Hymenoptera • Membranous • Immature-chewing mouthparts (sawflies)-eruciform • 103k species • Symphyta (sawflies, • Sawflies-tenthredinidae • Some species pest, most • Can regulate sex ratio
wings but no hooks, (bees & wasps)-grub like • Common worldwide horntails)-broad junction b/ • Social bees-apidae are beneficial • Wings linked together
• Ants • Adult-chewing except bees (proboscis), H.W • Ecological specialists w thorax & abdomen • Solitary bees-anthophoridae • Parasitoids, predators- by hamuli
• Bees/wasps smaller linked by hamuli, compound eyes well • Division of labour • Apocrita (ants, bees, • Ants-formicidae biocontrol
• Sawflies developed wasps)-narrow junction • Parasitic wasps-braconidae • Pollinators
• Social wasps-vespidae • Gall making insects
Mecoptera • Long wings • Mandibulate, some species secondarily wingless • ~500 species • Panorpidae-common scorpionflies- • Not abundant enough to • Curved abdomen
• Scorpionflies • Immatures-body caterpillar or grub like, 8 pair • ~9 families scavengers cause damage • Hanging scorpionflies
prolegs • Rare • Bittacidae-hanging scorpionflies- • None are considered are the only predatory
• Adult-head elongate, F.W & H.W-narrow, elongate, • Humid, temperate predators pests insects that catch prey
similar, cross veins. • Omnivorous with hind legs
Diptera • 2 wings • All larvae are legless • ~98,500 species • Nematocera-multi • Biting flies-Culicidae-mosquitoes, • Agricultural pests • Halteres-help maintain
• True flies • Immatures-(mosquitoes)-culiciform-head capsular • Abundant worldwide segmented antenna like muscidae-house flies • Disease transmission balance
• Mosquitoes present, chewing, (flies)-vermiform/maggots- • Larvae in-aquatic, filiform • Herbivores-tephritidae-fruit flies, • Pollinators, beneficial
• Midges mouthparts reduced, no head capsule semi-aquatic, moist • Brachycera-stylate cecidomylidae-gall midges • Biocontrol agents
• Adults-haustellate mouthparts (piercing/sucking/ terrestrial antenna • Scavengers-calliphoridae-blow flies, • Human pests- dengue,
sponging/laping)-midges have antenna like • Wing beat frequency • Cyclorrhapha-aristate chironomidae-midges malaria, fever, polio
mouthparts, Thorax-meso larger than pro & meta 1000/s antenna • Predators-asilidae-robber flies, • Animal diseases-myiasis
• Herbivores, parasites, • In new classification- syrphidae-flower flies • House fly-100 pathogen
scavengers brachy includes cyclorr • Parasites-oestridae-bot flies,
hippoboscidae-louse flies
Siphonaptera • Siphon wings • Immature-vermiform but covered with hair unlike in • ~2380 species • *Life history contd. • Pulicidae-common fleas • Irritating bites
• Fleas maggot-adult have hair on head & thorax, • Associated with • Only adults inhabit hosts • Cat/dog fleas-tapeworm
mandibulate-semi liquid food, eyeless mammal & birds • Hide in cracks when not • Rabbit fleas-myxomatosis
• Adult-bilaterally flattened, haustellate-blood feeders, worldwide feeding • Rat flea-yersinia pestis
hind legs adapted for jumping (can jump unto 2 ft) • Most diverse in • Live upto 1 year with
temperate normal blood meal

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