Oruga Monique Caila@1 ST Assignment

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NO. 1
Power System
Analysis-Lec EE 4121
Tuesday Monique Caila D. Oruga
BSEE 4th Year
Date Submitted: SUBMITTED TO:
September 6, 2023 Engr. Joel Eligue
The fact that AC is more
✦ WHY AC efficient than DC was the
primary deciding factor. It
AND NOT DC? can traverse further
The explanation is that
whereas DC cannot be done,
distances because of its
AC electricity can be capacity to go back and
delivered over a distance with forth. Consequently, it can
minimal power loss. power more households.
Transformers are used to
When it was going to be
boost or reduce the voltage in
AC systems. As a result, after
utilized in houses, it was
electricity is produced at also much safer and
producing stations, the simpler to work with,
voltage is increased for long- which was a significant
distance transmission. Later,
selling factor.
the voltage is once more
lowered to a usable level.
The majority of our houses and companies still use AC
electricity as of the year 2023. We still use DC electricity, but
infrequently. All current solar panels generate DC power, which
is subsequently converted to AC power by a converter so that
homes and businesses may use it. Car batteries, portable solar
power systems, and other low-current devices all use DC power.

Compared to DC electricity, AC power is less expensive to

produce. With the aid of a transformer, it is simple to step up or
step down AC power, which is not achievable with DC power.
Due to the fact that the electricity supplying our houses is AC
and originates from a distant power-producing facility, AC
power experiences significantly less energy loss during
transmission than DC power. AC has a higher peak current
value than DC. Our household's inductive appliances
predominate. We use AC electricity in homes, businesses, and
other buildings since DC current won't operate these appliances
effectively. Thus, AC is employed rather than DC.
For a number of useful reasons, sinusoidal alternating voltage is
frequently utilized in electrical systems:

1. Natural Generation: Sinusoidal voltage waveforms are

produced naturally by a variety of AC energy sources,
including the generators in power plants and the alternators in
automobiles. This is due to the fact that these devices' rotating
coils or magnets produce an alternating magnetic field, which
results in the generation of sinusoidal AC voltage. The
generation procedure is much easier when a sinusoidal
waveform is used.
2. Compatible: The most widespread and widely used type of AC
energy is in the sinusoidal waveform. The majority of electrical
equipment and appliances are made to work with sinusoidal
AC voltage. The infrastructure and current devices would need
to be extensively changed in order to use a different waveform.
3. Effective Power Transmission: Because the sinusoidal waveform
has zero crossings, the voltage occasionally crosses the zero line.
Because it makes utilizing transformers to convert voltage easier,
this feature is beneficial for effective power transmission and
distribution. Additionally, it lessens transmission line losses.
4. Harmonic distortion in electrical circuits is lessened by the
comparatively straightforward and spherical shape of a sinusoidal
waveform. Unwanted high-frequency components known as
harmonics can interfere with other signals and lessen the
effectiveness of electrical machinery. These harmonics are
minimized by sinusoidal waveforms.
5. Compatibility with Motors and Inductive Loads: Many industrial
motors and inductive loads are made to operate best under
sinusoidal AC voltage. These devices operate smoothly and
effectively thanks to the sinusoidal waveform.
6. History: The application of sinusoidal AC voltage has a long
tradition. AC systems with sinusoidal waveforms were supported
by early electricity pioneers like Nikola Tesla and George
Westinghouse, which helped make them the industry standard for
distributing electrical power.
7. Safety: Because of the natural rise and fall in voltage that the
sinusoidal waveform exhibits, it may be safer for some electrical
applications and less likely to cause electrical arcing or sparking.

There are situations where alternative waveforms, such as square

waves or triangle waves, are employed, notably in electronics and
control systems, even though sinusoidal AC voltage is the most
typical and extensively used. However, due to its long history of
use, compatibility, and efficiency, sinusoidal AC voltage continues
to be the favored option for the majority of power distribution and
general electrical applications.
✦ WHY 50 HZ (OR 60 HZ)?
An essential component of any power grid is the
frequency at which electrical power is delivered to
residences and commercial buildings. While most of
the rest of the world uses 50Hz, America uses 60Hz
as its standard frequency. The frequency was not
arbitrarily chosen; rather, it was determined by
historical and technical criteria.

Nicola Tesla was an advocate of

using higher frequencies for AC
power, and he conducted
experiments with frequencies
much higher than 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

The design and functionality of electrical

equipment are impacted by the change in
frequency. While 50Hz systems are better suited for
low-power, local distribution, 60Hz systems tend to
be more effective for longer distance transmission
and are better suitable for high-power applications.
The difference between 50 and 60 hertz is solely a result of
historical precedent, with US firms producing 60 hertz equipment
and European companies producing 50 hertz equipment to maintain
a monopoly. The division we witness today was caused by this
An electrical component network that produces, transmits, and
distributes electricity to end customers is known as a power
system. The frequency of the power system is determined by the
number of cycles per second that the alternating current (AC)
voltage and current go through. Depending on the location of the
world, 50 Hz and 60 Hz are the most often utilized frequencies for
electricity networks.

An essential factor that impacts the production, transmission,

distribution, and consumption of electricity is power system
frequency. Power systems' frequency selection of 50 Hz or 60 Hz is
based more on historical and financial considerations than technical
ones. Both frequencies have benefits and drawbacks depending on a
number of variables, including power, size, losses, harmonics, etc. To
maintain the stability and dependability of power systems as well as
the performance and operation of electrical devices and equipment,
power system frequency is adjusted using a variety of techniques
such as TEC, LFC, ROCOF, and audible noise.
1. Power generation and
✦ WHY THREE- efficiency:
Compared to single-phase
PHASE SYSTEMS? generators, three-phase
generators can deliver a
Due to their several power output that is more
important advantages over steady and smooth.
single-phase systems, three-
Continuous power
phase electrical systems are
widely employed for power
generation eliminates the
production, distribution, and numerous zero-crossings
industrial applications. The present in single-phase
main arguments in favor of systems.
three-phase systems are as As a result of the generator
follows: not being under as much
stress, it operates more
efficiently and experiences
less wear and tear.
2. Load distribution that is balanced:
Systems with three phases deliver an even
distribution of electrical power. Because
the loads in a three-phase system are
distributed equally throughout the phases,
there is less need for bigger conductors
and transformers.
The system becomes more effective thanks
to this balance, which decreases current
imbalance and lowers line losses.

3. Greater Power Capability:

When the voltage and current are the
same, three-phase systems can provide
greater power than single-phase systems.
This is so that transmission losses can be
minimized as three-phase power can be
carried utilizing smaller conductors and
higher voltages.
Three-phase systems are necessary in
industrial situations where considerable
amounts of power are needed.

4. Motor Performance:
Due to their higher efficiency and superior
performance compared to single-phase
motors, three-phase motors are frequently
utilized in industrial and commercial
Pumps, compressors, and conveyor systems
can all benefit from the smoother, more
consistent torque produced by three-phase
motors because of their revolving magnetic
5. Improvement of the power fac t or:
In comparison to sing le- ph ase syst ems, t h ree-
phase systems often have a high er po wer fac t or.
When the electrical l oad is more resistive an d less
reactive, the power fac t or is good, wh ic h
decreases energy loss an d bo ost s the
effectiveness of the e lect rical distributio n sy st em.

6. Minimal Voltage Drop:

The voltage drop from th e so urc e to th e load is
often smaller in three- ph ase systems t h an i t i s in
single-phase systems . This is c aused by th e ev en ly
distributed load and th e utilizat io n of t h ree
conductors as opposed t o t wo.
In particular at lon g er distan c es, lower v ol t age
drop guarantees th at elect rical devic es rec eive
the necessary voltage level.

7. Versatility in Applicat io n :
Transformers make it simple t o c h an g e t h e
voltage levels of th ree-ph ase syst ems, maki n g
them suitable for use in a wide ran g e of
applications and sec t ors, suc h as c on st ruc t ion ,
manufacturing, and tran sport at io n .

8. Redundancy and Stabilit y:

Systems that run on t h ree ph ases prov i de some
reliability and redundan c y. For applic at io n s wh ere
power outages can have maj or repercussion s, t h e
ability of the other t wo ph ases t o c on t in ue t o
provide power even if on e ph ase fails is c ruc i al .
Overall, three-phas e syst ems are preferred
because they can distribute elect rici t y more
evenly, provide more po wer mo re effect ivel y, an d
provide outstanding performan c e for i n dust ri al
machines and motors. Th ey are t h e n orm in man y
industrialized areas an d are essen t i al for
supporting contemporary indust rial operat ion s
and infrastructure.

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