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NIM : 1708823089





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This study aims to determine the effect of providing training and organizational climate
on increasing employee competency at PT Riung Mitra Lestari in Bekasi. departing from the
problems that occurred in the company related to inadequate competence, the researcher intends
to conduct research in the company.
The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a survey approach.
The sampling technique used the Non Probability Sampling technique with a total sample of 63
people. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire). The data analysis
technique used is Regression Analysis, Classical Assumptions and Hypotheses.
Data Quality results show all Valid and Reliable. Partial test results for the Training
variable show the t_count value > of t_table (0.092 <1.670) with a significance value of 0.0927
> 0.05, then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, which means that there is no positive and
significant effect on Competence. Partial test results for the Organizational Climate variable
show the t_count value > of t_table (3,790 > 1.670) with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05,
then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means there is a positive and significant influence
on Competence. Simultaneous test results obtained F_count > F_table (8.657 > 3.15) with a
significance value of 0.000 <0.05 it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted
meaning that Training (X1) and Organizational Climate (X2) together have a significant effect
on Competence (Y). In testing the Classical Assumptions, the regression model is free of
Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity does not occur, and is normally distributed. The results of
the regression calculation show that the Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R Square)
obtained is 0.224. This means that 22.4% of Competency Performance can be influenced by
Training and Organizational Climate and the remaining 77.6% is influenced by other variables
not explained in this regression model.

1.1 Background Behind Problem

In the current era of globalization, digitalization and the onslaught of
modernization, many companies need and are demanding reliable and skilled human
resources to contribute and play an active role in the progress and external and internal
development of a company. This is done by companies in order to gain profits, establish a
stable work culture and maintain the company's existence amidst increasingly heated
global competition today.
To win the peak of competition in gaining company profits, the company must try
to find out what important indicators are potential and effective for the process of
progress and development of a company. Based on the article on " detik Finance " , we
see and examine that "humans" are one of the most important assets in running a
company. Because without human resources (HR), a company will certainly not be able
to run. That is why it is important for companies to have competent human resources so
that they can progress, develop and remain sustainable in the next few years.
Employees are not just resources but have become assets for the company. This is
because no matter how good the system the company has built, it will not work if it is not
supported by human resources with integrity and reliability.
Quoting the article At " detikFinance " , employees become an extension of the
company's mission to consumers. Apart from that, employees are likened to 'life blood'.
This means that in almost all aspects of a company's success, there is a role for
employees there.
PT R iung M itra L estari was founded in 2006 to take part in improving the
nation's quality of life through human resources & developing value along with optimal
natural resources. With appearance decentralization mining , which is marked with
appearance concession mining scale middle , Riung Mitra Lestari was born For serve
function miner intermediate quality tall with characteristics brave consists No only in
technique very mining good , efficient recovery and optimal, but Also in deep concern to
safety , health And environment . Characteristic features the is consequence logical from
our desire to implement Good Mining Practice in each aspect .
In the middle walking PT Riung business Mitra Lestari, there are Wrong One
quite a problem crucial that is related enhancement competence PT Riung employees
Sustainable Partners. Based on fact in the field There are several problems, including
employee knowledge and skills that are still not optimal in carrying out a job, then
communication patterns that are still passive between each employee, which often causes
misunderstandings and an unclear organizational structure because job descriptions are
still unclear, which causes confusion for each employee.
By Because This problem requires researchers to look for variables that support
increasing competence, namely the variable providing training, enhancement competence
very influenced by factors providing training due to with given training the can give
effect period Good length to employees . Employee can develop self And understand ins
and outs work in a way more deep .
Besides with providing training, researchers also chose organizational climate
variables as supports for increasing competence, why Climate Good organization That
important ? Because Climate organization can give guidelines behave for behavior
individual like taking decision , work in a way effective , relatable with fellow member
organization , as well delivery an innovative idea where the organizational climate is
closely related to human feelings, so if each employee's feelings are positive towards
their workplace, the employee will work actively which will have an impact on
increasing competence.
Therefore, providing training or job training is very necessary to increase the
competence of employees whose indirect aim is to advance and develop the company. By
providing training or work training, companies can also find out in detail what specific
potential each employee has so that the company can provide direction regarding further
training in the future to deepen the specific knowledge that has been studied previously.
Apart from providing training or work training in order to increase employee
competency, the company must also be able to create a supportive organizational climate
or internal atmosphere to support and provide opportunities for each employee that the
company's internal environment is very supportive of the process of developing the
competency of its employees.
Based on this, this research aims to explore information regarding the importance
of providing training and organizational climate in increasing employee competency at
PT Riung Mitra Lestari.


Based on background behind problems that have outlined above , then _ can
identified a number of problem as following :
1. Job competition in the current era of globalization and digitalization is very tight
which has an impact on the need for Human Resources at PT Riung Mitra Lestari
who must be selected selectively.
2. Lack of ability a employee For Work together with other people in finish something
task with work that has been done set , so quality And accuracy time For finish task
the No achieve the target, because lack of communication in the organization that .
3. Employee No can do his job with Good because what is written in description
position at each employee not enough detailed so that employees experience
confusion Because No exists clear guide _ For finish work undertaken . _
4. Lack of communication between each other, which results in frequent
misunderstandings about the work carried out in a team.
5. Lack of The provision of training by the company to its employees has an impact on
stagnant employee competency.
6. Lack of achievement to employee so that employee feel lack of motivation And
support from company , which result atmosphere kinship , harmony and employee
competence will be reduced due to the inconvenience factor.
7. Lack of knowledge or outlook employees in the field related work _ task And not
quite enough answer in work , as well as the lack of detail in what is written in
employee job descriptions, which causes confusion because the low organizational
structure has an impact on reducing and stagnating the level of competency of PT
Riung Mitra Lestari employees in Bekasi.
Based on the description of the background of the problem and identification of
the problem above, the researcher can limit the discussion to be formulated as follows : "
The Influence of T raining and Organizational Climate on Increasing the Competence of
PT Employees R iung M partner L estari in B ekasi”


Based on the problem limitations above, the problem formulation for the research is
formulated these are as follows:
1. A is there an influence Providing Training To Enhancement Competence P T Riung
employee Sustainable Partners in Bekasi ?
2. A is there an influence Climate Organization To Enhancement Competence PT
Riung employee Sustainable Partners in Bekasi ?
3. A is there an influence Providing Training and Climate _ Organization
Simultaneously Against Enhancement Competence PT Riung employee Sustainable
Partners in Bekasi ?


The objectives of this research are as follows:
1. To find out how big the influence is Providing Training to Enhancement Competence
PT Riung employee Sustainable Partners in Bekasi .
2. To find out how big the influence is Climate Organization To Enhancement
Competence PT Riung employee Sustainable Partners in Bekasi .
3. To find out how big the influence is Providing Training and Climate _ Organization
Simultaneously Against Enhancement Competence PT Riung employee Sustainable
Partners in Bekasi .
1.6 Benefit Study
1.6.1 For Academic
1. Results from study This expected Can become reference And reading scientific so
that can used as reference writing scientific or study in the future come specifically
topic about Management Source Power Human .
2. With exists results study This Can become adder material study before .

1.6.2 For Companies

1. Writer hope results study This can give input as source information , and material
consideration in taking decision A company remember application providing
personal development training and organizational climate can support increasing
employee competency.
2. Results study This can become reference in study continued in the future _ come .

1.6.3 For Researcher

1. Researcher can know How factor providing personal development training and
organizational climate can influence increasing competence , and can know direct
How factor the can applied on object research .
2. Apply eye courses you have studied _ previously on world real work . _

1.6.4 For Society

1. The effects of research can influence human lifestyles if it is published, so that it can
become a guide and reference for society.
2. One of the research activities is the existence of problems in society in the scientific
community, government organizations, industry, etc. This situation can be resolved
with theoretical and practical research. So that problems can be understood well and
alternative solutions to each problem will emerge.

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