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This project is about testing whether a person’s taste on a food could change if the food’s color
is to be replaced. You will be given gelatin samples to ingest. Each with a different set of flavors
and colors. The 1st set of gelatins (SET1) will have its original flavors dependent on its colors,
(SET2) on the other hand have the flavors jumbled and are not dependent on the colors. The
flavors of SET2 will be decided based on your careful observation on which flavor was set.

Tester no: Male : ⬜ Female : ⬜ Grade Level: 8: ⬜ 9: ⬜ 10 : ⬜

SET1 : Original Flavors and Colors
1. Strawberry Flavored Gelatin - RED
2. Mixed Berry Flavored Gelatin - BLUE
3. Mixed Fruit Flavored Gelatin - GREEN

SET2 : Jumbled Flavors and Colors

Please carefully specify your opinion on which flavor was set in each gelatin color. The flavors
will not be specified and will only be revealed after every gelatin was tested and surveyed by
you. Observe the color and flavor of each gelatin carefully.

Color 1 : RED Color 2 : Blue Color 3 : Green

1. Strawberry : ⬜ 1. Strawberry : ⬜ 1. Strawberry : ⬜

2. Mixed Berry : ⬜ 2. Mixed Berry : ⬜ 2. Mixed Berry : ⬜

3. Mixed Fruit : ⬜ 3. Mixed Fruit : ⬜ 3. Mixed Fruit : ⬜

Thank you, We value your time and cooperation for this experiment!

SIP DOCUMENT - 1 : Highschool Dept - Grade 9 Piety

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