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Enter the correct word in the space to complete the sentence.
1. Money received is recorded in the ___________________________.
2. Businesses buying and selling trading stock to provide in the needs of their clients, are known as
3. Receipts not received on a regular basis, is recorded in the _____________ column in the cash receipts journal.
4. Cash received in the business is recorded in the ______________________
column before it is deposited at the end of the day and transferred to the bank column.
5. The sales price of credit card sales is recorded in the _________________ and sales column. The cost price of credit
card sales is recorded in the _________________ column.
6. Cash sales are recorded in the bank and ____________ column. The cost price of cash sales is recorded in the
_________________ column.
7. When goods are sold, the sales price for the transaction must be recorded in the bank column and
_____________________ column and the expense for the sales must be recorded in the _____________________
8. Each transaction in the cash receipts journal must be recorded in two columns according to the __________________
9. When goods are sold for cash two double entries are completed. The sales price increases the amount in the bank
column and __________ column. The cost of sales is recorded in the __________________ column. The
________________ account is _______________ and the _____________ account is ________________ in the general
ledger with the cost price in the cost of sales column.
10. On which date will the entries in the sundry account column of the CRJ be posted to the general ledger?
11. On which date will the totals of columns in the CRJ be posted to the general ledger?
12. The total of each column in the CRJ is posted to one account in the general ledger except the ____________________
column that is posted to two accounts in the general ledger.
13. The total of the cost of sales column in the CRJ is posted to the general ledger on the debit side of the
________________ account and credit side of the __________________ account.
14. The total of the bank column in the CRJ is posted to the ___________ account in the general ledger on the
___________ side because the money in the bank increased.
15. The total of the sales column in the CRJ is posted to the ________account in the general ledger on the
16. A direct deposit of the owner in the bank account of the business to increase his capital contribution, is recorded in the
_____________ column in the CRJ. No entry is recorded in the analysis of receipts column. The money was not received
in the business.
17. When the client pays for sales with a credit card, the amount is recorded in the ____________ column of the CRJ.
The bank pays the money at the end of the day in the bank account of the business. The client owes the money to the
bank. The money is not received in cash in the business.
18. When the client pays for sales with a debit card, the amount is recorded in the ____________ column of the CRJ. The
bank pays the money directly out of the bank account of the client to the bank account of the business. The money is not
received in cash in the business.
19. The source document used for entries in the CRJ for direct deposits, EFT payments, debit and credit card payments is
the _________________.
20. The totals of all the columns, (cost of sales column excluded), must be equal to the amount in the
____________column in the CRJ.
21. In the books of a trading concern the expense for goods sold in the cash receipts journal is recorded in the
____________________ column. As this amount is not recorded in another column, the amount must be posted to two
accounts. The ____________________ account is debited and the ________________ account is credited.


Enter the correct word in the space to complete the sentence.
1. Money paid is recorded in the _______________________________ journal.
2. Expenses not paid in cash, is paid with a ____________________.
3. In the books of a trading undertaking that buys products to sell, the purchases are being recorded in the
_____________________ column in the cash payments journal.
4. For payments done regularly columns are opened in the cash payments journal. The totals in these columns are posted
on the ________________ of the month to the general ledger.
5. Payments not done on a regular basis are recorded in the _______________ column in the cash payments journal.
6. Each transaction in the cash payments journal must be recorded in two columns according to the __________________
7. On which date will the entries in the sundry account column of the CPJ be posted to the general ledger?
8. On which date will the totals of columns in the CPJ be posted to the general ledger?
9. The total of the trading stock column in the CPJ is posted to the _________ side of the __________________ account
in the ledger.
10. The total of the bank column in the CPJ is posted to the _________ account in the general leger on the ___________
side because the money in the bank decreased.
11. The source document for EFT payments is the _______________________.
12. Each transaction in the CRJ must be recorded in the ______________ column and another column.
13. The totals of all the columns in the CPJ, except the bank column, is posted to the accounts in the general ledger on the
____________ side on the ______ day of the month.
14. The __________ numbers are recorded under the totals of the columns.
15. For the entries in the sundry account column the ________ number of the ledger account is recorded between the
amount and the name of the account to which the entry is posted.
16. In the detail column the name of the business or person is recorded to which the payment was made. Only for
drawings of cash to have cash available to make cash payments, the word ______________ is written in the detail

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