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Physiological traits and relative abundance of species as
explanatory variables of co-occurrence pattern of cultivable
bacteria associated with chia seeds
Asma Jaba, Fadi Dagher, Amir Mehdi Hamidi Oskouei, Claude Guertin, and Philippe Constant
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

Abstract: Deciphering the rules defining microbial community assemblage is envisioned as a promising strategy
to improve predictions of pathogens colonization and proliferation in food. Despite the increasing number of
studies reporting microbial co-occurrence patterns, only a few attempts have been made to challenge them in
experimental or theoretical frameworks. Here, we tested the hypothesis that observed variations in co-occurrence
patterns can be explained by taxonomy, relative abundance, and physiological traits of microbial species. We used
PCR amplicon sequencing of taxonomic markers to assess distribution and co-occurrence patterns of bacterial and
fungal species found in 25 chia (Salvia hispanica L.) samples originating from eight different sources. The use of
nutrient-rich and oligotrophic media enabled isolation of 71 strains encompassing 16 bacterial species, of which
five corresponded to phylotypes represented in the molecular survey. Tolerance to different growth inhibitors and
antibiotics was tested to assess the physiological traits of these isolates. Divergence of physiological traits and
relative abundance of each pair of species explained 69% of the co-occurrence profile displayed by cultivable
bacterial phylotypes in chia. Validation of this ecological network conceptualization approach to more food
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products is required to integrate microbial species co-occurrence patterns in predictive microbiology.

Key words: microbial ecology, microbiome, microbial communities.
Résumé : Le décryptage des règles qui définissent l’assemblage d’une communauté microbienne est considéré
comme une stratégie prometteuse pour améliorer les prédictions de la colonisation et de la prolifération d’agents
pathogènes dans la nourriture. Malgré un nombre croissant d’études qui rapportent des patrons de concomitance
de microbes, peu de tentatives ont été réalisées pour les confronter à des cadres expérimentaux ou théoriques. Les
auteurs ont testé ici l’hypothèse que les variations observées dans les patrons de concomitance peuvent être
expliquées par la taxonomie, l’abondance relative et les caractères physiologiques des espèces microbiennes. Le
séquençage d’amplicons PCR de marqueurs taxonomiques a été d’abord réalisé pour évaluer la distribution et les
patrons de concomitance d’espèces bactériennes et fongiques trouvées chez 25 échantillons de chia (Salvia
hispanica L.) provenant de huit sources différentes. L’utilisation de milieux riches en nutriments et oligotrophes a
permis d’isoler 71 souches comprenant 16 espèces bactériennes parmi lesquelles cinq correspondaient à des
phylotypes représentés dans l’étude moléculaire. La tolérance à différents inhibiteurs de croissance et antibi-
otiques a été testée afin d’évaluer les caractères physiologiques de ces isolats. La divergence des caractères
physiologiques et l’abondance relative de chaque paire d’espèces expliquaient 69 % du profil de concomitance
présenté par les phylotypes bactériens cultivables chez le chia. La validation de cette approche de conceptualisa-
tion du réseau écologique sur davantage de produits alimentaires est nécessaire pour intégrer les patrons de
concomitance d’espèces microbiennes en microbiologie prévisionnelle. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Mots-clés : écologie microbienne, microbiome, communautés microbiennes.

Introduction the abiotic and biotic features characterizing the food

Foodborne pathogens or contaminants may arise fol- matrix. The relevance of abiotic features of food prod-
lowing accidental exposure and infection of food during ucts in determining the structure of their microbiota is
transport or storage. Persistence and proliferation of demonstrated by predictive microbiology approaches
these allochthonous microorganisms are then driven by implementing sophisticated models incorporating envi-

Received 28 January 2019. Revision received 14 May 2019. Accepted 28 May 2019.
A. Jaba, C. Guertin, and P. Constant. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Institut Armand-Frappier, 531 boulevard des
Prairies, Laval, QC H7V 1B7, Canada.
F. Dagher and A.M. Hamidi Oskouei. Agri-Neo Inc., 435 Horner Avenue, Unit 1, Toronto, ON M8W 4W3, Canada.
Corresponding authors: Claude Guertin (email: and Philippe Constant (email:
Copyright remains with the author(s) or their institution(s). Permission for reuse (free in most cases) can be obtained from RightsLink.

Can. J. Microbiol. 65: 668–680 (2019) Published at on 3 June 2019.
Jaba et al. 669

ronmental factors to predict the proliferation of micro- long by 1.2 mm wide (Ixtaina et al. 2008; Muñoz et al.
organisms (Mejlholm et al. 2010; Tenenhaus-Aziza and 2012). They are often consumed raw, and some recalls
Ellouze 2015; Zoellner et al. 2018). The impact of biotic have been experienced due to contamination with food-
features, including microbe–microbe interactions, has borne pathogens (Tamber et al. 2016). In this study, using
received little attention, even though experimental evi- a combination of molecular and cultivation methods, we
dence supports the notion that species co-occurrence explored the hypothesis that phylogenetic distance,
patterns are non-random (Berg 2015). In a pioneering physiological traits, and relative abundance of species
study, Horner-Devine et al. (2007) applied the checker- exert a filtering effect on microbial assemblages. Firstly,
board principle to show that species co-occurrence pat- PCR amplicon sequencing of taxonomic marker genes
terns observed in plants and animals hold in microbial was conducted to obtain a portrait of the bacterial and
communities. The reliance of the checkerboard principle fungal community structure associated with chia seeds
on presence–absence datasets complicates the imple- and to explore co-occurrence between individual species.
mentation of the approach for microbial profiles ob- Secondly, efforts were invested in building a representa-
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

tained by the use of high-throughput sequencing tive collection of bacterial isolates associated with chia.
technologies. Indeed, these portraits are compositional Finally, bacterial isolates whose 16S rRNA gene sequence
matrices represented by a finite number of sequences was identical to the amplicon sequence variant (ASV)
retrieved from environmental DNA resulting in inverse detected in the molecular survey were characterized.
relationships among the relative abundance, the vari- Pairwise phylogenetic distance, distance based on phys-
ance of sequence features, and the occurrence of several iological traits, and relative abundances were computed
challenging-to-handle zero values (Kaul et al. 2017). These for all combinations of isolates to test the relevance
specificities regarding microbial community data assembly of these variables to explain observed interspecific co-
were considered in the implementation of several algo- occurrences in the molecular survey.
rithms designed to compute species co-occurrence relying
Materials and methods
on their relative abundance with positive (co-presence)
For personal use only.

and negative (co-exclusion) relationships (Friedman and Samples

Alm 2012; Kurtz et al. 2015). However, such potential A total of 25 samples of non-sprouted chia were used in
microbe–microbe interactions are more suggestive than this study; they came from Argentina (n = 7), Paraguay
definitive owing to neutral processes that select coexisting (n = 4), Bolivia (n = 5), Ecuador (n = 3), Nicaragua (n = 1),
Mexico (n = 1), a Canadian distributor (n = 3), and the
species from their fitness in the habitat, without relying
California-based seed processor and distributor Nativas
on interactions per se (Bell 2005).
Organics (n = 1). Chia samples originating from the same
Despite the constraints imposed by molecular tools,
site arise from different batches. These seeds were stored
implementation of a microbial species correlation ma-
at room temperature in plastic bags for less than 2 weeks
trix into a theoretical framework is expected to identify
prior to genomic DNA extraction.
general principles or rules deciphering assembly and
structure of microbial communities. An emerging strat- Microbial community structure
egy is to relate a microbial species’ pairwise correlation Total genomic DNA was extracted from chia samples
score to its physiological traits selected by habitat con- with a Fast DNA Spin kit (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana,
straints. Indeed, incongruence between phylogenetic California, USA) according to the specifications of the
distance and physiological traits suggests that the latter manufacturer, and included two successive mechanical
are the most significant parameters to infer microbial lysis steps performed with a FastPrep-24 homogenizer
species interactions with their environment (Ho et al. (MP Biomedicals). Based on results from preliminary
2013; Krause et al. 2014). Under this framework, the co- tests of the extraction procedure on different amounts of
occurrence of microbial species can be computed from chia (100, 200, or 300 mg), samples were processed using
molecular profiles, and the resulting pairwise correla- 100 mg of chia because seed mucilage impaired genomic
tion coefficients can be related to physiological traits of DNA extraction from the 200 and 300 mg samples. The
individual species expressed as whole genome sequence abundance of the 16S rRNA gene of bacteria quantified
similarity (Kamneva 2017), predicted functions (Mandakovic by qPCR with the primers Eub338 (Lane 1991) and Eub518
et al. 2018; Zelezniak et al. 2015), or approaches relying on (Muyzer et al. 1993) was 1.2 (±2.4) × 106 copies·gdry mass−1,
phenotype characterization of cultivable members of and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the
the communities, as proposed here. nuclear ribosomal repeat unit of fungi quantified by
In recent years, chia (Salvia hispanica L.) has acquired qPCR with the primers ITS1 (Gardes and Bruns 1993) and
great interest among consumers mainly because of the ITS4 (White et al. 1990) was 4.3 (±5.3) × 105 copies·gdry mass−1
nutritional benefits that are claimed for this crop (data not shown). Extracted DNA samples were subjected
(Salgado-Cruz et al. 2013). An annual herbaceous plant to marker genes PCR amplification, library preparation,
belonging to the Lamiaceae family, chia is generally cul- and high-throughput sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq
tivated in tropical regions and seeds measuring 1.8 mm PE-250 platform at the McGill University and Génome

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670 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 65, 2019

Québec Innovation Center (Montréal, Canada). Barcod- signed to (i) chloroplasts and (ii) spurious bacterial and
ing sequences and PCR procedures are described in sup- fungal OTUs identified as unknown bacterium and fun-
plemental Table S11. Primers B969F and BA1406R were gus were nonspecific and thus removed from the dataset.
used to PCR-amplify the V6–V8 region of the bacterial Raw sequence reads were deposited in the Sequence Read
16S rRNA gene (Comeau et al. 2011), while primers Archive of the National Center for Biotechnology Informa-
ITS3_KYO2F and ITS4_KYO3R were used for the second tion (NCBI) under the Bioproject PRJNA485274.
internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) flanking the 5.8S and
28S rRNA genes in fungi (Toju et al. 2012). Raw sequenc- Isolation of bacteria
Two attempts were conducted to isolate bacteria asso-
ing reads were processed using the software Usearch
ciated with chia, using five chia samples randomly
version 10 (Edgar 2010). Paired reads were assembled to
selected for each isolation procedure. For the first
a total length varying between 400 and 500 nt for bac-
approach, 100 mg of seeds was transferred into 900 ␮L of
teria and between 190 and 450 nt for fungi. In all,
saline solution (0.85% NaCl). Seeds were thoroughly
2 691 709 bacterial and 1 583 794 fungal merged read se-
mixed for 1 min and 100 ␮L of the mixture was inoculated
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

quences were subject to quality control. The maximum

on oligotrophic R2A agar plate containing (in g·L−1) pro-
mismatch threshold in the overlapped region of assem-
bly was set using default parameters (5 for bacteria, and teose peptone (3.0), sodium pyruvate (0.30), yeast extract
10 for fungi), and primers were removed from each se- (0.50), dibasic potassium phosphate (0.30), casein acid
quence. Sequences having less than one erroneous base hydrolysate (0.50), magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
were accepted for downstream quality control steps. (0.05), glucose (0.50), soluble starch (0.50), and agar (15),
Reads were then dereplicated, and singletons were dis- with a final pH of 7.0. The second approach was aimed at
carded and denoised using Unoise3 (Edgar 2016b). Se- isolating copiotrophic bacteria, using tryptone soya me-
dium (TSB-A) containing (in g·L−1) Bacto Tryptone (17.0),
quences shorter than 366 and 150 nt for bacteria and ®
Bacto Soytone (3.0), glucose (2.5), sodium chloride (5.0),
fungi, respectively, were discarded. Classification of the ®
dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (2.5), and agar (15). Pre-
resulting filtered sequences was undertaken using two
incubation of 100 mg of chia seeds was done in 5 mL of
For personal use only.

successive clustering approaches implemented in Unoise3

(Edgar 2016b). In the first approach, single sequences tryptone soya broth supplemented with the antifungal
were clustered into ASVs corresponding to a classifica- cycloheximide (100 mg·mL−1) for 3 days at 25 °C under
tion at the 100% sequence identity threshold (Callahan 150 r·min−1 agitation from which 100 ␮L was spread on
et al. 2017). This clustering approach was efficient to as- TSB agar plate. Incubation of R2A and TSB-A plates was
sign an ASV sequence retrieved from the molecular sur- performed at 30 °C. Individual colonies were isolated and
vey to the 16S rRNA gene sequence of a bacterial isolate. purified through three successive transfers on agar
Indeed, unambiguous assignment of each isolate to a plates (R2A or TSB-A). The biomass of axenic culture was
single ASV was mandatory for the theoretical framework washed from agar plates with 5 mL of glycerol (20% v/v).
of microbial species co-occurrence. ASVs representing One aliquot was collected for storage at –80 °C and the
less than 0.005% of read counts were removed before the residual volume was subjected to centrifugation for
second clustering approach grouping ASV sequences 10 min (20 000g, 4 °C), and the resulting bacterial pellet
into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using a 97% was mixed with 100–200 mg of silica beads (150–212 ␮m
identity level cutoff. This scheme was necessary to in- diameter), 1 mL of TEN buffer (50 mmol·L−1 Tris–HCl,
crease the prevalence of phylotypes in chia samples to 10 mmol·L−1 EDTA, 150 mmol·L−1 NaCl, pH 8.0), and 20 ␮L of
fulfill standard requirements of ecological network anal- SDS (20% m/v) for genomic DNA extraction. Mechanical
yses. Indeed, the OTU clustering method reduced the cell lysis was performed two times successively with
FastPrep-24 homogenizer (MP Biomedicals) for 45 s at
number of null values in bacterial and fungal relative
frequency datasets. The clustering procedures led to the
6.5 m·s−1, with 5 min of incubation on ice between cycles.
identification of 187 and 115 ASVs grouped into 91 and The lysed cell mixture was centrifuged (20 000g for
90 OTUs for bacteria and fungi (supplemental Table S11), 10 min) and the recovered aqueous phase was treated
respectively. Taxonomic affiliation of ASVs and OTUs with RNase A (20 ␮g·mL−1) for 10 min at room tempera-
was predicted by k-mer similarity of ASV representative ture before adding 500 ␮L of phenol – chloroform –
sequences to the RDP (Ribosomal Database Project) ver- isoamyl alcohol solution (25:24:1, pH 7.0) to purify DNA.
sion 16 training set of 16S rRNA gene for bacteria (Cole The aqueous phase obtained after centrifugation
et al. 2014) and RDP Warcup training set version 2 for (20 000g for 10 min) was mixed with 500 ␮L of chlo-
fungi (Deshpande et al. 2016), altogether considering roform – isoamyl alcohol solution (24:1) and centrifuged
taxa agreed upon by over 80% of bootstrap replications at 20 000g for 2 min at 4 °C. After collecting the aqueous
using the SINTAX algorithm (Edgar 2016a). Reads as- phase (approximately 500 ␮L), a 167 ␮L volume of ammo-

1Supplementary data are available with the article through the journal Web site at

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Jaba et al. 671

nium acetate (10 mol·L−1) was added, incubated for color. This purple coloration is produced by reducing
20 min on ice, and centrifuged (20 000g for 15 min). The the indicator, tetrazolium, to a colored formazan com-
supernatant was collected, and nucleic acids were pre- pound. Qualitative reading of the plate was conducted by
cipitated with 1 mL of ethanol (100%) at –20 °C. The pellet assigning a 0 (no color) or 1 (purple color) binary score to
was recovered after centrifugation (20 000g for 15 min at each well after 24–36 h incubation at 30 °C. For each
4 °C) and DNA was solubilized in 100 ␮L of sterile plate, wells were inoculated with 100 ␮L of bacterial sus-
nuclease-free water. Quality of genomic DNA was con- pension consisting of 3-mm-diameter colony harvested
firmed by 1% (m/v) agarose gel electrophoresis. Extracted from R2A agar in 15 mL of inoculation fluid. Selection of
DNA aliquots were stored at –20 °C. inoculation fluid (protocol A or B) was based on the re-
sponse of negative control of each strain, with protocol B
Molecular identification and classification of bacterial utilized in the case of appearance of a purple color in the
negative control well included in the GEN III MicroPlate
Genomic DNA extracted from axenic cultures was sub-
with protocol A. Physiological traits of bacterial strains
jected to PCR amplification of bacterial 16S rRNA gene
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

were defined by their response to 23 chemical sensitivity

using the primers 27F and 1492R (Lane 1991; Turner et al.
assays encompassing tolerance to acidic pH (pH 5 and 6),
1999). PCR products were shipped to the McGill Univer-
salt (NaCl 1%, 4%, and 8%), growth inhibitors (Niaproof 4 ,
sity and Génome Québec Innovation Center (Montréal,
guanidine hydrochloride, sodium lactate, D-serine, lith-
Canada) for Sanger sequencing using the primer 1492R.
ium chloride, potassium tellurite, sodium butyrate, so-
Gene sequences of the isolates were thoroughly exam-
dium bromate, tetrazolium violet, and tetrazolium blue),
ined, and ambiguous bases were corrected on Chromas
version 2.6.5 (Technelysium Pty Ltd., South Brisbane,
® and antibiotics (troleandomycin, rifamycin, minocycline,
lincomycin, vancomycin, nalidixic acid, aztreonam, and
Australia). The sequences from isolates and the repre-
fusidic acid).
sentative sequence of each ASV detected in the whole
molecular survey were aligned with Muscle algorithm Statistical analyses
(Edgar 2004). The alignment of sequences obtained Statistical analyses were performed with the software
For personal use only.

counted 700 positions. The software Bioedit version 7.0.3 R version 3.3.0 (R Development Core Team 2008) using
(Hall 1999) was used to generate a pairwise identity ma- the vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2012) unless otherwise
trix to cluster isolates into species (97% identity cutoff stated. The potential relationship between the geo-
between 16S rRNA gene sequence of bacterial isolates) graphic origin of chia samples and microbial community
and find which bacterial isolate is assigned to retrieved structure was first examined following two complemen-
ASV sequences (100% identity cutoff between ASV and tary approaches. Firstly, the ␣-diversity index and species
isolate 16S rRNA gene sequences) in the molecular sur- richness estimator of bacterial and fungal community
vey. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool was used to structure were computed, and Kruskal–Wallis tests were
retrieve from the NCBI database (http://www.ncbi.nlm. executed with the stats package (R Development Core 16S rRNA sequences similar to those of bacterial Team 2008). Secondly, the contribution of geographic
isolates. Only genomic information from type material origin of chia samples to partition Bray–Curtis dissimi-
was considered, and three entries from different genera larity matrix of bacterial and fungal OTUs relative
showing the highest identity score to query were kept for abundance data were computed by permutational
phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenetic analyses were con- multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Permanova)
ducted using 16S rRNA sequences retrieved from the mo- and visualized with principal coordinate analysis (PCoA)
lecular survey (OTUs), bacterial isolates, and NCBI. The using the Phyloseq package (McMurdie and Holmes
resulting 147 sequences were imported in the software 2013). Co-occurrence network of bacterial and fungal
Mega 6.0 (Tamura et al. 2013) and aligned using Muscle OTUs was examined using the SparCC coefficient com-
algorithm (Edgar 2004), resulting in 302 consensual nu- puted in the SpiecEasi package (Kurtz et al. 2015) param-
cleic acid positions in the final dataset. The phylogenetic eterized with a threshold of 0.1 and a maximum number
tree was computed by using the maximum-likelihood of iterations of 20 (Friedman and Alm 2012). The signifi-
method based on the Tamura–Nei model (Tamura and cance of pairwise SparCC coefficients was determined
Nei 1993). through 1000 bootstraps and this resulted in a minimal
coefficient value of 0.6 to obtain a pseudo p value of 0.05.
Physiological traits of bacterial isolates Although deriving the correlation matrix from a subset
Physiological traits of bacterial isolates were evaluated of bacterial and fungal species detected in a minimal
using the GEN III MicroPlate (Biolog Inc., Hayward,
California, USA) comprising 94 phenotypic reactions,
number of samples (e.g., 40%–50%) is a current practice
to avoid analyses involving rare species whose counts are
with 71 corresponding to carbon sources and 23 corre- uncertain, that approach leads to a substantial loss of
sponding to sensitivity tests to chemical inhibitors. The data. Using that approach, 86% of bacterial and fungal
use of carbon substrates or resistance to chemical inhib- OTUs were excluded and not relevant for subsequent
itors by isolates results in the appearance of a purple isolation efforts. Considering the small proportion of

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672 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 65, 2019

Table 1. General information related to molecular profile of bacterial and fungal communities associated with chia samples.
Bacteria Fungi
Source n nreads nOTU* Shannon* Simpson* Chao* nreads nOTU* Shannon* Simpson* Chao*
Paraguay 4 5541 13±5 1.5±0.5 0.66±0.18 16±7 266 467 26±9 1.3±0.6 0.52±0.26 28±10
Argentina 7 6076 17±8 2.1±0.5 0.81±0.09 18±8 503 894 20±10 0.7±0.6 0.33±0.29 26±10
Nicaragua 1 674 13 2.0 0.85 13 46 492 14 1.4 0.74 16
Bolivia 5 5061 18±13 1.8±0.7 0.73±0.20 23±13 328 465 22±6 1.1±0.5 0.56±0.25 26±11
Ecuador 3 2848 15±7 2.0±0.6 0.80±0.14 16±9 47 564 16±4 1.2±0.1 0.57±0.11 19±8
Mexico 1 356 7 1.0 0.46 8 3398 10 0.08 0.02 11
Canada 3 1919 11±4 1.7±0.3 0.74±0.89 14±9 216 744 18±6 0.26±0.26 0.11±0.12 23±6
USA 1 31 140 16 1.79 0.75 22 109 226 25 1.77 0.77 28
Note: None of the estimated parameters showed significant difference between samples of different sources (Kruskal–Wallis test; p > 0.05).
*For chia sources where n > 1, mean and standard deviation are provided.
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

cultivable microorganisms in the environment, these 兺 n⫽1

xi and 兺 n⫽1
xj is used as the numerator for the first
constraints leave little room to obtain experimental evi- term of the equation. This calculation was elaborated to
dence supporting co-occurrence patterns. Therefore, a adjust the ratio of the relative abundance of both species
second approach was used to compute bacterial species with the sum of their relative abundance with the ratio-
co-occurrence using the whole OTU dataset associated nale that the probability for two bacterial OTU species to
with bacteria to achieve a trade-off between confidence be in close proximity and interact in chia increases with
regarding computed pairwise correlations and the their absolute abundance (Cardinale et al. 2015; Malakar
probability to obtain relevant isolates for the proposed et al. 2003). The theoretical framework also was tested
co-occurrence model framework. Statistical analyses using the Spearman correlations coefficient instead of
related to bacterial isolates first included the elaboration the SparCC score to challenge the model.
For personal use only.

of rarefaction curves to assess the isolation effort of the

bacteria on R2A and TSB-A cultivation media. A compar- Results
ison of isolates based on physiological traits was per- Microbial community structure and co-occurrence
formed using a Jaccard distance matrix generated from between microbial species
the binary dataset. A total of 25 chia samples originating from eight dif-
To evaluate the contribution of abundance, physiolog- ferent sources were obtained for this study. According to
ical traits, and taxonomy in explaining co-occurrence species richness estimator (Chao1), the marker gene PCR-
pattern of bacterial species observed in the 25 chia sam- amplicon sequencing effort was sufficient to recover
ples, multiple linear regression analyses based on the the whole diversity of microbial communities (Table 1).
theoretical framework of Poisot et al. (2015) were com- Bacterial communities were dominated by the phyla
puted as follows: Proteobacteria (91.8%), Firmicutes (3.5%), Chlamydiae (1.7%),
Actinobacteria (1.2%), Bacteroidetes (1.2%), and Chloroflexi
(1) A(i,j) ⫽ ␶(i,j) ⫹ PD(i,j) ⫹ N(i,j)
(0.6%), while most of the fungi were represented by
Ascomycota (99.9%). The bacterial OTUs B6 and B17 affili-
where bacterial species are isolates i and j assigned to
OTUs i and j in the molecular survey, A(i,j) is the pairwise ated with Burkholderiaceae and the fungal OTU F1 affili-
SparCC coefficient between the OTUs i and j computed ated with Pleosporaceae comprised a core microbiome
using the whole OTU table, ␶(i,j) is the Jaccard distance of detected in all samples. Species richness and evenness of
physiological traits between isolates i and j, PD(i,j) is the microbial communities could not be discriminated by
phylogenetic distance computed as the difference score origin (Table 1). The potential impact of chia sample ori-
(a score of 0 corresponds to 100% identity) between 16S gin on the ␤-diversity of microorganisms was further
rRNA partial gene sequences of isolates i and j after pair- explored by computing PCoA, with the first two axes
wise alignment, and N(i,j) is a term representing the rela- explaining, respectively, 32% and 41% of the variation in
tive abundance of OTUs i and j, which is calculated as bacterial (Fig. 1A) and fungal (Fig. 1B) community profiles.
follows: Dispersion of microbial community profiles in the re-

冉 冊 共兺
duced space of the PCoA showed no unambiguous

x patterns explained by sample origin. The relationship
n⫽1 i
兺 x兲
25 25
(2) N(i,j) ⫽ × x ⫹ between sample origin and microbial community pro-
兺 n⫽1 i n⫽1 j
n⫽1 j files was further examined using Permanova analyses,
considering the whole community instead of the previ-
where 兺 n⫽1
xi and 兺 n⫽1
xj correspond to the sum of the ous reduced space, computed on chia seed samples rep-
relative abundance of xi and xj in the 25 chia samples, resented by at least three independent samples. The
respectively. By convention, the smallest value between results indicated no significant contribution of sample

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Jaba et al. 673

Fig. 1. Principal coordinate analysis of bacterial (A) and fungal (B) communities in chia samples.

A. B.



Axis 2 (0.15)
0.2 Argentina
Axis 2 (0.14)

0.00 0.0 Paraguay
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−0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25 −0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25

Axis 1 (0.18) Axis 1 (0.26)

Fig. 2. Ecological network of ubiquitous bacterial and fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in chia samples. The OTUs
are represented by the nodes and edges illustrate significant pairwise correlation (SparCC, pseudo p value <0.05). Nodes are
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colored according to the taxonomic affiliation of the OTU, the numbers appearing next to the nodes refer to OTU identifier,
and the size of the nodes is scaled according to the logarithm of OTU sequence reads count in the 25 chia samples. The color
of the connecting lines indicates positive (green) or negative (red) correlations. Raw read counts of bacterial and fungal OTU
tables were combined prior to co-occurrence analysis.

0.9 F8 B77
2.7 F49
F29 F1
3.5 F48

F132 F12
4.4 B72

F6 B17 F64

B6 F43
B24 B26

F5 F22

Beta-Proteobacteria Eurotiomycetes Positive

Gamma-Proteobacteria Dothideomycetes Negative

Alpha-Proteobacteria Sordariomycetes

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674 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 65, 2019

Fig. 3. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene sequence of isolates and operational taxonomic units (OTUs)
retrieved from the molecular survey. An overview of the taxonomic classification of the 16S rRNA gene sequence encompassing
three phyla is presented in the first panel (A), with the magnification of (B) Alphaproteobacteria and (C) GammaProteobacteria
clusters in the secondary panels. Bootstrap values (%) are represented in red characters for the nodes that are supported by at
least 50% iterations. The five isolates whose 16S rRNA sequences were 100% identical to sequences retrieved from the
molecular survey are shown in bold.

origin in explaining composition of bacterial communi- gene sequence of isolates and PCR amplicons was
ties (R2 = 0.23; p = 0.08), whereas a significant contribu- imposed to bridge cultivation-dependent and cultivation-
tion was observed for fungi (R2 = 0.28; p = 0.02). independent datasets. In all, the 16S rRNA gene se-
Co-occurrence of microbial species was first explored quences of five isolates encompassing Alphaproteobacteria
using a restricted list of ubiquitous OTUs detected in and Gammaproteobacteria were 100% identical to quality-
more than 11 (44%) chia samples (Fig. 2). The relative controlled sequences retrieved from the molecular sur-
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abundance of these ubiquitous species varied between vey, namely, Sphingomonas sp. strain AJ3, Enterobacter sp.
0.05% and 34% for bacteria and between 0.01% and 42% strain AJ7, Rhizobium sp. strain AJ32, Sphingomonas sp.
for fungi. Network structure was fragmented, with the strain AJ28, and Methylobacterium sp. strain AJ8. Except
occurrence of three modules comprising between two for Sphingomonas sp. strain AJ28, isolates corresponded to
and five members (Fig. 2). The fungal OTU F132 showed members of nonubiquitous species (detected in less than
the highest connectivity, with positive co-occurrence 44% of samples). Isolates whose 16S rRNA sequence was
with fungal OTU F49 and negative co-occurrence with more than 97% identical to PCR amplicons that classified
fungal OTUs F6 and F9. In the second approach, micro- into more than one OTU were prone to ambiguous assig-
bial species co-occurrence was analyzed using the whole nation and were not considered for further analyses.
bacterial and fungal OTU datasets to achieve a trade-off Physiological traits of the five selected bacterial iso-
between confidence regarding computed pairwise corre- lates were defined by their response to 23 chemical sen-
For personal use only.

lations and the probability to obtain isolates relevant for sitivity assays encompassing tolerance to acidic pH, salt,
the proposed co-occurrence model framework (A(i,j); Sup- growth inhibitors, and antibiotics. Selection of ecologi-
plemental Table S21). cally relevant physiological traits is complicated by the
inability to define metabolic features conferring fit-
Isolation of bacteria associated with chia
ness to microbial species sharing the same niche. The
Individual colonies propagated on R2A and TSB-A cul-
23 chemical sensitivity assays were then selected based on
tivation media were isolated for downstream DNA ex-
their ease to measure, general applicability in microbial
traction and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All isolates
diagnostics, and potential role in defining suitable habi-
encompassed the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (Fig. 3). In
tat for microorganisms. The results of individual assays
contrast to conventional approaches where differences
were integrated to compute a Jaccard distance matrix of
in phenotypic traits are used to guide isolation efforts,
these selected physiological traits between isolates (␶(i,j)).
isolation and sequencing of 16S rRNA of all colonies en-
Sphingomonas sp. strain AJ3 was the most sensitive and
abled reliable quantification (Supplemental Table S31).
Enterobacter sp. strain AJ7 was the most resistant to chem-
Indeed, clustering of 16S rRNA sequence of isolates at the
icals. Clustering of the phenotype profiles was not ex-
97% identity cutoff was used to compare the number of
plained by the taxonomic distance of isolates, since
individual species with theoretical estimates of the
Sphingomonas sp. strain AJ28 demonstrated a profile more
whole diversity of cultivable bacteria (Fig. 4A). For TSB-A
similar to Rhizobium sp. strain AJ32 than to Sphingomonas sp.
medium, 14 isolates were clustered into five different
strain AJ3 (Fig. 5).
species mainly represented by Stenotrophomonas sp.,
Enterobacter spp., and Bacillus spp. (Fig. 4B). Additional Model framework for co-occurrence of microbial species
isolation efforts were not attempted, since the number The five selected isolates and their OTU counterparts
of retrieved species corresponds to 100% species richness in the molecular survey were included in the theoretical
estimators (Fig. 4A). A broader diversity was observed on framework aimed at testing whether abundance, physi-
R2A agar, with 57 isolates clustered into 14 different spe- ological traits, and taxonomy explain the co-occurrence
cies, expected to represent 85% cultivable representa- pattern of bacteria species associated with chia (Supple-
tives according to Chao1 species richness estimator mental Table S41). For the analysis, pairwise SparCC co-
(Fig. 4A). As observed with TSB-A medium, Bacillus spp. efficients were retrieved from the co-occurrence analysis
and Enterobacter spp. were the most represented isolates computed using the whole bacterial database (Supple-
in R2A medium (Fig. 4B). mental Table S21). None of the three independent vari-
Since this work seeks to examine the contribution of ables alone explained observed variations in pairwise
phylogenetic distance, abundance, and physiological correlations between the five isolates (Fig. 6A). The appli-
traits in shaping co-occurrence noticed in molecular cation of forward stepwise multiple regression analyses
profile, an exact concordance between the 16S rRNA showed that a model including physiological traits and

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Jaba et al. 675






B. C.
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Sphingomonas Cluster Stenotrophomonas sp. AJ13 (MH753149)

72 99 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (NR113648)
Sphingomonas phylosphaerae (NR029111) Otu 198
Otu 212
Otu 202 89
Sphingomonas mali (NR113762) 55 Otu 17

Sphingomonas sp. AJ3 (MH753074) Otu 208

88Asv 156 Otu 142
Otu 102 Otu 13
99 Sphingomonas sp. AJ28 (MH730923) Otu 6
Asv 20 Otu 35
72 Otu 112
Otu 285
For personal use only.

Cluster A Otu 231
48 Otu 26
Otu 209
61 Otu 226
Methylopila oligotropha (NR133785)
Otu 23
Otu 365 89
Otu 14
Otu 187
Otu 210 Otu 296
51 Acinetobacter junii (NR117623)
Cluster B
Acinetobacter baumannii (KY952683)
Cluster C 99
Acinetobacter sp. AJ74
68 Otu 165
Otu 94
Cluster D
Otu 69
Otu 213
Otu 170
Otu 71 99 57
48 Otu 243 Otu 369

92 Cluster A
Otu 358
87 Otu 24
Cluster E
Kosakonia pseudosacchari (NR135211)
Methylobacterium sp. AJ8 (MH752549)
Salmonelle enterica (NR074910)
Methylobacterium radiotolerans (NR074244)
Kosakonia sp. AJ68 (MH753124)
Asv 189
Otu 163
Otu 344
Morganella sp. (KY606572)

Otu 242 Enterobacter sp. AJ7 (MH753089)

Otu 56 Enterobacter xiangfangensis (NR126208)
Rhizobium sp. AJ32 (MH753125) Asv 59
65 Agrobacterium larrymoorei (NR026519)
99 0.01
Rhizobium sp. (KP142169)
Asv 190

Cluster F
Otu 328
Otu 195


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676 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 65, 2019

Fig. 4. Evaluation of the isolation efforts and taxonomic distribution of the isolates. (A) Rarefaction curves were computed for
quantitative analysis of isolation efforts on TSB-A and R2A media. The number of observed species (n) and Chao1 species
richness estimator are presented. (B) Proportion of bacterial genera represented by isolates encompassing Alphaproteobacteria,
Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria.

A. B.
Alphaproteobacteria Firmicutes Gammaproteobacteria
12 Obs. species: 14
0.6 Acinetobacter
Chao1: 16.5 Bacillus
Number of Species


Relative Abundance
8 0.4
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

TSB 0.2 Stenotrophomonas
Obs. species: 5
Chao1: 5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60





Number of isolates

Fig. 5. Physiological traits of the five selected bacterial isolates. The heatmap shows positive (1) and negative (0) results for
For personal use only.

chemical sensitivity assays encompassing tolerance to acidic pH, salt, growth inhibitors, and antibiotics. The UPGMA
agglomerative clustering of bacterial isolates is based on a Jaccard distance matrix calculated with the results of the chemical
sensitivity assays.


1% NaCl
pH, salt

4% NaCl
8% NaCl
pH 5
pH 6
Niaproof 4
Guanidine HCl
Growth inhibitors

1% Sodium Lactate
Lithium Chloride
Potassium Tellurite
Sodium Butyrate
Sodium Bromate
Tetrazolium Violet
Tetrazolium Blue

Nalidixic Acid
Fusidic Acid
Methylobacterium sp. AJ8
Enterobacter sp. AJ7
Sphingomonas sp. AJ3

Sphingomonas sp. AJ28

Rhizobium sp. AJ32

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Jaba et al. 677

Fig. 6. Theoretical framework to explain co-occurrence two species displaying dissimilar traits, but this relation-
patterns of the five selected bacterial isolates in chia. ship is lowered when the abundance term (N(i,j)) of both
(A) Single and multiple linear regressions were computed species is elevated (Table 2).
using PD(i,j), N(i,j), and ␶(i,j) as independent variables to
explain variation in the SparCC pairwise coefficient (A(i,j)) Discussion
observed between each pair of OTUs represented by the
The low cost and convenience of high-throughput se-
eight isolates. Multiple R2 values are presented for each
quencing technologies have facilitated our ability to
regression analysis. The symbols ** denote p values lower
than 0.05. (B) Linear regression between observed SparCC characterize microbial communities in the environ-
coefficients and predicted coefficients with ␶(i,j) and N(i,j) ment. It is expected that investigation into the bio-
terms (see Table 2 for equation parameters). diversity and interactions among the members of the
microbial communities associated with food will lead to
A. novel advanced biocontrol technologies to establish ben-
eficial microorganisms that will protect food against rot-
Can. J. Microbiol. Downloaded from by on 11/05/21

PD+N+T ting and pathogens (Berg 2015; De Filippis et al. 2018;

Teplitski et al. 2011). This approach has been widely ap-
T+N ** plied to study microbial community dynamics in food
fermentation and food-processing environment, offer-
ing the potential to identify biomarkers for product qual-
ity (Bokulich et al. 2016). In contrast, very few attempts

have been made to characterize the microbiome of fresh

food (Jackson et al. 2013; Leff and Fierer 2013; Ottesen
et al. 2013). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
report on the composition of microbial communities as-
sociated with ready-to-eat dry products. The number of
For personal use only.

N OTUs for microbial communities associated with ready-

to-eat dry products was in the same order of magnitude
PD as that associated with fresh fruits and vegetables (Leff
and Fierer 2013; Wassermann et al. 2017), with bacterial
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 and fungal OTUs ranging between 7 and 40 and between
Multiple R2 10 and 40 per chia sample, respectively. Although only
one survey of fungi is available, it showed the dominance
B. of the fungal lineage Ascomycota in tomatoes (Ottesen
et al. 2013). Our results are in agreement with that survey
and suggest that species richness of fungal communities
associated with chia is of the same magnitude as that of
bacterial communities associated with chia.
Even though there is an increasing number of reports
on microbial species co-occurrence patterns in food
(Chaillou et al. 2015), only a few attempts have been
made to disentangle their mechanisms. Experimental
validation of species interactions suggested by co-
occurrence patterns is complicated by the fact that func-
tioning and metabolism of species examined in axenic
culture can be significantly altered in the presence of
other species (Ho et al. 2014). Nevertheless, both molec-
ular survey and in vitro experiments demonstrated that
Paracoccus aminovorans promotes growth of Vibrio cholerae
in the human gut (Midani et al. 2018), supporting the
interest of co-cultures to validate potential interactions
inferred through co-occurrence analyses. In this study,
only five bacterial isolates were unambiguously assigned
to OTUs retrieved from the molecular survey. Except for
abundance terms offered the best performance, explain- Enterobacter sp. strain AJ7, representative of the ubiqui-
ing 69% of the variations of the observed pairwise SparCC tous OTU B24 in the molecular survey, the isolates rep-
correlation coefficients (Fig. 6B). According to model pa- resented nonabundant OTU, precluding the application
rameters, co-occurrence on chia sample is expected for of standard arbitrary sample prevalence cutoffs to select

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678 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 65, 2019

Table 2. Multiple regressions showing the relationship of species co-occurrence (A(i,j)) with physiological
traits (␶(i,j)) and relative abundance (N(i,j)).
Multiple R2
Equation* (p value) Residual
A(i,j) = 0.49(±0.15)␶(i,j) – 0.080(±0.027)N(i,j) – 0.27(±0.10) 0.69 (0.02) 0.08
A(i,j) = 0.49(±0.16)␶(i,j) – 0.27(±1.32)PD(i,j) – 0.09(±0.06)N(i,j) – 0.23(±0.21) 0.69 (0.06) 0.08
A(i,j) = 0.44(±0.17)␶(i,j) + 1.4(±0.70)PD(i,j) – 0.46(±0.16) 0.57 (0.05) 0.09
Note: Equations were derived with observations of five selected bacterial isolates represented in the molecular
*Confidence interval of the coefficients is provided in parentheses.

a subset of OTU in co-occurrence profiles computing ef- basis of previous investigations on dairy products and
forts. A SparCC correlation matrix was thus computed meats, these successions are expected to be driven in
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using all OTUs represented in the molecular survey. part by filtering effects that select species whose metab-
In contrast to approaches aimed at challenging poten- olism is compatible with physicochemical conditions
tial microbe interaction in co-cultures, we proposed a prevailing in chia seeds, such as low water activity, in
theoretical framework to conceptualize co-occurrence addition to stochastic dissemination of environmental
patterns by taking into account characteristics of iso- species across the different post-harvest stages, includ-
lates. The results support the hypothesis that relative ing processing and distribution (Chaillou et al. 2015;
abundance, phylogenetic distance, and physiological Guidone et al. 2016). The former mechanism is supported
traits explain observed co-occurrence patterns of micro- by the observation of a core microbiome represented by
bial communities associated with chia seeds. The rele- two bacterial species affiliated with Burkholderiaceae and
vance of the proposed model is further supported by one fungus species affiliated with Pleosporaceae in the
applying the theoretical framework to the co-occurrence
25 chia samples originating from different sources. Nev-
pattern of cultivable bacterial OTUs expressed using the
For personal use only.

ertheless, stochastic dissemination of microbial species

Spearman correlation coefficient instead of the SparCC
is supported by a weak relationship between species dis-
coefficient (Supplemental Table S51). According to the
tribution and chia origin as well as low connectivity of
model, dissimilarity of physiological traits increases the
co-occurrence patterns, which is a particularity distin-
strength of co-occurrence. As expected, owing to func-
guishing food from soil or host environments (Parente
tional redundancy in bacteria (Ho et al. 2013; Krause et al.
et al. 2016, 2018). Finding the exact origin of detected
2014), phylogenetic distance with species abundance or
in conjunction with both species abundance and physi- bacterial and fungal species is beyond the scope of this
ological traits lowered model performance. Interpreta- study, impairing a sound evaluation of spatial and tem-
tion of the negative influence of abundance (N(i,j)) on poral variations of co-occurrence patterns in chia. Con-
co-occurrence in the model is shaded by the composi- sequently, it remains unclear whether the roles of
tional nature of OTU datasets, which do not allow infer- physiological traits and abundance in deciphering ob-
ence of a relationship between species abundance and served bacterial species co-occurrence were the result of
their interactions. a filtering effect taking place in chia or in the environ-
This study is the first attempt to test the relevance of mental reservoir of microbes that contaminated chia
physiological traits, phylogenetic distance, and relative during the whole supply chain. Despite these limita-
abundance of bacterial species to explain their co- tions, the approach we used should be considered in
occurrence patterns in the molecular survey. At this stage, future investigations aimed at conceptualizing micro-
the results are more suggestive than definitive, owing to bial species co-occurrence patterns.
a limited number and diversity of isolates representative
of microbial OTUs detected in the molecular survey. Cul- Acknowledgements
tivation bias that led to the isolation of Proteobacteria and This work was supported by a Natural Sciences and
Firmicutes strains combined with the absence of fungi iso- Engineering Research Council of Canada Engage grant
late impairs a sound evaluation of the relevance of phylo- (493409-16) and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
genetic distance in explaining species co-occurrence. search Council of Canada Engage Plus grant (508707-17)
Positive correlations were frequently observed for to PC. The authors are grateful to Sarah Piché-Choquette
phylogenetically close microbial species expected to who introduced AJ to the bioinformatics tools utilized in
share similar ecological traits in different habitats en- this study and submitted raw sequence reads to the Se-
compassing soil, lettuce, and human gut (Barberán et al. quence Read Archive repository (NCBI). The authors ac-
2012; Cardinale et al. 2015; Faust et al. 2012). The struc- knowledge the contribution of the McGill University and
ture of microbial communities reported in this study Génome Québec Innovation Centre (Montréal, Canada)
represents the legacy of microbial successions that took for PCR amplicon library preparation and sequencing
place along the whole production chain of chia. On the services.

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