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Durée : 45 MN

Int n° 2 Durée : 25 MN

1- Le candidat traitera le sujet UNIQUEMENT sur la GRILLE DE REPONSE fournie à cet effet.
2- Cette partie de l’épreuve comporte 2 exercices ; elle tient sur trois (03) pages, et dure 45 MN
3- Intcorrespond
Pour l’exercice 1 (QCM), cochez la case qui n° 2 Durée : 25réponse.
à votre MN
4- Pour l’exercice 2 (QCD), cochez la case A si l’assertion est VRAIE et la lettre B si l’assertion est FAUSSE.
5- Une réponse juste donne 2 points, une réponse fausse vous enlève 1 point.
6- L'absence de réponse ne rapporte, ni n'enlève aucun point.

EXERCISE ONE (QCM) : Four words or phrases labeled A, B, C and D are given below each
statement. Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the statement. Tick on the
answer you think is correct.

Q1 : Please give me…water.

A-a few B-some C-few D- a

Q2 : It depends…you
A-of B-on C-for D -to

Q3 : The bus station is not far…our school.

A-from B- to C-away D- on

Q4 : Can you tell me why…so sad ?

A-she is B- her is C- is she D- she are

Q5 : I…John yesterday.
A-beat B- have beaten C -beated D -bear

Q6 : I can’t see…in the room.

A- nobody B- somebody C- anybody D- someone

Q7 : Paul went on a …trip.

A- three day B -three days C -three-day D-three- days

Q8 : Did you … your cellphone ?

A- lose B- loose C- lost D- last
Concours Direct d’Entrée à l’ESATIC Session 2021
Q9 : If it trains, I…stay here.
A -wish B-will C- would D- will have

Q10 : Ali and Aya love…

A-theirselves B-themself C- theyselves D- each other

Q11_ The cars wait until the traffic……turn green.

A-tights B- crossing C- signs D- lights

Q12_We got wet when it………..

Afreezes B- shines C-blows D- rains

Q13- It is warm and pleasant when the sun ……..

A- pours B- shines C- lights D- comes

Q14- When it rains heavily ; it……..

A- waters B- snows C- Pours D- spoil

Q15- You can …….everything you need at this supermarket.

A-lend B- use C-sel lD- buy

Q16- Water ________________________ at zero

degrees Celsius.
A- freezes B- boils C- evaporates D- disappears

Q17- The lady coming over there is ___________________________ said that philosophy is a full science.
A- the who one B- who she C-the one who D- always she

Q18- ________________________ he succeeded in the test, he was still dissatisfied with his results.
A- Despite of B- Even though C- In spite of D- However

Q19- He was extremely smart at school ______________________ ignorant in other current matters.
A- but B- in spite of C- despite D- of course

Q20- _________________ had she been stolen in the presence of her bodyguard?
A- Why B- How C- Whenever D- What

Concours Direct d’Entrée à l’ESATIC Session 2021

EXERCISE TWO (QCD) : There are twenty (20) sentences below. Read each sentence carefully
and decide whether each sentence is TRUE (VRAIE) or FALSE (FAUSSE). Then, Tick on your
answer sheet the right box corresponding to your choice.

Q1 : There are seven colours in the rainbow. A- True B- False

Q2 : The climate in the tropical rainforest areas is hot and wet.
Q3 : A virus is smaller than a bacteria.
Q4 : A greengrocer is someone who wears green clothes.
Q5 : Grand Bassam is between Bonoua and Aboisso.
Q6 : Kumassi is a Ghanian town.
Q7 : Guei Robert is a former President of Côte d’Ivoire.
Q8 : Nobel prize is rewarded for litterature only.
Q9 : Nicolas Macron is the President of France.
Q10 : Google was first called BackRub.
Q11 : To be continent is to have control over urination.
Q12 : A sea is also called an ocean.
Q13 : A deaf person cannot move anymore.
Q14 : An extinct animal species is a prevalent one.
Q15 : PM is the time interval from evening to midnight.
Q16 : Christopher Columbus discovered Armenia.
Q17 : Yuri Gagarin was the first man on the moon.
Q18 : A man who flies an airplane is a planer.
Q19 : The synonym of “fly” is “rob”.
Q20 : GMT means Greenwich Minute Time.


Concours Direct d’Entrée à l’ESATIC Session 2021


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