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judgment of the policy choice or the sub-

Technological Federalism stantive content of the policy (Essar Steel
Limited v Union of India and Others 2016;
A Building Block to Constitutionalise DDA and Another v Joint Action Commit-

the Digital Sphere tee, Allottee of SFS Flats and Others

2008). Further, any executive policy or
action not in consonance with the distri-
bution of power and legislative compe-
Anushka Mittal tence is liable to be struck down (Essar
Steel Limited v Union of India and Others

“Technological federalism” or igital regulation in India is being 2016). Against this constitutional outline
the interface of the landscape undertaken through the intro- and background, it must be noted that
duction of ministerial policies, the policies under discussion provide
of technological and data
especially in the absence of an updated central control and authority, without a
governance with the federal data protection legislation. This policy- clear discussion about the scope of in-
structure, as enshrined in the making is an exercise of executive and volvement of the sub-federal units in the
Constitution of India, needs to be administrative power of the Indian State creation of public digital infrastructure.
(Deshpande 2006). The power along with The policy and technological choice of
ideally adjudicated upon. Till the
the executive and legislative compe- the use of a unique health ID to access
time it happens, it needs to be tence is sourced from the Constitution. healthcare services was enshrined through-
theorised and understood in In fact, delineation of such competence, out the ideation of the datafied health-
detail. The centralisation of among various tiers of the state, is a care system (NDHB Committee 2019). It
commonly accepted feature of federal- was recently adopted in law, through the
data, digital architectures as
ism (Singh 2016). Unique Health Identifier Rules, 2021,
well as decision-making will be Legislative competence has been ens- following the notification of the broad
inevitable in the absence of a hrined in the Constitution in Part XI, based and totalising Aadhaar Authenti-
new perspective. Chapter I, Articles 245–55, while execu- cation for Good Governance (Social
tive power is provided in Chapter II, Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules,
ranging from Articles 256 to 263. The 2020. Even though it is “voluntary,” it will
executive power is also exercised ac- continue to further entrench the socio-
cording to Articles 73 (by the union) and economic role of Aadhaar, replete with its
162 (by the states), which posit that it is exclusions. It is thus opportune to under-
coextensive with legislative power and stand technological federalism through
competence (Hindustan Times v State of the example of the National Digital
Uttar Pradesh 2003; Ram Jawaya Kapur Health Mission (NDHM), put in place by
v State of Punjab 1955; Somanathan the Ministry of Health and Family Wel-
2016). Further, the asymmetrical federal fare (MoHFW) of the union government.
apparatus (Sivaramakrishnan 2016) is This will enable an appreciation of the
effectuated through a range of subjects, need for greater clarity with respect to the
enumerated in Schedule 7 of the Consti- space occupied by various governmental
tution. These include entries over which entities and the diversity of design choices
the union government has jurisdiction that could have been exercised.
(union list), with certain matters in the
sub-federal units’ control (state list) Constitutional Position of Health
while the rest may be shared between In India, the right to health has been
the two zones of power and governance judicially interpreted as a fundamental
(concurrent list). human right (Consumer Education and
A judicial review of executive action Research Centre and Others v Union of
subsists on the grounds of illegality, legi- India and Others 1995). The union exec-
The author would like to acknowledge and timate expectations, proportionality, arbi- utive regulates public health through
thank the anonymous reviewer for their inputs trariness, procedural impropriety as well the MoHFW. It frames the National
as they helped to enrich the discussion and put as a violation of fundamental rights Health Policy, which determines the pri-
them in the right perspective.
(Vakil 2018). However, the scope of re- orities for the health set-up. It supple-
Anushka Mittal ( view of a policy is narrower. The courts ments the efforts of the sub-federal units
is a lawyer and researcher, interested in digital intervene in policy matters, to the extent to provide for public health through
of its constitutionality and do not sit in various schemes and grants, such as the
18 NOVEMBER 20, 2021 vol lVI no 47 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

National Health Mission (NHM 2018), v State of Uttar Pradesh and Others 2011). which oversees the implementation of
Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan At the same time, there are various the public insurance scheme (PM-JAY)
Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY), etc, as an states that have drafted a legislation and the creation of a NDHM (NHA). State
exercise of power under Article 282 of dealing with public health as they enjoy health agencies have also been created
the Constitution (Kumar 2020). Article legislative and executive dominion over for co-option (Ahmed et al 2019).
282 provides that it with a National Health Bill open for The digital public ecosystems are net-
The union or a state may make any grants adoption (Sinha 2020). works within a network (of the internet)
for any public purpose, notwithstanding This state of affairs does not result in (Oliveira et al 2019). The NDHM is the ar-
that the purpose is not one with respect to the necessary clarity required to embed chitecture atop which data is shared
which Parliament or the Legislature of the a set of new and transformational digital across multiple rungs for various purpos-
State, as the case may be, may make laws.
systems in the handiwork of the Consti- es. An “open network architecture” com-
Further, the policies and the central tution. This may lead to acute repercus- bines attributes of bottom-up and top-
governance of health are a patchwork of sions to outline accountability for public down development factors (Longstaff
various items of competence embedded in digital infrastructure. 2000). The NDHM is designed in this way
the Constitution. The central government to cater to private players, such as insur-
machinery is run as per the rules framed Digital Health Set-up ance companies, which will nurture the
by the executive under Article 77(3). Ac- The National Health Policy, 2017 aims to infrastructure and use it for private claims,
cording to Rule 3 of the Government of improve the quality of healthcare services, as well (National Health Authority 2020).
India (Allocation of Business) Rules, universal access, and coverage for health Its success or utility is premised on rap-
1961, the NHM is regulated by the union expenses. It codified a shift in health- id adoption and interoperability, lest
due to Entry 20A1 of the concurrent list. care policy by focusing on strategic pur- bottlenecks be created. The literature on
Similarly, the central government gov- chasing of secondary and tertiary care the regulation of networked industries
erns health through other subjects of the services from the private sector and a acknowledges that jurisdictional alloca-
union list under Entries 28,2 64,3 664 publicly-funded health insurance model tion is vastly complicated due to the ver-
and Entries 16,5 25,6 26,7 298 and 309 of (Rathi 2019). Apart from the creation of tical industrial structure of network in-
the concurrent list. It must be noted, physical infrastructure, these goals are dustries, where different industry seg-
however, that according to the constitu- sought to be achieved through the data- ments could operate at different optimal
tional federal structure, “public health fication of relationships and transactions geographical sizes (Trillas 2008). Thus,
and sanitation, hospitals and dispensa- in the healthcare set-up. The National the cooperation of all elements, such as
ries” is a state subject under Entry 6 of Digital Health Blueprint was formulat- hospitals and sub-federal units, is en-
the state list. This results in an overlap of ed, followed by the enactment of the forced through central control by the
legislative and executive action, though NDHM to establish the ecosystem. While NDHM. This necessitates a greater study
the broad contours of the actions have posited as a solution to measure and ad- of its federal implications and the regu-
been laid down by the courts. It is a test- dress gaps in access and quality in latory space provided to such units.
ed interpretation of Article 254 that the healthcare provisioning through data
same matter may be regulated by differ- analysis, it has morphed into data cen- Social Concerns of NDHM
ent governments so long as one does not tralisation and insurance coverage (Rathi Apart from the constitutional implica-
usurp the domain of the other and nei- 2019). Presently, this digital campaign to tions, arising out of its structural set-up,
ther are irreconcilable (Niranjan 2016). provide healthcare, predicated on elec- there are myriad social concerns that
The health schemes decidedly follow tronic health records and health data necessitate a prior discussion about eve-
a pattern of synergy, which are adopted collection, has been subsumed within ry digital project in India. While these
by sub-federal units. However, the basic the MoHFW’s domain. projects and policies are ostensibly un-
and foundational standards are laid The NDHM aims to collect data in the dertaken to resolve the issues of public
down by the union. For example, the form of electronic health records through service delivery, a faulty governance
NHM subsumes the National Rural an identification system, formulate elec- mechanism can increase the chasm than
Health Mission (NRHM), which provides tronic registries of doctors, hospitals and reduce it. As the system is put into place,
funds, grants, and sets the priorities for patients, store such data in a federated it would be premature to note its suc-
the states to adopt the measures for architecture at the facility level with in- cesses and defeats. However, based on
health services in their respective rural formation exchanges and access available what we know, the following is a dis-
areas. As judicially held, the scheme is at the state and central levels. It also seeks claimer of the future misgovernance
framed under several entries of the con- to involve private players (service pro- that can behold the users.
current list and that the state govern- viders and insurance) for the creation and The NDHM encourages production and
ment does not possess jurisdiction to vi- expansion of infrastructure (NDHB Com- collection of extremely sensitive data.
olate the terms and conditions contained mittee 2019). Further, the National Health Health data has been designated as sen-
in the NRHM scheme and its operational Authority (NHA) has been constituted by sitive personal data universally and in
guidelines (Devendra, Kumar and Others an executive action (Wire Staff 2019), India. It is also broadly defined as the
Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMBER 20, 2021 vol lVI no 47 19

data related to the state of physical or important to sufficiently check the pow- an exercise of residuary power under
mental health of the data principal and er of this fiduciary and ensure accounta- Article 248, then such policy action must
includes records regarding the past, pre- bility standards, lest it be created as a explicitly reject its attribution to any
sent, or future state of the health of such surveillance tool, increasing opacity bet- other item in the state or concurrent list
data principal, data collected in the ween the citizens and the others, includ- (Manmohan Vig, Delhi and Others v State
course of registration for, or provision of ing service providers, the state, or com- of Haryana and Others 1981). At the
health services, data associating the panies who use this information. The same time, it must also be noted that
data principal to the provision of specific NDHM hopes to build a data repository subnational law cannot be applied be-
health services (Personal Data Protec- for research and epidemiological trac- yond the state; so, central regulation be-
tion Bill 2019, Section 3[21]). It allows ing. This function is premised on the use comes the most viable option for the pro-
for collection of health data through of anony mised and de-identified data. posed design and architecture of data
medical and electronic records at vari- While the goals are legitimate in them- sharing, exchange, and use (Article 245
ous levels of the digital architecture selves to pursue public health (K S Put- of the Constitution).
comprising clinics/hospitals, state au- taswamy v Union of India 2018), the safe- In the past, other policies and laws
thorities, and a central database. guards are sufficiently lacking as priva- like the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of
It must be noted that different ele- cy is premised on the good faith behav- Financial and other Subsidies, benefits
ments of a data profile vest at different iour of the processor that anonymises and services) Act, 2016 and its linkage
levels of this architecture. To that ex- the data. There is largely no mechanism with identification documents for in-
tent, it claims to have ensured privacy by or public audits for people to know if a come tax purposes have been justified as
design. It seeks to ensure privacy in view fiduciary or a processor is in the wrong, a part of Entry 8210 and the residuary
of the Health Data Management Policy, unless the breach is made public. power of the union list (Binoy Viswam v
which has been extensively critiqued All these risk factors assume a danger- Union of India and Others 2017; K S Put-
(Response to HDMP 2020). However, ous reality as they are laid atop the ex- taswamy v Union of India 2018). Similar-
without a strong and clear base law, it isting social, economic, and political dif- ly, the previous digital health initiative
spirals into administrative actions where- ferences in the country. As information such as the Health Management Infor-
by none of the privacy guarantees are becomes an even more potent and pow- mation System was also devised as a
respected. For example, COWIN registra- erful arsenal, the fissures can be exacer- central database with cooperation from
tions for vaccination appointments and bated and widened through the misuse all subnational units and facilities. How-
certificates have been pilfered on to and even use of such data for inequitable ever, it was largely an evidence and data
create unique health IDs, without res- or harmful policies (Sahay and Mukherjee collection system for statistical purposes,
pecting the first principles of consent. 2020). Thus, the constitutional standards without direct predication of health ser-
This is not only done with incomprehen- are imperative to maintain, which require vices on such data or even individualised
sible information but also the complete a framework law at the earliest, along collection (MoHFW 2008). This can be
lack of knowledge of all participants with rules and policies, which indicate understood as part of the union mandate
(Dogra 2021). proportionality of state action vis-à-vis to collect data on vital statistics.11 So far,
Similarly, while the NDHM may be the legitimate expectations of privacy. a clear characterisation of the NDHM is
useful to improve the quality of care, not provided, which makes it susceptible
considering all health data of a person NDHM and the Federal Structure to legal challenges in the future.
will be available at one location to be The NDHM is being envisaged to achieve
viewed and examined for care, there is the aims of universal health coverage, In Conclusion
no logical understanding of its potential digitisation of healthcare, and the ease The federally disparate arrangement
to increase access to healthcare of ex- of use of health records and data. On the and the subsequent weakness of the
cluded populations. In contrast, as care constitutional level, there are various healthcare system in India can be attrib-
becomes premised on digital citizenship, sources of regulation in this space such uted to a fiscally strong centre (Pahwa
it may reduce access or make it more dif- as Entry 47 (insurance) of the union list and Beland 2013; Sahoo 2016; Agrawal
ficult. At the moment, there are big hos- or Entry 6 (public health) of the state list. 2020). The course chartered by develop-
pital chains that already make digital The competence of the appropriate gov- ments in India suffers from legacy issues
records of patients and their care. This ernmental tier is determined through the of centre–state coordination. Since a lot
individualised set-up is not interopera- doctrine of pith and substance enshrined of synergy or centralisation had been
ble, that is, to suggest that one cannot in Article 246. It is largely a judicial ex- observed for standard services (Balago-
transfer all records in digital format ercise, though it is imperative to specify pal and Vijaybhaskar 2019; Kumar 2020),
from one corporate entity to another. It that there are various ways to analyse the the digital trajectory has also taken a
is hoped that the NDHM is followed in NDHM as a data policy, a health policy, similar path. The difference is the lock-
letter and spirit to enable that. Further, an insurance one, or as a unique subject, in and the investment costs, which do
the mass of data collected is susceptible which must be covered by the residuary not leave any space for sub-federal units
to subversive tactics by its fiduciary. It is power of the union government. If it is to depart from the top-down model
20 NOVEMBER 20, 2021 vol lVI no 47 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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22 NOVEMBER 20, 2021 vol lVI no 47 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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