ICT Practical 'Presentations' and 'Graphs and Charts'

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THE BEGINNING: Importing .txt/.

rtf files into a PowerPoint


☒Inserting new slides

☒Moving slides
☒Deleting slides
☒Hiding slides

2. Using master slide

 In slide master view, if the layout must be added to every slide in the presentation, the
topmost master slide is to be modified.
 The rest of the slides underneath enable formatting the layout of slides of respective specific

 When asked to add a title, do not edit
the ‘Click to edit master title slide’.
Rather, squash it down and add a new
text box above it.

 Delete all the three text boxes at the You can format the font of
bottom of the master slide- then add headings and bullet points
new text boxes in the instructed of all slides in the master
locations to type in other details slide
o Name_centre number_role no
o Automated slide no.
o Automated date

Inserting objects:

 Shapes (including lines)

 Images
 Logos/slogans

Images with their backgrounds eliminated

E.g brightness 35% and contrast 75%

/column graphs
Scale of axis

Used to format numerical values in the y-axis,

including their data type (e.g currency),
number of decimal places, etc.

Pie charts

 When selecting a sector to either format its fill/outline colour or to extract it, it needs to be
double-clicked on.

Line graphs are used to Bar graphs are used to Pie charts are used to
track changes over short compare things between compare percentage
and long periods of time. different categories. values of different
When smaller changes categories/parts of a
exist, line graphs are whole, for example,
better to use than bar comparing the
graphs. Line graphs can percentage of children
also be used to compare who like ice cream,
changes over the same brownies and tarts.
period of time for more
than one group.
Combo charts
A combo chart is a combination of two column charts, two line graphs, or a column chart and
a line graph.

This is a secondary axis

 Copy and paste the chart from excel into the presentation. for the jogging data series


 When asked to copy data from a .csv (excel) file and place it in a table in a slide, just select
the data, copy and paste it.
 Add all borders since they are usually absent after pasting. Other adjustments may be
 When inserting a table normally, from table styles, select ‘Clear table’.

1. Insert a new column

2. Insert a new row
3. Delete a column
4. Delete a row
 The simplest way to move a column or row to another position is to copy its contents and
delete it- then add a new column/row in that position and paste the contents of the former.
5.Merge cells

6.Sort data in a table

7. Alter table properties i.e table alignment and text wrapping around it

8. Adjust

i. Table borders and gridlines

ii. Table background: fill colour and style

9. Text alignment and direction

10. Wrap text in a cell

 Wrap text within a cell: Make text automatically move to the next line when it reaches the
edge of a cell
 Not to use when contents in a cell have to be displayed in a single line

With wrap text

Without wrap text

☒Inserting videos and audio clips

Presenter and audience notes

Presenter notes

Audience notes

In case, presenter notes aren’t visible beneath the slide, go to

view tab and in ‘show’ section, select ‘Notes’.

Transitions and animations

 These are different ways of introducing a new slide i.e how one slide changes to another.
 Transitions must remain consistent between all slides in the presentation, so the same type
should be applied to all slides.

You can either select all slides using the Shift key and then select a transition or…
You can apply it to the first slide and then click on ‘Apply to all’.

Evidence for
 Whenever selecting images/text/shapes to be animates, first select them. In the
case of text, always select the ‘object’ i.e text placeholder instead of the text
Animating bullet lists
When animating bullet lists, you can either make all of them appear at once or one-after-the-other in

First select the object

1. Make all bullets appear together

2. Makes bullets appear one by one



These indicate the order in

which different animations
in the slide will proceed to
Displaying a presentation
2. Make sure that ‘Start after previous’ is
selected so they appear after the
previous animation in the slide.

Normal slideshow

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