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Grade 11

Learning Objectives & Skill with Tools

Unit 1. Building a website

After this module you will be able to:
> create a website.
> insert and format text on a web page.
> create hyperlinks.
use web hosting services and search engine optimization.
Insert images, videos and sounds to your website.
use CSS libraries to edit your website.
> create web forms.

Learning Objectives
In this module you will learn:
> what a website is.
> how to make a simple web page.
> how to move from one web page to another.
> how to publish your website on the Internet.
> how to put multimedia material onto your web page.
> how to use CSS libraries to change the appearance and the layout of your web page.
> how to insert content onto your website.
➢ > how to collect data.
> Adobe Dreamweaver
> CoffeeCup HTML Editor
> Panic Coda 2
Unit 2. Graphics Design
After this module you will be
able to:
> draw simple shapes.
>rotate, scale and skew objects.
> use fill tools.
Use trim, wend and intersect to create new objects.
add and edit text. Use extrude tool to make 3D
> use Bezier tool to create curves.
edit the nodes of an object.
use blend, contour and envelope tools.
use similar tools in Adobe Illustrator.
Learning Objectives
In this module you will learn:
> what a vector graphic is.
> how to create simple objects.
> how to manipulate objects.
> how to use filling techniques with Shapes.
> How to combine and change Shapes in an object.
> how to add and manipulate texts.
> how to change the angles of your Objects.
> how to make 3D objects.
> how to create and edit curves.
> how to create complex effects.
> how to use alternative tools.

> Corel Draw
> Adobe Illustrator
> Adobe Fireworks
> Xara Extreme
> Inkscape
Unit 3. Interactive applications
Create .fla files.
Use drawing tools to create simple
Use selection and sub selection tools
To reshape your objects.
Apply fill, outline and gradient color.
Use transformation, group and align Tools.
Use different type of tools from the Toolbox.
> use the timeline to create animations.
> add key frames and use onion skin to Create an animation.
Import and use videos, photos and Audio to your library.
> create and edit symbols.
> use shape, classic and motion tween.
> add ActionScript to your scene.
> create swf and.exe files.
Learning Objectives
In this module you will learn:
What an .fla file is and how to
Design an application’s interface
> how to draw simple shapes.
> how to reshape your objects.
> how to apply color to your objects.
> how to use the various tools from
The toolbar.
> how to create a basic animation.
> to use different tools to help you Animate an object.
> to use the library.
> what a symbol is and how to use it.
> how to create smooth animations.
> how to make your application Interactive.
How to publish your application.
> Adobe Flash
> Adobe Director
> Sumtotal Toolbook
Unit 5. Project management
After this module you will have

> how to work in a team.
> how to assign resources.
> how to create a workflow Diagram.
How to make a project Management plan.
How to breakdown a project into

Learning objectives
In this module you will learn:
> what a project is.
> what project management is.
> how to organize a project.
> how to complete a project Successfully and on time.
How to set milestones and Deadlines.
How to create a Gantt Chart.

>Gantt Project
> Visio
> Microsoft Project
> Zoho Projects
> Project Schedule

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