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Work Sheet 2: Measurements of Horizontal Distance

1. A Surveyor paces a 50m length five times with the following results: 56.5, 57, 56.5, 58 and 57
paces. How many paces must he step off in order to lay off a distance of 450m.
2. The approximate distance between two points is 0.931km. A person measured this distance by
pacing 919 paces. What is the average pace length of a person in meter?
3. A line AB between the stations A and B was measured as 348.28 using a 20m tape, too short by
0.05m. Determine the correct length of AB.
4. The difference in elevation of two points is 16.264m. The measured slope distance is 345.516.
What will be the horizontal distance between the two points?
5. A distance of 220.450m was measured with a steel band of nominal length 30m.On standardization
the tape was found to be 30.003m. Calculate the correct measured distance, assuming the error is
evenly distributed throughout the tape.
6. A 100ft steel tape weights 2 lb and is supported at the ends only with a pull of 12 lb. find the sag
7. A base line was measured by tape suspended in catenary under a pull of 145N, the mean
temperature being 14°C. The lengths of various segments of the tape and the difference in level of
the two ends of a segment are given in table below.
Bay/ Span Length(m) Difference in level (m)
1 29.988 + 0.346
2 29.895 – 0.214
3 29.838 + 0.309
4 29.910 – 0.106
If the tape was standardized on the flat under a pull of 95 N at 18°C, determine the correct
length of the line. Take
Cross-sectional area of the tape = 3.35 mm²
Mass of the tape = 0.025 kg/m
Coefficient of linear expansion = 0.9 × 10–6 per °C
Young’s modulus = 14.8 × 104 N/mm² = 14.8 × 104 MN/m²
Mean height of the line above M.S.L. = 51.76m
Radius of earth = 6371 Km
8. It is required to lay out two points in the field that will be exactly 123.008m apart with an invar
tape standardized at 30°C. Field condition indicates that the temperature of the tape will be 23°C.
What distance will be laid out? If the thermal expansion of invar tape is 0.0000098 per unit length
per °C. Show clearly all the necessary steps.
10. A 30m steel tape is standardized at 20°C using a tensile force of 70N. The tape has a weight of
0.035kg and a cross sectional area of 1.29 mm². A field measurement of 29.663m was found at a
temperature of 30°C using tensile force of 50N. What will be the correct length of the measured

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Work Sheet 2: Measurements of Horizontal Distance
distance? Take: Coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape (α) = 0.115 × 10–6 /°C &Young’s
modulus = 15.5 × 104 N/mm².
11. The following information was obtained when measuring the length of a line by tape suspended in
catenary under pull of 134N the mean of temperature being 16°C.
Line AE Length(m) Difference in level Δh (m)
AB 49.898 + 0.382
BC 49.950 – 0.234
CD 49.883 + 0.271
DE 49.901 – 0.075
If the tape was standardized under a pull 89N at 20°C, what is the correct length of line AE? Use
the following information
Cross-sectional area of the tape = 3.24 mm²
Mass of the tape=0.026 kg/m
Coefficient of linear expansion (α) = 0.9 × 10–6 m/°C
Young’s modulus = 14.8 × 104 N/mm²
Mean height of the line above M.S.L. = 51.76 m
Radius of earth=6371 km
Gravitational force of attraction = 9.81m/s²

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