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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center

Golden One
Written by:
Teacher Ajmal “Rohani”
Teacher Sayed Amanullah “Sadaat”

pg. 1
prepared & capitalize by: Ayunda - e – Roshan English department
Ayunda –e-Roshan education center

The principle forms of the verb

In English grammar, a verb has four principle forms.

1. Simple form (Speak)
2. Simple past (spoke)
3. Past participle (spoken)
4. Present participle (speaking)

Some common verbs

Simple form Simple past Past participle
Arise Arose Arisen
Be Was, were Been
Bear Bore Borne
Become Became Became
Bite Bit Bitten
Bleed Bled Bled
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Bring Brought Brought
Come Came Come
Cost Cost Cost
Creep Crept Crept
Cut Cut Cut
Deal Dealt Dealt
Dig Dug Dug
Do Did Done
Draw Drew Drawn

pg. 2
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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center


DIRECTION: Use simple past and past participle form of the verbs in the
1. My brother and sister (argue)_________________ about something
2. John has (live)_________________ in Paris for ten years.
3. When I (drop) _________________ my cup , the coffee (spill) _________ on
my lap.
4. I have already (eat) ________________ lunch.
5. Rita (state) _________ under the tree when it began to rain.
6. The student (raise) ______ form her seat and walked to the front of the
auditorium to receive her diploma.
7. The thief (creep)_____________ in to the room.
8. The children (blow) ____________ some balloons.
9. Sara (spread)__________ the news two days before.
10.I have (go) _____________ to Logar last week.

Change the form of the following verbs to principle. Then make a sentence for
each of them.
1. Have (____________________________________________________)
2. Write (____________________________________________________)
3. Sell(______________________________________________________)
4. Find (_____________________________________________________)
5. Pay(______________________________________________________)
6. Wear(____________________________________________________)

pg. 3
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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center

Grammar practice
Change the form of the verbs in the following sentences.
1. I am going to go home.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
2. She is not coming to the party.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
3. Jawad makes a cake for breakfast.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
4. Rahim has taught for three years.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
5. Kamal gives speech in a meeting.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
6. Kamal gives speech in a meeting.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)
7. I will go to Ayunda - e – Roshan institute.
Past (_____________________________________________________________)
Past participle (_____________________________________________________)

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center


DIRECTION: use simple past and past participle .in some sentences either tense
is possible but the meaning is different.
1- I (attend, not) __________________any parties since I came here.
2- Ali (go) _____________________to a party at city star hotel last Saturday.
3- Bill (arrive) _________________here three days ago.
4- Ahmad (be) ________________here since the 22 nd .
5- Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the therm. You (miss ,
already ) ______________ too many classes just last week. You (miss )
______________________two classes just last week.
6- So far this week, I (have) ______________________ two tests and quiz.
7- Hamid is an artist. He (draw) ______________________many beautiful
pictures in his life time. Last week he (draw)______________________ a
beautiful mountain scene.
8- Hamid really needs to get in touch with you since this morning, he (call)
_____________________here four times trying to reach you. He (call)
___________________ at 9:10, 10:25, 12:15.
9- Last January, l (see) __________________ snow for the first time in my life.
10- Fatima (see , never ) ____________________ snow in her entire life time.
11- Previous year I ( go) ______________________ to logar and it so enjoyable
for me .
12- She has (go) ____________________________to Kabul.
13- The method which I( fallow) ________________________ in my teaching it
was useful for the students.
14- Ayunda - e – Roshan high educational institute was (establish)________in

pg. 5
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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center

Causative verbs
A causative verb is used to express the idea that the subject causes the object to
do something. There are lots of causative verbs in English language. But we focus
on five common ones which are usually used in daily conversation and writing .
1. Make: - make as a causative means (to force, to compel) and it should be
followed by object +bare infinitive (infinitive without to).
Ex: Ali was really lazy, so his teacher made him study.

2. Have: - have as a causative verb means (cause somebody to do something)

and it should be followed by object + bar infinitive.
Ex: I have my father buy me a car.

3. Let: - let as a causative verb means (to permit, to allow) and it should be
followed by object + bare infinitive.
Ex: Ahmad’s father let him join the party.

4. Help: - help as a causative verb means (to aid, to assist) and it can followed
either by full infinitive or bare infinitive.
Ex: l helped that blind old women (to) cross the street.

5. Get:- get as a causative verb means (to persuade, to convince) it should

always be followed by object +to + verb.
Ex: I get the mechanic to fix my car.

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center

Grammar practice
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the causative verbs.
1- I ________ the book to study for my exam.
2- Sara was too lazy so his teacher _________ her failed.
3- Ayunda - e – Roshan ________ the afghan poor people for improving
their knowledge.
4- Most organization ___________ the employee to go to restaurant.
5- I ______________ my friends pen.

Voice is form of sentence which says either subject is the doer of an action or
receiver of an action.
1- Active voice: in active voice subject is the doer of an action.
Ex: I fix the car.
2- Passive voice: in passive voice subject is the receiver of an action.
Ex: the car is fixed by me.
I study computer. (Active) computer is studied by me. (Passive)
We cook lunch. (Active) Lunch is cooked by us. (Passive)
You played football. (Active) Football was played by you. (Passive)
They are studying English. (Active) English is being studied by them. (Passive)
He speaks Pashto. (Active) Pashto is spoken by him. (Passive)

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Rules for changing active voice to passive voice

1- The active sentence must be studied exactly to see either the verb is
transitive or intransitive.
Ex: I saw Ahmad. (Active) Ahmad was seen by me. (Passive)
2- Change the subject to object and the object to subject.
Ex: she cooked lunch. (Active) lunch was cooked by her. (Passive)
3- Add a form of to be verb (is, am, are. Was. Were, been, be )
Ex: Hamid studied English. (Active) English was studied by Hamid. (Passive)
4- Use an extra (being) after to be verbs in continuous tenses.
Ex: Sajid is studying English. English is beings studied by sajid.
5- Change the verb to third form.
Ex: I have studied English. English has been studied by me.
6- Introduce the object in passive voice with preposition (by) which is also
called agent.
They have taught English. English has been taught by them.

By phrase (by)
In a passive clause the agent the person or thing that does or that causes what
happened, is usually
Introduced by a phrase whit by.
The man was killed by rubbers.
Sometimes the preposition with is used in a passive clause to introduce a tool or
instrument used by the agent.
Ex: he was killed “ by police” with knife.

pg. 8
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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Forms of the passive sentences
1- Simple present tense
Sub + am/is/are + v3 + obj
Ex: I play cricket. (Active) cricket is played by me. (Passive)
2- Simple past tense
Sub + was/were / v3 + obj
Ex: I played cricket. (Active) cricket was played by me. (Passive)
3- Simple future tense
Sub + will be + v3 + obj
Ex: I will play cricket. (Active) cricket will be played by me. (Passive)
4- Present perfect tense
Sub + have/has + v3 + obj
Ex: I have played cricket. (Active) cricket has been played by me. (Passive)
5- Past perfect tense
Sub + had + v3 + obj
Ex: I had played cricket. (Active) cricket had been played by me. (Passive)
6- Future perfect tense
Sub + will + have + been + v3 + obj
Ex: I will have played cricket. (Active) cricket will have been played by me.
7- Present continuous tense
Sub + am/is/are + being + v3 + obj
Ex: I am playing cricket. (Active) cricket is being played by me. (Passive)

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
8- Past continuous tense
Sub + was/were + being + v3 + obj
Ex: I was playing cricket. (Active) cricket was being by me. (Passive)
9- Future continuous tense
Sub + will be + v3 + obj
Ex: I will be playing cricket (Active) cricket will be played by me. (Passive)

Reflexive pronouns in passive

Verbs followed by reflexive pronouns cannot be used to passive voice.

I saw myself in the mirror.
Myself was seen in the mirror. (Incorrect)

Some verbs are not used in passive

Not all verbs can have passive forms. Passive structure is impassible with
intransitive verbs like die or arrive which cannot have object because there is
nothing to become the subject of a passive sentence, some transitive verbs are
seldom used in the passive most of these are stative .
Verb which refer to state not action.
Such as fit, have, luck, resemble, suit
They had a nice house. (Not) a nice house is had by them.
My shoes don’t fit me. (Not) I am fitted by my shoes.

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Usage of passive
When we do not know, who dose/did the action?
Nawroz’s pocket was stolen.
When the doer of the action is unknown or indefinite pronoun, passive is used.
Someone stole my pocket last night.
My pocket was stolen last night.
“By” cannot be used because the doer is unknown.
When the object is more important than subject, using passive voice is preferred.
I will meet the president.
The president will be meet by me.
When the doer of an action represents a large group of different individual,
passive voice is used.
A lot of coffee is grown in Brazil.
By phrase is unnecessary

Kinds of passive
Imperative passive
Interrogative passive
Model passive
Stative passive
Causative passive

pg. 11
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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Imperative passive
If we faced with an imperative sentence so we use from verb let.
Example: close the door.
Let the doer be closed.
Bring the pen.
Let the pen be brought.
Speak English all the time.
Let the English be spoken all the time.
Exception: let’s in suggestion
In order to change let’s in passive voice should or must are used with be + past
Let’s eat dinner.
Dinner should be eaten.
Dinner must be eaten.

Interrogative passive
This kind of passive is used for asking question about person or
interrogative passive
We use from question words such as: who, whom, what, when, where, whose,
how and why.
If the active sentence is began with who; the who is changed by home then place
the to be
Verb according the active tense.

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Who took the pen?
By whom the book was taken?
If the active question starts with whom, whom is changed to who in passive voice.
Whom did you see?
Who was seen?
If the active question start with what, what doesn’t change its form.
What have you bought?
What has been bought?
If the active question starts with words such as: when, where, why, whose, and
how there forms Are not changed in passive form.
Note: if we have interrogative with do, does in present tense we change them
into passive by using am, is, and are to interrogative passive form.
If we have did in interrogative sentence we should change it to was and were.
Model passive
Active passive
He will help her. She will be helped by him.
He can help her. She can be helped by him.
He should help her. She should be helped by him.
He must help her. She must be helped by him.
He may help her. She may be helped by him.
He might help her. She might be helped by him.

Stative passive
When the past participle form of the verb is used as an adjective which shows
state not an action it is called stative passive.

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
Stative passive expresses existing state rather than an action.
Stative passive verbs are used to describe the following situation.
Location and position
Afghanistan is located in the heart of Asia.
Part whole relation
Korea is divided in two parts.
Afghanistan and Uzbekistan are joined by Hairatan Bridge.

Grammar practice
Directions: change the active to the passive:
1- Ahmad opens the door. The door ____________________by
2- Ahmad is opening the door. The door ____________________by
3- Ahmad has opened the door. The door ____________________by
4- Ahmad opened the door. The door ____________________by
5- Ahmad was opening the door. The door ___________________by
6- Ahmad had opened the door. The door ____________________by
7- Ahmad will open the door. The door ____________________by
8- Ahmad is going to open the door. The door ____________________by

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
9- Ahmad will have opened the door. The door _______________________ by Ahmad.

10- Is Ahmad opening the door? The door____________________ by Ahmad.

11- Did Ahmad open the door? The door____________________ by Ahmad.

12- Has Ahmad opened the door? The door ____________________ by Ahmad.

13- He should be helping her. She should ___________________ by him.

14- He can hear her. She can ______________________ by him.

15- I send a letter. A letter________________________ by me.

16- I teach this class. This class ___________________________ by me.


The spaghetti tastes delicious. The spaghetti delicious when it is tasted.

Direction: use the words in the list to complete these passive sentences use any
appropriate tense.
Build frighten Report
Cause invent spell
Confuse kill surprise
Divide offer surround
Expert order wear

1- The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas edition.

2- An island ______________________by water.
3- The – ing form of “sit” ____________ with double t.
4- Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory _______next
5- The class was too large, so it _____________________ into two sections.
6- A bracelet ____________________ around the wrist.

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
7- The Johnson’s house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire
_____________by lighting.
8- Ali got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffic court, he
____________________ to pay a lare fire.
9- I read about a hunter who _____________accidently ______________ by
another hunter.
10- The hunter’s fatal accident _____________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11- I didn’t expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there I
___________________ see her.
12- Last week I _____________________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t
accept it.
13- The children ____________________ in the middle of night when heard
strange noises in the house.
14- Could you explain this math problem to me? Yesterday in class I
_________________________ by the teacher’s explanation.
15- A: is the plane going to be late?
B: no it _______________________________ to be on time.

An ing form of a verb which functions as noun is called gerund.
Ex: studying English is useful for our education.

Grammar practice

Direction: using the words in parentheses, complete the sentences.

1. Sara went to bed instead ___________________________ (finish).
2. I thanked my friend ________________________________ (lend).
3. I’m excited _________________________________________(go).

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4. I’m not accustomed ________________________________________ (live).

5. Omar didn’t feel good. He complained_________________________


6. I don’t blame you____________________________________ (want, not).

7. I have a good reason_______________________________________ (be).

8. It’s getting late. I’m worried______________________________ (miss).

9. I’m interested ____________________________________ (find out about).

10.I’m thinking _____________________________________________ (go).

11. I apologized to my friend____________________________________ (be).

12.I am / am not used________________________________________ (drive).

13.Nothing can stop me _______________________________________ (go).

14.In that office, who is responsible____________________________ (take

care of).

15.I look forward ______________________________________________


16.The thief was guilty___________________________________________


17.Sonya has two jobs. In addition ________________________________


18.Please forgive me_______________________________________ (write,


19.Sarah is an honest person. She’s not capable_____________________

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20. Ill health keeps my grandfather_________________________________

21. The door to this room ________________________________________


22.The lights in this room (turn) ______________________________________


23.This room (crowd, not)


24.Where’s my wallet? It (go) ________________________________! Did you

take it?

25.Hmmmm. My dress (tear) __________________________________i

wonder how that happened.

To + verb is called infinitive.
Ex: to study computer is necessary.
Ex: to play cricket develop our country. Direction: use a gerund or an
infinitive to complete each sentence.

Grammar practice
1- Jack avoided __________________________________ me.
2- Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided _________________ a

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Ayunda –e-Roshan education center
3- The teacher reminded the students_________________ there
4- Do you enjoy______________________________ soccer?
5- I was broke, so Khalid offered_______________ me a little money.
6- Mrs. Allen promised__________________________ tomorrow.
7- My boss expects me_____________________ this wors ASAP.
8- Would you mind________________________ the door for me.
9- Even though I asked the people in front of me at the
movie___________________ quiet, they kept________________.
10- Joan and David were considering________________ married
in June, but they finally decide___________________ until August.
11- Our teacher encourages us___________________ a dictionary
whenever we are uncertain of the spelling of a word.
12- Before I went away to college, my mother reminded me
______________________ her a letter at least once a week.
13- Mrs. Jackson had a warned her young son ________________
the hot stove.
14- I don’t mind______________________ alone.
15- The teacher seems_________________ in a good mood today,
don’t you think?
16- Lucy pretended____________________ the answer to my
17- Paul intends______________________ his friend a letter.
18- Residents are not allowed_____________________ an
entrance examination.
19- Ana advised her sister________________ the plan instead of
driving to Oregon.

pg. 19
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