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Narrative Report: Activities of Supreme Students



The supreme student’s government (SSG) is an organization dedicated to

representing the student body and advocating for their needs and interests
within the educational institution. Throughout the academic year, the SSG
organizes various activities and initiatives to enhance the overall experience
of students. This narrative report aims to highlight the key activities
undertaken by the SSG during the previous academic year.

1. Induction Ceremony (Oct.5,2022)

To kickstart the academic year, the SSG organized an induction ceremony

for new members. The event was aimed at introducing the newly-elected
student representatives to the entire student body and faculty. The induction
ceremony included speeches by the SSG president and guest speakers,
followed by the official oath-taking of the newly elected officials. This event
not only motivated the new members but also strengthened the bond
between the student government and the student body (Oct.5,2022)

2.Teachers' Day Celebration (Oct.5,2022) is a special occasion to

express gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions of our
teachers. It is a time for students and the educational community as a whole
to come together and honor these remarkable individuals who guide, inspire,
and shape our lives. This narrative report aims to summarize the Teachers'
Day celebration held at our school.

3. CNHS Halloween Costume (Nov.4,2022) is an exciting time of the

year filled with creativity and imagination. This narrative report showcases
the thrilling experience of finding the perfect Halloween costume, capturing
the spirit of the season and embracing the world of make-believe.

4. The Zumba Competition (Nov.25,2022) Sponsored by Arya Coconut

Farmers MPC was an adrenaline-fueled extravaganza that exuded passion,
talent, and unity. Participants from all walks of life came together to
showcase their love and skill for Zumba, infusing the evening with a vibrant
atmosphere. Through their energetic performances and shared enthusiasm,
the competition exemplified the power of dance to unite, inspire, and uplift
individuals, creating an experience that will be remembered long after the
music faded away.
5. CNHS Students' Day (Nov.29,2022) is an annual celebration that
provides an opportunity for students to come together, showcasing their
talents, fostering a spirit of unity, and creating lasting memories. This
narrative report reflects on a vibrant and memorable Students' Day
celebration that brought the student community together in a day filled with
excitement, creativity, and camaraderie.

6.The Christmas Party Decoration (Dec.16,2022) turned the classroom

into a magical space that captured the essence of the holiday season. The
collaborative efforts of the students and teachers resulted in a festive
ambiance that brought joy and excitement to all who entered. The
transformed classroom, with its colorful ornaments, twinkling lights, and
enchanting decorations, set the perfect stage for a memorable Christmas
party, leaving lasting memories in the hearts of everyone who attended.

7.The Valentine's Day (Feb.14,2023) celebration was a resounding

success, spreading love, joy, and goodwill throughout the school. Through
thoughtful gestures, heartfelt messages, and engaging activities, students
and teachers were reminded of the power of love and the importance of
expressing appreciation to those they hold dear. This celebration created a
lasting impact, fostering a culture of love, kindness, and compassionate
relationships within the school community.

8.The incredible journey of an Oil Spill Boom) victorious against

adversity signifies the triumph of human determination and the power of
innovation in the face of environmental challenges. It serves as a reminder
that, even in the darkest times, there is always a glimmer of hope—and with
carefully executed strategies and collaborative efforts, we can rectify the
damages caused and restore our precious ecosystems to their former glory.

9.The Service-Learning Student and Partner Agencies Development

Symposium (March 31,2023) served as a catalyst for empowerment and
collaboration. Through knowledge sharing, networking, and capacity-building
initiatives, it inspired participants to take action and make a significant
difference in their communities. The partnerships formed, skills learned, and
projects initiated.

10. The journey to becoming a TOP MODEL (May 4,2023) is one

fraught with challenges, but for those who persevere with passion and self-
belief, it can also be a transformative experience. Our protagonist's
commitment to personal growth, self-acceptance, and pushing boundaries
exemplified the power of following one's dreams and becoming an advocate
for positive change within the fashion industry. Through their journey, they
not only achieved their dream of becoming a top model but also left an
indelible mark on the fashion world.

11.The Color Fun Run (April 28,2023) conducted by Calatrava Municipal

Police Station showcases the power of unity, joy, and inclusivity. Through a
kaleidoscope of colors, individuals from diverse backgrounds come together,
leaving behind their differences and celebrating the common thread that
unites us all. Beyond the race itself, the event instills a sense of
empowerment, personal growth, and community support that extends far
beyond the finish line. The legacy of the Color Fun Run continues to inspire
unity and positivity, serving as a reminder of the transformative impact a
joyful celebration can have on individuals and communities alike.

12.The SSLG Election (June 9, 2023) not only highlighted the democratic
spirit of the school but also showcased the incredible potential of the
students at Pleasantville High. Through their unity and participation, they
chose leaders who were dedicated to serving the student body and pushing
boundaries for the betterment of the entire school community.

13. The joint SSG/SPG (June 15-17) leadership training became a

turning point in the lives of these student leaders. It not only strengthened
their personal leadership capabilities but also broke down barriers between
schools, fostering unity, and collaboration. The positive ripple effect of this
unique collaborative effort continued to impact the students, their schools,
and the wider community, leaving a lasting legacy of growth, friendship, and
a shared commitment to a better tomorrow.

14. The Graduation Ball (July 4,2023) was an unforgettable event,

symbolizing the end of an era and the beginning of countless possibilities for
each student. It stands as a testament to their accomplishments, growth,
and potential as they move forward, equipped with memories that will
forever be cherished in their hearts.

In conclusion, the Supreme Students Government played a vital role in

enhancing the experiences of students throughout the previous academic
year. Through various initiatives, including the induction ceremony,
leadership training, student welfare initiatives, community outreach
programs, and cultural and sports events, the SSG succeeded in creating a
nurturing environment for the student body. Their dedication and
commitment to advocating for their fellow students truly exemplified their
role as representatives of the student government.

Prepared by:

Clairenbel F.Falqueza

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