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Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No.

10, 1–12


Role of Cellular Senescence in Type II Diabetes

Akilavalli Narasimhan,1,* Rafael R. Flores,1,* Paul D. Robbins,1 and
Laura J. Niedernhofer1

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Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and
Biophysics, University of Minnesota Medical School, 55455, USA
ORCiD numbers: 0000-0003-1068-7099 (P. D. Robbins); 0000-0002-5580-6381 (L. J. Niedernhofer).

*These authors contributed equally

Abbreviations: AGE, advanced glycation end product; AT, adipose tissue; BAT, brown adipose tissue; DDR, DNA damage
response; DR, diabetic retinopathy; ECM, extracellular matrix; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; IL, interleukin; IR, insulin
resistance; FFA, free fatty acid; NET, neutrophil extracellular trap; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; SA-β-gal, senescence-associated beta-galactosidase; SAHF, senescence-associated heterochromatin foci;
SASP, senescence-associated secretory phenotype; SnC, senescent cell; T2D, type II diabetes; UPR, unfolded protein
response; VSMC, Vascular smooth muscle cell; WAT, white adipose tissue
Received: 15 April 2021; Editorial Decision: 28 June 2021; First Published Online: 7 August 2021; Corrected and Typeset:
25 August 2021.

Cellular senescence is a cell fate that occurs in response to numerous types of stress and
can promote tissue repair or drive inflammation and disruption of tissue homeostasis
depending on the context. Aging and obesity lead to an increase in the senescent cell
burden in multiple organs. Senescent cells release a myriad of senescence-associated
secretory phenotype factors that directly mediate pancreatic β-cell dysfunction, adipose
tissue dysfunction, and insulin resistance in peripheral tissues, which promote the onset
of type II diabetes mellitus. In addition, hyperglycemia and metabolic changes seen in
diabetes promote cellular senescence. Diabetes-induced cellular senescence contributes
to various diabetic complications. Thus, type II diabetes is both a cause and consequence
of cellular senescence. This review summarizes recent studies on the link between aging,
obesity, and diabetes, focusing on the role of cellular senescence in disease processes.
Key Words: Diabetes, cellular senescence, aging, obesity, senotherapeutics, inflammation

Introduction and obesity are the predominant T2D risk factors and are
Type II diabetes (T2D) is a growing public health problem. also associated with an increased burden of senescent cells
Older adults make up the largest segment of people with (SnCs). While cellular senescence is reported to contribute
T2D, and as the number of individuals over 65 is growing to the pathogenesis of diabetes, the diabetic microenviron-
rapidly, so is the incidence of T2D (1). One hundred and ment also seems to increase the burden of SnCs (3).
eleven million cases of T2D were reported in the year 2019 Cellular senescence is a state of indefinite cessation
among people over 65 years of age. In this age group, it of the cell cycle. Senescence can be triggered by mitotic
is estimated that 1 out of 5 people have T2D (2). Aging stress, DNA damage, telomere erosion, mitochondrial

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© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society. All rights reserved. For
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2 Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10

dysfunction, oxidative stress, inflammation, mechanical in SnCs plays a positive role in tissue repair, likely through
stress, and oncogenic activation (Fig. 1). Some, but not the secreting the factors that remodel tissue locally and ac-
all, SnCs develop a senescence-associated secretory pheno- tivate the immune system to limit that remodeling (10). In
type (SASP), comprising a variety of factors that include young healthy animals, senescence is induced transiently
proinflammatory interleukins, chemokines, growth factors, upon tissue injury and is essential for the restoration of
proteases, receptors, enzymes that modify the extracellular tissue homeostasis (10-12).
matrix (ECM), stem cell/progenitor toxins, reactive me-
tabolites, bioactive lipids, microRNAs, and extracellular
vesicles. Evidence suggests that the role of SASP is to induce Hallmarks of Cellular Senescence
the immune system to clear the damaged SnCs, since they Cell cycle arrest, mediated by upregulation of the cell
themselves are often resistant to apoptosis. However, with cycle inhibitors p16INK4a (p16), p15INK4b (p15), p19ARF,
age, immune system function wanes contributing to an in- and p21CIP (p21), is a universal characteristic of SnCs (Fig.

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creased burden of SnCs in older organisms. Senescence is 1). However, it is not a specific marker of senescence, be-
a conserved tumor suppressor mechanism that prevents cause multiple cellular mechanisms can drive cell cycle
replication of a damaged genome and mutagenesis (4). No arrest. Upregulation of cell cycle inhibitors is also not a
known physiologic stimuli can cause SnCs to re-enter the pan-senescence marker since various cell cycle regulators
cell cycle (5, 6). Thus, the cell cycle arrest in SnCs is con- are engaged in different cell types and also in response to
sidered irreversible. Expression of p16INK4a, a cell cycle in- difference inducers of senescence. SnCs do not respond to
hibitor and tumor suppressor, increases exponentially with mitogenic signaling, which distinguishes them from quies-
chronologic age, suggesting that SnCs accumulate more cent cells (13).
rapidly in old age (7), likely due to both an increased in- Most, if not all, SnCs show signs of DNA damage re-
duction and decreased immune clearance (8). Chronic sen- gardless of the mechanism inducing senescence, including
escence is established to play a causative role in aging and increased γ-H2AX foci, 53BP1 foci, telomere-associated
many age-related diseases (9). However, an acute increase foci (TAF), and de-condensation of pericentromeric satellite

Figure 1. Characteristics of senescent cells. SnCs have upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitors p16INK4a and p21CIP1. In addition, SnCs show telomere
shortening or damage (TAF), and epigenetic changes (SAHF). SnCs have decreased levels of nuclear Lamin B1 and increased lysosomal SA-β-gal
activity. Many SnCs have a SASP comprised of chemokines, inflammatory factors and interleukins, growth factors and regulators, extracellular ma-
trix components, soluble receptors, proteases and regulators, reactive metabolites, bioactive lipids, microRNAs, and extracellular vesicles. Early in
senescence, SnCs secrete HMBG1, a key DAMP (an endogenous molecule that activates the innate immune system), which amplifies the SASP. There
is no senescent-specific marker and not all SnCs express the same markers, especially in terms of the SASP. ROS, reactive oxygen species; SA-β-gal,
senescence-associated β-galactosidase; SAHF, senescence-associated heterochromatin foci; SASP, senescence-associated secretory phenotype; TAF,
telomere-associated foci. Figure created with
Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10 3

heterochromatin (senescence-associated heterochromatin enriched in epigenetic marks associated with DNA damage
foci) (14) (Fig. 1). DNA damage is a direct inducer of sen- (27). The most consistent change in the plasma membrane
escence through DNA damage response (DDR) signaling composition in SnCs is the upregulation of caveolin-1, an
mechanism (15). For example, double-strand breaks are essential component of cholesterol-enriched microdomains
potent activators of the DDR initiate by identification of called caveolae. Caveolin-1 contributes to the morphology
a broken DNA end by the MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex of SnCs (28).
and recruitment of ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) SnCs have upregulation of many lysosomal proteins and
kinase to that site. ATM functions as a signal transducer, increased content, detected as increased SA-β-gal activity
activating hundreds of effector proteins through its kinase (29) (Fig. 1). Increased lysosomal content could result from
activity to promote DNA repair. This includes phosphor- the metabolic demands of SnCs and enhanced lysosomal
ylation of the histone H2AX, leading to γ-H2AX foci at biogenesis. However, residual bodies, namely lipofuscins
sites of DNA repair (16). ATM also phosphorylates and in SnCs, support the lack of lysosomal removal (30). SnCs

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activates p53, which leads to the transcriptional activa- also have increased mitochondria content. The membrane
tion of many genes that can mediate senescence if the DDR potential of SnC mitochondria is often decreased, leading
signaling persists (17). γ-H2AX nuclear foci or phosphor- to the release of mitochondrial enzymes and increased re-
ylated p53 are commonly used as markers of senescence, active oxygen species (ROS) production (31) (Fig. 1). The
although, again, they are not specific to SnCs. major source of the extra-mitochondrial content is the ac-
As described above, SnCs secrete cytokines, chemokines, cumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria due to reduced
and proteases, which are collectively referred to as the SASPs mitophagy (32). This is, at least in part, a consequence of
(Fig. 1). SASP factors also are not specific to SnCs and can reduced mitochondrial fission and increased fusion (33).
play both positive and negative roles in several biological
processes such as wound healing and cancer progression
(10, 18). The upregulation of SASP factors is mediated by Senotherapeutics
the proinflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor Molecules that can specifically kill SnCs (senolytics)
kappa B (NF-κB) (19). A major inducer of NF-κB activa- or dampen their SASP and other senescence markers
tion is the DDR. GATA4 and C/EBPβ are other transcrip- (senomorphics) have been identified (34). Senolytics often
tion factors involved in the regulation of SASP genes (20, target pro-survival pathways upregulated in SnCs, which
21). However, these transcription factors play myriad roles include BCL-2-BCL-XL, p53-p21, and PI3K-AKT, resulting
in cells and are not unique to SnCs. apoptosis of the SnC. The first senolytic drugs identified
Other characteristics of SnCs include increased protein were the natural product fisetin (35), the combination of
content, partly regulated through increased mTOR activity, dasatinib and quercetin (D + Q) (34), HSP90 inhibitors
increased expression of senescent cell antiapoptotic proteins, (36), and Navitoclax (37). Additional natural products,
and increased activity of lysosomal senescence-associated novel compounds, and re-purposed FDA approved drugs
beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) (22). SnCs are metabolically with senolytic activity were identified more recently (38,
active with increased AMP:ATP and ADP:ATP ratios (23). 39). Drugs with senomorphic activity include the mTOR
Multiple conditions, such as oxidative stress, mutations, inhibitor rapamycin, used clinically as an immunosuppres-
infections, and lack of chaperones, can cause endoplasmic sant, and inhibitors of IKK-NF-kB and JAK-STAT (40). In
reticulum (ER) stress, leading to the accumulation and ag- addition, metformin, a drug used to treat T2D, prevents
gregation of proteins. ER stress initiates the unfolded pro- NF-κB activation (41), thereby reducing SASP and acting
tein response (UPR), resulting in reduced protein synthesis, as a senomorphic.
enlarged ER, and export of misfolded proteins. SnCs have
an increased UPR, possibly in response to the increased
protein demand of SASP (24, 25). Senescence Drives Aging
A key morphologic feature of SnCs, at least in vitro, is Various markers of senescence, including SA-β-gal, p16,
an enlarged and irregularly shaped cell body (26) (Fig. 1). TAFs, and activation of the DDR, are increased in tissues
This is driven by cytoskeleton rearrangement, primarily of aged mammals, including rodents (42-44), baboons
vimentin filaments (24). Another hallmark of SnCs is the (45, 46), and humans (47-49), suggesting a link between
loss of lamin B1, a structural protein of the nuclear lamina. SnCs and age-associated pathologies. Studies performed
The destabilization of the nuclear integrity caused by re- using BubR1H/H mice, which age rapidly due to an insuf-
duced lamin B1 results in other nuclear changes, such as ficiency of a pivotal mitotic checkpoint protein, revealed
the loss of condensation of constitutive heterochromatin a causal link between SnCs and aging (50). Prematurely
and the appearance of cytoplasmic chromatin fragments aged tissues in this model, including skeletal muscle, eye,
4 Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10

and adipose tissue (AT), accumulate high-level of p16Ink4a- the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-MyD88 pathway, which
positive SnCs, which contribute to the sarcopenia, cata- leads to the activation of NF-κB (64, 66). Experiments with
racts, and lipodystrophy. The onset of these disease is isolated human islet cells or with mouse cell lines (MIN6,
delayed in BubR1H/H mice when p16Ink4a-expressing cells INS-1) revealed that TLR4 is required for the secretion of
are ablated via drug-induced activation of transgenic IL-1β following exposure to high FFA concentrations (66).
caspase-8, expression of which is driven by the p16 pro- Knock-down of TLR4 or Myd88 expression, or blocking
motor (referred to as the INK-ATTAC construct) (51). the signaling pathway, attenuates production of IL-1β, and
Elimination of SnCs in aged wild-type INK-ATTAC mice insulin production is restored.
results in an extension in the median but not maximal Numerous studies have documented the accumulation of
lifespan, suggesting that SnCs contribute to mortality in macrophages (MΦ) within islets of T2D patients and mouse
mice. The Ercc1−/Δ mouse model of a human progeroid models of obesity and diabetes (66-69). Infiltration and po-
syndrome (52) has reduced expression of the ERCC1-XPF larization of MΦ from an anti-inflammatory (M2) profile

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endonuclease, which is essential for multiple DNA repair towards a proinflammatory (M1) profile (CD11b+Ly-6C-
mechanisms. Ercc1−/Δ mice spontaneously develop senes- MΦ) are characteristic of islets in T2D (64). Several mouse
cence in multiple organs, including AT, liver, and pancreas, models of obesity, as well as mice placed on a high-fat diet
and interestingly a similar distribution of SnCs is seen (HFD), display a similar increase in islet MΦ. The secretion
in aged wild-type mice (53-55). Removal of SnCs using of chemokines like CCL2 and CXCL1 help to recruit cir-
senolytic drugs blunts multiple aging features in Ercc1−/Δ culating monocytes that convert into CD11b+Ly-6C+ MΦ.
mice and aged wild-type mice, including renal dysfunction, T cells are not increased in islets of mouse models of T2D,
liver damage, pancreatic damage, and neurodegeneration, however, increased B cells are detected (70). In fact, a small
while improving strength and endurance, and activity (9, percentage of T2D patients test positive for autoantibodies
35, 56). Collectively, these studies demonstrate that SnCs to islet proteins (71, 72) (insulin, insulinoma-associated
drive age-related morbidity and mortality (57). protein-2, glutamic acid decarboxylase), which occurs most
frequently in older patients who have had diabetes for a
longer duration. Additionally, T2D patients can also have
Cellular Senescence in Pathogenesis of auto-reactive T cells, which in some elderly patients can
Diabetes occur in the absence of autoantibodies.
The role of SnCs in diabetes is complex. SnCs play a part Glucose tolerance worsens with age in T2D, reflecting
in T2D pathophysiology through a direct effect on pancre- a progressive reduction in the responsiveness of β-cells
atic β-cell function, participation in AT dysfunction, and to glucose stimulation and reduced sensitivity of periph-
SASP-mediated tissue damage (58, 59). Metabolic changes eral tissues to insulin. Prior to the onset of hyperglycemia,
observed in diabetes, such as high circulating glucose and β-cells can compensate for increased metabolic demands
altered lipid metabolism, can also stimulate SnC formation with increased insulin secretion. However, this compen-
(60). Thus, SnCs could be part of a pathogenic loop in dia- sation becomes limited by the age-related decline in β-cell
betes, as both a cause and effect of metabolic changes and proliferation seen in both rodents (73) and humans (74).
tissue damage (58). This lack of proliferation in response to increased insulin
demand may arise partially from the accumulation of sen-
escent β-cells (75).
Pancreatic β-Cells Evidence for senescent β-cells includes diminished
Defective insulin secretion in T2D is caused by β-cell dys- β-cell proliferation and increased expression of senescence
function and reduced β-cell mass. β-cell dysfunction is markers are found in diet-induced T2D mice (76) and the
caused by chronic hyperglycemia and/or hyperlipidemia, telomere length in β-cells from patients with T2D is signifi-
referred to as glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity, respectively cantly shorter than in the control subjects (77). High-glucose
(61). Chronically high levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) and drives oxidative stress in β-cells, which may contribute to
glucose are toxic to β-cells, which can manifest in the form telomerase dysfunction those cells (78). Haploinsufficiency
of ER stress, the production of ROS, and/or mitochondrial of Tert in mice shortens telomeres, including in β-cells.
dysfunction (62, 63). To further complicate matters, β-cells This leads to fasting hyperglycemia, increased expression
respond to FFA by producing and secreting inflammatory of p16Ink4a in pancreatic islets, and impaired mitochon-
cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6, IL-8) and chemokines drial membrane hyperpolarization and Ca2+ mobilization
(CCL2, CXCL1) (64), of which IL-1β is a major player β-cells, which are crucial for insulin exocytosis (79).
and its secretion affects the activation of resident immune The number of SA-β-gal+ cells is increased in islets iso-
cells (65). β-cells mediate their response to FFA through lated from the pancreas of healthy older people compared
Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10 5

to young, and this is increased further in islets from T2D with obesity is causatively associated with T2D and cardio-
patients compared to nondiabetic, suggesting that β-cell vascular diseases. vWAT is more prone to senescence com-
senescence might contribute to the pathogenesis of T2D pared to sWAT (88). Senescent AT impairs lipid handling,
(80). In mice, SA-β-gal+ β-cells have decreased expres- while promoting IR, defective adaptive thermogenesis,
sion of β-cell identity genes (Ins1, Pdx1, Mafa, Neurod1) aberrant adipocytokine production, and interferes with
with a concomitant increase in expression of markers normal physiological functions of other metabolic organs
of senescence (p16 and p21), and SASP (Ccl2, Il1α, Il6, via SASP.
Tnfα). Senescent β-cells have increased basal insulin se- BubR1H/H mice display dramatic loss of sWAT and
cretion (81) and are transcriptionally rewired, displaying AT senescence (89). Clearance of these p16Ink4a+ cells in
decreased expression of genes required for cellular de- BubR1H/H; INK-ATTAC mice reverses AT senescence,
polarization, incretin signaling, and production of insulin thereby, preventing aging-related lipodystrophy (9).
granules (82), all necessary for insulin secretion. AT from obese individuals exhibits increased oxidative

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Senescent β-cells have also occurred in the pancreas stress and telomere shortening, which induce senescence.
of patients with type 1 autoimmune diabetes (T1D) com- Intracellular ROS activates p38 mitogen-activated protein
pared with nondiabetic people and individuals who are kinases, which in turn induces p53-p21–dependent senes-
autoantibody positive prior to onset of T1D (83). This cence (87). IR is one of the consequences of AT senescence
suggests a correlation between disease progression and the when p53 is activated. Transgenic mice with overexpression
level of senescent β-cells. In the nonobese diabetic mouse, of p53 have increased senescence and IR, whereas p53 in-
an animal model of T1D, SnCs and SASP increase with activation results in the opposite effects in diabetic mice
time in pancreatic islets (83). Senolytics reduce senescence (59, 90).
markers and the incidence of diabetes in these mice (83). Metabolic stress induced by high calorie intake in-
In mice placed on an HFD, the onset of insulin resistance duces an inflammatory microenvironment, in particular in
(IR) is associated with senescent β-islet cells and senolytics AT. This affects not only resident immune cells, but also
can restore glucose metabolism (84). p16INK4a expression infiltrating immune cells, which heighten inflammation
increases in human and mouse β-cells with age, and this and contribute to IR through secretion of inflammatory
contributes to their reduction in regenerative capacity cytokines (82, 91-93). Excessive nutrient intake activates
(79, 85, 86). Clearance of p16Ink4a+ cells in mice, using adipocytes to internalize and accumulate FFA through
the INK-ATTAC construct, improves glucose metabolism a CD36-driven mechanism regulated by PPARγ (94-
and insulin secretion, while decreasing the expression of 96). Adipocytes respond to the accumulation of lipids by
proinflammatory SASP factors in islets (80). The senolytic enlarging and proliferating and initiating an inflammatory
ABT263 (Navitoclax), reverses hyperglycemia and restores response through an HIF1α-NF-kB–driven mechanism (97-
the normal β-cell gene expression profile mice with induced 99). Similar to adipocytes, adipose resident MΦ also accu-
insulin resistance caused by the insulin receptor antagonist mulate FFA through CD36. These MΦ further contribute to
S961 (80). The BCL-2 pathway, 1 of several anti-apoptotic the inflammatory response by secreting TNF-α, IL-6, Il-1β,
pathways, is upregulated in SA-β‐gal+ β‐cells, consistent MCP-1, CX3CL1, and IL-8 (94, 95, 100). vWAT of wild-
with ABT263 killing SA-β‐gal+ islet cells in vitro (80). type and db/db mice on a HFD exhibit elevated markers of
senescence (SA-β-gal, p16Ink4a) (101), a diminished capacity
to clear glucose upon challenge, and IR. Senolytics signifi-
Adipose Tissue Senescence and Inflammation cantly improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
AT is the largest and most active endocrine organ for (101). Exercise has a similar effect as senolytics in these
regulating energy balance, glucose and lipid homeostasis, diabetic mice (102).
and immunity in response to the fluctuation in nutritional There are numerous interactions between the immune
status, environment, lifestyle, and aging (87). White adipose system and AT during obesity that contribute to IR (Table
tissue (WAT) stores surplus energy in the form of triglycer- 1). This inflammatory response, and the subsequent hyper-
ides that are hydrolyzed into FFA and glycerol for energy glycemia, enhances the formation of SnCs, which can ex-
supply during nutrient deprivation. Brown AT (BAT) or acerbate IR (83, 84). The number of senescent adipocytes
beige adipocytes convert chemical energy, mainly FFA, into increases the number of MΦ positive for the cyclic ADP
heat via the mitochondrial uncoupling reaction to maintain ribose hydrolase CD38 (103). CD38 expression increases
core body temperature and energy balance. The amount along with inflammatory and senescence markers in the
and function of AT are closely associated with age, calorie AT of old mice, in addition to CD68, a marker of active
intake, physical activity, and health status. An increase in MΦ (103). Increased CD38 drives depletion of the critical
visceral WAT (vWAT), but not subcutaneous WAT (sWAT) metabolite NAD+ (104). The increase in IR is paralleled
6 Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10

Table 1. A short list of the interactions occurring between immune cells and inflamed adipose tissue

Immune cell subsets Impact on adipose tissue

T cells Peripheral CD8+ T cells infiltrate inflamed AT (92, 93, 100, 136)
Infiltrating T cells adopt a Th1 (interferon secreting) or a Th17 (IL-17-secreting) profile (93, 137-139)
Decreased antigen specificities recognized by infiltrating CD8+ T cells (100)
Resident CD4+ regulatory T cells maintain AT homeostasis through PPARγ. However, during obesity, the frequency
of resident CD4+ regulatory T cells decreases (136, 140-143)
Macrophage Infiltration into AT mediated by MCP-1 chemokine secreted by resident T cells (97, 136)
Excessive nutrients induce activation of MΦ driven through HIF1α, NF-κB, and IL-1β (94, 95, 136, 144)
DC Infiltration into AT mediated by CX3CL1 chemokine secreted by resident T cells (97, 145)
In lean mice, DCs exhibit a CD11c+CD103+ phenotype that induces CD4+Foxp3+ Tregs to maintain AT homeostasis.
In obese or db/db knockout mice, DC exhibit a CD11c+F4/80lo phenotype and induce Th17 cells (145, 146)

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Other innate cells In lean conditions, innate lymphoid cells type-2 induce anti-inflammatory responses and attenuate insulin resistance,
but this is lost during obesity (147-149)

Abbreviations: AT, adipose tissue; DC, dendritic cell; IL, interleukin; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B.

by an increase in senescent T cells both in humans and Cellular Senescence in Diabetic Complications
mice (105). Older T2D patients have elevated levels of
People with diabetes are more likely to develop age-related
CD8+CD57+CD28– T cells, which exhibit markers of sen-
morbidities, such as frailty, Alzheimer’s disease, mild cog-
escence. Levels of senescent CD8+ T cells are increased in
nitive impairment, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis,
pre-diabetics compared to nondiabetic controls and may be
visual impairment, and bladder and renal dysfunction,
predictive of the development of hyperglycemia (105, 106).
indicating that T2D itself might represent a proaging state
Senescent T cells in mice, defined as CD8+CD44+PD-1+,
(3). Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are pro-
are elevated in old wild-type mice placed on a HFD for
teins or lipids that become glycated when combined with
2 months, which leads to IR, inflamed AT, and increased
sugars. AGEs contribute to multiple microvascular and
SnCs in AT and liver (105). Notably, driving senescence in
macrovascular complications by forming of cross-links be-
the immune system alone, is sufficient to drive increased
tween molecules in the basement membrane of the ECM
expression of senescence markers in pancreatic tissue and
and by engaging the receptor for advanced glycation end
organ damage, as determined by serum amylase levels (107).
products (111). In diabetes, the increased AGE formation
induces endothelial cell senescence (112). Ex vivo, endo-
thelial cells from healthy aged and T2D individuals show
Peripheral Tissues chronic NF-κB activation. Blockade of NF-κB-mediated
Fat is redistributed outside fat depots with aging, accumu- inflammatory responses in endothelial cells prolongs the
lating in muscle, liver, bone marrow, and other ectopic sites. lifespan of mice by preventing IR (113). Endothelial cell
Insulin-resistant hypertrophic adipocytes have augmented senescence impairs systemic metabolic health (114) (Fig.
lipolytic activity and diminished ability to take up FFA, re- 2). The presence of elevated oxidized low-density lipopro-
sulting in a redirection of lipids toward nonadipose tissues teins, commonly observed in diabetics, reduces the number
(ectopic fat deposition) (108). If fatty acid β-oxidation in the of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and drives their
mitochondria cannot keep up with the increased supply of senescence (115).
FFA to nonadipose tissues accumulation of lipid intermedi-
ates like diacylglycerol and ceramides occurs. These lipid
intermediates lead to activation of serine/threonine kinases Diabetic Retinopathy
that phosphorylate insulin receptor substrates on serine In diabetic retinopathy (DR), the microvessels in the
residues. Phosphorylated insulin receptor substrates do not retina become damaged, degenerate, and regrow in an
function properly, leading to impaired insulin signaling and aberrant manner. Diseased vessels show upregulation
disruption of normal metabolic processes. Accumulation of of senescence marker expression (116). In retinas of pa-
lipid intermediates promotes ER stress, mitochondrial dys- tients with DR and in a mouse model of proliferative
function, and apoptosis (109). Dysregulation of liver and DR, a high level of senescent p16INK4a-expressing cells
skeletal muscle metabolism can strongly impact whole- accumulates. Senolysis by means of genetic approaches
body glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity (110). that clear p16Ink4a expressing cells or small molecule
Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10 7

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Figure 2. Diabetes and cellular senescence. Aging and obesity induce inflammation and cellular senescence in pancreatic β-cells and adipocytes.
Senescence of β-cells results in β-cell dysfunction and decreased insulin exocytosis. Senescence of adipocytes leads to ectopic lipid accumulation
and insulin resistance. Together these contribute to progression of T2D. Hyperglycemia-induced endothelial senescence plays a major role in devel-
opment of various diabetic complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, and cardiovascular complications. Figure created with

inhibitors of the antiapoptotic protein BCL-xL, sup- the production of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).
press pathological angiogenesis (116). In DR, endothelial NETs ultimately clear senescent endothelial cells and re-
cells are the primary targets of glucose-induced damage. model unhealthy blood vessels. Genetic or pharmacological
Diabetes-induced retinal endothelial cell senescence in- inhibition of NETosis prevents the clearance of senescent
volves sequential events initiated by NADPH oxidase-2 endothelial cells and promotes DR (124).
(NOX2) activation, increased expression of its target
arginase-1 (Arg1), and ROS production (117). Increased
Arg1 expression promotes senescence through a mech- Cardiovascular Complications
anism involving increases in the expression of p16Ink4a, Vascular aging contributes to the high morbidity and
p21Cip1, and p53 (118). Arg1 gene deletion or pharma- mortality of cardiovascular diseases observed in patients
cology inhibition protects against endothelial cell senes- with diabetes. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are
cence in diabetic mice (118). vital components of the vascular walls and senescence of
Glucose-induced downregulation of SIRT1 in endothe- these cells plays a key role in vascular aging. For instance,
lial cells promotes senescence and increases the production VSMC senescence can promote vascular calcification and
of several ECM proteins and vasoactive factors in diabetes atherosclerosis (125). Vascular calcification is a key com-
(119). MicroRNAs (miR-34a, miR-1, miR-19b, miR-320a) ponent of vasculopathy commonly seen in patients with
are translational suppressors of SIRT1 and also implicated T2D. SnCs in proximity to blood vessel walls (eg, in peri-
in endothelial cell senescence (120, 121). Oxidative stress vascular AT) may contribute to the cellular dysfunction
suppression of SIRT6 activity also drives endothelial cell that underlies the development and progression of vas-
senescence and likely contributes to the pathogenesis of DR cular diseases such as aneurysm and atherosclerosis (126).
(122). Endothelial cell senescence is reduced by Donepezil, In VSMCs, adiponectin can reduce high-glucose-induced
which increases SIRT1 activity (123). Senescent endothelial senescence and may be a potential therapeutic agent for
cells have a secretome that attracts neutrophils and triggers cardiovascular complications in diabetic patients (127).
8 Endocrinology, 2021, Vol. 162, No. 10

Diabetic Nephropathy side effects have been observed to date (56). Therefore, it
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic kidney is possible that senolytics, once optimized, will be effective
disease and renal failure in developed countries. In the past two in delaying the onset and reducing the severity of diabetic
decades, the morbidity and mortality of diabetic nephropathy complications, particularly in obese individuals.
have risen rapidly globally (128). The mechanisms driving dia-
betic nephropathy involve a multifactorial interaction of meta-
bolic and hemodynamic factors, including high blood glucose,
AGE, the renin–angiotensin system, and protein kinase-C–in- Financial Support: This work was supported by the NIH/NIA
grants P01 R01 AG063543, R01 AG043376, U19 AG056278,
duced generation of ROS, which mediates the activation of
and P01 AG062413.
the transcription factor NF-κB (129). Diabetic nephropathy Conflicts of Interest: Pending patents on senolytic drugs and their
is strongly associated with accelerated senescence of renal uses are held the University of Minnesota (L.J.N., P.D.R.). L.J.N. and

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tubular cells, podocytes, mesangial cells, and endothelial cells. P.D.R. are co-founders of NRTK Biosciences, a startup focused on
Hyperglycemia can directly induce senescence in mesangial the development of novel senolytics. L.J.N. has consulted for Merck
and Ono Pharma on senescent cells as a therapeutic target. L.J.N. and
(130) and tubular cells (131). Interestingly, high glucose can
P.D.R. are on the Scientific Advisory Board for Innate Biologics,
also induce MΦ to secrete inflammatory factors, creating a
developing bacterial effector proteins, and P.D.R. is co-founder and
state of low-grade inflammation (129). member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Genascence Corporation,
In both T1D and T2D, telomere attrition is associated a gene therapy company focused on osteoarthritis.
with renal cell senescence, proteinuria, and progression of
diabetic nephropathy (132, 133). In streptozotocin-induced
T1D mice, renal expression of p21 is increased dramatic- Additional Information
ally along with an increase in SA-β-gal staining in tubular Correspondence: Laura J. Niedernhofer, MD, PhD, Institute on
epithelial cells. However, other cyclin-dependent kinase the Biology of Aging and Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry,
inhibitors such as p16Ink4a and p27Kip1 were not altered. Molecular Biology and Biophysics, University of Minnesota Medical
School, 6-155 Jackson Hall, 321 Church Street, SE, Minneapolis,
In the T1D kidney, tubular senescence was induced by
MN 55455, USA. Email:
hyperglycemia via a sodium-glucose transport protein 2 Data Availability: Data sharing is not applicable to this art-
(SGLT2) (134). Glomerular mesangial cells, which provide icle as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current
structural support for the glomerular capillary loops and study.
regulate the ultrafiltration surface for glomerular filtration,
are directly affected by hyperglycemia. A high extracellular
glucose concentration promotes ECM accumulation, cell
cycle arrest, cellular hypertrophy, and induces senescence
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