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So first of all, how was your childhood before this evolution of

so when I asked my grandpa this question, he stated that it was way easier to go out and play
outside, then nowadays because this technology chains todays generation from doing so. He
told me that he would play football with his friends outside for hours and hours. He also said
that in comparison to todays generation attention span then, was way more than today. This
may be caused because of really short videos that we can scroll through everyday. In
conclusion, he preferred his childhood than in todays world, but he isn’t saying that technology
didn’t make life easier.

How was the education system in your time and how technology
affected it?
My grandpa told me that students were more focused and attentive to lessons in their time,
due to less technology and distractions in their life. He said that while we have our technology
beside us, we cant focus on doing the job properly, like doing homework and stuff, because our
attention is splitting between entertainment and work, and of course subconsciously we choose
entertainment .

Do you think that technology made life easier and do you prefer
todays world or then?
He said that while technology made life way easier than then, it was way fun in his childhood
because the communication was better between children and overally it was just more fun. He
prefers todays world as it is now, but he thinks changes can be made for the better. Grandpa
also said that family vacations and just a little picnics and stuff like that became harder ,
because we mostly have work from home jobs and we don’t go out that much. Also because
technology made communication either you don’t go out to meet up and talk with that person
in real life, and evolution in gadgets and technology yet again caused humans to be lazier than
ever before.

What kind of technology did you have in your time?

My grandpa said, that one of the most advanced and entertaining technologies he had was an
old TV, that we all know, classic big box. He also had phone that had a little keyboard like thing,
and he was happy with that, he didn’t need more.

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