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'T ~r,~ r
st unc C'RL(5,~11)l :ll. 'fhc "Zip" drivcrs werc inmtcdiately int- wurk by the grouncl crews uf 417 artd VF'_Ol . Tlus resulted When a crew member feels he's not part of the
pressecl with ca 1tabilities of tlre CRUSAllhR in ucrial combat . in 1~ pereent of tlre planned surties heing tlown with a total of "action" or that he must jealously defend his right
Many ul' the overeager who got their "fangs out" too early ~)0 C1~ 104 sorties ancl 74 CRUSADER sorties being accontp- to privacy, he may not be . . .
c 1 uieklv. found themselves lookin~ over their shaulder at the lisheil . There were nu fli~,tlrt safcty incidents, which is a tribute

Tuning in the
gapirtg intake of their aclversary as he was about to adnunis- to the Itrufessionalism and disci 1~line dis l~laY ed b Y all involved
ter a sintulatcd dose ul hurt . It woulcl rcquirc carcful tactics VF~01 personnel contributed tremendously to tlre suceess
ancl strict ~iiseiplinc tu stay uut of trouhle . of S7 AR CRUS 75 . Their hrofessionalisnt, motivation, and
The m~ijority of the en,~agements wer< multi-aircraft battles llexibility throughout the exercise was most impressive . The

involvin ;~ two STARFIGH~I'LR5 a~zainst one and thcn twu mere fact that 90 I~ercent uf tlreir air trainin g is dire~ted to the
CRt!S:IDLRS ; fuur STARF1GllT1:RS ag~ainst two CRUSA- air cambat environment, and thcir willingness to pass this ex-
llI:RS ; ancl, finally, one STARFIGHTEIt against two CRU- pertise on, provided art crcellent training and learning forum
SADI ;IZS . During tlte lwu versus two and four versus twu en- for all CF104 piluts invulvcd . Lt . Cdr . Jon Jorcian, VF?O1

frequency Y~`
gagentents each Ilight of cumbatants operatecl on their own Opcratiuns Ufliccr, put it this way : "Air ~ombat training is
radiu frequency as a great de,rl of radio chatter is required to the very hest type of' training for a fighter pilot and to lose
effectivel y~ manag e an air tir;ht
. involvin ~ several aircraft . Tlris the opportunity ro practise these skills would be a tragedy
also I ~rovided morc rcalistic trainutr; bccausc, with all aircraft that would difinitely weaken our capability as a fighter force ."
ort the same raclio I'requcncy, the "encmy" can listen in and Commander Stookey was greatly intpresscd with the facilities
know what yc~u are going to do, To control tlus safely a staff at Col Lake and corumented tlrat "therc is 1~rubablv. no bctter
pilot from 417 Squadron operated front the 4? Radar Syuacl- facilitv. for eonductin~;~ ciissimilar air comhat trainin ~J an Y where
ron facility nortli uf Culcl Lakc . Ilc was t}tere to mo'nitor the in tlle warld ." Lieutenant-Colonel Bosman ae;reed and added by lst Lt Alfred Nickerson, 71ARR5
lliglrt un radar, listcn out on hoth frequcn~ies, and pass on that "exchan~es like STAR CRUS 75 can onl y~ benefit everY- Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
any pertinent information su~h as missile "sltots", gwt "kills", one involved both frortt a professiunal point of view as wcll as
or disengagement ca]Is . All en~~agements were tape recorded in the area ot' internaliunal coo Peratiun toward a cunttnon You're cntising along at flight level ~30, well into a tiring of tlre action . It is surprisingly easy to squelch a crew mem-
tu assist in recurtstrurting tlte Ilight cluring debrieGng . ~oal . Murcuvcr, tltis cxercise has shown unec1 uivocall y~ that day, wlten tltc luaclmastcr, who happens tu bc taking a break ber's enthusiasm by "isolating" hirn exclusively within his own
Befure eaclt sortie a vcry i:uruprchensive hricfing was dissimilar ACM, if p ro~erlti~
1 : cuntrollecl and conducted . is nut on thc llight deck, interrupts your approach briefing with a, positiun in the aircraft . An attitudc such as, "I'ru just the
carricd out b,y the rnission Icacler with all partieipating pilots . unly a heneticial but also a SAFE uperation",
"lley, pilot, what's our altitude suppased tn he'?" radi~ operator so why should 1 risk catchirtg hcll by pointing
Rules artcl procedures were thoroughly covered hefore the As a direct result of S~l'AR C'RUS 75, Air Commanci HQ As the aircraft corltmander, how would that grab you? out that the boss has g ot the wron~ tacan tuned," could
"enernies'' s p lit u 1~ into their individua) section s to discuss t he recently has approvecl dissimilar ACM fur CF 104 basic course
Wuuld yuu tell the sergeant to mind his own business and spoil a crcw's whole day. And its says a lot about thc aircraft
tactirs thcy would try to employ, Fletibility was stressed, as students involving 417 Syuaclron CF104's and 419/4 :34 return to his own crew station? Or would you rcntind him cummandcr.
art cngagemcnt rarcly gocs as hriefed, Normally, the adversary Squadron CF-S's . Thus, maximum ACM training value once
that, based on your several Ihousand huurs of flying time, Aircrew members, and piluts irt particular, are often defen-
wuulcl do sumethin~; unex Pecied which would call u 1~on the again is beinh achieved withuut sacriticing the all-irttportant you fell perfectly capable of mairttaining your assigned alti- sively jealous concerning tltcir talents and crew positiuns,
lit,~htcr P ilut's sixth sense of~ hein~~~ ahle to do tlte ri~ht
c thin~ dt~mands of FLIC~I l~I SAI~ET Y . tude, thank you? Or, could you accept the duestiun as reason- "1'hey ntay resent any implication that tltcy }tave made an
at the right time . ()ne wrong move or losing sight of the tight ahle and I~roceed to check it out? crrur . This is not an tuutatural attitude, hut takcn to tlrc
nonnally spelled instant doom . All the fights were lugh speed An incident such as this actually occurrcd not too long ago extreme, it cart be dangerous . Let's face it, even crew memhers
affairs with the opponents meetirtg head-on, but with positive
- much to the crnbarrassmcnt of thc two piluts and thcir with years of expcrience occasionally make mistakes . For
separation, at closing s I~eeds of u Et to ~,000 miles P cr huur .
navigatur . Thc luadrnaster, who was awarc of thc plannca exantple, a navigator with a great deal uf experience but new
Only the foolish slowed to much bclow supersonic specd as altitudc and was far from bcing ignorant on the importancc to his squadron had a fl~ght two miles off' coursc w~~cn a
the battles raged from 40 .OOU feet down tu a simulated ground
. -, of complying with a elearance, pointed out that the aircraft pararescuentan aboard the aircraft, noting the terrain beneath
~ ~i OU~_~ ~~. ( 1' I1
level of 9,000 fcet . If a lightcr pilot passccl below 9,000 fcet
was cruising 1,000 feet lower than its assigned altitude . The them, tactfully pointcd out thc error . '1'lte PJ had been flying
engagerncnts wcrc terrninated to allow safe reeovery from any pilots quickly made up the difference . A good thing, too . over the same route for sevcral ycars artd knew most of the
attitude of tlight,
Abuve the mucl the clawning sky I,ess than twa minutes later another aircraft, flying the oppo- landmarks . The navigator corrected the error, No problem in
The most difficu]t part of any sortie was reconstructing W,rs clear an~l peaceful, va~ant, bluc site direction, passed 1,000 feet beneath thern . Sintply an this case . the I'J had maintained an awarcness and by doing so
events durinr the clebrieting which followed each ruission . Al- alert loadrnaster who ha fp
~ erled to be at thc riVht
1Vhcn strdclcnly tu dclighi my eye r P lace at the assisted the navi g ator - who was smart enou ~ t tu take a g ood
though the tights lasted only a ntalter of ntinutes, the candi- .~1n acrupl~rn~ camc intu vicw . right tirne'? Or an cxamplc of crew co-orciination'? tip, Crew coordination? Yes, we would have to call it that .
tions changecl so rapi~ly ancl thc mcntal stresses on the pilot One spinoff of aircrew discipline is crew coordinatiun . Less
h9arvcllin ;~ .1 w~onclcred thcn Yuu can no douht think of numerous instanccs in w}tich a
were so sevem tlral it was like trying tu recall the movements interphone chatter, hetter radio communication procedure,
1luw~ ntan cuuld spawn tlris wundruus car . crew memher whose duties did not necessarily relate to the
of eaclt passenger milling about in a Paris subway station at .
and accuracy ut checklist responses are all indications of crew problem at hand played a great part in either solvtnf . thc prub-
~'ct lracl nut causccl Irintsclf tu Icarn
ruslr Iluurs . These debrichnhs were invaluable and the learning coordutatiun . But thcrc's a 1ut murc tu crew courdinatiun
A furntula lor cntling war. lem or reducin g its intensit Y - a flig ht en ~'neer who re P ortcc]
that took place in the air was cunsoliclatc~ by thc discussiun uf thart that . Cvcn a crcw that runs its checklist with precisiun an oncorning aircraft that no one else saw, a navigator who
good moves ancl nristakcs . CRUSADER pilots were especially While still 1 mused auuther plane and seems to be the epitome of coordination may be missing rcported art open door un thc life raft cuntpartment while
adept at recallirtg svhat happened owing to their extensive C'ame challcnt~ing the first tu finci, a vital elcment of the truly coordinated crew, What is this using his scxtartt . That thcy rcpurt thcir infonnation without
eaperience in air conthat . There was also a mass debriefing at l hc tittesi, ancl there sunn be ;~an element'? It's crew member awareness. hesitation indicates they are, indeed, aware .
the end of each day where all the day's flying was discussed . ;1 contest, so the clay was }~rimecl . A crew mernber's awareness can be dulled in several ways . This type of crelv coordination is what many ul' us have
As tltc cxcreise 1 xu~~rcsscd
. a ra I~id u P swin g in thc lcamin g~ The struggle chatterecl, roarecl tivith hate One is by the crew ntember }timself. He may have persunal hecome accustomed to hut may not always experience . And
~urve of' thc STARFIGH'1'ER pilots was rcaclily apparent . Ncw Tu si~~nil~y its tnortal tune, problems that sap ftis attention ur clivert it from all but his its absence can prove costly . Remembcr, in spite of the num-
ta~ti~s wcre tried and eitlrer proven or discarded . Fightcr coor- 'Til ilaming tin~~;ers seizec! the fatc most hasic duties . Or the aircraft comrttander or other ntern- erous J'ukes that we thnrst u 1~un our crew counterp arts, the
ciinatiun and air combat
~ ~ v~arcness
a~ ~ and disciplinc incrEasecl
~ ~" Gf sume clear muthcr's precious son . bers of the crew ntay have cliscouraged ltis curiosity ancl inte- fact remains tlrat eaclt one is an intelligent person or he
markedly an~ in the latter half of thc exercise, there were even rest toward the duties uf other crcw ntembers . It's up to }tis wuulcln't be a i " n:w mcmbcr to bcgin with .
Go~ help us sei~e this costly prizc
several CIZUSADER piluts looking over their shoulders at the aircraft comrnander, and to some clegree ltis utlter crew rnates, It behooves a crew, ancl aircraft commartders in particular,
Thc sceds of' pcace tu suw,
sleek nuse of thc CF104. Tite STARFIGHTER pilots gainec3 to keep Itim "tuned in" with them . In any evcnt, if he's not to create an atmosphere in whieh each membcr , fcels rom-
And re ;rp the harvest of the wise
new rcspect far their aircraft when they discovered what it tuned in, look uut. Your crew has just lost some uf its ability fortahle and won't hesitate to point out what he helieves is
Not crusses r'~~w ~rn ruw,
could clo when handl~d properly in a hostile envirorunent . to detect and head off problems . a hazard, After all, as a crew, we're all tlying in the same sky
The weatherman coe~herated and the aircraft serviceability The aircraft COIIIIttatl(ler whU really' leacls his crew will and on the sartte airplane, at the same time .
was maintainecl at a liigh levcl duc tu a great deal of Itard R~~bert Rickerd/Airdigest cause eac ~ crew rnember to ce that he is art important part
THF. :4~r9C F~l.l'F.R

FliQht Comment, Edition 4 1976 3

Have an Accidentway
been taken irt, he lras his own hurizun in his scope . No, cort~e Picture in your minds eye what a Board uf Inquiry mi ;ht
tu tfrurk of it, it wurks off thc h9,~I . see if it lookcd at your unit ri ;ht now . yti'hat slrurtcuntinrs
Huw abuut the possibility uf Irydraulic cuntarninatiun? wuuld you bc required to explain if you lost a plane right

Could the cuntrols lrave hecn jammed by swarf, could a jack now? tJnless yuur unit is better tftan any 1've ever seen or read
have failed internally'? Is there any previous history'? abuut there would be at least a few . Sure a lot of them would
~Vhile we'rc looking at the possibility of cuntaminatiun, be "nit-picky" little thin~s which could never cause arr acci-
lcts ltavc a luok at the fuel and oxy~cn . ,Are all procedures dent - but just how many "nits" does it take tu build a cause
by Capt J . D . Williams bein~= carried uut p ro perlv
., are SOPs u I~ tu date ~ is su 1~ervisiun factor`.' w'e don't knuw . tiy'e clo knuw that every accident has
adcyuatc . a cause cvcn if we dun't manage to find it . ~Ve assume that
l reud an article recently in "Appruach'' mat~azine which Lcts cunsidcr the pussibility of FOD . .'1rc all tuols account- evcrv cause cauld he rcmovcd werc it tu be pruperly identi-
' » '~
told of' an rnl,~rurus tcc,hr t 1 ue em I ~loyed by' a l!SN scl uadron
a ~ t'c ed for? ~Vere any work proccdures interrupted the last tinte lied . 1Ve tind that a lot of I~otential causcs onl ) ~ come tu li ht
cuntmandtr tu prevent accidents . lt seems that his syuadrun the bird was in tlte harn'? during pust-crash invcstif~atiuns - tltuugh they wuulcl have
hadrt't 118d an acrident for uver twent,y years which Gvnuld Lets consider the possibility that the pilot just decided tu been evident Itad tlrc sarnc invcsti;,~ation bccn held "befure the
' v he eause for a lot of self=eonr;ratulation - but the
certarnl t7y a liltle luwer than briefed tu add a little exi;itcrnent tu tlte fact" . lt is for this verv. reason that we stronrtl
,, y ~ su«Test
r~ that
boss d~~rdecl that wltat ' lv'as' r~'clt 1'red
r waS :~N :1CC'IUL`v l . f7ight . ti'Vas he that kind uf guv? ls tlrcre artythin~ in his past such an investigation could he of very real assistance in any
Tltat's rit;ht ;cn ctccidcnt . Lver sce tltinf;s sprutr hack intu which rni~htb causc us tu draw llrat kind of cunclusion? urtits fli~=ht safetv.l~ro~ram.
sltapt nturc yur~ ' ~k ly than the y ~ du after an accidcnt? l :vcr llow nruch did tlre pilut Itave to drink at last nif;hts party? Fur ycctrs now w~i ; havc carricd out "Flil;]rt Safcty Survcys"
watch all thc "baru duurs" heing cluscd in t}re Itours and days 1Vasn't lrc complainurg uf a cold a 1'cw ~ays agu? Lcts check of various units and stations and the intent has bcen mucfl thc
inunediatcly i~olluwin~, a fatality'' It's amazing . "Ihings that is focker for arty clues wltich migl~t be there . ~1edicine hottles, same as that of the exercise I'm su==cstin~~
i; . I belicvc lwwever
wcrc irnpussiblc heforcltand ntiraculouslv hccomc pussiblc . unpaid bills, Lurd knows wltat . that thcv. em 1 ~lov~ tuo much uf a scatter f~un a PP rua~h . '1'his surt
I-unds w luclr
' ~ w~re
~ 1 ~reviuusl y ~ "all tied u ( ~" suddrnlti'. becorne Lets look at unit morale . Is evcryune up to speed and is of exercise is nxrre uf a sniper rifle technique since it concen-
availahle . Perfurnr.rnce ut' all pcrsonnel impruves particularly everyone essentially happy ur are tlrcrc prohlems which trates on one specifie airframe and aircxew .lf by chance yyou
if the ~ause of the accident is undcterrttined . ['erhaps all uf us have escaped our notice'? Arc there any personality ~onflicts come up "~lcan" yuu can pat your uwn back - and try it
subconsciously examine uur uwn perfurmancc attd atlempt to wltich could have eaused distraction anywhere, on the ahain in thrcc or fuur ntunths . If yuu cunte up dirty it rttay
eliminate an_v charactcristic or trend which migftt have led gruund or in the air? I )rIn1P thC Idea P Um p .
tu the ctcctd~nt 1 ta~ d wc hecn 11vin~= ur otherwisc invalved . Bv tlte w~av I forkut to mcntiun thc l'act tltat while all
"So" rcusuncd thc ('0 , "if wc I~rovidc a simulated accident this is =uin«r un lutve a disinterested crew du a really- tltu-
wc may ntana ;~c to achievc nrany of thc samc rcsults . f'he morc rough inspcctiun of~ thc simulatcd craslrcd aircraft . 'flterc is
~ ~sterious the circumstances the better ."
n~ a ~.ood chancc ihat thev'll tind at Icast onc discrcpancy w~lucll
Ancl aw~av the~~ wcnt . but ltere is in tlrc wurst of circumstances c :ould causc a 1~rublcm . l3clicvc
which can come to li :?ht in a Board of Inquiry
Thc c~crcise -was 1~lanncd tu includc the entirc scluadrun me it cluesn't take much . A pilot cuuld crash while tryin~
an uppurturuty to see it all at nu ~xp s .
' ' eil'e
and ,rll affccted hasc pcrsonncl . Sccnario cards wcrc prepared tu rctricvc a droppccl ntap, pen, ur stupwatch . A poorly
Lcts say' the plane just dovc intu the water fur no apparent
fur all thc acturs, and thc suppurtint; cast were on Itancl tu rcascnt, Wltat cuulcl causc that? lucated radio frequcnry sclectur cuuld ~ause hult to look away
watch and lcarn . frc~m the `'front window" fur a futal few scconds . l~lashlights
Pllvt Irtcahacitatinn? VVcll, lets e~amine his medical docu-
Picturc thc Situatiun, :111 is quict aruund thc Ops dcsk when ancl kneeboards have come adrif"t hef~~re and jammed contruls .
ntcnts . Oh . Oh . He is twa muntlrs ovcrduc for his annual
thc initiul call is hcard . Liferafts and ntae wests have self-intlated, tlares havc lircd
medieal . w'ell, that'll Icavc a qucstiun mark but ma~ bc its just
"Buncvarcl Ops this is Papa (-~ulf Thrcc . Pupu Golf Ltad just tllemsclves, ejection scat pins havc becn inadvcrtently left irr
n . Lets look furtlrcr . Ilc i~ ?5 y~cars old ~nd ?5
an ovcrsic7ht
' - , th~~ .~c,c . I an~ orbitint; tl~e crash silc but thcrc are
cr ;tshcd ultc puunds overweitht . Last LI;G was nurntal hut we know tltat plarc, and scat ntcclranisms havc been impropcrly installcd .
nu survivors visihk: . I havc adviscd tower and will rcmain un Itc is in thc ran~~c for unannuun~ed Ileart attacks . Still, utltcr Ilavc a luuk!
site unfil the choppcr arrives .,> If" you walk tltrouglt an cxcrcise uf this surt with your
tltan that hc louks fit .
Just ah,~ut tlrcn thc hhuncs bcgin tu rin~, As it turns out ('urttrul l)iflic'trltlc~s? No reasun to suspect ~rny since he had syuaclrun ur unit there is mu~h tu bc gained . lt takcs un many
tltcv will cuntinue tu riu~~ for sevcral ltuurs, days cvcn . u t- thc., .ts
. ~ct.
, . e uf ,t~ n tti, st ~, r ; dr~a m't; . Y o u r ctvrd~
. } P ' ~ tlr e .s'tr n trl~at ~d
time to e'cctI or mentiun it un tlrc radio . llnfortunatelv thc Well, I cuuld go on and on, but I think tlrc puint is ntade .
- vietim and th~n tvtryune , ~~ ",
s~ts out to tin~ the villain . Thc
Now w Il~rt rs ~ tl I n ~ tU 11J 1 { aircrzft invulved has had a histury of Itydrauli~ leaks hut

Piek anv. one uf yuur aircraft or yuuraircrcw and scrutiuizc

' 1 ~ Y

1Vcll, for une thin~~ thcrc is ~~~inr tu hc a ccrtain amuunt inlcrcstin~~. . I~uint in this casc is ihat the scarch nta y~ w~ll ncl
notlung tuu seriuus and it was scr~r~cahl~, after thc two prc- it ur him and v ;c ttr tivill find dis~r~
,~ va hr~h a~ bo'ard tvc ~ tI ld
uf papersvork impuunded imnrecliately, ~lircrafl recortls, crew several actual villains even thou .=h tlre victim is onl~~ a sII1lUlat-
viuus Ili ;;hts . (IUCStIUIt . You will tutd training requircments not met, tcchni-
trainin~~ filc~, 17i ;~ht plans, wcather rchurts and tower tapes
. . ecl une . llere uf cuurse thc im I~urtant t}rin~~ tct realize is tltat
litslrrrntc nt Lrr r:~ I hc main Irttitudc indicatur was chan>;cd
cal filcs nut properly amendecl ur annotatecl, engineering ur-
all will h4, set asid~ fur Irrter scrutiny . such an exercise is not tc~ bc uscd for ;`catchinr ;" anvunc but
last ni~ht in I~act this was ~ functional clrcck fli,~ht . They dcrs nut cuntplicd witlr .
I ur anothcr tlrint;, thc Rasc ('umlnandcr is ~~uin~= lu Itavc rather 1~c~r ~Icanin~~, house, lt wuuld I ~robahl~~ hc 1~rudu~tivc
wcrc duing ~ VFf~ trainin,~ trip anyway su tlre trip and chcck ftcvicw your scluadrun SOPs and you will I'ind ~aps intt>
to t,ct tc ..~th ~ e r a' little visitint< team cI uicklv. hefure a few , tu di'clarc a muratorium un res I~un~ihilifv, fc~r discre 1~ancics
wcre c:ombincd . Still, tltcy wuuldn't havc heen suckcd tn ~~~n whi~h your personn~l n~ay hav~ inserted thcir own thcorics
. Ic., ..rrn thal thty ,, ,arc
., fatlrcrlcss
'~ , .
uv~r the lucal raclr~ fuund, "l~ix il notiv and wc'll ncver talk trhnut it a~ain" n
familics if tlre tltinps did fail . :lnyway thc navigatur wouldn't Iravc whic:h may or may nut bc valid . They ntit;ht not hc cvidcnt tu
statiun . fhcrc will bc chaplains ~nd ducturs reyuircd, maybc mi ,:,~ht be lhc hest a II> >roach in order lu hrin .; cvcrvtltine uut
yuu it yuu didn't have an ac~ident fur no ahparcnt reasun,
a lawvcr . hupe[ully a [c~ti cumpaisionatc hut sclf-contrullcd intu the upen . If an impurtant point comes up tivhich descrves
but bclicvc rnc tltey will surcly turn up aftcrwarcls .
fricnds ur nci~Thh~~urs . crnpllasis "lree~e the aetiun" ancl discuss it ri`~ht tlren wbile
r fakc your "dccca~~d" crcw and louk rnlu thcrr pcrsunal
~11su it liclps il" yuu ~art recovcr thr airrraft ur any cumpun- it ltas irnpact .
afi'airs . 1'w'crc thcy insutcd adeyuatcly, did thcv lravc propcr
cnts and thc hudics of ihc crcw, ~l~rt will hav~ tu hc assigncd It sctrns ubviuus to ntc that this surt uf thin~ wuuld i-~c a
wills .lVhat would have hecome of their familie, . l la~ they ever
tlris unple,lsant hut ncrcssary duty . unc day cxcrcisc witlc ,rn irncucdi ;rtc tlchricf pcrhaps fulluw-
made an )r cuntin~acnc~ )I~lans with thcir wives? This nta y ~ nut
Nalurall~ a 13uard ~~i Inquiry will he named and all fncilitics ed hv. a unit "basl~'~ . Th~~ l~ussibilitics urc liruitccl unlv- b )~ the
be "Fligltt S3fety" but it is ~ummun sense, Penniless widuws
~ruviclccl fur th~nt . scale in whic}t you wish tu uperatc . Thc intpurtunt llring bcing
} and destitute urpllans acld unnecessarily tu the hearthreak .
;1NI) TIII :V tllcre svill be a lot uf suuf searchint as dis- the aura uf re,llism . "Iluw ~ouli! this have happeneil?" is a
Let yuur guys cunsider tlus fur u few ntinutes .
crcpancics bc~,in tu appcar . qucstiun wc all havc tu fac~ frum time to timc . 11~ w~ clrcck
Louk at your t'rews from anuther aspect . W'uuld a buurd
Sin~c uur cntcrprisinr CO has anticipatecl mucl~ uf this tutd that thev ltad been uverschcduled'? Haci pruper mcals
them all uut nuw, we m ;n' well be able to remove the cause
hasslc arrd wants tu rnaximi~e traininl; valuc, he has clcsi~nated and livin~= conditiuns been availahlc to thcm bcforc llicht .
uf an inr 1~cndinL:.~ accident ur at least lessen thc im 1~act,
a spcciti~ aircraft ~vhr~ ' ~Ir Itas V'ust landcd as Gvell as its crew 1~'ant tu intpruve the saiety uf yuur uperatiun? H :aVL 1N
Was a f~ru Itcr brictinr;. carricd uut? :111 uf thesc c 1 uestiuns will
as P ;Ip~t Gc~lf Lead . .111 ;rctiuns takcn will d~al witlt tfcis sh~cific .
nwst eertainly he asked if, onc~ day, tlrey fail tu return . :1C('IUI :NT . but do it uur wav anJ sarc
haril (and soft) w~are . tiuw thcre are ;I ntllllun and une thin~~s

Flight Comment, Edition 4 1976 5

discovery and rectification of a most hazardous n1W01 .N. ARSENAULT
aircraft condition,


Captain Bill Webster was flying a wheel equipped
During a conversion training flight for student
pilots and flight engineers the left hand landing gear
would not fully extend and could not be moved
either up or down . MWO Arsenault, the staff FE on
single Otter with two passengers and a crewman on board, investiyated the problem and following the
CPL O .G . U .AKLING board while conducting an exercise in northern Tech Order p ro c e du re s h e proceeded to remove the
While employed on the Flight Line at CFB Chat- Manitoba . After two hours of flying over desolate applicable undercarriage inspection windows to
Cpl O.G . Darlu~g Pte A .R .13e~sley
ham on 17 Nov 75, Cpl O .G . Darling noted smoke forested and muskeg terrain, the aircraft arrived measure the distance between the upper and lower
coming from CF-101 number 101056 during its along the coast of Hudson Bay about 170 miles shelf brackets. The resulting measurement confirmed
start. While some smoke is usually present during southeast of Churchill . On reaching the coast, at only the landing gear was not sufficiently down to en-
the start cycle, the abnormal density of the smoke 100U feet above sea leve~, the engine emitted a bang, gage the friction washers and would probably collapse
in this case aroused his suspicions . He investigated which sounded somewhat like a backfire . Engine tem- on landing .
and found bits of metal at the position where the peratures and pressures were checked and were found Further inspection by MWO Arsenault revealed
CF101 had been started . As the aircraft was now reading normal : nevertheless, the fuel tanks were that a large bushing (drag pin bushing) ~rvas wedyed
proceeding to the runway for takeoff, Cpl Darling switched as a precautionary measure . The engine then sideways between the shelf brackets, preventing
took immediate action to recall the Voodoo and appeared to run normally for about one minute when the friction washers from engaging and jamming the
ihe aircraft returned to the line. another loud bang was heard, accompanied by a rear tandem screw jack mechanism . He suggested to
Investigation revealed that the starter had seized power loss, smoke, and the odour of oil fumes in the Aircraft Commander that the manual lowering
Cpl S.W. Schneider the cockpit . Captain Webster immediately turned
and was damaged in such a manner that the vibrations systern be engaged in an attempt to free the under-
and "G" forces of flight may have caused the starter towards the only available landing area, a curving carriaye . After carefully briefing and co-ordinating
to fall free of the engine . The resulting damage to the MCpI R.A . Mickelson strip of sandy beach about 3000 feet long, and exe- all crew activities MWO Arsenault was able to raise
engine and fuel lines would have resulted in a serious cuted a force landing without damage to the aircraft, the port landing gear sufficiently for one of the
inflight fire and possible loss of the aircraft . CPL S.W . SCHNEIDER Initial inspection of the engine revealed a large student pilots to remove the bushing . The landing
Cpl Darling's alertness, good judgement, initiative While conducting a routine survey on a Cosmopoli- crack in one of the cylinder walls . A replacement was gear was then manually cranked down and the air-
and technical knowledge prevented an aircraft tan engine at CFB Ottawa (S), Cpl Schneider noticed flown to the beach, the aircraft repaired on site and craft landed uneventfully .
accident . a small oil leak coming from the reduction gear box was then flown off the beach, serviceable, within 24 MWO Arsenault demonstrated his superior tech-
area . A further investigation revealed not only a leaky hours of the incident . Strip analysis of the cylinder nical knowledge of the Hercules by quickly and
~1CPL R .,4 . !~IICKELSON revealed that the cause of damage was a broken ex-
A,C . Alternator drive seal, but both male and female successfully troubleshooting and rectifying a serious
MCpI Mickelson was detailed to supervise and drive splines worn far beyond normal wear. haust valve, which in turn caused extensive damage in-fli g ht emer 9 enc Y . His actions not onl Y P rovide
assist with the replacement of a CH-136 Helicopter This discovery led to a Special Inspection of the to the top of the piston and cylinder . his student engineers with a dramatic example of
main rotor hub, While readying the newly overhauld fleet. Two reduction gear boxes had to be changed Captain Webster's quick reaction in correctly expert fault-finding but prevented serious damage
rotor hub for installation MCpI Mickelson decided due to excess wear of the drive splines . assessing the situation, immediately selecting a suit- to a Canadian Forces aircraft and p o ss i b le i~n~~u ry to
to give the rotor hub a thorough inspection even As this check was not specifically precribed for able force landing area and then executing a success- the flight crew,
though the rotor hub had been certified serviceably this Periodic Inspection, Cpl Schneider's attention to ful force landing obviously saved a valuable aircraft,
details and the thoroughness of his investigation But, more importantly, his professionalism and CPL M .S. HOOLEY
by the overhaul contractor. This inspection revealed
that the spacers under the main rotor pillow blocks demonstrated his high degree of professional com- pilot ability turned a potentially dangerous situation,
A visiting Argus had been placed unserviceable for
had been omitted during overhaul . Had this rotor petence and averted a situation which could have which could have resulted in injury or loss of life to
low torque in one engine . The problem had been
hub been allowed to fly in its condition severe caused a serious in-flight problem due to the loss his passengers and crew in a very remote area of
diagnosed as a faulty fuel control unit and Cpl
vibration of the main rotor system followed by of A .C . power . Canada, into a successful operation .
Hooley was assigned to change this component .
possible cracking of the pi!low blocks could have Prior to proceeding with the work, however, Cpl
ensued, PTE A.R . BEASLEY Hooley made a thorough check of the aircraft
Due to MCpI Mickelsons extra efforts an un- Cpl A .R, Smith and Pte A,R . Beasley installed an history and discovered that two fuel control units
satisfactory condition was detected and corrected aileron on a CF101 and completed the required and two engine-driven pumps had been changed on
and a possible in fliyht failure was averted . functional checks . Pte Beasley was then detailed that engine in the previous two months in an effort
to disconnect the external hydraulic power cart at Capt B. Webster to correct a similar snag . Because of this, Cpl Hooley
CPL K.F . GARTH which time he carried out a routine FOD check suspected the fault must be elsewhere and after
After completing a "B" check on a T-33 Aircraft, before re-installing the cover panel . Pte Beasley considering other possibilities concluded there might
Cpl Garth decided to go one step further and visually demonstrated thorouqhness and outstanding be a leak in the high pressure fuel line to one
check the fuel load . After opening the port tip tank workmanship in checking the hydraulic lines in cylinder . Conducting a thorough inspection of such
fuel cap, he spotted an object lying at the bottom of the area. He noticed the engine main fuel line located Cp . K .F . Garth MWO J.N . Arsenault lines, he discovered fuel stains near a flexible portion
the tank whieh turned out to be a refuelling hose behind the hydraulic liner was chaffing against a of one line; however, the line appeared in good
nozzle protective cover. - (Non Canadian Forces pat- stringer at fuselage station 470 . He notified Cpl condition and there was no wetness or visual leak .
tern) Smith and they checked a nearby aircraft and found Pressurization of the line, however, revealed a sub-
Cpl Garth's thoroughness in extending his in- the fuel line to have ample clearance . The rest of the stantial leak in an area where the raw fuel would
spection beyond the requirements of a "B" check U .E . aircraft were also checked serviceable . Although I flow back over a hot exhaust, presenting a serious
prevented what could have been a serious air in- Pete Beasley was not directly involved or required fire hazard .
cident . to check the fuel line, his awareness resulted in the Cpl Hooley's methodical and knowledgeable

approach to rectification of the snag prevented a MCPL W .L . FOX
possible costly and dangerous in-flight fire, The
professional attitude and conscientious action dis- On the morning of 25 Nov 75, Eastern Flying
played is considered deserving of commendation . Cpl J.H . Thihault Service Flight 301, a P31 aircraft with a crew of two
and two passengers on board, declared an emergency
CPL M .P . GROO~IS after expenencing a complete navigational aids
During a periodic inspection of a CF101 aircraft, failure while on final approach at Charlottetown
Cpl Grooms was inspecting the upper portion of the Cpl R.H . Hrynyk Pte 111 .U, Uunham airport . The weather at Charlottetown was 400
rudder around the rudder balance weiyht. While feet obscured ceiling with '/z mile visibility in snow.
tapping the skin looking for loose rivets he heard a The weather at Summerside was 500 feet obscured
'rattle' inside the rudder . He reported his findings ceiling with visibility 5/8 of a mile in snow and winds
and the rudder was removed for further investigation from the north-east at 25 gusting to 35 knots . The
to determine the source of the 'rattle', The 'upper base was attempting to dig out from the first major
rudder balance weight' was removed and three lead winter storm .
weights were found detached from their mount and Flight 301 climbed to 2500 feet and squawked
loose inside the upper portion of the rudder . Had emergency advising Charlottetown Air Radio that
this situation gone undetected it is possible that the he was requesting a precision radar approach at
weiyhts could have moved and caused the rudder to Cpl W,M . Uay Cpl M,P. GroomS . Summerside. Moncton (MOT) Radar received the
bind or jam . Cpl Grooms' conscientiousness and MCpI J .C . Peters emergency squawk and advised Summerside that
sense of responsibility in pursuing the source of the CPL R .H . HRYNYK MCpI W. L. Fox the aircraft was 30 NM SSE of the Base . CFB
rattle prevented what could have been a serious While inspecting a CF104 after the aircraft had Summerside had just restored electrical power follow-
incident or accident . rudder control pedals appeared to have excessive ing a power failure . MCpI Fox, the duty radar con-
gone through a major modification program, Cpl
movement at the hook up point . Although not part troller was attempting to re-align his equipment . As
Hrynyk extended his acceptance survey beyond the
PTE h1 .D . UUN}iAM of the check, he disassembled the cover and the
normal level . In the engine compartment he dis- a result of the power failure the radar was left with
connecting rods . He found a 0,250 inch diameter
Pte Dunham, as part of an aircraft towing crew, covered that the throttle cable was rubbing against weak video and a loss of the SIF . Communications
bolt exhibiting wear of 0.053 inch, Failure of the bolt
was detailed to move an Argus out to the east side a wire bundle which had been enlarged as a result of with Flight 301 were weak and intermittent . MCpI
would have resulted in the loss of rudder control at
of 11 Hangar to refuel the aircraft for 23 knots with the modification program . Cpl Hrynyk took it upon the pilot's position . Fox, through a determined co-ordinated effort with
gusts to 37 . The aircraft was positioned nose south himself to inspect other such modified aircraft on A serious inflight hazard was possibly averted Moncton Radar was able to positively identify a
with the starboard wing tip 50 feet from the east the unit and found that the fault existed in other because of MCpI Peters' initiative and professional very weak target 13 NM SW of Summerside . To
side of the hanqar, The aircraft brakes were applied aircraft . approach towards flight safety . further complicate matters, Flight 301 was experi-
and t he main wheel scockd
h e fo re ada
n ft . As P t e As a result of his thoroughness and mitiative a encing electrical problems resultmg in the inter-
Dunham was returning to the line crew section to serious hazard was discovered which could have CPL J .H .'fHIBAULT mittent radio reception, windshield icing and finally
await the arrival of the fuel tender, a gust of wind, resulted in an electrical failure, fuel fire or throttle Cpl Thibault was detailed to carry out a daily the failure of both directional gyros .
recorded at 36 knots, hit the tail of the aircraft malfunction with the subsequent loss of an aircraft . inspection on a CH135 aircraft . On checking the MCpI Fox immediately commenced giving instruc-
and caused it to turn through a 90 degree starboard Minor Defect Sheet Cpl Thibault noticed that a tions for a precision radar approach to runway 06
turn so that when stopped, the aircraft nose was minor entry (fluid left on the ground after the which, by this time, was only 85 percent cleared of
approximately 30 to 40 feet from the hangar . On 22 Jan 76, while observinq weapons beinq aircraft had been standing for a period of time) snow. On final approach from 9 miles to 5 miles,
At the first sound of movement, Pte Dunham loaded on an Argus aircraft, Cpl W.M. Day, an I & E required rectification . MCpI Fox was unable to obtain any glide path
with regard only for the aircraft, ran back under Technician, noticed that the power cable used on the On checking the aircraft, Cpl Thibault noticed information due to the precipitation, lack of SI F
the aircraft, replaced the expelled chock from the C-10 bomb hoist did not plug completely into the that, although the hydraulic header tank was full, and the altitude of the aircraft . MCpI Fox's cool,
starboard wheel, then proceeded to the port side and 1200 amp power source . This exposed three prongs a considerable amount of fluid, along with dust calm and reassuring instructions coaxed the pilot
threw the expelled chock from the port main-wheel which were subject to being shorted out on the and grass, was noticable in the "hell hole" area of down in altitude so that he was able to intercept
in front of the moving wheels . This chock was im- metal workstand used in the bomb bay . After point- the aircraft . Cpl Thibault spent most of that evening the glide path at 4 miles . At two miles from touch-
mediately ejected by the then increasing momentum ing this out to the loadcrew, Cpl Day investigated Tthoroughly cleaning out this area . Again the next down, Flight 301 began to drift well right of the
of the aircraft, nearly hitting Pte Dunham, The further and found that this was not an isolated case morning, he carried on with his work, doing a oncourse . Only through determined efforts by MCpI
expelling of the port chock happened at least three but a characteristic of all G10 hoists . Realizing that systematic check of the entire hydraulic system, This Fox issuing clear precise control instructions was the
times as witnessed by other personnel who were the potential of a se ; ious electrical fire and explosive check, lasted most of the day, required Cpl Thibault aircraft able to correct back to the on-course at
running back to the aircraft to assist, Pte Dunham hazard existed at a critical phase of the aircraft to work in a very small area which offered very 3/4 miles, at which point the pilot of Flight 301
finally was able to have a chock bite into the partially servicing procedure, Cpl Day developed an effective little room to work . picked up the approach lights and made a successful
icy tarmac and the aircraft came to a stop . modification and immediately raised an Unsatis- The results were rewarding. Due to Cpl Thibault's landing .
Had Pte Dunham not responded immediately and factory Condition Report to point out and rectify attention to detail, a very serious defect was located, MCpI Fox's full utilization of his equipment,
had he not persisted in his efforts to have a chock the situation . resulting in an urgent UCR being subrnitted request- considering the weak video, the unserviceability of
stay under the port main-wheels, severe damage As a result of his awareness, concern and pro- ing that all CH135 aircraft be inspected prior to next the SI F and the weak intermittent communications,
could have occurred to the aircraft as it may have fessional approach, Cpl Day may well have averted flight, This inspection, when carried out, resulted in coupled with his calm professional attitude during
had sufficient momentum to cause the aircraft to a most serious accident . : three aircraft of six on 408 Squadron strength being this emergency, undoubtedly saved an aircraft and

hit the hanyar. grounded for the same fault . possibly several lives . As stated later by the pilot
At the time of the accident, Pte Dunham had been MCPL J .G . PETERS of Flight 301, "MCpI Fox's competent handling of
Through his alertness, initiative, and attention to
employed on line crew six weeks and on the Argus
aircraft _25 r~~onths,
While carrying out an airframe acceptance check
on an Otter aircraft MCpI Peters observed that the ,I detail, Cpl Thibault uncovered a deficiency which
could have resulted in a se~ ious accident .
this difficult emergency averted a certain forced
landing" .

8 Flight Commenf, Edilion 4 1976

of accidentjin~ident reports. 1b'itlr tlris type uf attitude, add lU . Watch fur crcepin~l duriug en~+inc run-up ; run up

Hot Rocks and Cold Weather !

wuttcr wcatllcr and vuu havc a real "smakin' holc" candidate . s~. rnmetrical en~incs
. il rcc 1 uired ( multi-cn tline) .
This knuw-it-all attitude is a hi+~ challen~e anil can be uver- D. Takcoff
come unlv if crew members arc made tu rcalizc that cummon l. ~furn un anti and dc-ice equipment priur to takeull',
scnsc and aircrcw P rofessiunalism arc basi~ cunsidcrations . in accurdan~~ witll vuur Dash ()nc .
ln addition, cumntandcrs ntust pruvicle propcr supcrvision and _', lf necessan~,
. use asvmm~tric
. ;tl ! ~rnver tu maintain
manal:cmcnt tc~clutiyues tu insurc tlrat tlie dan~~crous attitudcs direetional cuntrol un an icv runwav .
ul .euvs
. likc I lut Ruck arc stam 1~cd uut . 3. Rcwclc
. landin~t~ ~~car and fla 1~s . if in accurdance witlr
lt's q«ite uhviuus to see tlte I'allacies uf the I lot Rctck erew vuur flif~ht manual .
by Lt Col Richard C . Jones mcmber and thc prublems he nt ;ry puse tu the tle~in~ sa1'ety 4, 11'atch for stnrctural icin :; durin ;; climh-out.
HQ TAC/DOVX I~ru~~ram
. ;utd thc succcssful cutn~letianI uf thc rnissiun . Thusc F. In-C'li~~ht
uf us whu du scr tlle P utential ha~ards while 11 y in~+. durin g 1 . ~4aintain engine ternperature within lunits, fur anti-
;111 aircrew nt~mh~rs have reacl, scanned . and p cruscd higlt ,~nd hut durin~~ iustrum~~nt approaches as an adversc
, u u .e a~ rti ~, I~5
, . ,and s t c-> rtc,,~ w hr~h winter munths hecome d~eply cuncerned . In fa~t . uur cun- iee opcration .
n r rnt~r '" d + > ~tunrnt the tales and trend, it ain't ncressaril~~ su . Goud pilots like me thrive un tltis
. `t ,.
cern g,ctes even farther . Since e~hcricnce shuws winter flying 1,
Usc c ;trburetur heat, it' applicahle
1vc~s t 11 .~''rn~.+' maclunrs ;utd cl'I thc m~nv. 1~iul 1 l~ms,rssocialcd ty pc ot challcu~c .
l" 0, ' " '
to be mure hazarduus than ilvint; durink the sumnter rttunths, 3, Usc Pilot-to-Il~tru Service and enroute radios fur
t rt ll Ilt. ur ++_ t 1 r C4'
.~ t 11'a~'ll'tn~'S. dclr I n +>, t h<> ~" u Id 1 < 'Illtl,I Illli r1t115 . "'r~'cll, Ilut Ruck, what du _vou think ahuut thc T-ti9 n ,~ l~rn~
~ rt~ I~ r_trc
w~'  a, s~11
. ~ ~ctr~n
 ~ t ~ltc~k
, . . . 1ti~ ~ ~, t~, ~c. , t~r
r,~ re tryutr  sigrrifi~ant cnruute and dcslination wcatltcr
. + ,,~ ,
a, ~" all,
a . i tc ' , l r I.,,m u th~r,
, sat. 1 a~k wlnlc icadtn_ , . .,
1 E, I tv at n tlntc pilut whu tntd tu hust rninimums tryrnf, tu get humc . 11~ hit all typcs uf aircraft, su sonte uf thc items may not apply tu and dun't fi~r~,et to givc P1RE=.1's i1~ yuu ~ncuunt~r
 duciintents ;rnd ,aid, "(~o~lt, wlrat a d111+~hat ." "I) ;tnln'
th~s~  mrlts~  shurt uf tlie nutwat,
, . . dcstr+ty~d
, ,, thc, arrcral't, killed
thr~t yuu chcck tftc " ;'111-Wcathcr Operatiuns" cltaptcr ufYOLR weather harards .
that wr~s a dumh de~i~ic~n s . " "U+,c~. tltt'~. Rus realls 11ti . , ur hintscll', thc cu-pilot and three passen~.ers ." U;rsh One . 4. Be avvarc ui ultcrna(c re~luircnrcnts!facilitics .
"l'uu'vc ;~ot tu bc kidding ntc! .' Ilut Rock : "Well, this pilot must havc bccn a luw-timc Ucsccnt
Nuw if vuu'rc a llut Ruck crcw m~mhcr, vuu can utun~- guy . Expcriertce will pruve that wlien attemptin+~ an instru- WINTER FLYING CHECKLIST I. lisc aclditiunal puwer un reciprucatin~, en`~incs tu
diatel) identify all thc inadeyuate skills the unlucky crctv ntenl appru~ch when the weather is below minintums, if yuu A, Fli+zht 1'lannin~~ I ~rw~nt cuulin+. f=ur J ets, kee 1~ the IZf"11 u 1~ tu
mcmhcr dentunstraicd wluf~ h~in+r invulved in an accidcnt ur plan and purposely k~~ep the hird a bit hit;h on the ;~lide and l . Chcck for ht-opcr persunal and survival cquipmcnt . insurc adec1 uatc cont Itrcssur bleeri air .
incid~nt . cundcntn liim anci th~n vcrv ratiun ;rllv stat~ undcr tltc airspi'ed un thc plus siclc, yuu'll h~ O .K . I'v~ 1lctwn at Icust 2. Check cnruute . ternunal, and alternate weathcr. ' . C+~nsider the use of flaf~s and ;~ear . if rccluired . tu
yuur hreath, "',l~Jrat a clud : tltis surelv cutildn't happcn tu mc .' . a duten bcluw-minirnum a ll > >ruacltes and the weather is nut 3. Check enroutc, tcrminal, and alternatc NOT .'1 .115 ; d~ sccnd .
Jt isn't csscntiul at all I~ur a I{ut Ruck tu rcllcct abuut guin~~ tu hurt vuu . Those GCA cuntrullcrs sure ~,et upset when de(crminc if NAV,IIDS arc upcrational . 3. Turn windshield heat on ; use defrusters,
the current 1~uu,1 hc's rcad ur he ;ird rer; ;irdin ,:.~ winter ez~~ricn- I vuu
. stay hi~h un ihe ++lidc
~ slo 1tc, thuu~~lr ." 4. Revicw wcallrcr I'arocasts fur icin~~, turbulcncc, or Usc r1TIS, if availabl~, tu revicw current weather
ces, ur tlte lugh accident putenti ;tl uf cold wcatliur upcratiun, "O .K ., hlut It+tck, have y~uur fun .~You sl t ctu !d have a- .rcat othcr hacarduus Ilight ~unditions . and landing infunnaliun .
ur evcrt llrc trcnd analvsis . P ruvidcd bv. his sc I uadron and win~~ dcal of rcspcct for thcse (~C,~'1 ~uvs theti~'re ;ilwavs availahlc B. Pre-f~~li:;lrt j. llctcnninc type uf al~Jn~u ;rch tu Ltc fluw~n and yuur
stauj~val I mu p Ic . This is nctt enuu~~h , cvid~ncc fur a I lut Ru~k ; tu yuu when vuu r~allv. need tltent! f3csides , it's nu t ve ry
. . l. Insurc frust, snow, and icc arc rctnovcd frum air- T,~1C-cslahlisltcd weatlrcr catc~~ury miniituutts .
Irc's I~rum thc old schuc~) whcre "thc wursc thc wcathcr, tlre funnv. whcn ,vuu're try in ~J lu brine~ in a sick h'rrl t w'rth 1 UU-and- craft . t, . Take nute ul~ any si`Jnificant terrain in tlie landint,;
grcater tlte challen~e!'' Ilui Rock's philusuplry is : "Ilctw can a-half in hluwin~ snow ." _' . Pre-hcat crrgincs if rcdturcd . area .
a ruy win any ntuncv on thc ran,~e ur cstahlislt thc pruper "I lut Rock . wuu ccrtaurlv- ran ;tnal y~zc a f~rublcrn . You are
. 3. I'rc-hc~t cuckpit . 7. Revicw appruaclr platc fur tltc 1'ulluwing :
hero ima+~e with uthers in Itis unit unless hr takcs a ~hance or prubably an expert in utlier assuci ;~tcd we ;rtlicr prublems, tuu; 4. Check fuel drains for water and presence of ice . a. Decision Ireiglit, ttrininturn deseent altitude .
tvvo w~ith excessivc crnsswinds ur hy crackim: ntinimums sur nc' tliat ~~ fly~'in~,+ thc, arrcraft .lVltat du vuu think
' dc i n ' t tnvulv~
5. Chcck for icc un pitut tubcs and static purts . h. Emcrgency altittrdes .
occ ;isiun ;ill~'?"
. Surc, Ilul Rock sats . hc knuws ;rbout the I ~rub- about a lliglrt mechanic refiteluth a big hird and w~lking un an (. C'lrcck gear slruts for prcscnce uf i~c . c . Misscd appruach/gu-around prucodurcs .
lems assucialed willi wintcr wcathcr . "1Vmter cctm I ~licates our icy wing? This une slipped off, cruslted his spine and paralyzed 7. ('hcck closcly 1'or fucl, oil, and hydraulie Icaks 8. Review appruacl~ and landing lighting .
existence ; a hudv can~t ,et tu Il~ppy Iluur at the club su himself frnm the wais( down ." culd weathrr mcans rapid e~pansiun artd cuntr3c- 9. Ucterminc crusswind contpon~nt .
easils. ; yuu can't 1~ul th~~ tu 1 ~ dusvn on vc>ur . s Iturts e ;ir and let liut Ruck : "1 can tell you what 1'd du . 1'd cuurt m~rtial tion uf (luid lines ~nd ~onnertions . IU . Uetermine recumnrended rate uf dcscenl frum irl-
-vuur srarl' Ily ; walkin+~ intu () 1 tcratiuns :iets ) ~ctur ci :,ar su .-;;uv hutt fur nut wearin~ ltis parachutc! ln 1'act, this rcmincls me strtnnent approach pruccdurc cltart .
C. Start/Taxi jRun-up
and ntak~s it Itard to~li+rht ; and wurse, thcre's nothin+~. reallv. uf sutne c~periences I had whcn I was cnlisted . We used tu l . Check cuckpit/cahin or fli~~ht ~untp~rtntent litr 11 . Uclcnninc runway cottditians tu in~~luile lcngth,
lnterCStI11L tl) 1V~tC11 at 1he SWlnlnlln+~.110~11!"
wait until a guy gut up high on a maintenancc stand . 'Lltcu Iteat . stupping distance, and R('It .
Nctw wait a minute, Ilut Ruck . let's trv- and p ut tltines wc'd kick the brakc off and :!ivc it a hi~ shovc . llov!
. 11'c uscd ~ . Check uperatiun uf anti; dc-iee system, I ~ . ('unsider increasing ;iinpeed if ice has accumulated
intu a murc mcanin~:,ful I~ers I tective! Let's luok at sume re ;il to get sorne uf the weirdest yells, but ntc~st guys Iearncd fast 3. Kcvicw culd weatlrcr starlim~ pruccdurcs and un atrcralt .
. " P rohlems that~have uccurrcd hccausc ul~wintcr we~r<t hcr . how to huld nn . Bcsidcs, that's w!rat they pay tliusc guys ta do ,
limitations . 1 ~, 11se minimal rcvcrsc thrust initi ;rlly ( if applicahlc)
In f~a~t, I wuulcl like to interview yuu and have you give us if hc can't prcllight the bird without busting his hippy, 4. I :~ercise cautiun svhen ta~iint; and during engine if icc is cm nrnway,
yuur views re,tardin,~ some incidcnts and accidi'nts that were tltat's Itis prublcnt ." runup cspceially un icy surfaccs . 1 ~I . Cunsidcr the pussibility uf liydruplaning .
scrictus demunstratiuns ui~ P uur 1ne p aratiun, la~k cti 1~roficicn- l~ee, Ilut Rock, you ccrtainly ;+et rif;lr( to the he ;trt af the 5. Dircct g~round crewmeu to ohserve winc tlap ur 1$ . Bc awarc of nusc wlr~~el stccring capahilities und
c~ ;md, perhaps lhc must seriuus, bad judgntcnt'. pruhlcm. It ccrtainlv is enliglrtenin~, tu discuss wintcr safcty uther svstcm uperatictns . rcatrictiuns .
"Ilut Ilc~ck, w}tat du you think ahoitt this nne 1 ~ilut wltu with ;i cr~~w ntember like vuu ." l:nel uf interview. 6. Ilcmembcr tlrat paintcd areas un runways an~l taxi- I G . Sluw tct taxi speed before turnink c~ff runway and
~~~ut intu scvcrr icing'? ln tac~t, this guy was iccd-uvcr su bad he All Ilut Ruck t 11~ tcs h ;tve a rc 1~utatiun f~or hcinr~ all al° ~c cd
~ ways arc nturc slrppcry than nun-patntcd ;trcas . t~~i witlt ~autiun .
cuuldn't se~ oul uf tlie curkpit . Ile ma+le iwu !rtisscd ap- and nu dirc~tiun . lluwevcr , it is rcwardin g~ ~a nd ~~ui tt fuitutt,
' ~ ' tu 7, Alluw ad~~yuatc warm-up ul Iligltt instrurncnts, G. Strutdnwn
Frruachcs and finall~~ c'crtcd 1 when ihc cn ~:~inc c I uit frunt 1'ucl knuw tltat we dun't have anv Ilut Ruck crew nttmbers in radiu/NAV :1fUS, and radar in accurdancc witlt I . Insurc pruper clwrks ur sand hags arc uscd 1~+tr
starvation ." l AC . Nur du we havc crcw ntcnrbrrs who wuuld rc+~ard trend Ili~ht manual . slipper~ suri~aces .
I (ul Ruck : "I ~ould h ;rvc t,~uttert i t cr n th~~ ;.i und . 'l hc unalysis, a~cidcnl repurts, or tlying sal~c;ty hrrllehns wltlr Cun- S . hlnintain e~ctra clearanc ;e from obstructions durinc; After wheels are chuckcd, rclease p ;irking hrakc~~
I ~ilut Il~- in~.~ tlrai machine mitst have liad wcak e ti~e,s . " temht, cumplacency, or a cavalicr attitudc right'? hrtrke ancijur reverse checks - tivatch tor skids . 3 . Tu prevent frusiin~ uf w~indows . whenever practi~al
"I srr . 1~'~Il . w~hat ahnut anutlicr In~l
' ~'d,ltlt 1v lltr~
, , a. tactlcal
. ~Vrong! Unfortunatcly we do lravc our sharc af Nut Ituck , ~
9. Insure pntp~r , oil t~n
, ~.ltcratur~s
, priur tu hrL,h
' , en~ine
+T' Ieave cuckpit ctr flittht cunthartn~ent svinduw upen .
I tilot l ;tndcd his hird on an icv
. runwav- ; his a 11
> >roach w~a s It'+~
t~l t er~~w ntcrnbcrs ; that dang~ruus minority whu vi~ualizc them-
powcr scttin~~s, ~l . Uilutc rc~:iprucating en~~ines if rcyuired .
c~n thc rlid~~ slupe, hot ctn airspcccl. and tltr rtutwa~~ was slick. sclves as sclcct individuals antl altcmpt to creatc an intagc by
Off the encl ltc gucs, bending thc airfranre and cctlla tsin+.; huth
, 1 uvcrextending their capahilities and tlwse of' thcir exhensive TAC ~17'TA('h~
tlre nusc ,~car and his c~c~ ., weapuns systems. W`e du havc somc guys whu ~re sure "tlris IJ~ .l~nrr are a hrc~Jes.ti~iurral aircrers~ rrtemher, the ahurJc
Hnt Ilnck : "()hviuusly- tltis ltilot w~as a sluw thinkcr, un- cUllldll'1 ha l11C1
I t t (t rt t~' . " c) r dcrnunstrate an alannrn~ ~ompla- cJtcc:klist rt~ill cntrtaitt sornc I~alicl arul tlrorcglrt ltrctvohirt,~
awar~ +~f thc tv-1~c uf hr ;tkinl; action necessar ~ when landin+~ cencv re`~ardin ;+ crew coordinatiun, checklist rec I uirerttents, itc~rrts. 11~ . roti crre cr Ilc~t Rc~ck, ~l~rr't I rar
: airt. crttclrtir~rr tu
un ~ sli~k runwav. . an~wa
. .ti~ . 'ust
I h+~causc tllc ~~uitt mand
. trend tli~~lrt p lannin+~, tlris, Yc~tr rrrat~ r+~arrt tc~ get tlre rccc~~rritiorr as T,1C"s rre.~~t
, brictin~~s
~, . a pl?ruach p lann'n~~
r  attdJ~r c trend
analvsis program identified tJtis l~articular urea of flying - tuu attalvsis . Tltey wirrtcr jlr~ii>,~ statistic.
. . scuff a( 1 ~ast cx 1~cricnces ur sij~nif'
~ tc~an t 1`ut dutl,s
' f

Flight Comment, Ed~tion 4 1976

WINTER ~'~ th : entire dei~ink uperatiun Itay huve to he repeated . This is
especially impurtaltt sinee the ~ust uf dei~ing tluid is expected
to alrtwst double . "I'he best vva_v to cuttserve dei~:e tluid is tu

clean the airLraft tirst . Sume bases use the bruutn!safetv
ftarncss ntciltod and otbers bluw drv snuvv off with thc ~113-3
snuvv removal svstem . The aircraft, are cleaneii ri~ht ;tfter it
by Capt T .E. Storey . .
snuvvs vvhether they are guing tu fly~ or nut . Thi~ is done fur
twu reasuns : ~f he snuvv~ is easier to rentuve ; and tftere i~ a
. , . . . bctter e}tanre tlte sun vvill help kecp lhe ;ur~raft rlear . 11ust
l .ike the 13elntont St ;lkes, Otter ( It ;tllen~e ls the thlrd _~ewcl Wurkin~ an the llightlirle is rttu~h different in the vvinter
unit~ park air~raft vvith the tlaps and slats retracted . Nu rnatttr
itt the ~ruw~n uf IU Ta~tical Air C;r~nr ll ) s )unsored fl y int~ cum- than in suutmer . l:very'thing takes longer vvlten it's culd, p~rtly
hc)vv yuu cut it, snuvv remuval is a dan~eruus operation and
pctitiuns . It ltas become ~n annual event ltusted in tho past bei:ause there's more to dct . such as deirinr and preheating .
by ('1 13 (~uld l .ake, CFB 11untrcal and Inust ri:c~ntl_v, un the th ;lt's vvhy everybody~ tries tu do it durin~ d ;lylight hours ;tnd
Peuple dun't ntuve as f;rst ill bnlkv ~olil weather ~Iutlllrlg . A(~L
with luw winds .
15tb nf 1Jav: I)asscd, bv- C1~13 ~l'rcnton. :- '~ ~, - is Iturd to start . Vechi~les rnust ruuve rtture slowlv .
The deicint; iluid is `aenerally diluted tu a nti~ture th ;lt will
, is a cum t)etitiun hctween ,11
The challcnl,~c scrv~~ Syuad-
~ 'r R e,~ ' , , 1~'ith the winter here for sunte and approaclting suun for
be cl'fective tu ~U ile~rees belovv the e~pected luvv tentpera-
runs usin~r the CSR 1 ~3 "Stcam" Ottcr air~raft in the li ht v,. uthers, vve talked tu tlibhtline supervisors at tivc nortltrrn
ture . Of cuurse a lUU' ;: mi .~turc is uscd un al~rt aircraf~t .
transpurt rule . I ur tbc uninitiated, the li ;ht trans I)urt rule as bases . .F111 }tave had years uf cold weather experien~e .11'e put The impurtanee of proper ilei~in~, ~annot be uverrmplia-
a 11
> > 1 ied to the Air Res~ . rv ~ ln
) 1~
' v~~_Iv~s ntuch rnon than 17 y in ,
I l ] (1
tugether tlte fullovvin, artitac frutn their c~untments .
sized . lce and frust can jam cuntrols, destroy' the ;tirflow over
I~assem~ersr and lu~~eake
r~ . lronl A tu B . lt incluiir's low Icvel
PREPARATION the vvin~s, and ;Idd cunsiderable weight tu an aircraft .
' navi~'aliun
r nussiuns lhat ntust be, and are, tlovvn tu a time uver
tar~tet tctlerancc uf plus ur minus 3U secunds. ~lo a "B" lU4 1b'inter prel~aratiuns begin as early~ as thc cluse uf last wintcr PEOPLEPROBLEMS
, .
 , bcfure .
pilot this Ittay seem tu be a ~aenerous ulluwance but huw dc~ . , .as c~-U days
and as lat~ the first snuwfall ls. frcdr~tcd . 1'lle biE~~eat peupli prublcru slated vvas tlte rush fai:tor to
yuu ~~ain ur lusc iU se~unds if vuu can unl~~ W'hen yuu read ihi~, it will be tuu late . Equipment ~nd peuplc ~ct uut ul' tlrc ~~old . It causes tunncl visiun to ~et thcjub dunc
r . . ad'ust
I y 'uur
gri)tutd speeil h~' S KTS' .' should alrcady be preparecl . Snow fenca shuuld be up . Deice vv'ithout regard fur safet~' . T~ke the auy vvhu urders a fuel
~; rSU11
., ,and phutu recunnaissanc.c
. ,> rnrssiuns are ilown hy the and prclteat eyuipnlent shuuld be che~ked uut anii fu11v upera- servicing cart and ;rbuui -t~ minutes I ;ltcr une shuvvs trp . He is
;1ir Rcscn~ist usin«r t}tc same critericm fur accur~w , . . and
. harnesses, anti _ freeze, syuEC~rts
~  . reluct ;tnt tu urder artuther if ,I leak ilevelups on the une he has .
. and detail lionaL Salety rupcs
,u , Supervisors havc lu be ulcrt iur this surt uf lhin~~, If pcuple
as that reyulrcd hy It~~ular Furcc piluts ily,~Iltt., alrc
,~ ,.raft much broorns . shovcls, detunl, lluid and uld w~~l c, t herclutltin~~should
mure suitahlv. ec1 ui LI) led . be availuble und rcadv fur use . dun't rct prupcr rest and rlutritiun . thcy 1'ati~uc fastcr and
7 he Olter aircraft is an excellent I)latfonlt and is trsed Some bases brirf all newcumers abuut euld we ;lther main- tend to bec :ome mure irritable . IVhen thev beculn~ more
frecluenlly fur parachute ,rnd free fal) supply ilroppin~ mis- tenan~e when they arrive and olhors ~unduct speci ;rl brietinbs irrit ;lhle . ;lnv. sm ;tll 1trublems ;tre acccntuateil . ~
sinns. Cluse i :rcvv cu-up~rahun, . .~ , .
instucs accuracy and s,lfcty . un the suhjeet just hefure wintet hits . I'euple have to be Su l)ervisurs sumetimes have ;I h ;trd time cunvincin~~ a m ;ln
Il is usually a vcry sllurt walk frc~m tllc target to vvhere thc receriified on handlinR the e yp ui .ntent ;rnil rentinded tu check tu l;u in tu warm up . l lt ;lt's the reasun fur the buddy sy'stem,
ilcln dtc-i>>,  .
l } ~cl contes tu rtst Otlt Sl1ftIClent l'Old weather «ear . Stl pCiV1SUfs Can'l aSSUnle tbat lt takcs abuut unc wintcr fur a rnan lo gct a~~custontcd tu
b t'
Any unc cvcr havint; walcllccl an ()tter take-c)ff ur land evcryulte knuvvs abuut frustbite, chill factors . vvarnl hunds wurkin« in the ~uld . Tltc culd vveath~r maintcnan~c ~I ;rasc~
~an nut help but bc intprcsscd vvith thc small amuunt oi' run- sticking tu cold lools . ~arbon rrwnuxide puisuning . slippery seem to be no suhstitute fur actual e~perienee . Pcople don't
wa,y used . 11aximum take-uff perlunnance distances uf be- suri'aces . the importance ul' dci~m~, .and preh~atrn~ and the realizc huw fast tlesh freezes in sub-i.ero culd, the value uf ~ir
tween ~OU and >UO fcet are nunnal given suitable wind and like . sp,lce in cluthin~ and buots, ur huw e ;ls)~ it is tn slip uff an icy
tc'n tl 1'~raturc
~~ ' ~'u ndrtluls
' ' ) .. aircraft . They dun't believe that clean cli)thes are warnter
1'he Utter Cllallcm~c Compctitiun included all the afore- than elirty' or greas~- rluthing . Tltey dun't take the time to put
Everyune agreed un the impc~rtance ot~snuw rcmoval . Sunil
ntentinned exercises in onc 1-I J~ hour missiun . f~ach squudrutl duvvn the ice 1~ )e~~s un ladders .
and salt are never used because of the F~D and i:orrusion
was invitecl tu cntcr 1'uur crews consistin~ uf thc pilut, tcrhni- Unles~ y'uu've experien~ed ;I white-uut huvv can yul knuw
prohlems they cause . Une base uses urea hut most hases remuve
e ;ll crevvman . and safetti' crcwntan . Sqtl ;rdrun crevvs wcre as- hu vv l,lcl
r It~ ~s''
r . It can cause ~~c~ml~ fete c 1s)r' ~ 'u_ n .C'_ he1))
1_c tent,rtl 1 I er
Capt Ivan Morrell, 438 ARS St Hubert, winner of the snuw ihc Itaril vvay ri ~ltt duwn tu the bare r ;lntp . Snow re- sputters ~ ;ut tell yuu tltal it ~an happcn in ;m instant . 'fhey
si~ned different ruulcs so that thcrc watlld he nu ternptatiun
BGen Howard trophy, ntuval is es P ecially' im P urtant vvhere aircraft are parked . The h ;tve an a~reentent vvith the pilots tvhcrebv everybudy gues
tu cuntparc nolcs . :1n airhurne trmpire tlyinl; a Kiuvv'a hclii`up-
iian Kers oh aircraft slidin ; forvvard anil J~umping churks iiuring ri~~ht . If' tltcti. can't see thc cllo PF)er and tlte chu 11 > >er f~ilut ean't
ter ubscrved sclcctrd targets tltrc)ugbuut the day tu cnsure pro-
engine runs are obvious . Clloppers have a tendency tu turn . see th~nt . buth llte chupper and crevv ~:hiei ntove lu lheir ri,;ht .
grantntcd altitudes were adhered tu and tllat Inisscd tar~~ets
Tr ;l~tiun is not a problcut witll just ain~raft . Pcoplc and
were nut "re-attackecl" . Thanks to the cu-operatiun uf ('I~Li Pcu 1)le don'l see vvcll if thcir p arkas arc ti Pl)~d lull u f) and
vehi~les can ;rlsu skip and slide, if the rantp is not clcared vclli~lc drivers have di1'fieulty seeing whcn thr vvindshield is
Trentun pcrsc)nncl and thc vvcathcrntan, missions wcrc llcnvn
properly . Peuple shutrld nc~t wear slick suled shocs durin~
thruughnut the murning uncl intu the latc aftcrnuun . IVhcn thc ruvered with frost . .1dd these two fa~ts tugether and ~'uu have
vvinter . In the run-uff between stndiled tires anil chains, stud- a danc;eruus ~omhin~tiun .
stuukc~ Itad seltlcd, (Ottcr exhaust) the winners were declared .
ded tires wun hands down . Spe ;tking about chairrs . Ilave yuu
llurin~~ tltc sucial ~wcnin~ that fulluvved, Cul R .h1 . Fdvvards, Radar APProaches-Control ever tried tu tuw ctn ;tirrr ;lft un i~e? ('hains or no ~:hains a
Dcputy Comntander Air Transl)urt (~roup, prcsctltcd lhc 13Gcn Fxl)usure ~untrol ntethuds varv but basically thev ;Ire
lluw ;tril Truhhy tu 119untrealer, C ;Ipt Ivan ,11urrc1l and Itis ~3R InFormation After Control Limits clean ramp is the unly ruute tu ~u .
designed tu make sure nuhctdv st ;rys uut in tltr ~ulil tuu lung .
Grounding point must he kept ~lear . This is very intpurtunt
Syuadrun ~:rew for uhtaining the Ili~llest inilividual crevv dependlil~,~ l 1 fw r t t he tem 1 )eraturc artd vvind ~ chill t:rctur ) . lti'e
because when it ~ets culd the d ;tn~,ers uf static electricity
scure nf ~75 pnints out uf a pussiblr i .3U . The secund place The 1975 Check I'ilut Conference recorttmended that the
increase as the humiditv gues dovvn . Peuple think there is less don't vvant anvone tu cr ;lvvl into a lite-all tu gct uut of tlrr culd
erevv was only une point uff tllc paee vvith =t7=1 puints and only procedure of transmittinb~ elevation infonttatiun to aircraft
dan~er uf fire when it gets cold . This isn't true . The inrreased ancl die frunt ~:arbun ntuno~ide 1 )oisunin~~ . ;11c,st t,lares lu~,.
15 puints separatecl the first fuur crews . The IiGeu IZ~_~Itnter after passirtl; radar control lirttits on a PAR be re-instituted .
stati~ elertri~ity generatiun and the fact that spilled fuel p ect l~le out and iu . usuallv. thruueh
. the tli~~htline
~ e~ I ~rditer .
Truplry, avvardcd fur tllc first tinte this year tu tllc Air Rcscrvc Cununaniis and Grou I~s were c1 ucried on this p ru p_ o~sa1 and
duesn't evapurate away as quickl~~ tugether ~reate ~ real Tlte lucal rummand~~r usually deterntines huw lun~ peuple can
Scluadron uhtaining the highest cumulative point s~or~ in the all agrced that in the interest uf flight safety the inforrttatiun
dan f;er . staa~ out . At une base tht fli~~htline is closed fur maintenance
~ompetitictn, was I)resented tu Maj 13i11 furnhull, tcam leader shuuld he f~rovided .
at -~OFc' effective tem P cratur~ . If thev've
. 67ut tu K u uut vv~lteu
f~rum ~ll Air Rcserti~e Sc_luadrun Turontu bv. Cul .I,lt . Pattee, Therefore, conuttenc'vtg I Au~ 7fi fiual controllers will DEICING
, the temperature is lower than that, time limits are set . The
D~put~ ~'untmun~lcr 1ir R~s~~rvc (~ruup . p rovide aireraft cunductln
~~ f,r PARs with cuntrul instructions t o ( )n the subjeet uf deicinb, the ntost u»portant word is Itl~XlnlUrn tlltle UUI at -~~UI11- ~ettel'tlve) IS IU Il1lnUteS .
radar lintits anil full control infomtatian after that point . ~ourdination betv+'een uperatiuns and tn,tinten ;tnce . Cum- W'e Itupe t}us article by cuntrnittee h ;ls been useful tu yuu
Surveillance approaches are unchan~~ed . municatiun is essential be~ausc maintenance has tu knovv~ and would appreriate your curuntents ur actual experiences .
exartlv when the uircraft will d~~part . If tlre ~ir~r ;rft is dela~ed .

Flight Comment, Edition 4 1976

recovery from an air-to-grourtd trairting sortic . During pullup In each case the postflight inspecti~n revealed the castellated
the aircraft began tu roll to the left ; the roll was stopped by nut that secures the connection had backed off by vibration
applyu~g as much force as the pilot could exert on the right and the linkage was found disconnected . The nut had fallen
ailcrun, Fortunately, there was a nearby auxiliary nrnway off bccause it did nut have a cotter pin installed, and further-
where he landed before his strength diminished . rnure, the re 9 uired ins P ections followinU the last maintenance
Missing cotter pins are also related to other systems and performed in this area had failed to detect the missing cotter
even to the e'ection
.I seat . There were two incidents where pin .
seat helt initiators have unexpectedly fired during seat adjust- Cuttcr pin and castellatcd nut usagc has declincd in rcccnt
ment . In each case maintenance technicians had failed tu insert years, hut not because technology has developed a better fes-
a cotter pin in the canopy balance spring that allowed the tener. The blarnc has too often been 1~laced un~ustl J Y on the
rctainer spring assemhly to backout. When the seat was raised, missin !; cottcr Pin . ()ccasionall y~, a s y~stem control will bccome
the bell crank caught on the retair~er spring pin and fired the disconnected because of metal fatigue, hut in the vast majarity
initiator and man/seat separator. Tltis forccd thc pilot onto thc of cases the mechanic and/or c1 ualit Y c©ntrol ins pector is at
control stick and instrument panel, Another simple oversight fault. The acceptance of maintenance responsibility is a
became apparent shartly after takeoff when the pilot noticed corncrstunc of air safet Y .
the aft stick movements were hecoming increasingly more Quality assurancc is fundamcntally tlrc grass roots of know-

The Elusive
difficult and tinall Y became alrT~ost im f~ossible, A new p itch ledge and attitude, Ilow can we cnsure that the individual
trirn actuatur had bcen installed hut the two cotter pins on the possesses the knowledge and attitude to perform a task cor-
fore and aft attaclr bolts were not installed. The pitc}~ trim had rectly~ The answer is strong management and verification
dropped free arrd became wedged against the airframe . programs - hrograms designed to foster understanding of the
The accident and incident re p orts discussed in this article quality assurance mission and ro make the technician aware of

Cotter Pin
wcre hut a few of those reviewed, and all were caused b Y the his individual c~ntributian toward the overall quality goal .
ornissiun of something as apparently simple as a cutter pin, This is essentially what qualit,y awarene~s is all ahout .

~ti'or~ltrop F. .S Teclrrtical 1)i,~rc~.ti~t

here's how to install catter pins

Earlier this year a USAF T-38A Aircraft was abandoned furces required tu separate the nut from the holt are consider-
and subsequcntly destroyed hecause a cotter pin had not been ably greater than those that are exerted during normal opera-
installed in one of' th~~ tlight control system cunnections . This tion . This lockin K feature is the cotter 1~in's g reatest contribu- MAY BE CUT OFF TO PROVIDE
was not an isolated case but acutally occurs all too frequently tion and accounts for its long history of usage as a mechanical CLEARANCE, IF NECESSARY
in most air forces . fastcncr .
A review of USAF and AIGed Air Furce accident and u~ci- Little skill is required tu secure the castellatcd nut, bolt and
dent reports associated with flight control syster~i separation cotter pin. The only requirement is to tighten the nut to thc
over the past few years revcaled a scries of events where a low side of thc torque ran ¬~~e and, if necessar Y , ti 1;Thten until
single missing cutter pin was a major cuntributing factur . the next slot aligns with thc hole in thc holt . A castellated nut
There is probably no single itern of equal size used on shuuld not be loosened to obtain aliK nment . Then insert and
today's tactical aircraft that has a more impurtant function sc~cure the cotter pin .
than the cutter pin. It is widely used througttuut the manufac- One major disadvantage of the cotter pin is its small si~e,
ture and assembly of the l~-5 ar~d othcr tactical and cumrner- and because of this it is occasionall Y overloaked and omitted
cial vrcraft, and one of its more important funetions is to ~Ulrr during assembly or maintenance . Furthermore, its small size PREFERRED INSTALLATION ALTERNATIVEINSTALLATION
and hold securely aircraft ilight cuntrol systerrr connections . helps it to escape the scnrtiny of the mechanics and inspectors .
Figure 1
In vicw of tlu~, thc irr~ p ro Pcr installation uf , or tlrc failurc The loss of an Yp ortion uf the fli~ht
o control s Y stem because
to install . a cutter pin usually results in thc loss uf some degree of system separation rct7ects the importance of thc function Shown in Figure 1 are the preferred and alternate methods of cotter pin installation .
of control uf tlle aircraft, often resulting in thc dcstructi~n uf uf the cotter pin . Failure tu verify the cumpletian of an as- Figure 2 shows unsatisfactory installations .
tllc aircraft and injury tu tlrc crcw . scrnbly or maintenance task often creates alarming situations .
The selection of' the combination of' castellated nut and A quick review uf the aceident and incident reports indicates
cotter pu~ as a fastener from a large variety of aircraft fasteners no particular part of tlre tlight contrul system is inunune .
is determllted by numeruus factors ; the environmental effect Surtre rnalfunctions werc actually discovercd befurc takeuff
of hcat and chcmical actiun, vibration, rclativc motion, and but were impurperly diagnosed hy the pilot . Howevcr, most
stressLS to which thc asscrr~blcd P arts arc sub'cetcd
J . Huwever, separations come as a surhrise to the pilot and often during a
the most important factor is the frcqucncy of fastcner remuval crucia) manueuver such as outlu~ed below .
wherc thc I'astcncr is pcriodically rcmoved to make adjust- During a forn~ation join-up, the instructor pilot occupying
rnc~nts or to open up an access area to other componnts of ihe rear cock I~it q uickl )~ res p onded to tlre alarrn frum tlre
the aircraf~t . Such frequent removal c~f a lucknut would destro_v pilot in the front cuckpil tlrat Ire had nu aileron control. The
its lockinr~ ca 1~ahilitics . aileron contro) lrad hecurne discunnected frum the front cock-
Thc dcsi~n ennineers
,, sav- that for securinn certain asserublies pit control stick . Two ROK air foree pilots experienced a PRONGSTOOLONG HEAD AND UPPER PRONG NOT COTTER PIN ABOVE NUT
the castellatecl nut and cotter P in cumbination is outstandin g jammed aileron while perfc~rming a high rate aileron roll that
in ensurin~ a Itusitive loek . A earei~ul inspection uf the eastel- reyuired maximum flying skill to avoid the destruction of the
lated nut and cotter 1~u~ fastener assembl y r su ~.
;;Qests whv. . When aircraft (note Figure 1) . An aircraft with a disconnected nrd-
Figure 2
the cotter pin is inserted through the keyways of a castellated der was successfull Y abanduned rnornents after takeoff.
nut ,tnd bolt it I~asses thrau~h the common axis af buth . The Another recent near-accident started wlren thc pilot begarr a UNSATISFACTORY INSTALLATION

18 Flighl Comment, Editiort 4 1976 19



~,ir .~~
.t~ ,.1

by Robert Rickerd-AIRDIGEST
Anricl tbc ehccrs uf thuusancis uf' svcllwishers, a silvcr grcy in~, cargu safcty and security",
ntunsicr u1 thc skios clippcd thruugh thc c,rrlv nturning Irazc `Thc airship shuulci alsu be usclul fur tourist crtiisin, , settn
The GRAI~ Z(:PPf.1 .IN which for nine lung years rulcd the skies of the
.rt L ;tkchurst . Ncw Jrrsr~, world covcring a distance uf 1,053,389 milcs and carrying 16,00(l
. un Au~Just
~ ?9, 19~c)J 13v- circ~lint~ . tlrc tific expluratiun, disaster relief, surveyinc, ;tnci as a monitor
glube in unly _, 1 cluys with a luacl of pay .  ,  .,et
-,~tn`~, p,tssenkcrs fur evervthinf; frum law enforecment tu pollutiun ."
paying and satistie~ custumcrs. of constructiun, power artd mourinr ;urci in Octohcr 1907,
`~9,0t)0 a tii:ket tl~c Graf Zeppelin seemccl tu have pruven tltc the "LZ-3" flew successfully, su impressing the German h-lili-
The C'AU-1 is bcing built at Thornhill, Ontariu, by a vulun-
c~unorrrie and acroclynamir hracticahility uf tlrc airship . tary 13oard that lltcy buught it . 1Vith his nert airship he de-
teer rr+tult consisting uf acronautical cngineers, mo~cl buildcrs,
~b'liat ha 1I t ~cuccl tu tlrc iilca ancl wh ~ ~ c iu" _ts rt' sti(I rapturc, the mortstrutctl tltc cummercial viahility of this ncw f+tnn uf tra-
univcrsity prufcssurs and stuclents as well as ertthusiastic nrcrn-
r~rr t,rfuratiun
, ,~ , ul ~ clesr~,ntrs
, ~, .> ancl
. ~
translturtatiun ~, .rc~utrvc,s
., . . hcrs of 11r . Sc}tn~idcr's Ilovcrjet staff, It is of thc nun-ri ;;icl
vcl by crossing the ,~11ps to Switzerlanci and returning in only
ll yuu put thcsr yuestions tu Ralpli Schncidcr . Prcsidcnt I ? huurs . E~ y' 1910, he had formed Iris own air trans I~ort corn-
ur "blimp" type . 1 ~(l fcct lon+ 40 fcct in Jiantetcr and puwcr-
uf llrr ('anatlian airship Ucvclnltntcnt Curl~uralion hc wuulcl pany and in four ye ;rrs carried thousan~s uf p ayin ;; P assen~~cr5
ed by two 1001IP ('untinental aircraft enf;ines . It will he tluat-
pruhahly tcll yuu that the airshilt tivas tlic victim of circunt- at fares ran~iny frum 550 to $ I SO tlependin~z un the length of
ed bv 9~,000 cu . ft . uf~ 11ellum 31d will carrY a 1~avluarl. uf
stance the iclea arriveci hefure the leclniolo~y needed tu the jaunt . Ilis cuntpany llcw uver 100,000 n111CS W11llolrt a
1575 pouncls .
rtplcrit it . Ancl hc wuuld Irastert to adcl that this is no lun~er fatality an arT~azing accamplishmcnt in those days .
As thc wlrccl has no cuuntcrpart in naturi;, it was truly thc
tlte c ;rse . When war hroke in l~)14, Zeppelins were pressccl into
product uf the inventiveness uf ntankind's carly encineers .
"f irst uf ali we durr't have the s ;rfety problems associated ntilitary scrvice . Gernran stratc~;ists believcd the airship was
!~9un's arnbition to fly, un thc utlrcr hand, was inspircd in vcry
witlr lrydrugen anymare . Ilelium has becunte a plcntiful rrnd the kcy tu victury anci an~hitious plans were evolvecl to expluit
early timcs, hy watching thc birds, and everyone has ltearJ
rclativcly ine~pensive hy-product of rlalUral ~as procluction . lt it . I3ul histury shuws that they wcre tragically wrunb . Uespite
uf lc .rrus' unfurttutate czperien~e . 1) ;~ Vinci and otlrer in-
is nu lun~er necessary tu use prinritivc materials cither why I'hc Guodyear "Early )ti`arninu" hlimps which served with lhe 11 .S . cuntinuuus ~evelu p ment, the Ze IP ~ elin never succeedecl in
vcnturs toycd witlr tlrc idca uf flight fur hundreds of ycars, Navy until 1962 were the largcst and last of 242 built I'or that Scn~ice. becoming a wurthwhilc inilitary wi:apun .
they used ;Inlnlal tISSrre to liue tlre ~as bags in the early days," hut it was nut ruttil 1783 that air travcl was first accornplished A rutating 40 fect radar antenna was huuscd in thc 85 fcx~t diameter
he grins, "ancl elun't furgct tlrL cuntputers ancl new navigatiun Ca 1~turecl Cerrttan warcraft clicl, huvvever, hel p ta suw the
by de Ruzicr ancl d'Arlandcs in tltc h1ontgolficr brothcrs' cnvelope . The "ZPC31ti"' tvas 400 t'eet Irntg, weighed 41 tuns and was
ai~s - thcy'rc sulving a lat nf desigrt antl opcraling ri~dles ." see~s tlrat Iecl tu llre P ustwar cievelu P ntcnt ui' airs}ti I~s in uther
paper balluun . Ilowever, the une-way Iraphazard halluon puwered by twu 1525 h.p. engincs which gave the eraft a spced of 90
Mr . Schneider, a iVav ;rl Architect ;tncl Aeronautical f;n~~i- mph, a useful luad ai' I 1 tuns and a range uf 5,000 miles . '1'he 24-man ~uunlrics, uantclv tlrc l!,S .A  lt ;rl~~ ;rnd 13ritain .
d fli,lits werc little n~ore than very dangcrous entcrtainment fur
neer, is alsu President uf f loverjet, a firm whi~h manufactures cre~;: was accommudated cumfurtably in an t;3 fcx~t gundnla on crtuses Tltc 1920's and 3(1's heeame the tulden ~~iaQe fur dl
' 'r Sh'I (_~~J ~dncl
early air travelers . The ability tu prupcl and steer the balloon
which could last up to R(I hours. at thc samc tintc thcir clarkest buur, ln 19?3, tlrc Anrcrican
ltuvcrcraft ccluipmcnt . was still tn be developed .
Ile stresses that tlre only way to sort out the ruany Cofr- '`Shenanduah" based c~n the German L4c) Zcppclin design,
 Acronauts" he~an sailin~, aruund in powcrccl an~ contrul-
flictittl; opinic?ns ahuut thc value uf airsltips is tu cunstruct a hecamc thc first rigid airship tu 11y witlt safc licliuur r ;ttlrcr
leel airshilts in 1SS_' (uver SO years before tlrc IVright Bruth-
small onc witlr c~untentporary m ;rterials and teclirtolu~y and than f1ammable hyclru~en r!as , . Irr Ic)~6 tlrc ltalian-built Nur c
ers), whcn a Frcnehman nanted Giffarcl rnuclc a 17-milc fli+cht
tlwroughly test it . flcw'700 rniles frcnn ltal y~ uvcr tbc Nurth Pulc tu Alaska .
near Paris usin+~0 a tlrrce hurse 1 towcr slcam cn E~~ine . Ry - 1873 ,
Tltat is why thc (~orporation lras cntbakctl un the construc- Lighlcr tlran air Transatlantic travel had bcen attemptecl
anutlrcr Frcnchntan nantcs St~icss dcvclupcd the theuries uf
tiun of ihe f ~rntot )I~ ~e C'AU-1, sclrcdulcd tu 11v, in c ;rrl y' 1977 . ;ts carly as 1910, and in Ic)1~l thc firitish R34 succeedccl in
balloon construction suffieicntly tu bc ahlc tu patcnt tlrc
This tintc ;rruund thc airslri 1 ~ is cnvisa+~cd as an acrial frei ~ht ntaking the ruuud trip with 31 passcnt!crs . in 1~130 thc R100
r h~sic principles of lhc rigici airship or structurally-supporicd
train rathcr than ;r pcoplc-carricr . visitcd Muntreal as part uf her trials . ~rossing tlrc .ltlantie
balluon . But it was nut until uvcr twcnty ycars latcr that
"Thc hcauty uf the airship is tlrc constttrtt lift-regardless uf in 79 hours ancl rcturnin~~ in S7 . 13u1 13ritislt lru P cs clictl witlr
constructiun uf the first rigid airship was begun in Germany',
spccd . It ~an take uff or ~unte tu rcst almost vcrticallv and the R101's tragic craslr in l]rc sarnc ycar artd were burie~ with
by an Austrian cn~~inecr n,inted Scltwart~ . Thc ship had an
it can huver alntust intlclirutcl y ," savs hlr . Schneicler . thc ccunumic tleprcssiun . Only the (~ennans persisted with
. . ;rlUnllrtrrrn framework and was coverccl by aluminum sheeting
"Allhou~h airships arc not ablc tu contpetc vvith eunvcn- re~ular scheclulccl airslrip scrvice to Suuth Amcrica,
eirht-lltousandths uf an in4h thick .
tional passenger nircraft tivith re`~ard to speccl, I bclieve for tltis 1JuRu l :ck~ner, the nesv ehampiun uf thc airship in Ger-
'1'he une anu unly test tligltt was noted by a wealthy, retiretl
 , ~ ., , . nrany rcalized tlre shortcomings uf earlier clesi ;~ns an~ p lannecl
r~,isun ther~ rs a spoeial plaee fur thcrt~ rn cummunications ;tnd army uflicer, ('aunt Ferdinancl VUIr Zcppclin, a name that svas
transpurt . S4vivelling en ;ines controllccl hy wind gust sensors an even larger craft which wuuld link lris ~uuntry witlr Nurtlt
tu bccume synonymous witlr ril;ici airship develupment . lle
will makc thcm muc}t mure rnanocuverabh than tltey were America . Thc last worcl in dcsi,.;n, tlrc ncw Zcppclin ltad ac-
hacl bccn a ballounist with Gcncral Grunt's arrny clurirtg the
in thc uld tlays . Thc cunvcnliunal mouring proeess will bc commudatiuns fur 70 overrti~ht t;ucsts insitlc tlro liull, was S00
American Rcvalution and as a result was interested in their The designcd rule of the U.S . Nary Zeppelin aircraft carriers Akron
replaced by a systent uf winches whi~h will load and unluad fect lom, :, hacl a hydru~en capacity uf 7,000,000 cuhie Ieet
military potential . Tlte Cuunt bcaan constnrction of one of and !1lacon (shown hem) was tn conduct lung rangc ovcr water re-  , uvcr
, - -, , car~o , frum thc hovcr , moclc.,'fhis
, tivay ~uucls can and ~rudu~~d
I >,UU(l Irursc 1tuwcr!
his uwn airships in 189K using Schwartr's idea of an ahuninurTt cunnaissancc and .~e arch n '
_ petations. Cruism~, at 61f milcs per hnur ~~ ith
bc 1ticked u 1t ancl iiclivcrcd dircetly. frum suurrc tu cicstinatiun thcir "hnuk on" airerafl 50 milcs un either ilank, thcse airships cuuld Thc "flindenbur~~"
, as tlrc eral't was ~hristcn~d was ~um-
frantework but usinr~ fabric cuvcrin T . Nine ) ears and three
scarch a path 200 milcs wide and patrul 144,000 syuarc miles of acean fort,thl~ , s I ta~ious artd f~o Ftular w'rl h rts
' ° ~r
' cw . T1 te rc,, ~ver~, thrcc
clintinating any urtcrtncdiate furnt uf transpurt, thus intprcw- protutypes later, hc had iranc~ out must of thc prablcms a day in gnod weather. bars, a librarv, sirk bay, ll1n111~ r0unl, luun~e with piana,

flight Comment, Edition 4 1976 ZJ
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In a recent i~~ue of the Cald l,ake Courier the 13ase Com-

ntander hi,hlighted several puints which 1 feel have an im-
mediate and lun~ tenn bcaring un air operatiunal effeciive-
ness ancl fligltt ,~afety . IYell saicl Col Gulyas and, thcrcfure,
with vour 1' ermi~sion we are re I~eatim~_ -vour remarks for the a~e~ p~o~ ~jg luepuewwo~
henefit c~f Fll,ht
'~ ('c ~nnnent rcaclers everv~nhcre . seA~n~ ~d~s ~auo~o~ a~
R .D . Schultz
Col 'slnassa~ans suu Ir,d sanualurr« 11uulas aaulie suonr,
DFS snou ~nh uuqr . .ln
. t ~~lla~ a p suutll . .l ~t~Il sa I la satulcru sa l 'tlull.
-cltdsut,l anl) .nunr.s ap slur.iluu~ 'salsucl suu IJ11!nh sunllnnd
Sntlll 'J11c11aI I; I a f1 a iC.,l 5n()lI In[l(1 E11UU()s 'lll.J ll~~ JnbSI() I ' l~
'luunssnal snnu Judolddr, luaulJpur.tlnuoa ap al~ls al Ias!I!1n
suunes snou IS 'asscd Jl sucp trrnlr.!n~,l al) slay !s ala suctnr,
If,l~~~ you nutic~cl lltat the ~um~usiliun antl ~har~l~'tcr uf im~ numbers uf a youn~~cr . Icss experien~~cl wurk furc~~ in our
E 511QU [(1111)IIIOIi 11I1111IaI(~llll~~ s2Unal. SJ I Jlll? I arlu<~SSa
tltc Canadian F~rr~~s is tntticr~,oin~, a dr ;tmatic~ ~han,;c tllcse lnilitary air upcratiuns . . Jsa ll
~ ,~ .nel~a  snld luaulapur.tutuo, un lnr;~
cl ;tvs'' The ntain rc,lsun fur this ehan .~c is thc lar~~c inllux of 1 ticr nut fur a moment su~gest that tlle ~uun~~cr people uf snou {! luasalcl e 'str.ul 'aIalIIap nc pa!d ap sdno, sanblanh
.tioun ,.~ inen ancl iv~~ntcn intc, c :~ur ranhs . l i~Jurcs
~ shuw tlrat sv~~ tudav. arc anv . less intelli~ent
. c~r ca I r,lble tban lve were in the e a~el~ neanlu ttICJIaa un suc)Ittaluletu snou ' sdul~l ~n~tn
ltavc a propurti~)natclv hi`.;Ilcr nunther c)f sulln~~ sinble peuple past . Far frum it the~ are much mure infurmecl and I:nu4v- uucl  al sueCl 'Iauuuslad nt:annutt np luautilpeauJ,l suep la
in the Sen~ice tu~ay'- tltan I~uur ~~enrs ~'l~~u  . I berefu rc~ . tltc pcr- letl~~cahlc ut ntany svavs .l3ut thcy brin~ witll tllcm a ncw scnsc uulJ~ullu,~ cl sur,p ass~ldnus el r I~ddr, srr.,l ~I 'slu~tua;;uctla ap
ccnta :;e uf nlder ancl nture e~ E )crien~ecl 1 ~ersunnc 11's. clnninislt- uf sucial antl nturalc valucs tltat lt~.rvc hccn in~~rautctl in thcm allrd af anbslo ~ ~alyr.ldi  cut ls~ nrJn!u ap ass!r,t{ aun nb
iu~~ antl wc ncccl lu rccu~inii
, .c t I u~ scr I u tIs ItuE
~ ~~~~t
~ u 1~ th~~ ll~uc~s
~. ,. by the t{~urlti crf tudav . As ntorc yuun~ people juin uur midst, luap!n, lsa I! s!eyy 'sltr,tu,~~ ur.ll~ sanbla'nh Ianlia)ia r. s1alc{ all~
nture clem,tncls u ill be placed upun ottr supcriurs . It is impor- sUf)n~l)1 SIl()U 'Sn I ll ~a (1 'SlIOrJEnrlOltl
. . S .Irla I 1J SUI(lsal
. 1 SIl1J I <aI P
tant fur us tu apprcriatc this vit,ll puint . -ualcluul~ ap Ia,tiessa suunap snu~ 'suo!leI!dse slnal c alpuod~I
1t C;m ;l~i,ln Fc)rce ; Liase Cc~lil Lake tive h,lve a pro~ramme
alt al!1!qr.suudsal el suunr; snuu s .~Ipr.a anh ltrr.l u,l 'll~p un
c)f rcinstatin~ Iltc status uf the Scninr Non Commissic)nccl
luayal~~ya sl!,nh ,~ated ltr ;~~r  u~~,s sua~; s,,unJl sap llecln~d c~
Offi~er tu helf~ us acljust to this neecl, Adclitiunally, we are
. 'S I .la .l!.̀IICIC J(ltl
tallurlll~.; OtIC Sullal Ull(1 CCClC3ilullal l)ru~'raIltnlCS t0 111Cct tl1C
luJtu,llr.l .rcd I!uaaallua,l' fa~luassa aua«Inlnsqr. lsa I!,nh 'J~es
rccluircrltcnts of thc ~~rusvin~ nurnbcrs uf singlc ntcn an~ -srlualcldc InJI lucpuacl uo!1r,Ilsuutuap ap!Ins atm salcie 'lnaut
wontcn . L~ncluubtcclly, . thc .~~uun~~~1)co~lc
1 uf tucluv- svill rcswntl
1 -a I CuJ
, 11I0I~lalU p t' S I I. `a I (iIUJXJ IE d ' 1 IIarlIJ110cllllu ;l ~1P1 J 2ln.I (IIJ .
pusitively tu ~~iluc3 Icaclership . Thcy will support thc necd for -slp ~p `ltr~ut~ll!qr,l{,h ne<~n~u lnr.y snlci ,I Ilualtnr.ul ap sau
thc ( .'ana>Jian Furc'cs to maintain its bi~h standards in drcss, -u~lpr,ttca saalu .l sal luo,nl) allssa~~u aJta :~ luola!nddt~ sl! 'suo!1
ilis~ihlin~ ancl ci~~pc)rtntent ii time is taken tu e~pl,lut ihe -11)r.Il suu ap aalnus el Ianb!Ic{xa Inal ap sdulaa ~I pualcl Im !5
rcasuns bchincl uur h~aditiuns . l hcv tivill alsu unclerstand, fur ~sluca~i!I!{r suocl a{, c salclisuas saalaa luc)s 1nILpInufnr,,p saunal
cxarnple . llle absululc neecl 1ur pcrfcrtiun in servicit~k aircxafl sa- 1 ~s.1,rlearal-~nr,t~us
. . satuutr.I~nld sutr sttulnlanllsal snnu
if rarc is slluwn in tltcir un-lflc-juh trainirt~; . 's,xutua~ 1~ sattnuc)tl silmJf ~p lucsslul~ a.tqtuuu np saaua ~!xa
1~9ust young pcuple join the Sclvice hecause thev are luuk-
xnr. I,Ir.d Inutl 'snlci atl 'u!usacl 4» r. alpuuclal r. luaplc snou
ing 1ur a challen~~e . ~1s supel-r~isors, it is uur rcspunsihilitv tu s L,I nb Inod Ina 1 cn ,~tr. . .rn Ina I lur. 1-,nf.1)tr ,I~ )1J luai;Ias , 1 ) saI ~r .r~ xne
cnsure that the Servic~~ will live up tu tlleir cnpectalions . We
.r~uuopa.r ap ulc .ll ua sJUltuus snuu ayr l plc~ ~ ~p asr,cl ~'I 1'
inust Iry lu luttlcrstantl lhcir ncccls and mutivatiuns . Fulllcr,
tivc shuuld he preparetl tu make some adjustments . Ilctwever, ltnucl a~ al~ aacltuu~ I!ual ap snuu Inud auellucltu! ~uup lsa ll
Ict it hc clcarl_v unclcrsfuo(1 th ;lt a luwcring ufi stan~ards is ~alrcl c luulrtr, salhr,a suu snld 'r,Ialuatu3nr, sncttr r lllru~!nf as
not aece !)labfe . 1~'hett 1 s 1 )eak ut~ acljusiments 1 am referrin<,_ tu -c11, laa anh 1J).ia,l aIl!r.tnro~a .l ttalq lnc,i I! la <~ntuuup aluaut
saunal ap alqtnuu al snl,l '1ny,plnulnr p aruc)lu al Icd saanh
tllc u~c uf llcribility in tllc wuv wc truin un~ ~upcrvisc uur ncw -llacl~a snld 1 ,. a~r snld I,uuu.Iacl
- I 11JLIr.,a~J. Jlr(1 .IIIJ I .Inl> >I CI(llll l,l J I CI~[)S . Slll<~ I Cn S2 II aAll()ll a 1' 1 C . ,p
1 a;';rlu 
l Inud <1
1 ` lu<nh
p~rsunncl . In thc guod olcl ~avs wc ~uultl sontetimcs aclticve lua! sl! 's!el1 ~satnetuup ap dnu~neiy suep lur,Inc) ., nr. snlll ~suu Ic,l ~stre allr,nh c ,~ I!,nh !nll,lunc)Inr, s<In .lr.c{!la . s, unal
uur st,tntl ;lrds b~~ knnckin~ a few lteads, hut tuday a nture la satulc~.Eu! ~naltu luus I! 'rl ap tuu-1 ~~ssccl J) sucr suo!la,l <p
1 SI~I ll S t I(~nt'. Sn(i tI <1nh lt<Ilt
I1 Ic~ t ll S n tl t I s1<I,I~ 11
.I :~ S~<I 's~1
. ;
L~nli,~hienecl leadership is reyuirccl, snuu anh ~a I cl rdea slnutu nu s 1 u,<~;t.II<lt ~ tl. .t,
s uc~ u I lul ~e. .ntl
r .I > Inc > I suutl. .uuic~ .lc1 salnu 1 . 's~ ucI suu sul~ [ ~ neJnnuu 'aucs a 1 ) lI(ulclc , l
It is ilnpurl,lnt tur yuun~ pcuplc tc) unclcrstanil why wc -nr,,p s~un~l s ;~l anh ltlr.lstn Inas trn aslt~cl slculr.l le,u ~f c. n-I ~ luJtu,i l ccllaullcl lsa luatua~ur.t I a a ,) ~',anhlaetuct P aolef
havc bc~cn su pruucl uf the ,1ir Furcc in thc pasl . lf wc pruville a 1~ luatiur,l I a sauuat.f' r.ue .~ saali) .I. sJ 1~ alalar,Ir~ ~i I 1, uc)rlrsc~cl
. . slltell
~S~~uuallll' . .I ltu
. SuuI~cIJCIu
. suu . . .
tbc ri~ht kind uf lcaclcrsltil) wc svill bc Sucrcssful . Finully, Ins r saluanul~~d~J stncnu t<~ saunal snlci slnall!r.ncll ap llud -ulna cl anh 'scltu~~l sIJ!u .l~p sa~ '~nhar.ulal srcl sncln iancsN
whcn the time ~ontcs i~ur tts to retire, we ~mt rclinyuish uur
pusitions, cunfident in the knuwledge tltat tlle inspiratiuus,
standarcls ;tn~ tratlitiom of th~ ~1ir Force we luve will hc main-
tainecl by~ uur successors .
Col S .P . Gulyas zilntl~S '(1'21 lauolo.) a~
Commander CFB Cold Lake
'~uatuuto~ ttl~il~ aP sanalaal sal snot Inud 'suunal)aa
son suostnpoldal snou 'uotssrutiad aaaon aane ~sc,(In~ lauolua
'auo P oncr 8 's Ion sa P atlanaas
. . . e I ans a a sauuataac
. . suorlr.Iado
. ,
sap ia~acai)~a,l rns sautaaa ~uol e ta l .rnoi e suorssnalada~ sap
tuolne ' :rne
. uout e, 'tnb
. sltnoti
, s~nalsn
. l d arlrossal
. lrr
. .sre
.3 JueP
-uc«tulo ;~ al ` ~alanoJ a .yc-1 plo)  np olatunu tuaat~I un sue(7

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