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PMA ides Beceee SIX Timothy Mason CHARACTERS: ALISON; MADDIE ALISON and MADDIE are undergrads spending the summer in an isolated wilderness, studying the surrounding ecosystem. ALISON: I don’t think it’s possible for human beings to think in long-term terms, we’re too selfish. I know I am. That’ why we’re in such trouble on this planet, we maybe think in terms of a lifetime—our Parents, ourselves, mainly ourselves, mainly me, me, me. And our children—that’s about it. Hopefully, grandchildren. God I want grandchildren. Children first, of course. Children, kids, I want them so badly, don’t you? MADDIE: Not really. ALISON: I don’t think we can grasp even a Aun dred years, much less a thousand or ten thousand. MADDIE: I don’t know. ‘Tonight is Seeming kind of Io ng. — Six 69 _ AUSON: You’re so funny. on You have no idea. ADDIE: I could listen to you. . . indefinitely, actually, are beautiful when they’re dilated? ALISON: You are so funny, I’ve been writing home about you €ver since we got here, but of course all the letters are still in my bag, Pll mail them all when I get back to Lubbock so they'll be kind of old news and Pll get there before they do, but still. MADDIE: You're kidding, right? ALISON: Kidding? : 2 MADDIE: don’t believe it, why would you write home about me? ALISON: Frankly? MADDIE: Frankly. ; . 49 Tosotuy MASON ALISON: You're direct, you're funny, you cut through aj “ damned bullshit. MADDIE: I beg your pardon? ALISON: Well pardon my language but you do. You're mug, more what I kind of wish I was, were, would be, were. As, person. You're who I wish I was, were, frankly. MADDIE: Well that’s just way beyond ironic. ALISON: You want to cure disease. MADDIE: You want to cure disease? ALISON: No, I just wish I did. MADDIE; I’m really glad you were here this summer, Alison. ALISON: And I bet you will, too. Cure something. MADDIE: You made this whole thing for me. Honestly. ALISON: I can’t believe people called do that? MADDIE: Oh, hell, don’t. you trash, how could they ALISON: Why would they do that? MADDIE: I don’t know, people feel small, now don’t go and crap like... ALISON: But your own mother? Why MADDIE: Why do you think, goddamn ALISON: (After a moment.) Did you hay; 70 Timoruy Mason ALISON: You're direct, you're funny, YOU cut thron ; damned bullshit. 6 all gy MADDIE: I beg your pardon? ALISON: Well pardon my language but You do. You're more what I kind of wish I was, were, woul person. You’re who I wish I was, were, frank] TMuch Id be, Were, Ay 2 Lye MADDIE: Well that’s just way beyond ironic. ALISON: You want to cure disease. MADDIE: You want to cure disease? ALISON: No, I just wish I did. MADDIE: I’m really glad you were here this summer, Alison, ALISON: And I bet you will, too. Cure something. MADDIE: You made this whole thing for me. Honestly. ALISON: I can’t believe do that? MADDIE: Oh, hell, don’t, people called you trash, how could they ALISON: Why would they do that? MADDIE: I don’t know, feel small, now don't crap like... people get off on making other people go and ruin everything by bringing up ALISON: But your own mother? Why would she sa 'y such a thing? MADDIE: Why do you think, goddamn it! ALISON: (After a moment.) Did you have, like, a lot of sex? Sx 71 “MADDIE: God! Actually, Alison, I didn’t have nearly enough, i, Isee it, now shut up, okay? JSON: Maddie . . . ISON: What sort of person? ADDIE: It’s late, Alison. MADDIE: Your Sort of person, other girl persons. ALISON: Oh, MADDIE: Yeah, “oh » (There’s q silence.) AUSON: Why did part of me know you were going to say that? (Silence.) i lls like Everything smells like smoke, my sleeping bag smells li smoke, my hair smells like smoke. Silence.) ink, I’m not com- T'm not as easily shocked as you might thi pletely naive. MADDIE: What does that mean? 72 Timoruy Mason ALISON: It means I don’t condemn you op a nything. MADDIE: How incredibly Senerous of you, (MADDIE gets up to go.) ALISON: Maddie, come On, give me a break, 1 ™ from Libba MADDIE: (Beat.) You're the one who’s funny, ALISON: Madeleine? MADDIE: Don't call me that, ALISON: Madeleine? Just fo: T tonight. Why don’t over here, sleep on over he Te. Sleep. Here, YOu come oq (There’s a silence.) MADDIE: Wow. No, thank you. But wow, ALISON: Okay, MADDIE: But thank you, Alison? ALISON: Yeah, Okay.

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