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Environ. Scl. Technol.

1992, 26, 1324-1326

sphere (where anthropogenic emissions are less important) (7) Wallington, T. J.; Nielsen, 0. J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1991,
the NO levels are likely to be somewhat less. Thus, re- 187, 33.
action with NO is likely to be a major fate of the peroxy (8) Alternative Fluorocarbon Environmental Acceptability
radicals generated from HFC-l34a, and so the products Study. World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone
determined here are likely to be major products of the Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 20; Scientific
assessment of stratospheric ozone, Vol. 2; 1989.
atmospheric oxidation of HFC-134a. (9) See, for example, Chem. Br. 1990, 26, 217.
To further delineate the atmospheric chemistry of (10) Wallington, T. J.; Gierczak, C. A.; Ball, J. C.; Japar, S. M.
HFC-l34a, additional research is needed to define the role Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 1989,21, 1077.
of reactions 13 and 14 in the atmospheric oxidation of (11) Wallington, T. J.; Andino, J. M.; Lorkovic, I. M.; Kaiser,
HFC-l34a, the fate of CF, radicals, and the aqueous phase E. W.; Marston, G. J. Phys. Chem. 1990, 94, 3644.
chemistry of CF,COF, COF2, and HC(0)F. (12) Kaiser, E. W. Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 1992, 24, 179.
(13) Morgan, H. W.; Staats, P. A.; Goldstein, J. H. J. Chem.
Acknowledgments Phys. 1956,25, 337-342.
(14) Anderson, L. R.; Fox, W. B. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1967,89,
We thank Ole John Nielsen (Rim National Laboratory, 4313.
Denmark) and Steve Japar (Ford Motor Co.) for helpful (15) Thompson, P. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1967, 89, 4316.
discussions. (16) Hirschmann, R. P.; Fox, W. B.; Anderson, L. R. Spectro-
Registry No. CF3CFH2,811-97-2; CF,CHFO', 140872-97-5; chim. Acta 1969,25A, 811.
02,7782-44-7. (17) Wallington, T. J.; Andino, J. M.; Ball, J. C.; Japar, S. M.
J. Atmos. Chem. 1990, 10, 301.
Literature Cited (18) Wallington, T. J.; Hurley, M. D. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1992,
189, 437.
(1) Farman, J. D.; Gardiner, B. G.; Shanklin, J. D. Nature 1985, (19) Wallington, T. J.; Andino, J. M.; Wine, P. H. Chem. Phys.
315, 207. Lett. 1991, 176, 103.
(2) Solomon, S. Nature 1990,347,6291 and references therein. (20) Troe, J. Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem. 1983, 87, 161.
(3) World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone Research (21) Gilbert, R. G.; Luther, K.; Troe, J. Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys.
and Monitoring Project, Report No. 20; Scientific assess- Chem. 1983,87, 169.
ment of stratospheric ozone, Vol. 1; 1989. (22) US.Standard Atmosphere, 1976; NOAA, NASA, USAF:
(4) Fisher, D. A.; Hales, C. H.; Wang, W. C.; KO,M. K. W.; Dak Washington, DC, 1976.
Sze, N. Nature 1990, 344, 529. (23) Singh, H. B.; Kasting, J. F. J . Atmos. Chem. 1988, 7,261.
(5) Shine, K.; Denvent, R. G.; Wuebbles, D. J.; Morcrette, J.-J. (24) Madronich, S.; Calvert, J. C. J. Geophys. Res. 1990,95,5697.
Assessment for WG1 Plenary, April 27, 1990. (25) Crutzen, P. J. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 1979,17,1824.
(6) DeMore, W. B.; Sander, S. P.; Golden, D. M.; Molina, M.
J.; Hampson, R. F.; Kurylo, M. J.; Howard, C. J.; Ravish-
ankara, A. R. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication 90-1; Received for review November 11,1991. Accepted February 25,
1990. 1992.

Degradation of Dibenzodioxin during Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching of Kraft Pulp

Alison K. Daube, Mohammed R. Karlm, Donald R. Dlmmel, Thomas J. McDonough, and Sujlt BanerJee*
Institute of Paper Science and Technology, 575 14th Street, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Materials and Methods

The degree of sorption of dibenzodioxin (DBD) to pulp
varies with the lignin content of the latter. DBD is rapidly A loblolly pine Kraft pulp of K no. 40.6 (-6% lignin)
degraded by chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution but is and a bleached hardwood pulp of K number <1 (no
much more stable in the presence of semibleached pulp, measurable lignin) were used. The pulps were disinte-
suggesting that sorbed DBD is far less reactive than the grated, re-formed into mats by filtration through coarse
freely dissolved material. Degradation products include sintered glass, and air-dried. CIOz was determined io-
the 2-chloro derivative and products inextricably bound dometrically. Tritiated water was purchased from New
to pulp. England Nuclear, DBD from MSD Isotopes, and 1-and
2-chlorodibenzodioxin from Ultra Scientific.
Synthesis of Tritiated DBD. Synthetic trials for the
Introduction preparation of tritiated DBD were first conducted with
Chlorinated organic compounds are formed during the 2H,0. Since DBD is thermally stable, electrophilic deu-
bleaching of pulp. The component that has been of teration was attempted at the high temperature (195 "C)
greatest interest is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin(TC- and dilute acid (4% HCl in DzO) conditions (2) used to
DD). A potential sowce of TCDD is dibenzodioxin (DBD), label simple aromatics. However, <2% isotope incorpo-
which can enter the bleach plant as a contaminant in the ration occurred after 43 h, indicating that DBD is too
brownstock pulp (1). The reactivity and pulp-water dis- deactivated to be labeled by electrophilic exchange under
tribution of DBD and its derivatives under typical these conditions. Nevertheless, the low reactivity estab-
bleaching conditions are, therefore, essential to the un- lishes that once prepared by other means, [,H]DBD should
derstanding of TCDD formation. Furthermore, as a stable be very resistant to isotope loss.
hydrophobic material, DBD serves as a model for other [,H]DBD was prepared by condensing [3H]catecholwith
substrates that may undergo chlorination. We have o-chloronitrobenzene (Scheme I). The labeled catechol
studied the reactivity and distribution of DBD in pulp- was prepared by refluxing catechol in 5% HC1 containing
water systems during chlorine dioxide bleaching, and in 1 pCi of ,HzO for 24 h. A trial run in deuterated media
this paper we provide a broad overview of its fate. showed that complete exchange occurs under these con-
1324 Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 7, 1992 0013-936X/92/0926-1324$03.00/0 @ 1992 American Chemical Society
Scheme I sodium thiosulfate, cooled to room temperature, and ex-
3u tracted with methylene chloride. A longer contact period
5% HCI was used for the time-course experiments. Less DBD was
consumed in the rate than in the product study since the
OH C1, content in the ClO, solution was lower (2.4% vs 4.6%)
in the former.

DMF 1 base
The concentrated extracts were analyzed by GC-MS as
well as by HPLC. The principal product, 2-chlorodi-
benzodioxin, was identified by mass spectral and HPLC


comparison with authentic materials. Although the elec-
tron impact mass spectra and the GC retention of 1- and
2-chlorodibenzodioxins are similar, the two isomers are
easily resolved by HPLC on a reversed-phase column. The
ditions. Following reflux, the solution was diluted with chlorodibenzodioxinyield was small (5%),and the absence
ethanol and then distilled to near-dryness. The ethanol of other detectable methylene chloride extractables sug-
addition-distillation sequence was repeated twice to gests that the remaining products were polar.
maximize azeotropic removal of tritiated water and to
reduce carryover of tritium to the next step. Results and Discussion
The labeled catechol was refluxed under nitrogen with
excess o-chloronitrobenzene (to promote consumption of Distribution of DBD in Pulp-Water Mixtures.
the labeled catechol) for 1 h in alkaline DMF. The Owing to its high Henry's law constant of 12.29 atm m3
products were extracted into methylene chloride, and the mol-' at 25 "C (3) DBD can potentially volatilize from
labeled DBD was separated by preparative thin-layer water, although its rate of removal may be retarded by
chromatography on silica with 5% methanol in methylene association to pulp. Our recovery studies show that a
chloride as the eluent. The other labeled components, significant fraction of DBD volatilizes at 60 "C in 30 min
[3H]catechol and [3H]Hz0,are strongly retained under under our conditions. Volatilization should be less im-
these conditions. The [3H]DBD was isolated from the portant in a bleach plant where the surface area to volume
TLC plate with methylene chloride. Its identity and purity ratio of the pulp-water mixture is much lower.
was verified by electron impact GC-MS. A specific activity The DBD pulp-water distribution coefficient
of 1.8 WCi/mmol was calculated from liquid scintillation ([DBD],,, *[DBD],,,,) for the 40-K pulp is -200. This
counting and reversed-phase HPLC. value can t e interpreted with reference to sediment-water
Recovery Studies. DBD was quantitatively recovered systems where sorption occurs principally to the organic
from water-pulp mixtures with methylene chloride ex- carbon fraction of sediment. Karickhoff has shown (4) that
traction at room temperature. However, if the mixture is sediment-water distribution coefficients normalized with
heated (60 "C, 30 min) under typical bleaching conditions, respect to sediment organic carbon (K,) can be related to
only 40-60% DBD was recovered by methylene chloride the octanol-water partition coefficient (KO,) of the solute
extraction of the pulp mixture. Clearly, a significant through eq 1. If pulp behaves similarly to sediment, then
fraction of the DBD volatilized. However, enough material log KO, log KO,- 0.21 (1)
remained in solution to react with the bleaching agent.
Sorption Studies. Pulp (0.3 g on an oven-dried basis) eq 1 used with a DBD log KO,of 4.37 (5) and a 45% es-
was added to 30 mL of water. [3H]DBD (2000 dpm) was timate for the organic carbon content of pulp predicts a
added, and the mixture was stirred vigorously and allowed distribution coefficient of -7000.
to equilibrate overnight in a closed vessel. For the 40-K This value falls sharply if it is assumed that sorption
pulp, the water and pulp were separated using a table-top occurs primarily to the lignin fraction of pulp. Garbarini
centrifuge. For the fully bleached pulp, the centrifugal and Lion (6) studied the sorption of toluene and tri-
separation was incomplete and filtration through medi- chloroethylene to lignin and cellulose particles and ob-
um-porosity glass was necessary. tained distribution coefficients of 120-150 for lignin-water
The separated pulp was extracted with methylene and only 0-2 for cellulose-water partitioning. The organic
chloride, and both the extracts and the aqueous phase were carbon contribution from the lignin in our pulp is only
counted. For the 40-K pulp, there were twice as many -4% since lignin is approximately 62% carbon (7). If
counts in the total pulp phase than there were in the water sorption to cellulose is neglected, then eq 1 predicts a K ,
phase. A second experiment with the same pulp and the value of -600. While this estimate is 3-fold higher than
solute (DBD) at 10 times the previous level gave the same the measured value, it is reasonable given that the particle
pulp to water count ratio. The analysis in this case was size of our pulp fibers was much larger than that of the
by HPLC with diode-array detection. For the fully sediments used to develop eq 1. I t should be noted that
bleached pulp, 0.3 g of pulp was equilibrated with 50 mL the DBD level used was much higher than that expected
of a DBD solution for 16 h. Extraction and HPLC analysis in a mill environment. The distribution coefficient will
as described above yielded a pu1p:water ratio of 0.27. apply to a mill situation only if a linear isotherm is as-
Bleaching Experiments. An aqueous solution of DBD sumed.
was prepared by adding 1 mL of a methanolic concentrate The finding that sorption to bleached pulp is about
(1.63 mg/mL) of DBD to water (100 mL) in a 500-mL 8-fold lower than that to 40-K pulp emphasizes the im-
round-bottom flask. The 40-Kpulp (3 g) was then added, portance of lignin as the primary sorbent. However, the
and the mixture was mechanically stirred and brought to degree of sorption to the bleached pulp is still appreciable
60 f 5 "C over 15 min. A freshly standardized solution and suggests that DBD can bind to non-lignin components.
of CIOz (nominally containing 1 4 % of Cl,) w a introduced Resin acids and extractives that remain in bleached pulp
under the surface of the liquid. The equivalent chlorine are possible candidates, although at 0.1-0.2%, they cannot
multiple for c l o z (percent active ChlOIine/K number, not account for the full extent of the observed sorption. Also,
including molecular chlorine) was 0.25. The mixture was pulp retains a considerable amount of water, and it is very
then stirred vigorously for 30 min, quenched with 0.1 N difficult to completely separate the two phases under
Environ. Sci. Technoi., Vol. 26, No. 7, 1992 1325


k without bleaching agent

r n r

,(; i"id;geha,,~~3b,,

E/,,, , , , , 'idb', , , , , ,;Jo Q

minutes 0 50 100 150 200 250
Flgure 1. Loss of DBD from water. minutes
Flgure 2. Loss of DBD from pulp-water suspensions.
equilibrium conditions. Hence, KO,will be biased high
from solution carryover. of the pulp. A total of 28% of the activity remained in
Garbarini and Lion (6) used extracted lignin whereas our the pulp as inextricable material as determined by direct
results are based on residual lignin incorporated in the pulp counting of the pulp fibers. Most of the activity applied
matrix. The K , value from the 40-Kpulp is broadly con- could be accounted for after allowance for volatilization.
sistent with Karickhoff's equation and suggests that lignin Methylene chloride extracts of the pulp and the spent
in pulp behaves similarly to the chemically extracted bleaching liquors contained a small amount (5 mol %) of
material. This opens the possibility of estimating sorption 2-chlorodibenzodioxin.
to pulp only from a knowledge of solute KO, and the
properties of the pulp. Conclusions
Reactivity of DBD in Pulp-Water Mixtures. Ad- Sorption of DBD to pulp occurs principally to the lignin
dition of a CIOz solution to an aqueous solution of DBD fraction. In laboratory-scale chlorine dioxide bleaching
degrades the substrate as shown in Figure 1. DBD loss experiments, 5% was converted to 2-chlorodioxin and 28%
in the control experiment reflects volatilization. The to products inextricable from pulp. The remainder was
chlorination half-life of approximately 30 min is of the unreacted DBD, unidentified products, and material lost
same magnitude as the residence time of pulp in a com- through volatilization. Sorption to (the lignin component
mercial bleaching stage, indicating that dissolved DBD of) pulp greatly reduced the reactivity of DBD.
would be substantially degraded. Results from corre- Registry No. DBD, 262-12-4; CIOz, 10049-04-4; 2-chlorodi-
sponding experiments conducted in the presence of the benaodioxin, 39227-54-8.
40-Kpulp are illustrated in Figure 2. Clearly, DBD re-
activity is strongly inhibited through sorption, presumably Literature Cited
to lignin. Possibly, the compound is protected by lignin (1) Voss, R. H.; Luthe, C. E.; Fleming, B. I.; Berry, R. M.; Allen,
by virtue of ita reduced access to the bleaching agent. It L. H. Pulp Paper Can. 1988, 12, T401.
seems that DBD degradation will be optimum when the ( 2 ) Werstiuk, N. H.; Kadai, T. Can. J. Chem. 1973, 51,
lignin is substantially depleted and the DBD is released 1485-1486.
to the aqueous phase. Although much of the DBD applied (3) Shiu, W. Y.; Doucette, W.; Gobas, F. A. P. C.; Andren, A.;
is consumed, a significant fraction survives the bleaching Mackay, D. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1988,22, 651-658.
process. These results are consistent with an earlier ob- (4) Karickhoff, S. W.; Brown, D. S.; Scott, T. A. Water Res.
servation (8) that dioxin precursors are not completely 1979, 13, 241-248.
destroyed by C102. (5) Doucette, W. J.;Andren, A. W. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1987,
21, 821-824.
Product distribution was measured from 30-min (6) Garbarini, D. R.; Lion, L. W. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1986,
bleaching experiments with [3H]DBD. The 40-K pulp and 20, 1263-1269.
water were separated after quenching, extracted with (7) Lai, Y. Z.; Sarkanen, K. V. In Lignins: Occurrence, For-
methylene chloride, and analyzed by HPLC for DBD and mation, Structure and Reactions; Sarkanen, K. V., Ludwig,
liquid scintillation counting for total activity. Of the or- C. H., Eds.; Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1971; Chapter
iginal activity, 16% was found in the pulp extracts and 5, p 178.
16% in the aqueous phase. By HPLC, 8% of the initial (8) McDonough, T. J.; Lafleur, L. E.; Brunck, R.; Malcolm, E.
DBD appeared in the water and 4% was found in the pulp W. International Pulp Bleaching Conference, Stockholm,
extract. The pulp to water DBD ratio is biased toward June 1991; Vol. 2, p 171.
water in contrast to results from our sorption experiments
with the 40-Kpulp. This follows from the removal of lignin Received for review December 26, 1991. Revised manuscript
during bleaching, which would reduce the sorptive capacity received March 16, 1992. Accepted March 17, 1992.

1326 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, No. 7, 1992

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