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Student No.

20238023- C


1.D -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: No. The court do not indulged judicial legislation, when they correct the clerical errors or
obvious mistakes in a statute.

Under the rule on Statutory Construction, the Court is allowed to correct clerical errors and mistakes -1
to align the letters of the law to the intent of the the -1 statutes.

Here, the Courts have the capacity to correct those errors not only -1 to align the letters of the law to
prevent any mistakes when left uncorrected.

Therefore, the court do not indulged judicial legislation, when they correct clerical errors or obvious
mistakes in a statute.

2. A. -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: No. The isolated use of a name, other than a person's true name, -1 is not a violation under
Commonwealth Act No. 142.

Under the rule on Statutory Construction, it is a rule -1 that a statute should not be construed in a way
that would not defeat the intent of the law.

In -1 the case at bar, the legislative intent of the said Statute is to avoid fraud when doing business
transaction and the usage of a person's alias does not constitute fraud.

Therefore, the isolated use of a name other than a person's true name is not a violation under
Commonwealth Act No. 142.

2. B -1 did not follow numbering

Answer. Yes. The dollar bank deposit in a Philippine bank of a foreign tourist can be attached to satisfy
the moral damages awarded in favor of the victim.

Under the rule on Statutory Construction, laws -1 should be construed as to avoid injustice.

In the case at bar, although the law stipulated that foreign currency deposit shall be -1exempt from
attachments and like, the said act is not applicable to this case, when doing so would lead to absurdity
and injustice to the victims suffering.

Therefore, the dollar bank deposit in a Philippine bank of a foreign tourist can be attached to satisfy the
moral damages awarded in favor of the victim.

3.A -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: Yes. Article 996 is applicable to a situation where there is only one child.
Under the rule of Statutory Construction, when a word in statute is used in plural form, the singular form
is deemed included on its interpretation.

In the case at bar, since the law states the word “children”, it is presumed that it's singular form “child”, -
1 is included in the meaning of the statute.

Thus, Article 996 is applicable to a situation where there is only one child.

4.A -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: Yes. The President, pending arrangements for the deportation, can also detain the undesirable
alien for a reasonable period.

Under the rule of Statutory Construction, when a law is passed, it means that authorities and other
incidental powers is also given though the said powers -1 are not expressed in the context.

In -1 the case at bar, when a law states that a president may deport foreigner it also means that the
president has the power to detain foreigners as when doing so, it would enable him to effectuate the
legislative intent of the statute.

Thus, the President, pending arrangements, -1 for the deportation, can also detain the undesirable alien
for a reasonable period.

4.B -1 did not follow numbering

The legal maxim “Dura Lex Sed Lex” means that “the law is harsh but it is the law.”

It provides that it is the duty of the court to enforce and follow the law regardless of its personal opinion.

6.A -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: No. When an -1 criminal case is dismissed because of the death of the accused, his heirs are not
entitled to his benefits under Section 13 of Republic Act No. 3019.

Under the rule of Statutory Construction, laws should be construed in it's literal meaning in the absence
of showing that doing so would defeat the purpose of the law.

In the case at bar, he is only entitled to his benefits when he is acquitted. -1

Thus, when an criminal case is dismissed because of the death of the accused, his heirs are not entitled
to his benefits under Section 13 of Republic Act No. 3019. -1

7.B -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: Yes. The two terms should -1 be construed as having the same meaning. -1 not full conclusion

Under the rule of Statutory Construction, when same words are repeated in a statute, it should be
construed the same and according to the intent of the law.

In the case at bar, the legislative intent of the law is to promote -1 nationalism by ensuring that the
Philippine lands should only be given to Filipino Citizens.

Thus, the two terms be construed as having the same meaning.

8.B -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: Yes. The rule is applicable. -1 not full conclusion

Under the rule of Statutory Construction, provides that -1 general terms are to be construed generally
and within the intent of the law.

In the case at bar, the term employer as stated in the law means any institution who conducts business
and trade in the Philippines and thus, being religious institution who doesn't conduct business, it is not
included in the said provision.

Thus, the rule is applicable.

9.B -1 did not follow numbering

Answer: No. The international phone calls using Bay Super Orient Cards through the telecommunications
services provided by PLDT for such calls are not proper subjects of theft under Article 308.

Under the principle of Penal Laws, -1 improper citation clause penal Laws should be literally construed
against the state and liberally construed in favor of the accused.

In the case at bar, the term used in Art. 308 is “personal property” and it has been held that the signals
used by the Bay Super Orient Cards is not construed as to be in same meaning with -1 “personal

Therefore, the international phone calls using Bay Super Orient Cards through the telecommunications
services provided by PLDT for such calls are not proper subjects of theft under Article 308.


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