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 The art and science of determining angular and - surveys to determine the position of all
linear measurements to establish the form, underground excavations and surface mine
extent, and relative position of points, lines, and structures, to fix surface boundaries of mining
areas on or near the surface of the earth or on claims, determine geological formations,
other extraterrestrial bodies through applied calculate excavated volumes, and establish
mathematics and the use of specialized equipment lines and grades for other related mining
and techniques. work.
- survey which uses photographs taken with
1. PLANE SURVEYING specially designed cameras either from
- a type of surveying where the earth is airplanes or ground stations.
considered as a flat surface, and where 9. ROUTE SURVEYS
distances and areas involved are of limited - determination of alignment, grades,
extent earthwork quantities, location of natural and
2. GEODETIC SURVEYING artificial objects in connection with the
- surveys of wide extent which take into account planning, design, and construction of
the spheroidal shape of the earth highways, railroads, pipelines, canals,
transmission lines, and other linear projects.
1. CADASTRAL SURVEYS - surveys to determine the shape of the ground,
- closed surveys in urban and rural locations to the location and elevation of natural and
determine and define property lines and artificial features upon it.
boundaries, corners, and areas. DEVELOPMENT OF SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS
2. CITY SURVEYS  The extensive use of surveying instruments came
- surveys in the city for planning expansions, during the early days of the Roman Empire.
locating property lines, fixing reference
monuments, determining physical features of 1. ASTROLABE
land, and preparing maps. - invented by Hipparchus in 140 BC and further
3. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS improved by Ptolemy
- surveys done at a construction site to provide - used to determine the altitude of stars
data regarding grades, reference lines, 2. TELESCOPE
dimensions, ground configuration, and - invented by Lippershey (1607)
location and elevation of structures. - Galileo constructed a refracting telescope for
4. FORESTRY SURVEYS astronomical observations in 1609.
- survey in connection with forest management - Only used in surveying after the cross hairs for
and mensuration, and the production and fixing the line of sight were introduced
conservation of forest lands. 3. TRANSIT
5. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS - invented by Young and Draper (1830)
- surveys made to map shore lines, chart the - the universal surveying instrument
shape of areas underlying water surfaces, and 4. SEMICIRCUMFERENTOR
measure the flow of streams. - used to measure and lay off angles and
6. INDUSTRIAL SURVEYS establish lines of sight by employing peep
- known as optical tooling sights
- surveys for ship building, construction and 5. PLANE TABLE
assembly of aircraft, layout and installation of - used in field mapping
heavy and complex machinery, and for - consists of a board attached to a tripod and can
industries requiring very accurate dimensional be leveled or rotated to any direction
- invented by Heron of Alexandria
- used in leveling and measuring horizontal and
- comparison of the measured quantity with a
vertical angles
standard measuring unit (makes use of
instruments to measure the quantity)
- for aligning or sighting points
- consists of cross arms with suspended plumb
- made when it is not possible to apply a
lines fixed at right angles and pivoted upon a
measuring instrument directly to a quantity
vertical staff.
- used by Assyrians and Egyptians
- had an A-frame with a plumb line suspended - proposed in 1789 by French scientists to establish
from its apex a system suitable for all times and all peoples, and
- used to determine the horizontal which could be based upon permanent natural
9. VERNIER standards
- invented by Pierre Vernier - originally defined as 1/10,000,000 of the earth’s
- a short auxillary scale placed alongside the meridional quadrant
graduated scale of an instrument to determine - a treaty was signed in Paris in May 20, 1875 by
the fractional parts of the main scale without representatives of 18 countries creating the
interpolating. International Bureau of Weights and Measures.
10. DIOPTER - the treaty established the International Meter
- developed by Greeks in 130 BC which is based on an iron meter bar standardized
- used for leveling, laying off right angles, and in Paris in 1799
measuring horizontal and vertical angles. - defined as the distance between two lines
11. COMPASS engraved across the surface of a bar with an X-
- for determining direction of lines and shaped cross section, composed of 90% platinum
calculating angles between lines and 10% iridium when the temperature of the bar
- consists of a magnetized steel needle which is 0°C.
points at the magnetic north - it was redefined in 1960 as the length equal to
12. GUNTER’S CHAIN 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the orange-red light
- invented by Sir Edmund Gunter (1620) produced by burning the element Krypton (atomic
- used for taping distances number 86) at a specified energy level in the
- 66 ft long and contains 100 links spectrum.
13. CHOROBATES  Effective January 1, 1983, the English System was
- for leveling work officially phased out in the Philippines and only the
- consists of a horizontal straight-edge about 6 modern metric system was allowed to be used.
m long, a groove 2.5 cm deep and 1.5 m long The metric conversion was signed into law in 1978
on top. by Pres. Marcos. The metric system prescribed
- water is poured into the groove for leveling the use of the International System of Units (SI) as
14. MERCHET established by the General Conference on Weights
- for measuring time and meridian and Measures and as modified by the local Metric
- used by Chaldeans in 4000 BC System Board to suit Philippine Conditions.
- consists of a slotted palm leaf through which UNITS OF MEASUREMENT
to sight and a bracket from which a plumb bob
was suspended 1. Linear, Area, and Volume Measurements
2. Angular Measurements
MEASUREMENT  Radian – SI unit for plane angles (the angle
 process of determining the extent, size, or subtended by an arc of a circle having a length
dimension of a particular quantity in comparison equal to the radius of a circle)
to a given standard
a. Sexagesimal Units 6. Recorder
- the degree, minute, second - keeps the record of all sketches, drawings,
b. Centesimal Units measurements, and observations taken in the
- uses grads (360° = 400 grads) field.
- the grad is divided into 100 centesimal 7. Head Tapeman
minutes and the minute is divided into 100 - responsible for the accuracy and speed of all
centesimal seconds linear measurements with tape.
- carries the zero end of the tape ahead
8. Rear Tapeman
- constitute the only reliable and permanent record
- assists the head tapeman during taping
of actual work done in the field
operations and in other related work.
FIELD NOTEBOOK - holds the 30-m end or any intermediate meter
- used to record the field notes mark of the tape during measurement
9. Flagman
TYPES OF NOTES - holds the flagpole or range pole at selected
1. Sketches points as directed by the instrument man.
2. Tabulations 10. Rodman
3. Explanatory Notes - holds the stadia or leveling rod when sights
4. Computations are to be taken on it.
5. Combination of the above 11. Pacer
- checks all linear measurements made by the
INFORMATION FOUND IN FIELD NOTEBOOKS tapeman. May also perform the job of the
1. Title of the Field Work or Name of Project
12. Axeman/Lineman
2. Time of Day and Date
- clears the line of sight of trees, brush, and
3. Weather Conditions
other obstructions in wooded country.
4. Names of Group Members and Their
13. Aidman
- renders first aid treatment to members of the
5. List of Equipment
survey party who are involved in snake or
THE FIELD SURVEY PARTY insect bites, accidents and other health issues.
May also be designated as assistant
1. Chief of Party
instrument man.
- responsible for the overall direction,
14. Utilitymen
supervision, and operational control of the
- renders other forms of assistance needed by
survey party.
the survey party or as directed by the chief of
2. Assistant Chief of Party
- assists the chief of party in the
accomplishment of the task assigned to the ERROR
survey party.  difference between the true value and the
3. Instrument Man measured value of a quantity
- sets up, levels, and operates the surveying
 inaccuracies in measurements which occur
4. Technician
because some aspect of a surveying operation is
- responsible for the use and operation of all
performed by the surveyor with carelessness,
electronic instruments required in the field.
inattention, poor judgment, and improper
5. Computer
- performs all computations of survey data and
 large mistake → blunder
works out necessary computational checks
required in the field.  not classified as errors (so large in magnitude)
TYPES OF ERRORS 3. positive and negative errors of the same size
happen with equal frequency, and they are
equally probable
- one which will always have the same sign and
4. the mean of an infinite number of observations
magnitude as long as field conditions remain
is the most probable value
constant and unchanged.
- the occurrence of such errors are matters of  refers to a quantity which, based on available data,
chance as they are likely to be positive or has more chance of being correct than has any
negative, and may tend in part to compensate other
or average out according to laws of probability.
∑ 𝑿 𝑿𝟏 + 𝑿𝟐 + 𝑿𝟑 + ⋯ + 𝑿𝒏
𝑴𝑷𝑽 = 𝑿 =


- due to imperfections of the instrument used,  difference between any measured value of a
either from faults in their construction or from quantity and its most probable value
improper adjustments between the different 𝒗 = 𝑿− 𝑿 ̅
parts prior to their use.  residuals and errors are theoretically identical but
2. NATURAL ERRORS errors cannot be calculated because there is no
- caused by variations in the phenomena of way of knowing true values.
nature such as changes in magnetic
declination, temperature, humidity, wind,
 quantity which, when added to or subtracted from
refraction, gravity, and curvature of the earth.
the most probable value, defines a range within
which there is a 50% chance that the true value of
- arise from the limitations of the senses of
the measured quantity lies inside (or outside) the
sight, touch and hearing of the human
limits thus set.
observer which are likely to be erroneous or
Probable Error of any Single Measurement of a
 how close a given measurement is to the absolute ∑ 𝑣2
or true value of the quantity measured. 𝑃𝐸𝑠 = ± 0.6745√
PRECISION Probable Error of the Mean:
 degree of refinement and consistency with which
∑ 𝑣2
any physical measurement is made 𝑃𝐸𝑚 = ± 0.6745√
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)
 number of times something will probably occur RELATIVE ERROR (RELATIVE PRECISION)
over the range of possible occurrences.  ratio of the error to the measured quantity
 in dealing with probability, it is assumed that we
only refer to accidental errors and that all
systematic errors and mistakes are eliminated. 1
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 =
𝑃𝐸 2
Summation of Errors:
1. small errors occur more often than large ones
and that they are more probable 𝑃𝐸𝑆 = ±√𝑃𝐸1 2 + 𝑃𝐸2 2 + 𝑃𝐸3 2 + ⋯ + 𝑃𝐸𝑛 2
2. large errors happen infrequently and are less
probable Product of Errors:

𝑃𝐸𝑃 = ±√(𝑄1 × 𝑃𝐸2 )2 + (𝑄2 × 𝑃𝐸1 )2

1. BY PACING 𝑲 − stadia interval factor of the instrument
- Pacing – counting the number of steps or 𝒔 − difference between the upper stadia hair
paces in a required distance reading and lower stadia hair reading
- Pace – length of a step in walking 𝑪 − distance from the center of the instrument
- Stride – double step (1 stride = 2 paces) to the principal focus (instrument constant)
- Relative Precision: 1/200
- Pace Factor – in meters/pace b. Subtense Bar Method
- Factors Affecting Length of Pace: - bar: 2 meters long
o Speed of pacing - horizontal distance is measured by
o Roughness of the ground setting up the subtense bar at the
o Weight of clothing and shoes used distant station and measuring the
o Fatigue on part of the pacer horizontal angle subtended by the
o Slope of the terrain distance between the two targets using
o Age and sex of the individual a theodolite.
- Mechanical Pace Counters: - horizontal distance is obtained directly
o Pedometer and no slope correction is required
- records the number of steps made on - relative precision: 1/3000 for sights of
the body’s movement 150 m or less and using a 1 sec
o Passometer theodolite.
𝒔 𝜶
- strapped to the leg of the pacer 𝑫 = 𝐜𝐨𝐭 ( )
𝟐 𝟐
- registers a pace by impact each time a
foot touches the ground 𝒔 − length of the subtense bar
2. BY TAPING 𝜶 − angle subtended by the targets
- the use of a graduated tape is the most
common method of measuring horizontal 4. BY GRAPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS
distances - Unknown distances may be determined
- Chaining – measurement of distances using through their relationship with known
chains distances geometrically.
- Chainmen – persons undertaking measure- 5. BY MECHANICAL DEVICES
ment using chains a. Odometer
3. BY TACHYMETRY - a device attached to a wheel for measuring
- also called Tacheometry surface distances
- based on the optical geometry of the - precision: 1/200 (on fairly level terrain)
instruments employed (indirect method of b. Measuring Wheel
measurement) - a more portable and self-contained
a. Stadia Method measuring device than the odometer
- introduced by James Watt (1771) - consists of a small wheel attached to a rod
- relative precision: 1/300 to 1/1000 and handle
- consists of a telescope with two c. Optical Rangefinder
horizontal hairs (stadia hairs) and a - usually handheld or mounted on a small
graduated rod (stadia rod) tripod
- factors affecting precision: - determines distances by focusing
o refinement with which the - precision: 1/50 (for distances less than 500
instrument was manufactured meters)
o skill of the observer 6. BY PHOTOGRAMMETRY
o length of measurement - measurement of images on a photograph
o effects of refraction and parallax - precision: 1/3000 to 1/5000
 based on the basic principle that the time required  world’s second EDM instrument
for a radio or light wave to travel from one end of  uses high frequency microwave transmission
a line to the other is a function of the length capable of measuring distances up to 80 km day or
measured. night
 Classification:  precision: 1/300,000
a. Electro-Optical Instruments
- transmit wavelengths within or slightly MEASURING TAPES
beyond the visible region of the spectrum
1. Steel Tape
b. Microwave Instruments
- also known as surveyor’s or engineer’s tape
- transmits microwaves with wavelengths of
- made of a ribbon of steel 0.5 to 1.0 cm in width
1.0 to 8.6 mm
- weights 0.8 to 1.5 kg per 30 meters
- consists of two identical units which
- for most conventional measurements in
includes a transmitter and a receiver
surveying and engineering work
 Advantages:
2. Metallic Tape
- speed and accuracy in measurement
- also called woven tapes
- lightweight and portable
- made of water-proof linen fabric with woven
- low power requirement
small brass, copper, or bronze wires to
- easy to operate
increase its strength and reduce stretching
- ease in measurement over inaccessible
- for measuring short distances
3. Non-metallic Tape
- applicable to the measurement of short and
- woven from synthetic materials with strong
long lengths
dimensional stability
- automatically measures displays and records,
- coated with a plastic material to reduce effects
slope range, azimuth, vertical angle,
of moisture, humidity, and abrasion
horizontal distance, departure and latitude
4. Invar Tape
- slope measurements are internally reduced to
- made of an alloy of nickel (35%) and steel
horizontal and vertical components by built-in
computers thereby eliminating the need to
- very low coefficient of thermal expansion (1/30
calculate these values
to 1/60 that of a steel tape)
- automatically accumulates, and averages
- “invariable” → less affected by temperature
reading for slope range, horizontal and vertical
angles changes than steel tape
- used for precise measurements
 Operating Ranges:
- Short range – distances less than 25 km - 10 times as expensive as ordinary steel tapes
- Medium range – distances from 25 km to 75 5. Lovar Tape
km - properties and costs between conventional
- Long range – distances of 75 km or longer steel tapes and invar tapes
6. Fiberglass Tape
GEODIMETER - woven with fiberglass in a longitudinal and
 acronym for geodetic distance meter transverse pattern
 an electro-optical device developed by Erik - does not shrink or stretch with changes in
Bergstrand (1948) temperature and humidity
 maximum range (5 to 10 km during daytime, 25 to - best used in vicinity of electrical equipment
30 km during nighttime) 7. Wires
 precision: 1/200,000 - used before thin flat steel tapes were
- still used in hydrographic survey
8. Builder’s Tape - weights 0.25 kg and attached to 1.5 m long
- have smaller cross sections and lighter than string or cord which is free of knots
steel tape 7. Wooden Stake or Hub
- used in building construction - made of 5 cm x 5 cm x 30 cm wood to mark
9. Phosphor-Bronze Tape points, corners, or stations in the ground
- rust-proof tape to use in the vicinity of salt 8. Leather Thongs
water - attached to a ring located near the zero-meter
10. Nylon-coated Steel Tape mark of the tape to provide a comfortable grip
- coated with permanently bonded non- on the tape when measuring
conducting nylon 9. Hand Level and Clinometer
- resistant to corrosion and immune to rust - a 15 cm long device which consists of a metal
sighting tube with a level bubble
- used to keep the tape ends at equal elevations
1. Range Pole when measuring over rugged terrain, in
- also known as flags or lining rods approximately determining difference in
- used as temporary signals to indicate the elevation of points, and in other field operation
location of points or direction of lines, and to where it is required to produce a level sight
mark alignment. 10. Tape Repair Kit
- usual length: 2.0 or 3.0 meters - allows emergency repairs to be made on
- marked with alternate red and white sections damaged or broken tapes
30 cm or 50 cm long 11. Crayons
2. Tape Clamping Handles - marking crayons used in surveying are usually
- applies tension with a quick grip on any part of lumber crayons
a steel tape without causing damage to the - about 10 cm long and hexagonal in cross
tape or hands of the tapeman section (usually in blue, yellow, and red color)
3. Chaining Pins - used for marking points, corners, or stations
- also known as surveyor’s arrows or taping pins by indicating cross marks on paved roads,
- stuck in the ground to mark the ends of a sidewalks or walls
measured tape lengths or partial tape lengths
- made of heavy wire (30 cm long) and painted
with alternate red and white bands 1. Aligning the tape
- sets of 11 pins carried on a steel ring are 2. Stretching the tape
standard 3. Plumbing
4. Tension Handle 4. Marking full tape lengths
- also known as a spring scale 5. Tallying taped measurements
- used at one end of a tape for ensuring the 6. Measuring fractional lengths
application of the correct amount of pull on the
* If the tape is stretched less than the standard pull,
tape during measurement
all recorded measurements will turn out to be “too
- used in precision taping
short”. If stretched greater than the standard pull, all
5. Tape Thermometer
measurements will be “too long”
- used to determine the temperature of the air
and the approximate temperature of the tape BREAKING TAPE
during measurement  measurement of shorter distances which are
- about 10 to 15 cm long and is graduated from accumulated to total a full tape length
-30 to 50°C in 2 or 5 degree divisions
- used for projecting the tape ends to the ground  tape measurements made directly along the
when the tape must be suspended above the slopes when the ground is of uniform inclination
measured line and fairly smooth
𝒅 = 𝒔 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜶 d. Correction due to Temperature
𝒅 = √𝒔𝟐 − 𝒉𝟐 𝐶𝑇 = 𝛼𝐿(𝑇 − 𝑇𝑜 )
where: where:
𝐝 − horizontal distance 𝛂 − coefficient of linear expansion per degree
𝐬 − slope distance change in temperature
𝛂 − angle of iclination of the slope 𝐋 − length of the tape measured
𝐡 − difference in elevation 𝐓 − observed temperature
CORRECTIONS IN TAPING 𝐓𝐨 − temperature of standardized tape

Too Long Too Short For steel tapes: 𝜶 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟔/℃

Measuring + - e. Correction due to Tension
Laying Out - +
(𝑃 − 𝑃𝑜 )𝐿
𝐶𝑃 =
a. Correction due to Incorrect Tape Length 𝐴𝐸

𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟 = 𝑇𝐿 − 𝑁𝐿 𝑊
𝐶1 = 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟 ( ) where:
𝐏 − measured pull
𝐶𝐿 = 𝑀𝐿 ± 𝐶1 𝐏𝐨 − standard pull
where: 𝐋 − length of tape measued
𝐓𝐋 − true or actual length of the tape 𝐀 − cross sectional area of the tape
𝐍𝐋 − nominal length of the tape 𝐄 − modulus of elasticity of the tape
𝐌𝐋 − measured length 𝐖 − total weight of the tape
𝐂𝟏 − total correction to be applied 𝛄 − unit weight of the tape
𝐂𝐋 − corrected length For steel tapes:
b. Correction due to Slope 𝛄 = 𝟕. 𝟖𝟔𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 𝐤𝐠/𝐜𝐦𝟑
𝐀 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐 𝐭𝐨 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔 𝐜𝐦𝟐
𝑑 = 𝑠 − 𝐶ℎ 𝐄 = 𝟐. 𝟎𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝐭𝐨 𝟐. 𝟏𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝐤𝐠/𝐜𝐦𝟐
 Gentle Slopes (Less than 20%) f. Correction due to Sag
ℎ2 - sag shortens the horizontal distance between
𝐶ℎ = end graduations of the tape
𝑤 2 𝐿3
 Steep Slopes (20% to 30%) 𝐶𝑠 =
ℎ2 ℎ4 𝑊 2𝐿
𝐶ℎ = + 𝐶𝑠 =
2𝑠 8𝑠 3 24𝑃2
 Very Steep Slopes (Greater than 30%) 𝑊 2 = 𝑤 2 𝐿2
𝐶ℎ = 𝑠(1 − cos 𝜃) where:
𝐰 − weight of tape per unit length
c. Correction due to Alignment 𝐖 − total weight of tape between supports
- the linear error due to inaccuracy in alignment 𝐋 − interval between supports
of a tape is similar to the effect of slope and (unsupported length of tape)
can be computed in the same manner 𝐏 − pull or tension applied on the tape

g. Correction due to Wind

- its effect is similar to the effect of sag but
usually much less
h. Normal Tension 2. Level Line
- the applied pull lengthens the tape to equal the - a curved line in a level surface all points of
shortening caused by sag which are normal to the direction of gravity and
equidistant from the center of the earth
0.204 𝑊√𝐴𝐸
𝑃𝑁 = 3. Horizontal Surface
√𝑃𝑁 − 𝑃𝑆 - plane that is tangent to a level surface at a
particular point
4. Horizontal Line
𝐏𝐍 − normal tension or pull to eliminate the
- a straight line in a horizontal plane which is
effect of sag
𝐏𝐒 − standard pull for the tape tangent to a level line at one point
𝐖 − total weight of tape between supports 5. Vertical Line
𝐀 − cross sectional area of tape - a line parallel to the direction of gravity
𝐄 − modulus of elasticity of tape 6. Mean Sea Level
- an imaginary surface of the sea which is
SURVEYS WITH TAPE midway between high and low tides
1. Erecting Perpendicular to Line 7. Vertical Datum
- any convenient level surface coincident or
a. Chord-Bisection Method
d parallel with mean sea level to which
elevations of a particular area are referred
8. Elevation
r r - vertical distance above or below sea level or
any other selected datum
9. Difference in Elevation
- vertical distance between the two level
A b m c B
surfaces in which the points lie
b. 3:4:5 Method LEVELING METHODS
5-m mark
6-m mark
1. Direct or Spirit Leveling
- the most commonly employed method of
determining the elevation of points some
4.0 m

distance apart by a series of set ups of a

leveling instrument along a selected route
0-m mark 3.0 m 10-m mark - uses a spirit level
M B A N 2. Reciprocal Leveling
2. Measuring Angles with Tape - process of accurately determining the
3. Laying Off Angles with Tape difference in elevation between two
4. Determining Obstructed Distances intervisible points located at a considerable
distance apart
LEVELING 3. Profile Leveling
 process of directly or indirectly measuring vertical - used to determine differences in elevation
distances to determine the elevation of points or between points at designated short measured
differences in elevation. intervals along an established line to provide
data from which a vertical section of the
ground surface can be plotted
1. Level Surface 4. Trigonometric Leveling
- a curved surface which is at any point - used to determine the difference in elevation
perpendicular to the direction of gravity or the between two points by trigonometric
plumb line computations from measurements of its
horizontal or slope distance and the vertical 4. Automatic Level
angle between the points - does not use a level vial and its ability to level
5. Stadia Leveling itself depends upon the action of a complex
- combines features of direct leveling with those pendulum-and-prism device
of trigonometric leveling - equipped with a prismatic device called a
- differences in elevation between points are compensator which is suspended on fine, non-
computed from observed vertical angles and magnetic wires
the three intercepts on a rod held at each point 5. Tilting Level
backsighted or foresighted - can be tilted or rotated about its horizontal axis
6. Barometric Leveling - tilting knob – used to rotate the telescope into
- determination of differences in elevation a correct horizontal position
between points by measuring the variation in - employed for very precise leveling operations
atmospheric pressure at each point by means and is equipped with a horizontal circle which
of a barometer makes it suitable for layout and construction
7. Cross-Section Leveling surveys
- used to obtain a representation of the ground 6. Geodetic Level
surface on either side of the centerline - a level instrument where most of its metal
8. Borrow-Pit Leveling parts are made of invar to reduce the effects of
- method of determining the relative elevations temperature
of points in borrow-pit excavations for the - employed in first-order leveling work where
purpose of calculating volumes of earthwork extreme precision is an important
- equipped with stadia hairs and vertical and
1. Dumpy Level horizontal cross hairs which makes it suitable
- has a long telescope attached to the level bar for three-wire leveling
- the telescope, which can be rotated 360°, fixes 7. Transit as a Level
the direction of the line of sight - engineer’s transit – universal surveying
- attached to the level bar is the level vial which instrument
always remain in the same vertical plane as 8. Laser Level
the telescope - usually attached to conventional surveying
- leveling head – supports the telescope and instruments and uses laser light for leveling
permits the bubble in the tube to be centered work
by means of the leveling screws 9. Hand Level
2. Wye Level - hand-held instrument used on surveys
- has a detachable telescope which rests in involving short sights
supports called wyes - consists of a brass tube about 15 cm long
- curved clips – used to fasten the telescope in having a plain glass objective and a peep sight
place eye-piece
3. Builder’s Level
- also called a construction level or architect’s
 a graduated rod used for measuring the vertical
distance between the line of sight through a
- used primarily in building construction where
leveling instrument and the point whose elevation
a high degree of precision is not a primary
is either required or known.
 may either be:
- horizontal circle – used when measuring or
o Self-Reading Rod – it can be read directly by
laying out horizontal angles
the instrument man through the telescope by
noting the apparent intersection of the
horizontal hair on the rod
o Target Rod – has a sliding target which is set ROD LEVEL
and read by a rodman at the position selected  a device used for fast and correct plumbing of a
by the instrument man (used when longer rod
distances are involved)  L-shape in design
 consists of a small circular spirit level fastened to
the rod or to a small bracket held against the side
1. Rods Named After Cities or States of the rod
- ex: Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, Florida,
Boston, New York, Troy, and San Francisco
 a small device attached to a rod when extremely
long sights make direct reading of the rod difficult
- Philadelphia Rod – combination of self-
or impossible
reading and target rod. It is made in two
sections in which the rear section slides over TELESCOPE
the front section.  a metal tube containing a system of lenses which
- Chicago Rod – comes in three sliding sections are used to fix the direction of the line of sight and
and usually extends to either three or four in magnifying the apparent size of objects in its
meters. It is graduated similar to the field of view
Philadelphia rod except that the figures on the  the instrument was suggested by Johannes Kepler
face of the rod are wider and is suitable for to be employed for use in surveying
longer distances.  external focusing telescope – the objective lens is
2. Rod Ribbons mounted on a sleeve which moves back and forth
- an improvised type of rod used in leveling in the telescope barrel as an object is brought into
work. focus
- the graduations on this rod are marked either  internal focusing telescope – have an additional
on canvass or metal strips which are attached auxiliary lens which moves back and forth between
to a long piece of selected lumber by staples the objective and the cross hairs as the focusing
- can be easily removed from the wood to which screw is turned
it is attached, rolled, and put into one’s pocket
3. Precise Rod 1. Objective Lens
- a form of rod ribbon which uses a graduated - a compound lens composed of crown and flint
invar strip permanently fastened to a 4-meter glass mounted in the objective end of the
long wooden or metal frame telescope and has its optical axis concentric
4. Geodetic Rod with the tube axis
- a form of rod ribbon which uses a graduated - allows light rays to enter the telescope and
nilvar metal strip. form an image of the object sighted within its
- the graduations on this rod are painted upside field of view
down for use with inverting telescopes 2. Eyepiece
5. Tape Rod - a form of microscope containing either 2 or 4
- also known as the automatic rod lenses used to enlarge altogether the image
- used when numerous elevations are to be and the cross hairs
determined from a single set-up of the leveling - allows the instrument man to sight and read
instrument accurately the graduations on a leveling rod
- a 3-meter long graduated metal tape is looped - erecting eyepiece – consists of 4 lenses which
around the frame of the rod by means of both magnify and erect the image
rollers located at both ends of the frame 3. Cross Hairs
- consists of a pair of lines which are
perpendicular to each other and are used to
define the instrument’s line of sight
 ratio of the apparent size of an object viewed  Settlement of the instrument
through a telescope to its size as seen by the  Faulty turning points
unaided eye from the same distance (expressed in
 Misreading the rod
 Incorrect recording
 a sealed graduated glass tube containing some
 Erroneous computations
amount of liquid an a small air bubble
 Rod not fully extended
COINCIDENCE BUBBLE  Moving turning points
 a type of bubble used on most modern and precise
instruments such as the tilting and automatic * Two-peg test – a procedure done to check and adjust
levels the line of sight
 employs an optical device which splits the bubble CURVATURE AND REFRACTION
longitudinally then turns one end around to make  Due to earth’s curvature, a horizontal line departs
it appear adjacent to the other end from a level line by 0.0785 m in 1 km, varying as
TRIPOD the square of the length of the line
 serves as a base to prevent movement of the  Due to atmospheric refraction, a horizontal line
instrument after it is set up departs from a level line by 0.0110 m in 1 km,
 consists of three wooden or aluminium legs which varying as the square of the length of the line
are securely fastened to the tripod head by means  Due to the combination of the earth’s curvature
of a hinged point and atmospheric refraction, the line of sight
 fixed-leg tripod – a tripod whose legs are made of varies from a level line by approximately 0.0675 m
solid wood in 1 km
 extension tripod – a tripod whose legs have a 𝒉′ = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔𝟕𝟓 𝑲𝟐 (𝐊 is in km)
sliding section
SHOE  process of determining the difference in elevation
 a pointed piece of metal attached at the end of a between two or more points some distance apart.
tripod  requires a series of set ups of the instrument
 the tripod is forced into the ground by stepping on along a general route and, for each set up, a rod
it with one’s foot reading back to the point of known elevation and
SOURCES OF ERROR IN LEVELING forward to a point of unknown elevation are taken

1. Instrumental Errors DEFINITION OF TERMS

 Instrument out of adjustment 1. Bench Mark
 Rod not of standard length - a fixed point of reference whose elevation is
 Defective tripod either known or assumed
2. Personal Errors - permanent bench marks (PBM) – established
 Bubble not centered at intervals throughout the country by the
 Parallax Philippine Coast and Geodetic Surveys (PCGS)
 Faulty rod readings or the Bureau of Lands. It consists of bronze or
 Rod not held plumb brass disks which are permanently set in
 Incorrect setting of target concrete foundations. They are marked with
 Unequal backsight and foresight distances the elevation above sea level, the year
3. Natural Errors established, and its reference number.
 Curvature of the earth
 Atmospheric refraction
 Temperature variations
- temporary benchmarks (TBM) – those set up PROFILE LEVELING
by the surveyor for his own use in a particular
1. Profile
surveying project and may have assumed
- curved line which graphically portrays the
intersection of a vertical plane with the surface
2. Backsight
of the earth
- a reading taken on a rod held on a point of
2. Stationing
known or assumed elevation
- a numerical designation given in terms of
- referred to as plus sights (+S) as they are
horizontal distance any point along a profile
added to the elevation of points being sighted
line is away from the starting point
to determine the height of instrument
3. Intermediate Foresights
3. Foresight
- also known as ground rod readings which are
- a reading taken on a rod held on a point whose
taken along the centreline of the proposed
elevation is to be determined
project to provide an accurate representation
- referred to as minus sights (-S)
of the ground surface
4. Backsight Distance (BD)
- sights observed at regular intervals (10 to 30
- horizontal distance from the center of the
meters along the centerline) and at points
instrument to the rod on which a backsight is
where sudden changes in elevation occur
4. Full Stations
5. Foresight Distance (FD)
- points which are established along the profile
- horizontal distance from the center of the
level route at uniformly measured distances
instrument to the rod on which a foresight is
5. Plus Stations
- any other intermediate point established along
6. Turning Point (TP)
a profile level which is not designated as a full
- an intervening point between two bench marks
upon which point foresight and backsight rod
6. Vertical Exaggeration
readings are taken to enable a leveling
- process of drawing the vertical scale for a
operation to continue from a new instrument
profile much larger than the horizontal scale
in order to accentuate the differences in
- also referred to as change point (CP)
7. Height of Instrument
7. Profile Paper
- also called height of collimation
- a special heavy grade graphing paper used for
- the elevation of the line of sight of an
plotting profiles
instrument above or below a selected
reference datum Information Found in the Profile Paper:
o Plotting Scales
o Stationing
 a method of determining differences in elevation
o Reference Points
between points by employing two level routes
o Marginal Information
 based on the principle that two consecutive
 a more precise method of differential leveling
readings from the same instrument position gives
wherein three horizontal hairs (or threads) are
the difference in elevation of the two points sighted
read and recorded rather than a single horizontal
𝐷𝐸1 = (𝑎 − 𝑏)
𝐷𝐸2 = (𝑎′ − 𝑏 ′ )
(𝐷𝐸1 + 𝐷𝐸2 ) (𝑎 − 𝑏) + (𝑎′ − 𝑏 ′ )
𝑇𝐷𝐸 = =
2 2

 Difference in elevation between A and B: o Aneroid Barometer

- invented by Lucien Vidie of France
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = 𝑑 tan 𝛼 + 𝐻𝐼 − 𝑅𝑅
- functions by using an airtight metal box
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = 𝑠 sin 𝛼 + 𝐻𝐼 − 𝑅𝑅 which responds to changes in air pressure
o Altimeter
 For horizontal distances exceeding 300 meters, - precise aneroid barometers designed
accounting the effects of curvature and specifically for surveying applications
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = 𝑑 tan 𝛼 + 𝐻𝐼 − 𝑅𝑅 ± 0.0675𝐾 2
1. Single-Base Method
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = 𝑠 sin 𝛼 + 𝐻𝐼 − 𝑅𝑅 ± 0.0675𝐾 2
- in this method, two altimeters and two
* effect of curvature and refraction: thermometers are employed
added – upward sight - one altimeter remains at a reference base
subtracted – downward sight whose elevation is known while the other
altimeter (roving altimeter) is taken to other
 For reciprocal vertical-angle observation: points or field stations whose elevations are to
𝑑 be determined
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = (tan 𝛼 + tan 𝛽) 2. Two-Base Method
𝑠 - designed to eliminate the need to apply
𝐷𝐸𝑎𝑏 = (sin 𝛼 + sin 𝛽) correctness for the effects of temperature and
relative humidity
BAROMETRIC LEVELING - one base is established at a suitable low point
 ideal in determining large differences in elevation (lower base) while a second base is positioned
in rough or mountainous terrain where extensive at a much higher elevation (upper base)
areas need to be covered
 results are better obtained when the weather is 𝑆′𝐿′ 𝐻𝐿′
stable and climatic conditions are constant 𝑆𝐿 𝐻𝐿
 such surveys are best undertaken at about mid- INVERSE LEVELING
morning or mid-afternoon (readings at about noon  done to determine the elevation of a point located
time, early in the morning, or late in the afternoon higher than the telescope of the instrument
should be avoided)  in this situation, the rod is held upside down and
its base is placed up at the desired point
 an instrument for measuring variations in CROSS SECTION LEVELING
atmospheric pressure
 first barometer → deviced by Evangelista Torricelli 1. Roadway Cross-Sections
o Mercurial Barometer - a type of cross-section required for most route
- measures atmospheric pressure by the projects such as roads and railroads
height of a column of mercury supported - planimeter – used in determining the cross-
by the atmosphere in an evacuated glass section areas
tube 2. Borrow-Pit Cross-Sections
- under standard conditions, the mercury - borrow pit – an open area which is usually
column is about 76 cm high at sea level adjacent to a construction project where
- a centimeter in the height of the mercury suitable fill material is excavated
column corresponds to a difference of LEVEL CIRCUIT
about 108 m in altitude - a line of levels which begins and ends at the same
- standard atmospheric pressure at sea point or is run between points of precisely known
level: 1013.2 millibars elevations
𝐸𝐶 = ±(𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 − 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑛 ) DESIGNATION OF NORTH POINTS
𝐸𝑐 1. True North
𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟 = − ( ) 𝑑
𝐷 - the north point of the true meridian
FOUR TYPES OF MERIDIAN - symbol: asterisk or TN
2. Magnetic North
1. True Meridian - a north point that is established by means of a
- also known as astronomic or geographic magnetized compass needle when there are
meridian no local attractions affecting it
- this line passes through the geographic north - symbol: half arrowhead or MN
and south poles of the earth and the observer’s 3. Grid North
position - a north point which is established by lines on a
2. Magnetic Meridian map which are parallel to a selected central
- a fixed line of reference which lies parallel with meridian
the magnetic lines of force of the earth - symbol: full arrowhead or GN or Y
3. Grid Meridian 4. Assumed North
- a fixed line of reference parallel to the central - used to portray the location of any arbitrarily
meridian of a system of plane rectangular chosen north point
coordinates - symbol: small black circle or AN
4. Assumed Meridian
- an arbitrary chosen fixed line of reference DIRECTION OF LINES
which is taken for convenience 1. Interior Angle
- this meridian is usually the direction from a - angle between adjacent lines in a closed
survey station to an adjoining station or some polygon
well-defined and permanent point - re-entrant angle – an interior angle that is
MERIDIANS 2. Deflection Angle
- angle between a line and the prolongation of
1. Establishing Magnetic Meridian by Compass the preceding line
2. Determining True North by Aid of Sun and a 3. Angle to the Right
Plumb - angles that are measured clockwise from the
3. Determining True North by the Rising and Setting preceding line to the succeeding line
of the Sun 4. Bearing
4. Determining True North by Polaris - the acute horizontal angle between the
* Big Dipper – a useful reference constellation of reference meridian and the line
the northern hemisphere - forward bearing – when the bearing of a line is
* The two stars, Merak and Dubhe, forming the observed in the direction in which the survey
side of the dipper which is farthest from the handle progresses
are known as the pointer stars - back bearing – when the bearing of the line is
5. Determining True South by the Southern Cross observed in an opposite direction
* Southern Cross – a constellation of the southern 5. Azimuth
hemisphere which serves as a reference group of - angle between the meridian and the line
stars for determining the location of the earth’s measured in a clockwise direction from either
south pole the north or south branch of the meridian
6. Determining Direction of True North (or South) by
a Wrist Watch COMPASS
- a hand-held instrument for determining the
horizontal direction of a line with reference to the
magnetic meridian

1. Compass Box 1. Daily Variation

2. Line of Sight - also called diurnal variation
3. Magnetic Needle - an oscillation of the compass needle through a
cycle from its mean position over a 24-hour
1. Brunton Compass - extreme eastern position of the needle →
- combines the main features of a prismatic occurs early in the morning
compass, sighting compass, hand level, and - extreme western position of the needle →
clinometer occurs just about after noon time
- consists of a brass case hinged on two sides - daily variation is greater in higher latitudes
2. Lensatic Compass than near the equator
- consists of an aluminum case containing a 2. Annual Variation
magnetic dial balanced on a pivot, a hinged - another form of periodic swing taken by the
cover with a sighting wire, a hinged eyepiece magnetic meridian with respect to the true
containing a magnifying lens for reading the meridian
dial graduations, and a sighting slot for viewing - it usually amounts to only less than 1 minute
the distant object of arc
- designed for military use 3. Secular Variation
3. Surveyor’s Compass - covers a period of so many years that its exact
- its main parts include a compass box cause and character is not thoroughly
containing a graduated circle, two sight vanes, understood
a magnetic needle, and two clamping screws 4. Irregular Variation
4. Plain Pocket Compass - a type of variation uncertain in character and
- similar to surveyor’s compass except that it cannot be predicted as to amount or
has no sight vanes occurrence
5. Prismatic Compass
- the graduations are found on a rotating card
 a chart or map which shows lines connecting
instead of being on the compass box
points where the magnetic declination of the
6. Forester’s Compass
compass needle is the same at a given time
- a type of pocket compass which is usually
 agonic lines – lines connecting parts of the chart
made of aluminum or some type of metal
with zero magnetic declination
which does not affect the free movement and
positioning of the magnetic needle * In areas west of the agonic line, the needle has an
7. Transit Compass easterly declination
- has a compass box similar to surveyor’s
* In areas east of the agonic line, the needle has a
compass which is mounted on the upper plate
westerly declination
of the transit and often used to check
horizontal angles and directions measured or LOCAL ATTRACTION
laid off during transit surveys  any deviation of the magnetic needle of a compass
from its normal pointing towards magnetic north
 the horizontal angle and direction by which the MAGNETIC DIP
needle of a compass deflects from the true  a characteristic phenomenon of the compass
meridian at any particular locality needle to be attracted downward from the
horizontal plane due to the earth’s magnetic lines
of force

1. Traverse 1. Upper Plate

- a series of lines connecting successive points - also called the alidade
whose lengths and directions have been - consists of the entire top of the transit
determined from field measurements - rotates about the vertical axis
2. Traversing - Parts of the Upper Plate:
- process of measuring the lengths and o Telescope – used for fixing the direction of
directions of the lines of the traverse for the the line of sight, viewing the objects, and
purpose of locating the position of certain magnifying their apparent size in the field
points of view
3. Traverse Station o Standards – used to hold into position the
- any temporary or permanent point of horizontal axle level so that the telescope
reference over which the instrument is set up can be elevated or depressed by rotating
- sometimes called angle points because an on an axis perpendicular to the line of sight
angle is usually measured at such stations o Compass Box – for establishing the
4. Traverse Lines magnetic meridian and to allow rough
- lines connecting traverse stations and whose checks on measured angles
lengths and directions are determined o Plate Level Vials – used to establish the
upper and lower plates in a horizontal
1. Open Compass Traverse o Vertical Circle – used in measuring
- consists of a series of lines of known lengths vertical angles
and magnetic bearings which are continuous o Plate Verniers – provided for the
but do not return to the starting point or close horizontal circle
upon a point of known position o Optical Plummet – a small telescope
2. Closed Compass Traverse through the vertical center of the transit
- consists of a series of lines of known lengths o Telescope Clamp – used to hold the
and magnetic bearings which forms a closed telescope horizontally or at any desired
loop, or begin and end at points whose inclination
positions have been fixed by other surveys of o Telescope Tangent Screw – allows the
higher position telescope to be rotated slightly or in small
movements about the horizontal axis after
the telescope is tightened
1. Bent needle o Upper Clamp – a locking device attached to
2. Bent pivot the upper plate and rotates with it
3. Sluggish needle o Upper Tangent Screw – allows a small
4. Plane of sight not vertical range of movement between the upper and
5. Electrically charged compass box lower plates even after the upper clamp is
6. Local attraction tightened
7. Magnetic variation 2. Lower Plate
8. Errors in reading the needle - the scale with which horizontal angles are
THE ENGINEER’S TRANSIT - the underside of the lower plate is attached to
 invented by Roemer, a Danish astronomer a vertical and tapering spindle called the outer
 consists of a telescope and two large protractors: spindle
one mounted in the horizontal plane and the other - Parts of the Lower Plate:
in the vertical plane o Lower Clamp – used to control the rotation
 referred to as the universal surveying instrument of the horizontal circle
o Lower Tangent Screw – used to make
precise settings after the lower clamp is 2. Double Vernier
tightened - consists of two parts: vernier on the left (for
3. Leveling Head Assembly reading clockwise circle graduations) and
- allows the transit to be leveled and centered vernier on the right (for reading
over a point counterclockwise circle graduations)
- Parts of the Leveling Head Assembly: - least count: 30 seconds
o Leveling Screws – used for leveling the 3. Folded Vernier
instrument by the plate levels - it has a length similar to a single vernier,
o Plumb Bob Chain – used for attaching a however, half of the graduations are placed on
string and a plumb bob so that the each side of the index mark
instrument may be set exactly over a - used when there is not enough space available
selected point on the ground for a double vernier
- least count: 1 minute
 small graduated mechanical device attached and CLOSING THE HORIZON
made to slide along linear or circular scales in  process of measuring horizontal angles about a
order to increase to a higher degree of accuracy point
the readings obtained on such scales  horizon misclosure – difference between 360
 invented by Pierre Vernier degrees and the sum of the measured angles


1. Direct Vernier (𝛼𝑁 + 𝛼𝑅 )

𝛼′ =
- a type of vernier containing n-1 divisions, and 2
divided into n divisions on the vernier scale where:
2. Retrograde Vernier 𝛂′ − correct value of the measured vertical
- a type of vernier containing n+1 divisions, and angle
divided into n divisions on the vernier scale 𝛂𝐍 − vertical angle measured with telescope
𝑠 in direct or normal position
𝐿𝐶 = 𝛂𝐑 − same vertical angle measured with
telescope in reversed or plunged position
𝐋𝐂 − least count (smallest division that can INDEX CORRECTION
be read on the main scale)  index error – error introduced when observing a
𝐬 − value of the smallest space or division vertical angle when the line of sight is not parallel
on the main scale to the axis of the telescope level tube resulting to
𝐧 − number of divisions on the vernier an inclination of the vertical axis
* There are 3 verniers in an engineering transit. The (𝛼𝑁 − 𝛼𝑅 )
𝐼𝐸 =
two are used on the horizontal circle, and one at the 2
vertical circle
1. Double Centering
1. Single Vernier 2. Balancing In
- vernier used for the measurement of angles
where a high degree of precision is required
such as triangulation work 𝑅𝐷𝐺𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 + 𝑁𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 (360°) − 𝑅𝐷𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒 =
- it is read in only one direction and must be set 𝑛
with the graduations ahead of the zero mark in
the direction to be turned
- least count: 10 seconds
 named after Nathaniel Bowditch
 Shop adjustment – adjustment made in a service
 it is based on the assumption that all lengths were
facility or the manufacturer of the instrument or
measured with equal care and all angles taken
through an authorized dealer or distributor
with approximately the same precision
 Field adjustment – undertaken by the instrument
man periodically or just prior to executing a survey 𝑑
𝑐𝑙 = 𝑐𝐿 ( )
 an instrument designed to accomplish the same 𝑑
𝑐𝑑 = 𝑐𝐷 ( )
primary purpose as a transit, that is to measure 𝐷
horizontal and vertical angles and to prolong TRANSIT RULE
straight lines  rule in traverse adjustment where the latitude and
TYPES OF THEODOLITES departure corrections depend on the length of the
latitude and departure of the course respectively
1. Repeating Theodolite instead of both depending on the length of the
- designed so that it can measure a horizontal course
angle as many times as required by adding
𝑐𝐿 |𝐿𝑎𝑡|
them successively on the graduated circle 𝑐𝑙 =
2. Directional Theodolite
- the horizontal circle remains fixed during a 𝑐𝐷 |𝐷𝑒𝑝|
series of observations 𝑐𝑑 =
3. Digital Theodolite
TRAVERSE COMPUTATIONS  method of adjusting a traverse by applying the
theory of least squares
 Latitude
- the projection of a line onto the reference  it is suitable for use when the linear
measurements made are less precise than the
meridian or a north-south line
angular measurements
 Departure
- the projection of a line onto the reference TRAPEZOIDAL RULE
parallel or an east-west line
ℎ1 + ℎ2 ℎ2 + ℎ3 ℎ𝑛−1 + ℎ𝑛
𝐿𝑎𝑡 = 𝑑 cos 𝛽 𝐴=( )𝑑 + ( )𝑑 + ⋯+ ( )𝑑
2 2 2
−Σ 𝐷𝑒𝑝 𝑑
tan 𝛽 = ( ) 𝐴= [(ℎ + ℎ𝑛 ) + 2(𝑜𝑑𝑑) + 4(𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛)]
Σ 𝐿𝑎𝑡 3 1
𝐿𝐸𝐶 = √(Σ 𝐿𝑎𝑡)2 + (Σ 𝐷𝑒𝑝)2 PLANIMETER
 a mechanical device used for determining the area
𝑅𝐸𝐶 = of any shape of figure plotted to a known scale
 procedure of computing the linear error of closure
and applying corrections to the individual latitudes
and departures for the purpose of providing a
mathematically closed figure

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