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Introduction STRONGLY AGREE~~ Influenced by environment Adults play a significant role in shaping children Consider how own behavior

ior affect theirs


-First teacher of a child Baby starts learning by observing and copying adults talks and movement Learn most by paying attention what others do .

-Parents should: a) Sense of responsibility Take care of their children and see what they need Teach children that anything is possible with commitment(meaning: a promise to do something or to behave in a

particular way) and effort

Helps them feel confident to take their own risks Imitate good virtues of their parents and take them as a good role model b) Love and balance Teach them important of caring animals and donating to worthy causes

c) Patience and Tolerance To ensure their feelings of safety and peace. If constantly arguing with partner ,it will brings negative traits into a childs relationship D) Money and Management Should avoid phrases make child feels unsecure. Rephrase comment Teach kids the value of a dollar is more likely to raise children with healthy work and financial ethics(meaning:

moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong).

TEACHER -Role model of every child -Essential for a teacher to have good qualities which impress(meaning:

to make someone feel admiration and respect)the child

-Teachers should: A) Honesty Honest in all his or her behavior with the child she is handling. Should not have partiality(meaning: support of one person or one

group against another [= bias]) and favouritism(when you treat one person or group better than others, in an unfair way)
Children will admire him for honesty and will not be disappointed in his lack of knowledge This will inculcate(meaning: to fix ideas, principles etc in someone's

mind) in children a habit of accepting their own

drawbacks(meaning: a disadvantage of a situation, plan, product )and not nearly justifying whatever they do or say B) Love and Caring Should be affectionate(meaning: showing in a gentle way that you love

someone and care about them [= loving] )to all children in care.
A loving teacher is forever remember and loved by students, who just admire his or her fountain of love

C) Respect Should understand the woes( meaning:the problems and troubles

affecting someone) of children

Help them out of their seemingly little problems Learn the art of helping their younger siblings or friends in solving their problems

NEIGHBOURS -can choose friends but usually we cannot choose our neighbours.

Neighbours should : A) Consideration Be both considerate and tolerant Should be a case of live and let live

B) Helpful C) Caring

Try to communicate with neighbours. Try to be aware of surroundings, as well as theirs Keep your eye on anyone you dont know acting suspiciously around your neighbours property.

CONCLUSION: - like young trees. - Need carefully irrigated(meaning: to supply land or crops with water), fertilized and trimmed -Closest adults play an important role in creating characteristics

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