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Why did you choose Civil Engineering to become your future profession?

Anyone can pursue civil engineering as a career for several reasons. I chose the civil engineering course

• Civil engineers are essential for planning and developing roads, bridges, buildings, and water systems.
• Civil engineering may appeal to large-scale building enthusiasts.
• Civil engineering provides careers in building, transportation, environmental engineering, and more.
It can secure jobs and change society.
• Civil engineers handle complicated building, environmental, and urban planning problems.
• Civil engineering may be satisfying if you like solving real-world challenges.

What are your expectations in this class?

It is reasonable for me to think about achieving an in-depth understanding of the underlying concepts and
values that underlie civil engineering. I would want to get some hands-on experience in areas such as
structural analysis, design, project management, and any other areas that pertain to civil engineering. I really
hope that this class will be a lot of fun and not too difficult this term. I could be looking forward to
reestablishing connections with former classmates and teachers who might be able to help me in the future
with my professional or academic endeavors. My major goal may be to achieve academic success in the
course, both in terms of obtaining satisfactory marks and boosting the quality of my overall academic record.

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